React Native gradient shadow - react-native

I'm adding a shadow to an image, and it works fine but I want the shadow to be gradient like in this picture (from dark to bright ) :
In the documentation shadow Props doesn't have such property, so is there any way to achieve it?

I'm not sure how Expo is doing it but we've used the react-native-linear-gradient for things like that


Adding shadow around MapView marker

Is it possible to add a shadow around a react native MapView Marker? I've been trying to add the shadow in all ways possible, but it seems the marker just ignores it. All I want is for my marker to be 'elevated' a bit so it's not directly on the map. Is there any way to achieve this?

React Native BlurView Brightness too dark or too bright

I use a React Native BlurView in my React Native project. I want to have a blur effect like in Adobe XD or Figma where the color stays the same, but everything which is under the view will get blurred.
When I apply the BlurView on my View I get this result:
If I change it to dark it looks like this:
But is there no way that the colors stay the same like this?:
Sadly there is no option to do this. If you use React Native Blur View there is no option where you can choose whether the blur should be dark or bright. Today there is not good library for blur in React Native. Maybe there will be a new in the future.
Try to add a style to your BlurView and then add it a backGround color.
I would set the brightest one and then a light grey with transparency.

Using CSS dimensions in react-native

In normal css, dimensions like px, %, rem etc. works perfectly. But in react native, it throws an error.
Are there any possible ways to use these dimensions directly in react-native ?
REMs are a way of setting font-sizes based on the font-size of the root HTML element.
react native is purely works on pixels. Different mobile screens have different pixel ratio .
pixelRatio documentation in react native
if you want text normalization in react native
use my custom function in my open source project.
Suppose you want the width to be 50% of the View so you can do <View style={{width:'50%'}} /> .
Hope its clear. Feel free for doubts.

Want to real image is clickable but should not click the alpha background. Please suggest me how can i do this

i'm facing a problem in react native
Want to real image is clickable but should not click the alpha background. Please suggest me how can i do this.
In below image i used zIndex to placing the birds ,red color indicate the alpha area of above birdenter image description here
Unfortunately, there's no easy way to do this with React Native. The best solution I've found is by defining SVGs and using react-native-svg, which supports touch events. If you're using Expo, then it is already preinstalled and can be imported like import { Svg } from 'expo'; const { Circle, Rect } = Svg;.
Alternatively, you may be able to use a WebView (mirror) and CSS masking to achieve your desired result.

How to Add Polygon to MapView in React Native

In Objective-C, we can use MKPolygon to add a polygon to the mapview. How can I add polygons to map view using React Native? Is it possible? I think technically it is possible. I probably need to go the source code of react native.
It might be, but the MapView that comes with React Native is lacking for Android, and it seems crippled for iOS. I only saw the overlay property, which should work for polygons, and it even has a fillColor property, which would imply that you could. However, It's not clear from the docs what to do to tell the overlay that you want a polygon instead of a polyline.
I'd suggest this much more capable replacement MapView for React Native:
I'm halfway expecting the React Native maintainers to take notice of it, and integrate it if they find out about it.