atom editor crashed and showing the open file blank - crash

I was working on a PHP file in atom editor. system shutdown due to power fluctuation. When I restarted the system and opened the file to see that it was all blank. File size shows 47kb. All the characters are somehow replaced by invisible characters. I can move the cursor left and right, up and down through these invisible characters.


Converting Windows .PRN file (PCL) to PDF

I have been succesfully capturing PCL content sent by old machinery to a parallel port and converting it to PDF using GhostPCL for a while.
However, we have some older industrial machinery which is based on Windows 2000 and outputs to a HP Laserjet printer via the parallel port. Unfortunately, the software on the machine does not allow additional software or printers to be installed.
The problem is that whilst the captured output appears to be PCL graphic data, I have not found any tools which can convert it - GhostPCL attempts, and you can make out the text a little, but it is completely corrupted.
The captured output results in the output from GhostPCL
I can see that the captured output starts with:
ESC E (PCL command for Reset)
ESC &l0L (PCL command to disable skip perforation)
ESC &r1U (*** UNKNOWN ***)
ESC &l1H (PCL command to Feed from tray 2)
ESC *o0M (*** UNKNOWN ***)
ESC &126A (PCL command for A4 portrait paper)
ESC *g8W (PCL command to configure raster data - 8 bytes)
I can see that the captured output has some PCL codes which do not appear in the official documentation, which results in the weird characters at the start of the PDF.
Does anyone know how to convert this file to PDF ?
Your description shows an attempt to read a language different to pcl, so was the older system designed to talk to a default printer using Epson ESCAPE encoding. so its a dot printing file that the hardware will position those dots in the correct place and pressure, you could try converting to a bmp then massage the image into a pdf page.
You say an HP is connected but is that the true capture of what it is agreeing to use at runtime?
For example If I attempt to save my HP inkjet print file at time of printing I will get a PDF ! but why since the printer normally cant handle those direct?
What may I find If I look and see the default printing language is not set to a PCL or a PJL one.
There are many pcl language variations so a PRN file ideally should have some compatibility declaration such as #PJL ENTER LANGUAGE = PCLXL ) HP-PCL XL;2; Note this is NOT an HP printer just one that declares the following code will be HP style.
The printer can accept many formats and the system can produce many different formats for one printer. Thus you need to check all the system settings to understand what language is actually in run time use. Are you sure that .PRN is a full load of the conversation between the system & printer as print to file is not always the expected 2 way code.
The best way to ensure you capture true printer driver output is to change the drivers output PORT to a fixed filename and ideally use the correct format extension NOT unspecified .prn or .pcl if it is not such.

Vue.js file error "The file will not be displayed in the editor because it is either binary, very large or uses an unsupported text encoding."

I was working on a Vuejs project. So this morning when I opened the project it wasn't compiling anymore and it was reporting an error in one of the components. When opening the component, this message appeared in the VSCode editor "The file will not be displayed in the editor because it is either binary, very large or uses an unsupported text encoding." Clicking on open anyway appears a lot of code with strange symbols as shown in the image. When I try to open the file in another editor, the same problem also happens, but the symbols change. I would like to know what might have happened and if there is a way to recover my file?
Looks like your file is corrupt. Restore from a backup, or re-pull from git.

Stop IntelliJ from opening same file twice in horizontal split view

googled this but didn't have success.
I'm using the horizontal split view of IntelliJ (the view that allow us to have files on the upper and bottom part of the screen).
The problem is that whenever I search for a file using the search for a target feature, instead of opening the already opened file which is located on the upper files' list, it opens again on the bottom list but I'd like it to open the one that's already open on the upper list.
Do you know how to change this behavior?

How do I enforce LF line endings in Jetbrains Rider 2018.1

I'm frequently running into line ending issues with my JetBrains Rider 2018.1 installation under Windows 10. The IDE turns existing LF files into CRLF files once I edit them. I haven't yet found a way to configure it the way I want.
I would like to always only have LF in my files (for new ones and for edited ones). During a commit process, I don't want to get distracted by line ending changes.
My git is set to core.autocrlf=input. So it should behave neutral and use the as-is settings.
I know I can edit each file manually via the Line Ending switch button on the bottom right of the editor, but I feel that is quite cumbersome.
To change the default line ending for new files, Go to File → Editor → Settings → Code Style and in the "Line Separator" dropdown select "Unix and OS X (\n)".
To change the line endings of existing files, select the files in the "Project" view panel, then go to File → Line Separators → LF - Unix and OS X (\n). Make sure you don't break anything though - some file formats (eg .bat) only work with specific line endings.

Permanent line at the bottom of the console window in batch files

Just wondering if anyone knew if it was possible to have a permament line of text at the bottom of a cmd prompt window when running a batch file? So it floats, and if there is a lot of text flowing on the screen, and the cmd prompt starts to scroll, that line of text is still there at the bottom.
Not without external programs. Your output options are limited to:
Changing the foreground and background color of all text in the console
Printing a line of text at the current cursor position
Printing some text (without a trailing line break) at the current cursor position
Without writing your own programs (or resorting to others) you can't do anything else with the console output.
When needing a line or something to display status while the main portion of the output scrolls away I've usually been using the window title for that; you can set it with title.