Cannot access Youtrack issue's custom field from workflow - youtrack

When I run custom workflow in YouTrack InCloud 2017.2:
rule Test for access to issue field
when issue.becomesReported() {
Assignee = loggedInUser;
I got:
Cannot set value to custom field Assignee
and ticket is not created. Could anybody point me to a reason for that?
Assignee field has type user and it is actually default field.

As #LiubovDievskaia kindly noticed the loggedInUser must be a member of a group that has access to the project. The same is correct of every user that is used as rhs value in any workflow rule


Active directory login using Apache shiro

We have a Java based application, where we are using CN as login.
However we want to use samAccountName as userId.
Following is the shiro.ini
Can anybody please provide the proper way of making the desired change.
Got the correct way of doing this.
We have to make changes in the following line
Changes would be like following
Now, sAmAccountName can be used as userId. While logging in, username should be used as either "domain/account" or "account#domain".
If we do not want to use "domain/account", change as following
Now user id would be "account". [account == value of sAmAccountName]

Pentaho Kettle LDAP Output

How do I update the LDAP value using LDAP Output Step in Spoon?
I couldn't find any documentation on Pentaho's website. I am trying to update the group name of a particular user in Active Directory.
Until now, I was able to connect with the AD. But I can't make any changes to LDAP.
In General -> Settings, my operation is updated.
And in Fields -> Search Base, I defined the DC attributes. Eg: dc=xyz,dc=com.
And in Attributes, I defined the OU along with the value it should be changed too.
Is this how it should work?
I am getting an error saying "can not find DN(Distinguished Name) in the input stream!"
My guess is that you are using the values you want to inject instead of the fields containing those values. This step heavily relies upon fields coming in from previous steps.
In the image below you will see I am passing in the 'dn' field which is used in Settings > 'Dn fieldname' to lookup the field I want to alter.
Then under Fields I am mapping the incoming 'new_name' field to the property 'givenName' on the LDAP object identified by the DN.
So my DN to lookup and the value to set the field to are coming from my transformation stream. I only statically identify the Attribute on the LDAP object to be mapped.
the dn is not right. dn is cn + ou-structure like ou + domain-structure like dc.
If you dont know the cn, you cant define the dn. You must take a LDAP-Input with query like your uid for getting dn.
With this dn you can update attributes with LDAP-Output, if you have rights for writing.

Filter lookup inside a Dialog- CRM 2015 Online

How can we filter a lookup that is in a page of the dialog process.
E.g. I have a lookup to "incident" on Prompt and Response, I would like to filter it based on the value of a field in incident entity.
I tried:
Creating new views, also setting it as default.
addPreSearch and addCustomFilter on the field on the form(Not sure how to use these scripts inside the Dialog)
Any Ideas ?
Thanks you
Unfortunately this is not possible.
As an alternative you could consider adding a query to the dialog and a page with a prompt having an Option Set (picklist) response type.

BuddyPress: Custom profile date field not showing in loop

I'm working on a buddypress site in which members are allowed to post an ad that appears in the member directory, provided they also set an expiration date for it. Both fields are just Extended Profile Fields; the ad is a text area and the expiration date is, of course, a date picker.
In my theme, within the members-loop.php loop, I have the following code:
// This one works
<?php $ad = bp_get_member_profile_data('field=Member Directory Ad'); ?>
// This one doesn't
<?php $ad_expiry = bp_get_member_profile_data('field=Member Directory Ad Expiration'); ?>
There is no other special code to make this happen. I see no reason why the $ad_expiry is blank for a member who definitely has it set, especially when $ad has the correct value.
Digging into the buddypress code, my extended profile datebox data is not being returned by bp_get_member_profile_data(). Inside xprofile_format_profile_field() the value is being "formatted" by bp_format_time() and the output is empty. So I guess it's a buddypress bug.
I've figured out the bug, at least. BuddyPress stores the output of the datebox as a string like "2012-07-19 00:00:00". bp_get_member_profile_data() retrieves that from the database and then passes it to xprofile_format_profile_field(), which passes it to bp_format_time(), which returns false because the value fails the is_numeric() check.
Try this workaround -
//you need to specify the $user_id
$ad_expiry = xprofile_get_field_data('Member Directory Ad Expiration', $user_id );
// reformat, if you like
$ad_expiry = strtotime($ad_expiry);
echo date('m/d/Y', $ad_expiry);
And thanks for the bug report on trac.

Get the current user Liferay using a simple Java code

I'm working with : Liferay 6.0.6 with JBoss 5.1 and Struts2.
My question is, how to get the current user in Liferay once logged in, using a Java code.
In your doView/processAction method do following
User user = (User) request.getAttribute(WebKeys.USER);
or use the ThemeDisplay object. It contains another information like companyId, groupId, ...
ThemeDisplay td =(ThemeDisplay)request.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);
User user = td.getUser();
Classes ThemeDisplay, User nad WebKeys are part of portal-service.jar.
If you need just some id to identify current user you can also use
String userId = request.getRemoteUser();
This solution is not Liferay specific and should be portable among jsr-286 portals.
Liferay provides Util class
This class contains all utility methods to get the frequently used attributes.
Try using PortalUtil.getUser(PortletRequest portletRequest) method to avoid creating new objects and references.
This is an other possible way to do it :
private LiferayFacesContext liferayFacesContext = LiferayFacesContext.getInstance();
User currentUser=liferayFacesContext.getUser()