I can create pie charts in Youtrack and I was under the impression that it is possible to add such as widgets to your dashboard, but I can't figure out how to do this. Is this really not possible?
You need a report for creating a chart widget. In the report options you can change the presentation to pie diagram.
I want to Create a Pie chart with one main block inside Two or more sub blocks. using Apex Charts. Click here to show Required Pie Chart design
Is it possible to display pie chart data labels outside the pie in the Microsoft .Net chart control, just like SSRS pie chart's series CustomAttributes.PieLabelStyle=Outside does?
I tried to use the below properties to no avail:
Sure it is in .NET you need to set
Chart1.Series["Series1"]["PieLabelStyle"] = "outside"
Hope this answer your question.
H guys ,
We are creating the report in that we have one pie chart and one table component.
When we click on the pie chart then corresponding details should appear in the table component.
Please guys can any one help me
Thanks in advance
B. Rama Krishna
To call another report (with the table) from your report you can use a hyperlink (right click on your chart and select hyperlink). You should probably use a hyperlink of type reportExecution and pass the target report path _report and any parameters. This is covered in some detail in the ireport user guide which can be found in the jasper community website or just google reportexecution hyperlink jasper e.g.
I´m using fusion chart, and i need to use external legend like a checkbox.
How can i enabled or disable options of my chart, from the checkbox ?
Thanks for your answer.
You can use the FusionCharts JavaScript class to update the data on event strike.
For more information on updating the chart, visit-
The attribute 'visible' of the element can be used for this purpose to show and to hide the data plot.
How can I make the A line chart with a data table docked under the x-axis in dashboard like this.
The Chart Name is Product Line Global Revenue
Are you using dashboard designer in the EE version, or CE? i.e. CDE?
Should be quite simple in CDE. Just create a datasource, then create a layout with a couple of panels. Then add a table component for the table, and a chart component for the line chart.
Same approach in reporting - there is no individual component which allows you to do both at once, so just use the same dataset and create a chart, then create a table.
If you're not yet using CDE / Ctools, then i recommend you take a look, install via marketplace or via ctools-installer.sh