Column name in separate table - sql

I need to analyze application data, and it stores data in separate table from definition (column names). Something like this:
Data table1:
id | 1234 | 1235 | 1236
1 | val1 | val2 | val3
tableID | colID | Name
table1 | 1234 | Name
table1 | 1235 | DOB
table1 | 1236 | Sex
table2 | 1237 | Manager
I want to get this data like this:
id | Name | DOB | Sex
1 | val1 | val2 | val3
Is it possible? Additional problem is that in each data table there might be different number of columns.
Problem solved by #Prdp
Though, i've changed query a little bit:
DECLARE #col_list VARCHAR(max)
SET #col_list = Stuff((SELECT ',' + Quotename(af.ColID) + ' as ' + Quotename(af.Name)
FROM [Model].dbo.Fields af
WHERE af.[App.ID] = 123
FOR xml path ('')), 1, 1, '')
EXEC('select '+#col_list+' from [Data].dbo.[123]')

As mentioned in comments better to handle this in application layer. If in case you want a sql solution then you need dynamic query
DECLARE #col_list VARCHAR(8000)
SET #col_list = Stuff((SELECT ',' + Quotename(colID) + ' as ' + Quotename(NAME)
FROM Model
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = 'Data'
AND Cast(colID AS VARCHAR(50)) = column_name)
FOR xml path ('')), 1, 1, '')
EXEC('select '+#col_list+' from data')


How to export report and mark a column with data?

This is hard to explain but I'll try. I need to export a report that shows which stores have locations in which states.
Suppose I have the following table:
| 1 | AK |
| 1 | AL |
| 1 | AR |
| 2 | MI |
| 2 | OH |
| 2 | IN |
| 3 | CA |
| 3 | NV |
The STORE_ID column is a key to another table where I just need to pull out the STORE_NAME column.
| 1 | Walmart |
| 2 | Target |
| 3 | Kroeger's |
What I want is to export a list of each store along with columns for all states. If the store is available in that state, I want to place an "X" for the value.
So the desired output looks like this:
| STORE_NAME | AK | AL | AR | CA | IN | OH | MI | NV |
| Walmart | X | X | X | | | | | |
| Target | | | | | X | X | X | |
| Kroeger's | | | | X | | | | X |
Is this possible in SQL Server? How would I write such a query? There should be a column for every STATE_ABV that exists in the table.
As mentioned, what you are after here is to pivot your data. Personally I dislike the PIVOT functionality of SQL Server, and much more prefer using a Cross-Tab (aka conditional aggregation).
As I suspect that this is going to require a dynamic pivot, I've done that as well:
--Sample tables
CREATE TABLE dbo.StoreLocations (StoreID int,
StateAbv char(2));
CREATE TABLE dbo.Stores (StoreID int IDENTITY,
StoreName varchar(20));
--Sample data
INSERT INTO dbo.Stores (StoreName)
INSERT INTO dbo.StoreLocations (StoreID,StateAbv)
--Quick sample to get the format right
SELECT S.StoreName,
FROM dbo.Stores S
LEFT JOIN dbo.StoreLocations SL ON S.StoreID = SL.StoreID
GROUP BY S.StoreName;
--The real solution
DECLARE #SQL nvarchar(MAX);
SET #SQL = N'SELECT S.StoreName,' + NCHAR(13) + NCHAR(10) +
STUFF((SELECT N',' + NCHAR(13) + NCHAR(10) +
N' IIF(COUNT(CASE WHEN SL.StateAbv = ' + QUOTENAME(SL.StateAbv,'''') + N' THEN 1 END) = 0, NULL,''X'') AS ' + QUOTENAME(SL.StateAbv)
FROM dbo.StoreLocations SL
GROUP BY SL.StateAbv --Could use DISTINCT too
FOR XML PATH(N''),TYPE).value('.','nvarchar(MAX)'),1,3,N'') + NCHAR(13) + NCHAR(10) +
N'FROM dbo.Stores S' + NCHAR(13) + NCHAR(10) +
N' LEFT JOIN dbo.StoreLocations SL ON S.StoreID = SL.StoreID' + NCHAR(13) + NCHAR(10) +
N'GROUP BY S.StoreName;';
PRINT #SQL; --Your best friend
EXEC sp_executesql #SQL;
--Clean up
DROP TABLE dbo.Stores;
DROP TABLE dbo.StoreLocations;
I foolishly assumed that the state was unique in StoreLocations. Ideally, you should have a States table as well, then you don't need to get the distinct states from the StoreLocations table.
Example with a States table: db<>fiddle
Just in case you want the dynamic pivot. Personally, I don't mind PIVOT. It is just another screwdriver in the toolbox.
The UNION ALL portion can be removed if you don't mind NULL values
Example dbFiddle
Declare #SQL varchar(max) = '
Select *
From (
Select A.Store_ID
,Value = ''X''
From StoreLocations A
Join Stores B on A.Store_ID=B.Store_ID
Union All
Select B.Store_ID
,Value = ''''
From (Select Distinct State_Abv from StoreLocations) A
Cross Join Stores B
) A
Pivot (max(Value) For [State_Abv] in (' + Stuff((Select Distinct ',' + QuoteName(State_Abv) From StoreLocations Order By 1 For XML Path('')),1,1,'') + ') ) p
Order By Store_ID
Option with NULL Values
Declare #SQL varchar(max) = '
Select *
From (
Select A.Store_ID
,Value = ''X''
From StoreLocations A
Join Stores B on A.Store_ID=B.Store_ID
) A
Pivot (max(Value) For [State_Abv] in (' + Stuff((Select Distinct ',' + QuoteName(State_Abv) From StoreLocations Order By 1 For XML Path('')),1,1,'') + ') ) p
Order By Store_ID

rows to columns based on first column

I have a student table like below
name | subject | scode
sam | science | 20
sam | computer | 30
sam | language | 50
sam | history | 20
joe | PET | 30
joe | computer | 50
dan | lab | 40
i am looking for out put like below
name | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50
sam | science | computer | null | language
sam | history | null | null | null
joe | null | PET | null | Computer
dan | null | null | lab | null
there are chances a student can add one more subject in future and code is dynamic for that particular student
i tried using for xml however able to get in the format of xml but not able to transpose it. any help in pivoting this as per the output is possible?
I think pivoting in combination with dynamix SQL qould do the trick. I created an approach for this, but this will require some more modification: currently it would group away the second line with scode 20 for student sam. Give it a try - when you get stuck, I will try to modify it a little more:
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.tbl_test') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE tbl_test
CREATE TABLE tbl_test (
sName varchar(25)
,sSubject varchar(25)
,sCode int
('sam', 'science', 20)
,('sam', 'computer', 30)
,('sam', 'language', 50)
,('sam', 'history', 20)
,('joe', 'PET', 30)
,('joe', 'computer', 50)
,('dan', 'lab', 40)
FROM tbl_test
FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1, '')
SET #Qry = 'WITH cte AS(
SELECT sName_GRP, sName, ' + #Cols + '
SELECT sName, sCode, sSubject, sName + ' + CHAR(39) + '_' + CHAR(39) + ' + RIGHT(' + char(39) + '0000' + CHAR(39) +' + CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY sName, sCode ORDER BY sName, sCode) AS VARCHAR(5)), 5) sName_GRP
FROM tbl_test
) AS j
MAX(sSubject) FOR sCode in (' + #Cols + ')
) AS p
SELECT sName, ' + #Cols + '
FROM cte'
EXEC sp_executesql #Qry

Column names in result and rotate part of table

The following a table structure:
' 1 ' val ' 123 ' 321 '
' 2 ' val2 ' 234 ' 212 '
Need to get the following result:
' 1 ' val ' FIELD1 ' 123 '
' 1 ' val ' FIELD2 ' 321 '
' 2 ' val2 ' FIELD1 ' 234 '
' 2 ' val2 ' FIELD2 ' 212 '
How write this query? I can get column names from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS. But how to join table with INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS? Also how can rotating a part of table?
As living example. Following is table:
On screenshot only several fields but in table there are a lot of fields. I wrote the following query:
Select p.GUID, p.myvalues, p.Fields
from myTable gz
unpivot( [myvalues] for Fields in ([area], [davlplastmax])) p
But this query doesn't return null values.
Also I want get columns from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS and past them in ([area], [davlplastmax]).
For example:
unpivot( [values] for Fields in (
select,, u.fields, u.values
from MyTable t
for fields in (Field1, Field2)
) u;
You can use unpivot as below:
Select * from #data
unpivot( [values] for Fields in ([Field1],[Field2])) p
Output as below:
| Id | Name | values | Fields |
| 1 | val | 123 | Field1 |
| 1 | val | 321 | Field2 |
| 2 | val2 | 234 | Field1 |
| 2 | val2 | 212 | Field2 |
You can use dynamic query as below for getting columns from Information_Schemas
Declare #cols1 varchar(max)
Declare #query nvarchar(max)
Select #cols1 = stuff((select ','+QuoteName(Column_Name) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = 'TestData'
and COLUMN_NAME not in ('Id','Name') for xml path('')),1,1,'')
Select #query = ' Select * from
(Select * from #data )a
unpivot( [values] for Fields in (' + #cols1+ ')) p '
Exec sp_executeSql #query

How to prepend column names into column values?

Having the following table:
| Some Table |
| Id | Name | Age |
| 23 | Marc | 41 |
| 54 | Edu | 34 |
I want to get:
|Another Table's Column| Id | Name | Age |
| ..... | Id#23 | Name#Marc | Age#41 |
| ..... | Id#54 | Name#Edu | Age#34 |
This query will be used inside a dynamic sql, the name of the table is going to have passed as a parameter.
The final query must show data of at least two tables, and only one of them must show data with his column names as a prefix.
Not sure I understand what you want, but here is the script to show column names within the result for any passed table:
DECLARE #t NVARCHAR(128) = '[Person].[Person]';
DECLARE #l NVARCHAR(2000) = '';
DECLARE #s NVARCHAR(4000) = '';
SELECT #l = (
SELECT ' ''#' + Name + ''' + CAST([' + Name + '] as VARCHAR(max)) as [' + Name + '],'
FROM sys.columns
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(#t)
ORDER BY column_id
SELECT #s = 'SELECT ' + LEFT(#l,LEN(#l)-1) + ' FROM ' + #t + ';'
EXEC (#s)
You can tune it to link another table or many tables

SQL Server Pivot is inserting NULL values

Please find the table (OututTable) that needs to be transposed. Here the QuestionID is formed by concatenating two values -[Question:AnswerID]
refID | SessionID | QuestionID | AnswerValue
9000 | 205545715 | [4907] | Good morning
12251 | 205543469 | [10576:16307] | 3
12255 | 205543469 | [10907:17001] | 4
13157 | 205543703 | [10576:16307] | 3
14387 | 205543493 | [10907:17001] | 2
14389 | 205543493 | [10911:17007] | 3
The expected output should have one row per SessionID and the number of columns are dynamic
SessionID | [4097] | [10576:16307] | [10907:17001] | [10911:17007]
205545715 |Good morning | | |
205543469 | | 3 | 4 |
205543703 | | 3 | |
205543493 | | | 2 | 3
I have the output in the above format but there are only NULL values inserted instead of Answer values
I am thinking there might a mismatch in column names. Any help would be great! please let me know.
set #Questions = (STUFF((SELECT distinct ',[' + cast(i.SessionID as varchar(20)) + ']'
FROM OutputTable i
FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.','VARCHAR(max)'), 1, 1, ''))
print #Questions
set #SQLQuery = 'select QuestionID,'+ #Questions +' from '+'('+ 'select SessionID,QuestionID,AnswerValue from OutputTable '+ ') p '+ 'PIVOT'+ '('+'max(Answervalue)'+'FOR p.SessionID IN ('+ #Questions +')' +') as pvt'
Great Question! The problem is with the brackets in the QuestionID. While these are necessary for the Pivot Column Aliases, these don't work as string filters.
The code sample also switches QuestionID and SessionID for the expected output.
This code will return the expected output, sorted slightly differently. A temp table is created here to simulate the OutputTable object. This will need to be switched out with the DB Table.
#Questions varchar(max),
#SQLQuery varchar(max)
create table #OutputTable
refID int,
SessionID int,
QuestionID varchar(50),
AnswerValue varchar(50)
insert into #OutputTable
(9000,205545715,'[4907]','Good morning'),
set #Questions = (STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + cast(i.QuestionID as varchar(20))
FROM #OutputTable i
FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.','VARCHAR(max)'), 1, 1, ''))
set #SQLQuery = '
select SessionID,'+ #Questions +'
from (
replace(replace(QuestionID,''['',''''),'']'','''') QuestionID,
from #OutputTable
) p
FOR p.QuestionID IN ('+ #Questions +')
) as pvt
order by SessionID desc'