Value does not apply to variable in SQL Anywhere - sql

when I try to execute this function I get a error. When I execute the command without a function and without using variables it works, therefore I think the value does not apply to my variable, the declaration or the setting of variable does not work. It doesn't matter if I use SELECT or SET to set the variable, I get the same error which literally just says: The command could not be executed.
CREATE FUNCTION ueberpruefe_kfz_status (#kennzeichen CHAR(15))
INTO #ergebnis
WHERE KENNZEICHEN = #kennzeichen
RETURN #ergebnis
Here are some screenshots of the structure, sample data and the error:

As per your table structure seen in the image, it seems like your column STATUS is of type CHAR.
Try to Change your function return type from VARCHAR to CHAR like-
And type of variable #ergebnis to CHAR like-
DECLARE #ergebnis CHAR
You may specify length along with CHAR, like CHAR(15), which should be greater than or equal to the length of your STATUS column.


Why do I get "Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ' 50 record is not found' to data type int." error while calling the below function

(#dept int)
RETURNS varchar(100)
DECLARE #maxsal int
SET #maxsal = (SELECT MAX(sal) FROM emp WHERE deptno = #dept)
IF #maxsal IS NOT NULL
RETURN #maxsal
RETURN (TRY_CAST(#dept AS varchar(100)) + ' record not found')
SELECT dbo.fn_maxsal_emp(50) AS maxsal
deptno = 50 record is not in the table, so I should get '50 record is not found' as output but gets the error message as shown in the title
It looks like you are are using another function than you have posted here. The error messages says that the varchar value " record 50 is not found" is not convertable to int. Which is correct. But the function you posted would never generate that varchar value. This function would produce "50 record not found"
Please check if you are calling the correct function, perhaps there is an old version in the database and not the version you posted here.
I tried your function here and it works: I just changed the returns a little bit because i think it's bad practice to do not specify an explicit cast.
This error is created when first trying to call the function, before even reaching the try_cast() line, because you can't put the ** value from the error message in the #dept variable used to call the method in the first place. That's where the cast from varchar to int fails.

Conversion failed : converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier

I have the following function which returns the following result set when this string is called.
FROM dbo.DelimitedSplit8K('985B773F-5E36-47D4-9E84-E0CE35B34337,32237666-86F3-41FD-BCDE-794571CDAEA2',',')
Result set:
Now the purpose of this function is to get the two or more IDs cause I will be passing multiple IDs from my C# program to one variable in my stored procedure.
The problem seems to be simple enough but I am not sure as to why it's occurring.
CREATE PROC [dbo].[usp_printMulitTest]
#multiApplicationId_FK uniqueidentifier = '',
#pDelimiter CHAR(1) = NULL
;WITH image_CTE(imgBinary, imgCode, appID) AS
[image], imageCode_FK, app
CAST('985B773F-5E36-47D4-9E84-E0CE35B34337,32237666-86F3-41FD-BCDE-794571CDAEA2' AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)
IN ((SELECT item
FROM dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(CAST('985B773F-5E36-47D4-9E84-E0CE35B34337,32237666-86F3-41FD-BCDE-794571CDAEA2' AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER),',')))
FROM image_CTE
This stored procedure works fine when I hard code the variables.
However, when I convert it to this
IN((SELECT item FROM dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(CAST(#multiApplicationId_FK AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER),',' )))
to get the results for the app IDs that I pass in, I get an error
Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier
While looking for solutions two that were pointed out is the incorrect formation of the unique identifier and not using cast, however I checked the numbers and used a cast/convert and there has been no change.
Grateful for assistance in this.

Why this simple stored procedure isn't working

Here is the deal, I am receiving an array from C# and I want to insert it into the following table with only 2 columns which are #idUser int and #idRegion int.
The stored procedure needs to receive the array and insert it into the table but somehow it isn't working, it tells me that it cannot convert #idRegion to an int. I tried to use CAST and CONVERT to convert it into int but it isn't working.
The Select From works ok, but not the insert.
Here is the stored procedure (#idUser needs to be the same for all inserted rows):
#idUser int,
#idRegion nvarchar(MAX)
INSERT INTO [UsersRegion] (idUser,IdRegion)
VALUES (#idUser, #idRegion)
SELECT #idUser,cast(value as int) FROM STRING_SPLIT(#idRegion,',')
I get this error when running it:
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '1,2,3,4' to data type int.
If you are sending multiple values in #idRegion then when you split them, you may have more than 1 things you need to insert. Therefore, do it like this:
INSERT INTO [UsersRegion] (idUser,IdRegion)
SELECT #idUser, value FROM STRING_SPLIT(#idRegion, ',')
If the target table's IdRegion column is of type int, you need to cast like this:
SELECT #idUser, cast(value as int) FROM STRING_SPLIT(#idRegion, ',')
Above code will insert the same #idUser for every record but a different value for IdRegion depending the splitted items. More on Insert into select from
Your INSERT statement seems to be working with IdRegion while everything else is lowercase id.
However, assuming this is how the actual table column is named and is not a typo...
Your problem is most likely the line that reads:
#idRegion nvarchar(MAX)
Which is declaring the #idRegion variable as a string, while you have stated in the question that it's meant to be an int.
This would explain the casting error.
If you cannot pass it into the procedure as an int from the C# code. Your only other option would be to try to parse it into an int as you have said.

Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '%' to data type int

I have an Object Data Source which pulls information from the database where if we don'd have a value for this particular parameter then we want to get all records. So I have a LIKE statement and I'm using a wildcard to return all entries, but this is giving me the error message
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '%' to data type int.
The table structure for the relevant column is:
[columnName] VARCHAR(50)
The SQL is something similar to:
SELECT [columns] from [table] where [column] LIKE #param
Then in VB I add the parameter:
Dim sessionParam As New Parameter
sessionParam.Name = "param"
sessionParam.DefaultValue = "%"
sessionParam.Type = TypeCode.String
So far I've tried casting the parameter value, casting the column, using dbType for the parameter instead of type, but nothing seems to work and I just get the same error. I suspect the column is reading as an int as this column is a mix of values so some are numbers, some are text, therefore SQL is making the 'educated guess' that that value needs to be an int
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '%' to data type int
Is pretty clear that you have a datatype issue. And the wildcard of '%' is certainly not a integer. You are probably having the issue because the column in where [column] LIKE #param is probably an integer. So even though you identify the parameter as string it is still trying to do an integer to string comparison.
So you are comparing like WHERE Integer LIKE String and that throws a datatype conversion error because SQL will automatically try to convert your string to an integer.
To solve if you want to search for a number as a string which doesn't seem like a good idea you would do something like:
WHERE CAST([column] AS VARCHAR(10)) LIKE #param.
Instead of using LIKE if the parameter is NULL, try this instead.
SELECT [columns] from [table] where #param is null or [column] = #param
If you pass in a NULL parameter everything is returned. If it isn't null, then only where the column matches the parameter will be returned.

comparing input parameter with xml value using like in sql

I have an SQL table with a column which stores xml like this
I have created a stored procedure like this:
CREATE PROC hr_GetJobStatusByRegistrantId
#registrantId VARCHAR
FROM [Hrge].[dbo].[hr_Jobs]
where AdditionalInfo LIKE '%<AdditionalInfo><RegistrantID>%' + #registrantId + '%</RegistrantID></AdditionalInfo>%'
When I run this stored procedure, I get null:
exec hr_GetJobStatusByRegistrantId '16279'
If I make this parameter integer then I get convertion to int error.
Please suggest me solution to this.
(Just expanding the comment into an answer)
You should always specify the width of a char or a varchar field, because unless you do the default kicks in. The documentation says:
When n is not specified in a data definition or variable declaration
statement, the default length is 1. When n is not specified when using
the CAST and CONVERT functions, the default length is 30.
which means that in your case you have actually defined #registrantId as VARCHAR(1) so the value of '16279' was trimmed to a single character ('1') and you actually searched for
in the database. This actually returned the IsSubscribed flag for the first record it found in the DB that had a '1' anywhere in the RegistrantID field. You got lucky that the value was something wrong, so you noticed it.
Additionally you are using % around your parameter. This means that when you search for a RegistrantID of 123, you'll get results for 123, 1234, 2123, 51236, etc, etc, and then just take the first one, whichever that one is (decided by the database, since there is no order clause). It's my guess that you need an exact match, so you should remove those, and just use
'%<AdditionalInfo><RegistrantID>' + #registrantId
+ '</RegistrantID></AdditionalInfo>%'
Also, it the RegistrantId is actually a number, it would be nice if the interface of the procedure reflected that, so it could be defined with
#registrantId int
and then converted to a string in the query
'%<AdditionalInfo><RegistrantID>' + cast(#registrantId as varchar(10))
+ '</RegistrantID></AdditionalInfo>%'