SQL query with regex - sql

I have a table vehicles has a column 'name'
Values are stored like car/tesla, car/honda, truck/daimler (each value is stored as type/brand)
I want to query the table using only brand. If I look up tesla, it should return the row corresponding to car/tesla. How do I do it? I'm using postgres.

There is no need in regex in your case. Just use old good like:
select name
from vehicles
where name like '%/tesla'

2 solutions are available a select query with LIKE operand or a select query with contains operand.
select * from vehicles where name LIKE '%tesla%'
Select * from vehicles where Contains(name, "tesla");


select TableData where ColumnData start with list of strings

Following is the query to select column data from table, where column data starts with a OR b OR c. But the answer i am looking for is to Select data which starts with List of Strings.
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Name LIKE '[abc]%'
But i want something like
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Name LIKE '[ab,ac,ad,ae]%'
Can anybody suggest what is the best way of selecting column data which starts with list of String, I don't want to use OR operator, List of strings specifically.
The most general solution you would have to use is this:
FROM Table
WHERE Name LIKE 'ab%' OR Name LIKE 'ac%' OR Name LIKE 'ad%' OR Name LIKE 'ae%';
However, certain databases offer some regex support which you might be able to use. For example, in SQL Server you could write:
FROM Table
WHERE NAME LIKE 'a[bcde]%';
MySQL has a REGEXP operator which supports regex LIKE operations, and you could write:
FROM Table
Oracle and Postgres also have regex like support.
To add to Tim's answer, another approach could be to join your table with a sub-query of those values:
FROM mytable t
JOIN (SELECT 'ab' AS value
SELECT 'ae') v ON t.vame LIKE v.value || '%'

How to use a multi-element string for a IN sql query?

Is it possible to use the input from one field of the database for another query in combination with the IN statement. The point is that in the sting, I use for IN, contains several by comma separated values:
SELECT id, name
FROM refPlant
FROM meta_characteristic
WHERE id = 2);
the string of the subquery is: 1735,1736,1737,1738,1739,1740,1741,1742,1743,1744
The query above give me only the first element of the string. But when I put the string directly in the query, I get all the ten elements:
SELECT id, name
FROM refPlant
WHERE id IN (735,1736,1737,1738,1739,1740,1741,1742,1743,1744);
Is it possible to have all ten elements and not only one with query like the first one.
My sql version is 10.1.16-MariaDB
You can use FIND_IN_SET in the join condition.
SELECT r.id, r.name
FROM refPlant r
JOIN (SELECT * FROM meta_characteristic m WHERE id=2) m
ON FIND_IN_SET(r.id,m.cover) > 0
If you use a sub-query as in the first code snippet you will get a filter for each row returned from it. It will not work when it returns as a single string field.
SELECT id, name
FROM refPlant
FROM meta_charateristic
WHERE id = 2));

select query in sqlite doesn't return anything

I'm using the Firefox sqlite manager addon and I have a database table named - drinktable. I need to extract all the columns where the title matches a certain string. This is the query I am running right now -
SELECT * FROM drinktable where title = 'First Drink';
But it won't return anything. It just shows the 4 columns in the database, but nothing in those columns. Can someone please tell me why ?
I have a database table named - drinktable.
One thing in your question. Your table name is drinktable and you are querying against first, is it a typo. In SQL Select statement you specify table name after from and column name in where clause
SELECT * FROM drinktable where first = 'First Drink';
Select * from <TableName> where <ColumnName> = 'Value to compare';
If your table name is first and column name is drinktable then chances are that there are now row(s) with column drinktable set to 'First Drink'. You might have spaces or some other characters. Try
SELECT * FROM first where drinktable like '%First Drink%';
Based on your edited question, chances are you have spaces or some other characters, try:
SELECT * FROM drinktable where title like '%First Drink%';

Simple Select statement does not return any result

I have one database table name test123 and having column name. And it contains the data like 'nir,kal,man' Now, when i am querying the table with select statement as per below :
select * from test123 where name = 'nir,kal,man';
But this will not return any result...Why this happened.? How i have to write query so that will return the result?
I am using Sql server 2008.
= operator returns exact match, so if your cell contain data "like" that you need to use LIKE operator:
select * from test123 where name like '%nir,kal,man%'
where % will be replaced with any set of characters.
Also check that you're targeting correct database by using full name
select * from yourdb.dbo.test123 where....
if Nir is in first row Kal in 2nd row and man is in 3rd row then you should write query like this
select * from test123 where name in ('nir','kal','man')

How to search multiple columns in MySQL?

I'm trying to make a search feature that will search multiple columns to find a keyword based match. This query:
SELECT title FROM pages LIKE %$query%;
works only for searching one column, I noticed separating column names with commas results in an error. So is it possible to search multiple columns in mysql?
If it is just for searching then you may be able to use CONCATENATE_WS.
This would allow wild card searching.
There may be performance issues depending on the size of the table.
FROM pages
WHERE CONCAT_WS('', column1, column2, column3) LIKE '%keyword%'
You can use the AND or OR operators, depending on what you want the search to return.
SELECT title FROM pages WHERE my_col LIKE %$param1% AND another_col LIKE %$param2%;
Both clauses have to match for a record to be returned. Alternatively:
SELECT title FROM pages WHERE my_col LIKE %$param1% OR another_col LIKE %$param2%;
If either clause matches then the record will be returned.
For more about what you can do with MySQL SELECT queries, try the documentation.
If your table is MyISAM:
FROM pages
WHERE MATCH(title, content) AGAINST ('keyword' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
This will be much faster if you create a FULLTEXT index on your columns:
CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX fx_pages_title_content ON pages (title, content)
, but will work even without the index.
select *
from employee em
where CONCAT(em.firstname, ' ', em.lastname) like '%parth pa%';
select *
from employee em
where CONCAT_ws('-', em.firstname, em.lastname) like '%parth-pa%';
First is usefull when we have data like : 'firstname lastname'.
parth patel
parth p
patel parth
Second is usefull when we have data like : 'firstname-lastname'. In it you can also use special characters.
Here is a query which you can use to search for anything in from your database as a search result ,
SELECT * FROM tbl_customer
WHERE CustomerName LIKE '%".$search."%'
OR Address LIKE '%".$search."%'
OR City LIKE '%".$search."%'
OR PostalCode LIKE '%".$search."%'
OR Country LIKE '%".$search."%'
Using this code will help you search in for multiple columns easily
SELECT * FROM persons WHERE (`LastName` LIKE 'r%') OR (`FirstName` LIKE 'a%');
Please try with above query.