Doubles will not output in DataGridView -

I have a DataGridView that I want to fill with values that are Doubles. The DataGridView filled fine when the values were strings, but now it outputs System.Double[] in the first column and nothing in any other column. I know the conversion is working because I can print the double values to the console. How do I format all columns programmatically? (I don't want to use the designer)
My code:
Dim cols() as String = {"col1", "col2", "col3"} ' this goes on for 33 cols
Dim currentRow As String()
Dim row() As Double
Dim c As Integer
DataGridView1.ReadOnly = True
DataGridView1.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "G"
DataGridView1.ColumnCount = 33
For c = 0 To (cols.Length - 1)
DataGridView1.Columns(c).Name = cols(c)
While Not at EndOfFile ' This line and the next are semi-pseudocode, but it's the same idea
read/parse line into currentRow
Dim x As Integer
For x = 0 To (currentRow.Length - 1)
ReDim Preserve row(x)
Double.TryParse(currentRow(x), row(x))
With Me.DataGridView1.Rows
End With
Screenshot of the output:

You can first add the row to the grid, then loop through your array to add the information to each cell.
Dim i as integer = DataGridView1.Rows.Add
For x As Integer = 0 to row.Count - 1
DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(x).Value = row(x)


Does the textbox that is generated when creating a detail view not count as a textbox?

My code searches for certain numbers in textboxes and replaces them. The code however does not change the number if it is in a textbox that is created from a detail view(see figure 1). Do these not count as textboxes?
Figure 1
Dim Totalsheets As Integer
Dim target_text As String
Dim FirstPage As Integer
Dim replace_text As String
Dim result As String
Dim n As Integer 'count No. of text frames changed
Dim i As Integer 'count views for the sheet
Dim x As Integer 'takes the value of the first page of the old config
Dim y As Integer 'takes the value of the total number of sheets of the old config
Dim z As Integer 'takes the value of the number that needs to be added to update the zoning
Dim a As String 'takes the value of the letter found in the zoning box
Dim b As Integer
n = 0
Set osheets = odoc.Sheets
Set osheets = osheets.Item("DRAFT") 'makes sure only sheet "DRAFT" is edited
Set oViews = osheets.Views
Totalsheets = Totalsheets1.Value 'draws value from the textbox
FirstPage = FirstPage1.Value 'draws value from the textbox
For i = 3 To oViews.Count 'scans through all views in sheet
Set oView = oViews.Item(i)
Set oTexts = oView.Texts
For Each SrcText In oTexts 'scans through all text in view
x = FirstPage
y = Totalsheets
b = x + y
Do Until x = b + 1
z = x + Totalsheets
a = "A"
Do Until a = "[" 'goes from A to Z
result = SrcText.Text
target_text = " " & x & a 'gets space in front and letter at back to ensure only zone box are updated
replace_text = " " & z & a
If InStr(result, target_text) Then
result = Replace(result, target_text, replace_text)
SrcText.Text = result
n = n + 1
End If
a = Chr(Asc(a) + 1)
x = x + 1
Although the detail view identifier is a DrawingText, it does not belong to the DrawingTexts-collection.
You could access the DrawingText by searching in the view.
Better would be to rename the property of the view.
Example for using the (slower) selection:
Set oSel = oDoc.Selection
oSel.Add oView
oSel.Search "CATDrwSearch.DrwText,sel"
for i = 1 to oSel.Count2
Set oDrwText = oSel.Item2(i).Value
'do something with the text

prevent go to next row when duplicated value in `datagridview`

I have datagrid that user will add values in just one column , and i want to prevent duplicated data in this column, i had mange that by the code bellow,
what I want is to keep the selection (focus) in the same editing cell(x)
if the entered data is duplicated, so I tried to get the current row index and return to it if the data is duplicated but its not working.
row_index = DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index.ToString()
Dim cell As DataGridViewCell = DataGridView1.Rows(row_index).Cells(1)
DataGridView1.CurrentCell = cell
NOTE : User will Add barcode number, so he will use barcode scanner or add it manually and press enter key.
Private Sub DataGridView1_RowValidated(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.RowValidated
If DataGridView1.Rows.Count > 2 Then
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim row_index As Integer
' loop condition will loop while the row count is less or equal to i
While i <= DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1
Dim j As Integer = 1
' loop condition will loop while the row count is less or equal to j
While j <= DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1
Dim str As String = DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value()
Dim str1 As String = DataGridView1.Rows(j).Cells(1).Value()
If Not str1 = "" AndAlso Not str = "" Then
If str1 = str Then
'row_index = DataGridView1.SelectedCells.Item(i).RowIndex.ToString()
row_index = DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index.ToString()
Dim cell As DataGridViewCell = DataGridView1.Rows(row_index).Cells(1)
DataGridView1.CurrentCell = cell
Exit Sub
End If
End If
j += 1
End While
i += 1
End While
End If
End Sub
You can try it also in a for loop. This is how I do it. If what you mean is to stop/retain the selection(focus) or go to in a cell/row whenever it is a duplicate with the current data you have. This should work fine.
enter code here
For i = 0 To Datagridview1.Rows.Count - 1
If Datagridview1.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value = DataYouWillInput Then
DataGridView1.CurrentCell = DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(1)
Exit for
End If
enter code here
If your condition returns true with the condition of current data and data you'll be adding. Just exit your loop. Use this.
DataGridView1.CurrentCell = DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(1)

Throw ID and its information into listview

I got multiline textbox and ListView
textbox contains :
TextBox2.Text = TextBox2.Text.Replace("[", "this what i want")
Dim lines As New List(Of String)
lines = TextBox2.Lines.ToList
Dim FilterText = "this what i want"
For i As Integer = lines.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
If Not Regex.IsMatch(lines(i), FilterText) Then
End If
TextBox2.Lines = lines.ToArray
TextBox2.Text = TextBox2.Text.Replace("this what i want", "")
TextBox2.Text = TextBox2.Text.Replace("]", "")
For Each x As String In ListBox1.Items
Dim II As New ListViewItem
II.Text = x
I cant use the same way to insert numbers and names because some ids contain number0 number 1 and some contain only number 0 ,, so how can I insert their numbers ?
Thanks in advance.
Check the below code with comments. You might have to modify slightly to fit the data.
Check this question and it's linked questions for similar thing.
Edit: Note that this only copies from rows in richtextbox to different columns in listview, so it will work for the examples you provided. I hope you can refine this logic to account for specific columns as per the data coming in the richtextbox.
Dim lines As New List(Of String)
lines = TextBox2.Lines.ToList
'Add 1st row to the listview
ListView1.Items.Add(New ListViewItem())
'Use Counter to determine row#
Dim j As Integer = 0
'Loop through the items
For i As Integer = 0 To lines.Count - 1
'Check if it's 1st item i.e. ID and add as text (i.e. at Index 0)
If lines(i).StartsWith("[") Then
ListView1.Items(j).Text = lines(i).Substring(1, lines(i).Length - 2)
'Check if contains other columns with attributes
ElseIf lines(i).Contains("=") Then
ListView1.Items(j).SubItems.Add(lines(i).Substring(lines(i).IndexOf("=") + 1))
'Check if it's an empty record, and add new row to listview
j = j + 1
ListView1.Items.Add(New ListViewItem())
End If

VB.NET Error Populating 2d Array with database field

i have a query that contains field "kode_brg"
i want to fill them into array2d, i'm using mysqldatareader to fill the field into array2d, but it seems that the datareader only read once inside the while looping
for more specific, i've added the ss of myproblem belom
i'm pretty sure that i've made a mistake in using the nested for inside the while loop
could somebody help me fix this problem
thanks before
regards, me
Dim nil_x As String = "SELECT max( kode_faktur ) FROM detail"
Dim x As Int32
Dim CMD_X = New MySqlCommand(nil_x, conn.konek)
x = Convert.ToInt32(CMD_X.ExecuteScalar())
Dim nil_y As String = "select max(x.jumlah) from (select count(*) as jumlah from detail group by kode_faktur)x"
Dim y As Int32
CMD_Y = New MySqlCommand(nil_y, conn.konek)
y = Convert.ToInt32(CMD_Y.ExecuteScalar())
Dim msql As String = "select kode_brg from detail group by kode_faktur"
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim arayT(,) As String
CMD = New MySqlCommand(msql, conn.konek)
Dim hasil As MySqlDataReader
hasil = CMD.ExecuteReader()
While hasil.Read()
For i = 0 To x
ReDim Preserve arayT(x, y)
For j = 0 To y
arayT(i, j) = hasil("kode_brg")
'Continue For
Next j
j += 1
'Continue For
Next i
i += 1
Exit While
End While
dgv2.RowHeadersWidthSizeMode = DataGridViewRowHeadersWidthSizeMode.EnableResizing
dgv2.RowHeadersWidthSizeMode = DataGridViewRowHeadersWidthSizeMode.AutoSizeToAllHeaders
dgv2.RowHeadersVisible = False
With Me.dgv2
.DataSource = New Mommo.Data.ArrayDataView(arayT)
.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect
.AllowUserToAddRows = False
.RowHeadersVisible = True
End With
one big note from me
because what i really want to do is filling the 2d array with database field, comparing it with another 1d array, then create a new 2d array from both of them, finally i want to display the newly 2d array into the grid.. that's why i chose 2d array instead using dataset to fill my grid
i don't know how to compare list(of) or arraylist with 1d array, that's why i'm using 2d array (basic)
thanks you before :)
the desired output
Assuming you managed to get array size exactly the same as number of data returned from query, you can try to change the loop to following :
ReDim Preserve arayT(x, y)
For i = 0 To (x-1)
For j = 0 To (y-1)
arayT(i, j) = hasil("kode_brg")
'Continue For
Next j
'Continue For
Next i
I have no idea of what you're trying to accomplish, but this is how you should do it:
Dim list As New List(Of String(,))
While hasil.Read()
Dim item(,) As String = New String((x - 1), (y - 1)) {}
Dim value As String = hasil("kode_brg")
For i As Integer = 0 To (x - 1)
For j As Integer = 0 To (y - 1)
item(i, j) = value
End While

Limit the number of rows

How can I limit the number of rows in Datagridview column to lets say 50 record and place the other 50 into the next column on the same Datagridview? In my project I can't be scrolling up and down.
The Datagridview pull the data from an excel sheet.
Appreciate your help
Try this.
dataGridView1.RowCount = 50; //Let say we have 50 rows
if (dataGridView1.Rows.Count >= 50)
I assumed this as single column table ..
dim tbl as DataTable '--------> this is your displayed table
dim nLimit as Integer = 15 '----- this is your limit as you want
dim dc as DataColumn
'get column name
dim sCol as String = tbl.Columns(0).Name
dim nRow as Integer = tbl.rows.count
'how much column ?
dim n as Integer = nRow / nLimit
if n * nLimit < nRow then n+= 1
for x as Integer = 1 to n
dc = New DataColumn
dc.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")
dc.Caption = sCol & n.ToString
dc.ColumnName = sCol & n.ToString
Then you can show it ...