Remove textbox when field is empty - rdlc

I'm trying to hide a textbox when the field is empty, but it's not working:
IIf(IsNothing(First(Fields!Fld27.Value, "P2BDataSet")),true,False)

Try this in the text box visibility property
iif(Fields!YouField.Value>0, false, true)
If you still you did not get what you want, check How to Hide RDLC Textbox Based on Value


Selecting particular option from a combo box should make textbox field mandatory to enter text

I have a combo box in a form which has two options : correct and incorrect. There is another textbox field which is set not required in Required field property of the table but when combo box selection makes "incorrect", it should automatically force user to fill in textbox i.e. mandatory to fill in textbox
Could anyone please help me out how to fix this.
On the After Update event of the combo box check the selected value. If it is "incorrect" set the focus to the textbox and then use the After Update event of the text box to verify the conditions for filling the text box are satisfied otherwise reset the focus back to the text box (and possibly put on a message box to explain why).

SQL server report builder show text box only if a field is blank

I have several text boxes that display information that the field cannot display.
Now when there is data in the field, I don't want the textboxes to display their extra information. Is there a visibility expression that makes it so the textboxes are only displayed if the field is blank or 0.00?
The text box ("TxtCycleTime13") expressions are: "=IIf((Fields!PartNum.Value Like "16THW-PIF"), "24.0", "0.00")" right now - This makes the text boxes display 24.0 whenever a part number starts with 16THW-PIF
The text box ("TxtCycleTime13") visibility expression are: "=Iif(ReportItems!TxtCycleTime13.Value = "0.00", True, False)" right now. - This makes the text box show ONLY if it has 24.0 (or in other words, if only the part number is 16THW-PIF)
True in the expression specifies Hidden, so if the expression returns true the text box will not show. To invert this you would simply swap the True and False:
=Iif(ReportItems!TxtCycleTime13.Value = "0.00", False, True)
This will only show the textbox if the value is 0.
If you want to check a field instead of the existing textbox, just reference it instead;
=Iif(Fields!CycleTime.Value = "0.00", False, True)

hiding a textbox if text value is null

I have done a research on this but can't seem to find a convincing answer. Here is the scenario. I am doing a reporting application in rdlc. I am getting field values from my database and displaying in the text boxes. Please see below what I display in the report
In case the value of text box 2 or any other text box is null, I don't display the same using the formular
iif(fields!Textbox2.value is nothing, false, true)
for example this is what I get
with a space between textbox1 and textbox3. I dont want this space to appear incase the value is null. How can I handle this? Thank you
If you're using a simple TextBox you have to set Visibility and CanShrink property.
If you're using a TextBox in a Table/Tablix you have to set Visibility property of the entire TableRow containing the TextBox.

How do I ensure a textbox column in a DataGridView shows in multiline / wordwrap mode?

How do I show textbox column of a datagridview in multiline format using
You have to set the WrapMode property of the DefaultCellStyle property of your DataGridViewTextBoxColumn.
See here for details:

setting textbox text equal to textbox text on a different form?

is it possible in design mode to set the textbox text property to the text property of a textbox in a different form in
You could use the ApplicationSettings.PropertyBinding property of the text box to accomplish what you want. If you sort the text box properties A-Z, it should be the first one in the list in parenthesis. Just create a shared application value and it will apply to each control that binds to the value.