I have a property which is defined by a JavaScript expression (currentContainer):
Item {
id: theContainer
property alias currentIndex: theListView.currentIndex
signal onCurrentIndexChanged()
property MyCustomCppContainer currentContainer: {
if(theListView.currentIndex >= 0)
signal onCurrentContainerChanged() // nobody calls this signal (yet)
MyCustomCppModel {
id: theModel
ListView {
id: theListView
anchors.fill: parent
model: theModel
currentIndex: -1
onCurrentIndexChanged: theContainer.onCurrentIndexChanged()
/* Other properties stripped for example */
Sadly I always get the last selected container, not the currently selected one:
ContainerItem {
onCurrentIndexChanged: {
//On first change, currentContainer is null
//though the first one was selected
//After selecting the second entry
//I get the result I expected last time
I think a solution would be to have another signal for currentContainer: onCurrentContainerChanged().
But who calls this special signal?
I could solve this using a C++ helper class:
class PropertyChangedHelper : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QVariant theProperty WRITE setTheProperty NOTIFY thePropertyChanged)
PropertyChangedHelper(QObject* parent = nullptr) : QObject(parent) {}
virtual ~PropertyChangedHelper() {}
void setTheProperty(QVariant) {
Q_EMIT thePropertyChanged();
void thePropertyChanged();
Usage is quite simple:
PropertyChangedHelper {
theProperty: containerItem.currentContainer
onThePropertyChanged: {
I am not sure if this violates any Qml/QtQuick philosophies, but it works.
I have something similar to the following code snippets. I am simplifying the code here for attempted brevity.
First, a subclass of QAbstractListModel with the following data() implementation, and Q_INVOKABLE get_thing() method, which returns a pointer to a QObject subclass, QML_thing:
QVariant data(QModelIndex& index, int role) {
const auto& thing = m_data.at(index.row()); // shared pointer to QML_thing
case Qt::DisplayRole:
return thing->name(); // this works
case WholeThingRole:
return QVariant::fromValue(QML_thing*>(thing.get());
QML_thing* getThing(int index) const
const thing = m_data.at(index); // shared pointer
return thing.get();
Next, I have a Repeater in a QML file that has this code:
Repeater {
id: repeater
model: thingModel
ThingDelegate {
thing: wholeThing // This calls the role, but ends up being null
onItemAdded {
item.thing = model.getThing(index) // this works, but 'breaks' the binding
My question is: why doesn't the thing: binding in QML work, but the thing = version does?
I want to use the ´bool DrawMode´ inside my ChangeDrawModeState class.
I need Something like ´GridState.drawMode´ but that does not work(drawMode is defined in GridState).
In the end I need to change the variable drawMode, if the RaisedButton gets Pressed. I'm not sure how to do this, cause the setState isnt working in the ChangeDrawModeState class as well. But isn't there a simple way to build a Button which turns a bool from True to false(or the other way around)?
class ChangeDrawMode extends StatefulWidget{
ChangeDrawModeState createState(){
return new ChangeDrawModeState();
class ChangeDrawModeState<ChangeDrawMode>{
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new RaisedButton(
child: new Text('Change Mode'),
textColor: Colors.white,
color: GridState.drawMode ? Colors.grey : Colors.blue,//HERE
onPressed: () =>setState(() => drawMode = !drawMode) //and HERE drawMode does not work
class Grid extends StatefulWidget {
GridState createState() {
return new GridState();
class GridState extends State<Grid> {
bool drawMode = false;
final Set<int> selectedIndexes = Set<int>();
final key = GlobalKey();
final Set<_Foo> _trackTaped = Set<_Foo>();
_detectTapedItem(PointerEvent event) {
final RenderBox box = key.currentContext.findRenderObject();
final result = BoxHitTestResult();
Offset local = box.globalToLocal(event.position);
if (box.hitTest(result, position: local)) {
for (final hit in result.path) {
/// temporary variable so that the [is] allows access of [index]
final target = hit.target;
if (target is _Foo /*&& !_trackTaped.contains(target)*/) {
_selectIndex(int index) {
() {
else if(drawMode==true){
You can use InheritedWidget to update data and therefore widget state from any part of the app
Here is an example
In tree widget I have following signal connected:
connect(mTreeWidget, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)),
SLOT(onItemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)));
where onItemClicked() slot is following:
void WidgetBox::onItemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int )
int index = getPageIndex(item);
int WidgetBox::getPageIndex(QTreeWidgetItem *item)
if (!item) return -1;
QTreeWidgetItem *parent = item->parent();
if(parent) // Parent is top level item
return mTreeWidget->indexOfTopLevelItem(parent);
else // Current item is top level
return item->treeWidget()->indexOfTopLevelItem(item);
void WidgetBox::setCurrentIndex(int index)
if (index != currentIndex() && checkIndex(index))
emit currentIndexChanged(index);
However I can't catch itemClicked() signal and onItemClicked() never executed because top level items has push button widget (set with setItemWidget() method) which intercepts mouse event and child items contain container widgets which may have any widget combinations in them.
Is there a good method here to invoke this itemClicked() signal for both top level and child items of tree widget?
installEventFilter() for all widgets found in an item by something like following:QList<QWidget *> widgets = parentWidget.findChildren<QWidget *>();?
Or establish mouse event propagation somehow?
How to organize such process better so all widgets process mouse event as they need to and TreeWidget issue SIGNAL(itemClicked()) as well?
Full sources to reproduce: https://github.com/akontsevich/WidgetBox
So solution is simple and following - just re-send void itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column); signal in PageEventFilter:
PageEventFilter::PageEventFilter(QObject *parent, QTreeWidgetItem *item)
: QObject(parent)
, mItem(item)
connect(this, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)),
mItem->treeWidget(), SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)));
bool PageEventFilter::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress)
// Resend signal to QTreeWidget
emit itemClicked(mItem, 0);
return false; // Send event to the object (do not filter it)
// standard event processing
return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event);
P.S. Will leave previous answer as well if somebody needs code or idea.
Created event filter like this:
class PageEventFilter : public QObject
PageEventFilter(QObject *parent, QTreeWidgetItem *item);
bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event);
QTreeWidgetItem *mItem;
bool PageEventFilter::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress)
// Emitate mouse event for parent QTreeWidget
QMouseEvent *oldEvent = (QMouseEvent *)event;
QRect itemRect = mItem->treeWidget()->visualItemRect(mItem);
QPointF mousePos(itemRect.x() + 1, itemRect.y() + 1);
QMouseEvent *newEvent = new QMouseEvent(oldEvent->type(),
QCoreApplication::postEvent(mItem->treeWidget(), newEvent);
return false; // Sent event to the object (do not filter it)
// standard event processing
return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event);
Install it to a button in tree widget item. It creates and sends (imitates) mouse event to tree widget, however tree widget still does not send itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int) signal. What is the problem could be? Wrong mouse pos? Tried to send event to viewport() - no luck as well. Any way to solve this?
I want to write tuned version of TableView (TableView.qml in Qt package).
I have ColumnDescriptor.qml with column definition:
Item {
property string title
property var formatDelegate: null
.... (other property definition)
function format(val) {
if (formatDelegate != null)
return formatDelegate(val);
return val;
The above code defines set of properties and fuction format(val), that calls for format value if formatDelefate was set.
In the main table I use list to store predefined columns definition (temporaly) and ListModel to store final columns definition ( the latter is more useful than list in remaining implementation)
list example:
property list<ColumnDescriptor> colDefines: [
ColumnDescriptor {
title: qsTr("col1")
ColumnDescriptor {
title: qsTr("col2")
formatDelegate: function(val) { return "!" + val}
Filling ListModel (id: columnModel):
Component.onCompleted: {
for(var i = 0; i < colDefines.length; ++i)
var col = colDefines[i];
...(some calculation)
All looks fine, but when I try to call format from model item, Qt sends me the following error
Property 'format' of object QQmlDMListAccessorData(0x8e3bf78) is not a function
Example of calling format:
Repeater {
model: columnModel
Text {
text: model.format([SOME USEFUL DATA])
On the other hand, if I call format directly from list it works well.
So my question here is how to fill model in a way that the format or other function will work correctly when being called from model?
For QtQuick2 this should work
formatDelegate = [function(val) { return "!" + val}]
formatDelegate[0]("some text")
but you could also use an overriding technique:
Item {
function formatDelegate(val) {
return val;
function format(val) {
return formatDelegate(val);
ColumnDescriptor {
function formatDelegate(val) {
return "!" + val
This way Item.format() should call "return val" as default and "!"+val for ColumnDescriptor given that ColumnDescriptor is derived from Item.
Try this
Repeater {
model: columnModel
Text {
text: columnModel[index].format([SOME USEFUL DATA])
I want to know of any pure QML way to find out whether the application is in the background or not and then accordingly stop or play music. In meego the alternate way to do is through the PlatformWindow Element but it does not exist in Symbian QML. Help needed please
Finally I got it working :) and i did it though Qt way... here are the steps
1) Create a class MyEventFilter
class myEventFilter : public QObject
bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) {
switch(event->type()) {
case QEvent::WindowActivate:
emit qmlvisiblechange(true);
qDebug() << "Window activated";
return true;
case QEvent::WindowDeactivate:
emit qmlvisiblechange(false);
qDebug() << "Window deactivated";
return true;
return false;
void dosomething();
int something;
bool bis_foreground;
public slots:
Q_INVOKABLE QString checkvisibility() {
if (bis_foreground==true) return "true";
else return "false";
void qmlvisiblechange(bool is_foreground);
2) Then in main.cpp include this file include the class and add setContext propery like this
context->setContextProperty("myqmlobject", &ef);
3) in qml file call it like this:
Item {
id: name
//dont do anything...
Enjoy :)
Why do you need a pure QML way?
You can detect if an application has been sent to the background by installing an event filter.
Check: http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/Detecting_when_a_Qt_application_has_been_switched_to_the_background_and_when_resumed
For a "pure" QML way, there is the Symbian QML element:
It has a foreground property that indicates whether the app is in the foreground or in the background. You can try connecting to onForegroundChanged.
From the documentation, the Symbian element is not "creatable". It exists as a context property named symbian. So a sample usage would be:
import QtQuick 1.1
import com.nokia.symbian 1.1
PageStackWindow {
id: window
initialPage: MainPage {tools: toolBarLayout}
showStatusBar: true
showToolBar: true
function appForegroundChanged() {
console.log("Foreground: " + symbian.foreground)
function appCurrentTimeChanged() {
console.log("Current time: " + symbian.currentTime)
Component.onCompleted: {
ToolBarLayout {
id: toolBarLayout
ToolButton {
flat: true
iconSource: "toolbar-back"
onClicked: window.pageStack.depth <= 1 ? Qt.quit() : window.pageStack.pop()