Selenium find element by name - selenium

I have made a number of tests. I’m getting some strange behaviour when running inspect on a different machine. I run inspect on my local machine and I can find an element by its name however on the test machine it can’t find that element’s name when using inspect.
The first image is from my local machine where it can find the element.
The second one is the test machine which can't. They both have the same version of Office so I'm not sure why this would be happening. It's like it isn't treating it as an element


Same selenium code runs differently on differents computers

So basically I split products from the same website into 2 groups between 2 laptops... And sent my code to a back-up laptop...
So here are 2 things that surprised me...
One laptop brings up a mistake (such as selenium.common.exceptions.ElementClickInterceptedException: Message: element click intercepted: Element ... is not clickable at point (470, 370)) every 3-4 products. But the other computer has not produced one single mistake for the last 40 products. How is that possible? It is the same code, the same web-site, the same internet connection...
While I was thinking about it, I just realised that the back-up laptop where I sent the code to, I did not use it for scraping before. I did pip installed all the libraries at the start, but I totally forgor to get chromedriver. The line in my code:
PATH = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\chromedriver.exe'
driver = webdriver.Chrome(PATH)
It was written on the laptop that produces errors evey 3-4 products now, and the one that runs perfectly has no chromdriver at the path provided.... So how is that possible? I do not get it?? How does it even run a browser?
That migth be because of:
different chrome-version ==> check version
different chromedriver-version ==> check version
different device metrics (javascript and headers) which the website detects and handles differently. ===> possibly use Selenium-Profiles for consistency.

Run selenium in different environments

Issue running into I have one selenium code that need to be run in different environments. One by one .the code in environment(sit) type a keyword and generate list of terms , another environment (prod) do the same thing but generate different list. I need to validate the first appearing term from the list in sit and prod .the code is failing because what is in sit is different from prod .Is there generic way that can be used to run one code on both environments even if they generate different results .Can you please direct me ?
There are several ways to achieve that.
One of the most appropriate (imho) ways to address environment independance is to use environment variables.
Another is to use property files holding different properties for different environments
Another one is to use your execution environment specific properties (like jvm properties in Java).
Options 1 and 3 are imho the most suitable for integrating your code into CI process.
You can passed those values via config file and read and use it in your test code

Executing on multiple windows or instances with Selenium web driver

I am trying to build an instagram bot with selenium. So far I have managed to get it work with 1 chrome window and 1 account, it auto follows, likes etc. with the given http requests on my express server. However when I try it with 2 different accounts on 2 different selenium instances or windows, the first one stops executing the function(or maybe it starts executing on the second chrome window, I dont know whats happening). So can anyone explain me if and how its possible to continue execution on multiple windows? Note: I don't want to switch between instances.
You can use the Selenium Grid to implement the scenario.
Generally, Hub & Node Structure is generally used to run parallel Tests.
Above link will help you to get the concept of Grid.

Selenium Grid Headless Parallel

I am using Selenium grid to scrape thousands of pages since all the pages are heavily populated by Javascript.
I found this tutorial which gave me a pretty good idea of how to set up Selenium grid and run script in parallel. However, my situation is a little different.
(1) I only want one type of browser, like Chrome(or Firefox), but I want to run as many as possible.
(2) To make sure this solution scale, I probably will use some Cloud service where the code will be running in Linux environment.
So here is my question:
Do I have to use TestNG/Junit frame work to run the code in parallel? If I run the code in multiple processes, all making requests to the same hub, will the hub coordinate them out of box?
(1) I only want one type of browser, like Chrome(or Firefox), but I
want to run as many as possible.
You should be running not as many possible, but a heuristic number, that just works for you. The reason being is, running like 30 chrome browsers at a time can give you unpredictable results.
(2) To make sure this solution scale, I probably will use some Cloud
service where the code will be running in Linux environment.
You can look at BrowserStack
Do I have to use TestNG/Junit frame work to run the code in parallel?
Thats upto you. As far as your creating the driver in multiple threads your fine. If your using your own FW, then you can create Thread pool and start creating the driver from each thread pool.
If I run the code in multiple processes, all making requests to the
same hub, will the hub coordinate them out of box?
Yes Selenium Hub will be co-ordinating this for you, out of the box. You no need to worry about anything here.

Possible issue with running selenium tests on one machine concurrently

I have multiple similar sites (same layout, just different data), and each of them has drop down menu on mouse over (and disappears on mouse out).
I am using Selenium 2 and WebDriver, and I have one selenium test case that basically do the mouse over and make sure each of the link in the drop down menu works.
I am using selenium grid, so I have a hub and few test machines.
Because I have many sites (few hundred) to test, so I am thinking of making each machine to run the test case against multiple sites in parallel.
My concern is because there can be only one active browser at a time, will it cause issue if web driver tries to perform Action.moveToElement() on multiple browsers at roughly the same time? Will only the active browser performs Action.moveToElement() properly and other browsers fail? If there will be an issue, is there any workaround?
I have tried it using JUnitCore.runClasses(ParallelComputer.classes(), SomeClass1.class, SomeClass2.class, SomeClass3.class);, it decreased the passed tests percentage from 100% to about 67% when running three tests on a machine. Not good =/.
The good part - firefox actually can do it in parallel. If the FF instances are delayed between each other so they don't do the same thing at the same time, it works better. Some of the failures happened during a Firefox bootup - so if you can minimize closing and opening windows, do it. But still, sometimes it just fails for no reason.
If you really would use the saved time, then go for it, log all failed tests and run them again after the first round - this time one at a time.
You could also solve this, depending on your ultimate goal of testing, by not using the Action class with the mouse-movement click, but instead use the WebDriver findBy-click method or Javascript executor method. It would probably be less contentious when running multiple windows at the same time. If the Action class, when defining a mouse movement, uses native calls at all, such as "move to Point", then one browser over the top of another, then I would guess it's possible that the movement point could be masked by another window. I am really not sure about this, just giving you another idea to try.