isNumeric returning wrong state in Excel VBA - vba

In the code below, I was attempting to do a calculation if the number in the specific cell was numeric, else return number from other cell. I think that my implementation is incorrect as I only get the else state populating if the first cell is not numeric and vise versa. Can you tell me how to fix this?
This is an example of the data:
The 6th entry should return 27 in the Meas-LO column.
Here is the code
Sub ReturnMarginal()
Dim xOut As Worksheet
Dim xWb As Workbook
Dim xWks As Worksheet
Dim InterSectRange As Range
Dim lowLimCol As Integer
Dim hiLimCol As Integer
Dim measCol As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set xWb = ActiveWorkbook
For Each xWks In xWb.Sheets
xRow = 1
With xWks
FindString = "LowLimit"
If Not xWks.Rows(1).Find(FindString) Is Nothing Then
.Cells(xRow, 16) = "Meas-LO"
.Cells(xRow, 17) = "Meas-Hi"
.Cells(xRow, 18) = "Min Value"
.Cells(xRow, 19) = "Marginal"
LastRow = .UsedRange.Rows.Count
lowLimCol = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("LowLimit", xWks.Range("1:1"), 0)
hiLimCol = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("HighLimit", xWks.Range("1:1"), 0)
measLimCol = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("MeasValue", xWks.Range("1:1"), 0)
If IsNumeric(Cells(2, lowLimCol).Address(False, False)) Then
.Range("P2:P" & LastRow).Formula = "=" & Cells(2, measLimCol).Address(False, False) & "-" & Cells(2, lowLimCol).Address(False, False)
.Range("P2:P" & LastRow).Formula = "=" & Cells(2, measLimCol).Address(False, False)
End If
.Range("Q2:Q" & LastRow).Formula = "=" & Cells(2, hiLimCol).Address(False, False) & "-" & Cells(2, measLimCol).Address(False, False)
.Range("R2").Formula = "=min(P2,Q2)"
.Range("R2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("R2:R" & LastRow)
.Range("S2").Formula = "=IF(AND(R2>=-3, R2<=3), ""Marginal"", R2)"
.Range("S2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("S2:S" & LastRow)
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'turn it back on
Next xWks
End Sub

Cells(2, lowLimCol).Address(False, False) Returns a string address not the value. So it will never be numeric.
Change to:
.Cells(2, lowLimCol).Value2

After understanding what you meant for the second part of your problem, I think the quickest fix for how your formula is set up is to fill the whole column with a formula.
This will be quicker than looping through each cell in code to check if it is a number. You can fill the whole range with a formula that does the check on the spreadsheet itself: e.g. =IF(ISNUMBER(C1),C1-D1,C1)
To get that in your code, I would replace the whole if isNumeric then...
Replace this section:
If IsNumeric(Cells(2, lowLimCol).Address(False, False)) Then
.Range("P2:P" & LastRow).Formula = "=" & Cells(2, measLimCol).Address(False, False) & "-" & Cells(2, lowLimCol).Address(False, False)
.Range("P2:P" & LastRow).Formula = "=" & Cells(2, measLimCol).Address(False, False)
End If
With this line:
.Range("P2:P" & lastRow).Formula = "=IF(ISNUMBER(" & .Cells(2, measLimCol).Value2 & ")," & Cells(2, measLimCol).Address(False, False) & "-" & Cells(2, lowLimCol).Address(False, False) & "," & Cells(2, measLimCol).Address(False, False) & ")"


vba to sort the data into matrix form

I have some data, for the first column date, it contains two dates.
Then I have the fund code and the categories, the last column is the categories value.
How shall I put them into matrix format, for example, the categories is horizontal and the value correspond to the fund name and categories and the date.
Following code should be helpful.
Option Explicit
Sub Demo()
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False 'stop screen flickering
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 'prevent calculation while execution
End With
Dim i As Long, lastrow As Long, tblLastRow As Long, tblLastColumn As Long
Dim dict As Object
Dim rng As Variant
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim cel As Range, dateRng, fundCodeRng As Range, categoryRng As Range, valueRng As Range
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") 'change Sheet1 to your worksheet
With ws
lastrow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'get last row with data
'set ranges for date, fund code, category and value to be used later in code
Set dateRng = .Range("A2:A" & lastrow)
Set fundCodeRng = .Range("B2:B" & lastrow)
Set categoryRng = .Range("C2:C" & lastrow)
Set valueRng = .Range("D2:D" & lastrow)
'get unique records for date and fund coding combined together
For i = 2 To lastrow
dict(.Cells(i, 1).Value & "|" & .Cells(i, 2).Value) = dict(.Cells(i, 1).Value & "|" & .Cells(i, 2).Value)
With .Range("F2").Resize(dict.Count) 'date and fund code will be displayed from cell F2
.Value = Application.Transpose(dict.Keys)
.TextToColumns Destination:=.Cells, DataType:=xlDelimited, Other:=True, OtherChar:="|"
.Offset(, 2).Resize(dict.Count).Value = Application.Transpose(dict.Items)
End With
'empty dictionary
Set dict = Nothing
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'get unique categories and display as header
rng = .Range("C1:C" & lastrow)
For i = 2 To UBound(rng)
dict(rng(i, 1) & "") = ""
.Range("H1").Resize(1, UBound(dict.Keys()) + 1).Value = dict.Keys 'categories will be displayed from column H
tblLastRow = .Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'get last row in new table
tblLastColumn = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 'get last column of category in new table
'display corresponding values for date, fund code and category
For Each cel In .Range(.Cells(2, 8), .Cells(tblLastRow, tblLastColumn)) 'Cells(2, 8) represent Cell("H2")
cel.FormulaArray = "=IFERROR(INDEX(" & valueRng.Address & ",MATCH(1,(" & dateRng.Address & "=" & .Cells(cel.Row, 6) & ")*(" & fundCodeRng.Address & "=""" & .Cells(cel.Row, 7) & """)*(" & categoryRng.Address & "=""" & .Cells(1, cel.Column) & """),0)),"""")"
cel.Value = cel.Value
Next cel
End With
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End With
End Sub
See image for reference.
If Fund Code could be numbers also then replace
cel.FormulaArray = "=IFERROR(INDEX(" & valueRng.Address & ",MATCH(1,(" & dateRng.Address & "=" & .Cells(cel.Row, 6) & ")*(" & fundCodeRng.Address & "=""" & .Cells(cel.Row, 7) & """)*(" & categoryRng.Address & "=""" & .Cells(1, cel.Column) & """),0)),"""")"
cel.FormulaArray = "=IFERROR(INDEX(" & valueRng.Address & ",MATCH(1,(" & dateRng.Address & "=" & .Cells(cel.Row, 6) & ")*(Text(" & fundCodeRng.Address & ",""0"")=""" & .Cells(cel.Row, 7) & """)*(" & categoryRng.Address & "=""" & .Cells(1, cel.Column) & """),0)),"""")"

ISNUMBER returning #VALUE! error in formula with VBA

This question is building from the solution found here. I wanted to be able to check if the "LowLimit" cell is a number. If it is then carry out equation, else return value from "MeasValue" column. Here is an example of the data set with my current outcome:
As you can see, the 6th data entry calculation gives the wrong calculation. The number LowLimit value of 22 seems to be hard coded in the formula. Can you help me fix this? Thanks.
Here is the code that I have so far:
Sub ReturnMarginal()
Dim xOut As Worksheet
Dim xWb As Workbook
Dim xWks As Worksheet
Dim InterSectRange As Range
Dim lowLimCol As Integer
Dim hiLimCol As Integer
Dim measCol As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set xWb = ActiveWorkbook
For Each xWks In xWb.Sheets
xRow = 1
With xWks
FindString = "LowLimit"
If Not xWks.Rows(1).Find(FindString) Is Nothing Then
.Cells(xRow, 16) = "Meas-LO"
.Cells(xRow, 17) = "Meas-Hi"
.Cells(xRow, 18) = "Min Value"
.Cells(xRow, 19) = "Marginal"
lastRow = .UsedRange.Rows.Count
lowLimCol = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("LowLimit", xWks.Range("1:1"), 0)
hiLimCol = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("HighLimit", xWks.Range("1:1"), 0)
measLimCol = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("MeasValue", xWks.Range("1:1"), 0)
'If IsNumeric(.Cells(2, lowLimCol).Value2) Then
' .Range("P2:P" & LastRow).Formula = "=" & Cells(2, measLimCol).Address(False, False) & "-" & Cells(2, lowLimCol).Address(False, False)
' .Range("P2:P" & LastRow).Formula = "=" & Cells(2, measLimCol).Address(False, False)
'End If
.Range("P2:P" & lastRow).Formula = "=IF(ISNUMBER(" & .Cells(2, lowLimCol).Value & ")," & Cells(2, measLimCol).Address(False, False) & "-" & Cells(2, lowLimCol).Address(False, False) & "," & Cells(2, measLimCol).Address(False, False) & ")"
.Range("Q2:Q" & lastRow).Formula = "=" & Cells(2, hiLimCol).Address(False, False) & "-" & Cells(2, measLimCol).Address(False, False)
.Range("R2").Formula = "=min(P2,Q2)"
.Range("R2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("R2:R" & lastRow)
.Range("S2").Formula = "=IF(AND(R2>=-3, R2<=3), ""Marginal"", R2)"
.Range("S2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("S2:S" & lastRow)
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'turn it back on
Next xWks
End Sub
I think the main improvement you can make here is to get the column letters for LowLimit, HighLimit and MeasValue once you establish where they are in row 1. Then you can refer to those column letters when you set the .Formula properties.
There is a helpful post on converting column numbers to letters here.
Also, you don't need to auto-fill columns R and S - you can populate in the same way you are doing for columns P and Q.
I updated your code a little - hope it helps:
Option Explicit
Sub ReturnMarginal()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim lngLowLimCol As Long, strLowLimCol As String
Dim lngHiLimCol As Long, strHiLimCol As String
Dim lngMeasCol As Long, strMeasCol As String
Dim lngLastRow As Long
Dim wsf As WorksheetFunction
' get worksheetfunction references
Set wsf = Application.WorksheetFunction
' iterate worksheets
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
' validate LowLimit label is on sheet
If ws.Rows(1).Find("LowLimit") Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
' get location of input data columns and number of rows
lngLowLimCol = wsf.Match("LowLimit", ws.Rows(1), 0)
lngHiLimCol = wsf.Match("HighLimit", ws.Rows(1), 0)
lngMeasCol = wsf.Match("MeasValue", ws.Rows(1), 0)
lngLastRow = ws.Cells(1, lngLowLimCol).End(xlDown).Row
' get column letters for input data columns
strLowLimCol = Split(ws.Cells(1, lngLowLimCol).Address(True, False), "$")(0)
strHiLimCol = Split(ws.Cells(1, lngHiLimCol).Address(True, False), "$")(0)
strMeasCol = Split(ws.Cells(1, lngMeasCol).Address(True, False), "$")(0)
' output headers
ws.Range("P1") = "Meas-LO"
ws.Range("Q1") = "Meas-Hi"
ws.Range("R1") = "Min Value"
ws.Range("S1") = "Marginal"
' assign formulas to outputs
' Meas-LO
With ws.Range("P2:P" & lngLastRow)
.Formula = "=IF(ISNUMBER(" & strLowLimCol & "2)," & _
strMeasCol & "2-" & strLowLimCol & "2," & _
strMeasCol & "2)"
End With
' Meas-Hi
With ws.Range("Q2:Q" & lngLastRow)
.Formula = "=" & strHiLimCol & "2-" & strMeasCol & "2"
End With
' Min Value
With ws.Range("R2:R" & lngLastRow)
.Formula = "=MIN(P2,Q2)"
End With
' Marginal
With ws.Range("S2:S" & lngLastRow)
.Formula = "=IF(AND(R2>=-3,R2<=3),""Marginal"",R2)"
End With
Next 'ws
End Sub

Vlookup with Hyperlink - VBA

I'm currently seaching to find a way to copy and paste hyperlink link from another sheet.
The way the program supposed to be working is that you choose from a list a item category and then all the following columns are automatically filled with Vlookup check-up on the ''Category'' Sheet
The problem :
Need to keep the hyperlink when copy and past the information, I'm still new in the code and currently have no idea how to make it worked.
I really want to keep the VBA, because the code is hide and people won't be able to mess with it and can write on top off the cell for special case.
Sub Update()
Dim calData As String
Dim add As String
Dim i, LastRow
LastRow = Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 3 To LastRow
If Cells(i, "G").Value <> "" Then
Range("Q" & i).Value = Application.VLookup(Cells(i, "G"), Sheets("Category").Range("A2:H60"), 4, False)
Range("R" & i).Value = Application.VLookup(Cells(i, "G"), Sheets("Category").Range("A2:H60"), 6, False)
'Set calData = Worksheets("Calendar").Range("R" & i)
'add = "G:\Engineering\Engineering trainees (HUG)\Etalonnage\Procédures calibration\" & Data
'With Worksheets("Calendar")
'.Hyperlinks.add Anchor:=.Range("R" & i), _
'Address:=add, _
'End With
Range("S" & i).Value = Application.VLookup(Cells(i, "G"), Sheets("Category").Range("A2:H60"), 7, False)
Range("T" & i).Value = Application.VLookup(Cells(i, "G"), Sheets("Category").Range("A2:H60"), 8, False)
End If
End Sub
I think you are close. Try below code.
Note as a practice, try not to use "add" as a variable name. It messes the IntelliSense, i changed to addr.
Wouldn't the Q,R,S,T columns better off with Formula instead of fixed value? Unless you have an Event code to call this Sub when cells in column G are changed.
Sub Update()
Dim calData As String
Dim addr As String
Dim i As Long, LastRow As Long
LastRow = Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 3 To LastRow
If Cells(i, "G").Value <> "" Then
Range("Q" & i).Value = Application.VLookup(Cells(i, "G"), Sheets("Category").Range("A2:H60"), 4, False)
Range("R" & i).Value = Application.VLookup(Cells(i, "G"), Sheets("Category").Range("A2:H60"), 6, False)
calData = Worksheets("Calendar").Range("R" & i).Value ' Or .Text, depends on data
addr = "G:\Engineering\Engineering trainees (HUG)\Etalonnage\Procédures calibration\" & calData
With Worksheets("Calendar")
.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Range("R" & i), Address:=addr, TextToDisplay:=calData
End With
Range("S" & i).Value = Application.VLookup(Cells(i, "G"), Sheets("Category").Range("A2:H60"), 7, False)
Range("T" & i).Value = Application.VLookup(Cells(i, "G"), Sheets("Category").Range("A2:H60"), 8, False)
End If
End Sub

Application defined or object defined error - depending on which Worksheet is opened

I'm having an issue that I am struggling to solve as it's a bit specific. I have code that does copy and paste from one sheet to others. Each part of the code basically copies part from the master sheet "current" to the specified sheet.
When I run my code I receive an error "Application defined or object defined error" and the code stops at the work sheet "Dividend yield" after the following line
Worksheets("div. yield").Range("B7").Select
However if I open the sheet "Dividend yield" and run my code from there it will work fine until the last sheet "Reverse PE" where it will again throw and error "Application defined or object defined error" after the line
I guess the error is related to the next coming rows with Autofill method but I have not found any useful solutions to this problem. Could somebody please advise me how to solve this error?
Full macros code is below.
Function getYield() As Double
Dim appIE As Object
Set appIE = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
With appIE
.Navigate ""
.Visible = False
End With
Do While appIE.Busy
Set allRowOfData = appIE.document.getElementById("pair_23705")
Dim myValue As Double: myValue = allRowOfData.Cells(2).innerHTML
Set appIE = Nothing
Worksheets("Reverse_PE").Range("B7").Value = myValue
Worksheets("Reverse_PE").Range("B7").Value = Worksheets("Reverse_PE").Range("B7").Value / 100
End Function
Sub adjust()
Dim copyAdress As Range
Dim copyRange As Range
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim Median As Range
Set copyAdress = Worksheets("current").Range("A1:CJ10000").Find("PE_RATIO", lookat:=xlPart)
lastRow = Cells(65536, copyAdress.Column).End(xlUp).Row
Set copyRange = Worksheets("current").Range(Cells(copyAdress.Row + 1, copyAdress.Column), Cells(lastRow, copyAdress.Column))
copyRange.Copy Destination:=Sheets("PE").Range("B7", "B" & lastRow)
Worksheets("PE").Range("B2").Value = Worksheets("current").Range("A1").Value
Worksheets("PE").Range("B3").FormulaArray = "=MEDIAN(B7:B" & lastRow + 2 & ")"
Worksheets("PE").Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Worksheets("PE").Range("B5").FormulaArray = "=IF(ISNUMBER(VLOOKUP($A$5,$A$7:$HI$1750,COLUMN(B4),FALSE)),VLOOKUP($A$5,$A$7:$HI$1750,COLUMN(B4),FALSE)," & Chr(34) & NA & Chr(34) & ")"
Set copyRange = Worksheets("current").Range("A5", "A" & lastRow)
copyRange.Copy Destination:=Sheets("PE").Range("A7", "A" & lastRow + 2)
''Dividend yield'''
Set copyRange = Worksheets("current").Range("A5", "A" & lastRow)
copyRange.Copy Destination:=Sheets("div. yield").Range("A7", "A" & lastRow + 2)
Worksheets("div. yield").Range("B7").FormulaArray = "=IF(ISNUMBER(current!X5),current!X5," & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & ")"
Worksheets("div. yield").Range("B7").Select
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Sheets("div. yield").Range("B7:B" & lastRow + 2), Type:=xlFillDefault
'''PE Forward'''
Set copyAdress = Worksheets("current").Range("A1:CJ10000").Find("P/E-Ratio 03E", lookat:=xlPart)
lastRow = Cells(65536, copyAdress.Column).End(xlUp).Row
Set copyRange = Worksheets("current").Range(Cells(copyAdress.Row + 3, copyAdress.Column), Cells(lastRow, copyAdress.Column))
copyRange.Copy Destination:=Sheets("PE_forward").Range("B7", "B" & lastRow + 2)
Worksheets("PE_forward").Range("B2").Value = Worksheets("current").Range("A1").Value
Worksheets("PE_forward").Range("B3").FormulaArray = "=MEDIAN(B7:B" & lastRow + 2 & ")"
Worksheets("PE_forward").Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Worksheets("PE_forward").Range("B5").FormulaArray = "=IF(ISNUMBER(VLOOKUP($A$5,$A$7:$HI$1750,COLUMN(B751),FALSE)),VLOOKUP($A$5,$A$7:$HI$1750,COLUMN(B751),FALSE)," & Chr(34) & NA & Chr(34) & ")"
Worksheets("PE_forward").Columns("B").Replace What:="#VALUE!", Replacement:=""
Worksheets("PE_forward").Range("B3").NumberFormat = ""
Set copyRange = Worksheets("current").Range("A5", "A" & lastRow)
copyRange.Copy Destination:=Sheets("PE_forward").Range("A7", "A" & lastRow + 2)
'''Reverse PE'''
Set copyRange = Worksheets("current").Range("A5", "A" & lastRow)
copyRange.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Reverse_PE").Range("A9", "A" & lastRow + 4)
Worksheets("Reverse_PE").Range("B2").Value = Worksheets("current").Range("A1").Value
Worksheets("Reverse_PE").Range("B5").FormulaArray = "=IF(ISNUMBER(VLOOKUP($A$5,$A$9:$HI$1750,COLUMN(B751),FALSE)),VLOOKUP($A$5,$A$9:$HI$1750,COLUMN(B751),FALSE)," & Chr(34) & NA & Chr(34) & ")"
Worksheets("Reverse_PE").Range("B3").FormulaArray = "=MEDIAN(B9:B" & lastRow + 4 & ")"
Worksheets("Reverse_PE").Range("B9").FormulaArray = "=IF(ISNUMBER(PE!B7),1/PE!B7," & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & ")"
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Sheets("Reverse_PE").Range("B9:B" & lastRow + 4), Type:=xlFillDefault
Worksheets("Reverse_PE").Range("B3:B" & lastRow + 4).Select
Selection.Style = "Percent"
Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00%"
You can't use the select method unless the sheet is first active, so add this line:
Worksheets("div. yield").Activate
Worksheets("div. yield").Range("B7").FormulaArray = "=IF(ISNUMBER(current!X5),current!X5," & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & ")"
and later at:
There are much faster and more maintainable ways of doing what you're trying to do, but the above sheet activation will solve your immediate problem.
Don't forget to activate each sheet before you try to select one of the cells on it.

Using String Variable in VBA Formula throwing object/application error

I'm getting an "application-defined or object-defined error" being thrown when I try to set a cell in my active sheet to a formula. I think its due to me trying to use the Sheets.Name function in the formula, see code below:
Public Sub getChannels()
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim i As Integer, counter As Integer
Dim rng As Range, rngB As Range, rngC As Range
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim test As String
Set sht = Sheets("Summary Sheet - 30-07-2015")
lastRow = sht.Cells(sht.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
For counter = 1 To lastRow Step 3
If ActiveSheet.Cells(counter, 12) = "LTE 2C" Then
ActiveSheet.Cells(counter, 16) = _
"=INDEX('LTE 2C'!C[55],MATCH(""'"" & &""'""!RC[-14],'LTE 2C'!C[-11],0))"
ActiveSheet.Cells(counter, 17) = _
"=INDEX('LTE 2C'!C[53],MATCH(""'"" & &""'""!RC[-15],'LTE 2C'!C[-12],0))"
ActiveSheet.Cells(counter, 18) = _
"=INDEX('LTE 2C'!C[55],MATCH(""'"" & &""'""!RC[-16],'LTE 2C'!C[-13],0))"
Range("P" & counter & ":R" & counter).Select
Range("P" & counter + 1 & ":P" & counter + 2).Select
End If
End Sub
Am I missing something obvious?
Change your formula like this:
ActiveSheet.Cells(counter, 16) = _
"=INDEX('LTE 2C'!C[55],MATCH(" & "'" & & "'" & "!RC[-14],'LTE 2C'!C[-11],0))"
ActiveSheet.Cells(counter, 17) = _
"=INDEX('LTE 2C'!C[53],MATCH(" & "'" & & "'" & "!RC[-15],'LTE 2C'!C[-12],0))"
ActiveSheet.Cells(counter, 18) = _
"=INDEX('LTE 2C'!C[55],MATCH(" & "'" & & "'" & "!RC[-16],'LTE 2C'!C[-13],0))"
Nelly is correct, but another way to do this would be to simply remove the unnecessary extra string for each apostrophe and replace it with this:
ActiveSheet.Cells(counter, 16) = _
"=INDEX('LTE 2C'!C[55],MATCH('" & & "'!RC[-14],'LTE 2C'!C[-11],0))"
Where the apostrophes are just attached to the strings before and after. It really makes no difference, but it removes the extra (&)s.