how to prevent MpaAndroidChart LineChart's highlight be unselect by tap - mpandroidchart

In my lineChart, I never want user to deselect a value. how can I prevent the deselect? I haven't find any API which can make this in the document

fix the issue by myself via PR prevent deselect hightlighting per tap


shortcut for hiding parameter info popup intellij idea

Ctrl+p seems to be only showing the popup but doesn't toggle it. There is no action to hide it AFAIK.
I have already set delay of 10 secs for showing parameter info popup. But still it seems idea lacks this feature.
I am using ideavim and Ctrl+[ doesn't hide the popup. I need to press escape twice and again i/a to actually hide the popup.
Is there any shortcut for hiding documentation popup?
I have filled the issue for IdeaVim plugin: VIM-2160. Please vote/follow.

Removing tabs in tabcontrol and using designated buttons to switch between tabs

I'm currently working on an application for Windows, however, I have one small problem: I can't seem to figure this one out...
Is there a way to remove the tab headers from tab control and designate other buttons to switch between tabs? I'm going for a more modern look and the default tabs in tab control are not at all what I'm interested in.
thanks for your answers on this question!
I've just thought of a different method to keep the clean look of my program without having to get too complicated with code.
For anyone wondering about this, you could set different buttons to hide and show different things, for example:
Under homeBtn you could have code that shows the information shown on the page by default, yet at the same time, you could also hide any information from the previous tab.
Thanks, Laugh
You can easily add buttons setting the property SelectedIndex on the tab control to switch the pages. To hide the tab headers, there are some ideas over here.

How can I hide event log in IntellijIdea?

I was unable to find an option allowing to do this. Note that I know how can I hide event log window, I want to hide also its summary form (text on the status bar with icon allowing to bring event log window back).
Ability to filter messages also would solve this problem.
I marked parts of interface that I want to remove.
It is distracting and in my experience it never has an important information.
Even the official documentation has
shows the information about "important" events
(scare quotes are present in original).
You can toggle event log window from menu - View->Tool Windows->Event Log.
Or, you can also hide it by clicking on the icon on the top-right of the Event Log window. The icon looks like a bar (half black and half white) with an arrow facing downward.
If you don't want anything on the Event Log Window, go to Prefrences and disable Notifications. Event Log Window displays notifications so you can disable notification and nothing will be logged.

Can I detect if a (node-webkit) window is visible?

I would like the user to be able to click on the system tray icon to hide a window if it is visible, or show it if it isn't. However I can't see way to detect the show/hide state of the window.
I looked here but couldn't see anything that would give me what I need. The only way seems to be to keep track of if my last call was to show() or to hide(). Is there a better way?
I've needed this myself just recently, but as far as I know the best (only?) way is to set a boolean (e.g. var showing = true;) and then on every change (including the minimize and restore events) set the boolean to the correct value. Then you could simply make an if statement when clicking on the tray icon to see if the window is showing, and if it is hide the window, otherwise show it.
Hope I helped you a bit, I'm still looking for a better way myself but this is all I have found so far.

Disabling Menu Item

One of my e-books explains how to add a new menu item. Well, that's not very difficult to figure out. It's not difficult to figure out how to link an IBAction to a new menu item, either. But this book and Google search results don't explain how to disable a menu item. More particularly, I want to disable Preferences and Quit, depending on where window currently appears. If the application currently shows the Preferences window, I want to disable these menu items.
Suppose that I have an IBOutlet named preferencesMenu and then that I have
[preferencesMenu setEnabled:NO];
, that won't disable the menu item in question. So how do you disable a particular menu item?
Thank you for your advice.
NSMenuItems disable themselves automatically only if both their target and selector are nil and NULL respectively.
[preferencesMenu setTarget:nil];
[preferencesMenu setAction:NULL];
Which a quick test reveals leads to this:
Just set the target to nil. I'll do the job.
[preferencesMenu setTarget:nil];