Modify the test file template - intellij-idea

When selecting "Create test" on a Kotlin class, I would like to include additional imports by default. For example, at the moment, only import org.testng.annotations.Test is included but I would also like import org.testng.Assert.*.
How can I modify the test file template for Kotlin/TestNG in IntelliJ?

If you look closely, the generated Kotlin test class is actually first generated as a Java class and then quickly converted to Kotlin.
Thus, you can modify the TestNG Test Class template in Settings -> Editor -> File and Code templates -> Code.


Intellij prefer class.method import

Let's say I have the following import: import package1.Interface1;. Interface1 is a public interface, and I am using it in my code. Inside Interface1, there is another public class called Class1.
When I am using Class1 in my code, the Intellij auto-import imports the class as:
import package1.Interface1;
But I would like the auto-import to import Class1 automatically as:
import package1.Interface1.Class1;
I have been looking through the IntelliJ settings and am not sure which one does that? Would it be some settings under: Editor -> Code Style -> Java -> Imports?
Found it. It is under Editer -> Code Style -> Java -> check Insert imports for inner classes.

How do you import a reference to a dart file when you only know the file name? Extension methods and others

To import a file in Dart (using IntelliJ) I will usually use start typing the name of a function, class or variable and select enter. Alternatively I might type the name of the class and press alt+enter on it. This will then give me an option to import the file reference.
For extension methods this doesn't work and sometimes I know the name of the package (file) I want to import but can't remember the name of the function.
Is there a way to use the filename to lookup and insert an import statement with the full package address?
Unfortunately my originally accepted answer doesn't always work. For example with extension methods. I'm trying to add a reference and it seems impossible to do without typing the full reference to the extension.
Found out there is an open issue to fix this
You can write import 'som...' and ctrl+space for auto-complete and get IntelliJ to make suggestion across all packages imported with pubspec and files across the project. If the file is inside a package, it will automatically insert the full path.

Intelllij IDEA Ultimate 2018.1 groovy code completion does not work

I can create a Groovy project and even run it. But when I type main or print there are no auto-complete / code completion suggestions at all. I have groovy-2.4.1 in the external library folder along with Java 1.8. I find Intellij frustrating and non-intuitive to use.
In a groovy script main does show correct code completion but when I click enter it puts "main()" without the String[] args that I can see in the suggestion.
You have created a Groovy class where code has to be embedded into a class to be executable and where only class member declarations are expected (e.g. functions, fields). Select to create a Groovy script (or just delete class declaration) to be able to write executable code in top level file. See also Scripts versus classes.
I was having the same problem when I was in a rush and forgot to add a method in which to write the code. Just type 'psvm + Enter' inside the class. This will create a main method in which code completion will work. Also, you can remove the public keyword as classes and methods in Groovy are by default public.

Listener in Testng

I have created a listener class in my project. Now what I have read in web there are two methods to add a listener either to your class or to testng file.
Please check in the folder structure. For now, I m using it like this in my java class but it is giving me error as in image attached:
From your screenshots, I understand that your test class resides in the package Test.test.MyHomepageTestCases in src/test/java
You are trying to refer to the listener that resides in the package Test.tes.Utilsin src/main/java.
When you use #Listeners(Test.tes.MyHomepageTestCases.MyHomepageTestCases.ListenerToUse.class)
Here you are basically telling Java to look for the listener class ListenerToUse inside Test.tes.MyHomepageTestCases.MyHomepageTestCases (as a nested class), but that's not the case because ListenerToUse is NOT a embedded class inside
To fix the problem please do the following:
Change: #Listeners(Test.tes.MyHomepageTestCases.MyHomepageTestCases.ListenerToUse.class)
To: #Listeners(Test.tes.Utils.ListenerToUse.class)
I think the issue is you're mixing the package of your Listener, and the package of the class where you want to add it.
Your code now:
Correct package:
However, you've named your package "Test", which is (besides breaking Java naming conventions -> clashing with the TestNG Test class. On your screenshot, I can see that "Test" is grayed out. If you hover with your mouse over it, you'll probably see Eclipse has resolved it as "org.testng.annotations.Test". So you have two options:
Name your packages properly and try again
Expand the imports sections of your HomeTestCases class; manually add:
import Test.tes.Utils.ListenerUse;
and delete the following:
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

How to select a different module to run when you click the Run button in IntelliJ IDEA?

In my IntelliJ IDEA project, I have 3 modules written in Kotlin:
An HTTP Servlet one.
A desktop swing application; and
A library that contains contracts that the above two listed projects share to talk to each other.
When I click the Run button, it starts the Tomcat server and loads up my servlet project. That is because, and I am guessing here, the new project creation template inside of the IDE created a new Run Configuration for the entire project and it is defined in this run configuration that it must start the module that has the servlet inside it.
Now that the servlet runs fine, I'd like to also run the desktop application written using Swing.
How do I do that? I've done this once before but I have forgotten how I did it.
Do I have to define a new Run Configuation? I tried that this way:
I selected Kotlin from the left pane titled Add New Configuration and specified the name of the class that had the main function, and also the name of the module that had this class.
Here is the source code of my main class.
package bookyard.client;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
public class Program {
public fun main(args : Array<String>) {
But when I click the Run button after choosing that run configuration's name, the process reports an error that suggests that the class name I specified as having the main function actually does not have the main function, which I am not sure why that is.
The main method needs to be static, and the method you have declared is not. In Kotlin, you can either declare main as a top-level function (outside of a class), or, if you want to keep it inside the class, use the following syntax:
class Program {
companion object {
#JvmStatic fun main(args: Array<String) { ... }