Using Leigh version of S3Wrapper.cfc Can't get past Init - amazon-s3

I am new to S3 and need to use it for image storage. I found a half dozen versions of an s2wrapper for cf but it appears that the only one set of for v4 is one modified by Leigh
Dropped in the com directory and created a "test" page that contains the following code:
s3 = createObject('component','com.S3Wrapper').init(application.s3.AccessKeyId,application.s3.SecretAccessKey);
but got the following error :
So I changed the line 37 from
variables.Sv4Util = createObject('component', 'Sv4').init(arguments.S3AccessKey, arguments.S3SecretAccessKey);
variables.Sv4Util = createObject('component', 'Sv4Util').init(arguments.S3AccessKey, arguments.S3SecretAccessKey);
Now I am getting:
I feel like going through Leigh code and start changing things is a bad idea since I have lurked here for year an know Leigh's code is solid.
Does any know if there are any examples on how to use this anywhere? If not what I am doing wrong. If it makes a difference I am using Lucee 5 and not Adobe's CF engine.
I followed Leigh's directions and the error is now gone. I am addedsome more code to my test page which now looks like this :
s3 = createObject('component','com.S3v4').init(application.s3.AccessKeyId,application.s3.SecretAccessKey);
bucket = "";
obj = "";
region = "s3-us-west-1"
test = s3.getObject(bucket,obj,region);
test2 = s3.getObjectLink(bucket,obj,region);
Regardless of what I put in for bucket, obj or region I get :
JIC I did go to AWS and get new keys:
Leigh if you are still around or anyone how has used one of the s3Wrappers any suggestions or guidance?
Even after Alex's help I am not able to get this to work. The Link I receive from getObjectLink is not valid and getObject never does download an object. I thought I would try the putObject method
test3 = s3.putObject(bucketName=bucket,regionName=region,keyName="favicon.ico");
to see if there is any additional information, I received this :
I did find this article but it is pretty old and since S3 specifically suggests using dots in bucketnames I don't that it is relevant any longer. There is obviously something I am doing wrong but I have spent hours trying to resolve this and I can't seem to figure out what it might be.

I will give you a rundown of what the code does:
getObjectLink returns a HTTP URL for the file that is found looking in the bucket of region s3-us-west-1. This link is temporary and expires after 60 seconds by default.
getObject invokes getObjectLink and immediately requests the URL using HTTP GET. The response is then saved to the directory of the S3v4.cfc with the filename by default. Finally the function returns the full path of the downloaded file: E:\wwwDevRoot\taa\
To save the file in a different location, you would invoke:
downloadPath = 'E:\';
test = s3.getObject(bucket,obj,region,downloadPath);
The HTTP request is synchronous, meaning the file will be downloaded completely when the functions returns the filepath.
If you want to access the actual content of the file, you can do this:
test = s3.getObject(bucket,obj,region);
contentAsString = fileRead(test); // returns the file content as string
// or
contentAsBinary = fileReadBinary(test); // returns the content as binary (byte array)
(You might want to stream the content if the file is large since fileRead/fileReadBinary reads the whole file into buffer. Use fileOpen to stream the content.
Does that help you?


Apache OAK Direct Binary Access with S3DataStore

I'm trying to figure out how the direct binary access feature works with Apache Oak.
My understanding so far is, I can set binary properties to nodes, and later, I should be able to get a direct download link (from S3).
First, I created a node and added a binary property with the contents of some file.
val ntFile = session.getRootNode.addNode(path, "nt:file")
val ntResource = ntFile.addNode("jcr:content", "nt:resource")
ntResource.setProperty("jcr:mimeType", "application/octet-stream")
ntResource.setProperty("jcr:lastModified", Calendar.getInstance())
val fStream = new FileInputStream("/home/evren/cast.webm")
val bin = session.getValueFactory.asInstanceOf[JackrabbitValueFactory].createBinary(fStream)
ntResource.setProperty("jcr:data", bin)
And I can see on the AWS Console, my binary is uploaded.
But, still, I cannot generate direct download URI, even following the documentation on the OAK website. (So the code continues)
val binary = session.getRootNode.getNode(path)
val uri = binary.asInstanceOf[BinaryDownload].getURI(BinaryDownloadOptions.DEFAULT)
It's always returning null.
Someone please could point me to what I am doing wrong or is my understanding.
Thanks in advance.
I figured it out. In case, anyone else is facing the same issue, the trick is to register your BlobStore using a WhiteBoard.
This explains a lot about the issue that, I could upload files directly using BlobStorage but OAK itself could not use the BlobStore functionality to get a direct download link.
val wb = new DefaultWhiteboard()
// register s3/azure as BlobAccessProvider
val jcrRepo = new Jcr(nodeStore).`with`(wb).createRepository()
And once you create your JCR Repo like this, direct binary download/upload works as expected.

Using a local image with EmbedBuilder

According to the Discord.NET documentation page for the EmbedBuilder class, the syntax (converted to VB) to add a local image to an EmbedBuilder object should look something like this:
Dim fileName = "image.png"
Dim embed = New EmbedBuilder() With {
.ImageUrl = $"attachment://{fileName}"
I'm trying to use something like this to add a dynamically created image to the EmbedBuilder, but I can't seem to get it to work properly. Here's basically what I've got:
Dim TweetBuilder As New Discord.EmbedBuilder
Dim DynamicImagePath As String = CreateDynamicImage()
Dim AttachURI As String = $"attachment:///" & DynamicImagePath.Replace("\", "/").Replace(" ", "%20")
With Builder
.ImageUrl = AttachURI
End With
MyClient.GetGuild(ServerID).GetTextChannel(PostChannelID).SendMessageAsync("THIS IS A TEST", False, Builder.Build)
My CreateDynamicImage method returns the full path to the locally created image (e.g., C:\Folder\Another Folder\image.png). I've done a fair amount of "fighting"/testing with this to get past the Url must be a well-formed URI exception I was initially getting because of the [SPACE] in the path.
MyClient is a Discord.WebSocket.SocketClient object set elsewhere.
The SendMessageAsync method does send the Embed to Discord on the correct channel, but without the embedded image.
If I instead send the image using the SendFileAsync method (like so):
MyClient.GetGuild(ServerID).GetTextChannel(PostChannelID).SendFileAsync(DynamicImagePath, "THIS IS A TEST", False, Builder.Build)
the image is sent, but as a part of the message, rather than included as a part of the Embed (this is expected behavior - I only bring it up b/c it was a part of my testing to ensure that there wasn't a problem with actually sending the image to Discord).
I've tried using the file:/// scheme instead of the attachment:/// scheme, but that results in the entire post never making it to Discord at all.
Additionally, I've tried setting the ImageUrl property to a Web resource (e.g., and the Embed looks exactly as expected with the image and everything when it successfully posts to Discord.
So, I'm just wondering at this point if I'm just missing something, or if I'm just doing it completely wrong?
I cross-posted this to issue #1609 in the Discord.Net GitHub project to get a better idea of what options are available for this and received a good explanation of the issue:
The Embed (and EmbedImage) objects don't do anything with files. They simply pass the URI as configured straight into Discord. Discord then expects a URI in the form attachment://filename.ext if you want to refer to an attached image.
What you need to do is use SendFileAsync with the embed. You have two options here:
Use SendFileAsync with the Stream stream, string filename overload. I think this makes it clear what you need to do: you provide a file stream (via File.OpenRead or similar) and a filename. The provided filename does not have to match any file on disk. > So, for example:
var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
await channel.SendFileAsync(stream, "myimage.png", embed: embed);
Alternatively, you can use SendFileAsync with the string filePath overload. Internally, this gets a stream of the file at the path, and sets filename (as sent to Discord) to the last part of the path. So it's equivalent to:
using var stream = File.OpenRead(filePath);
var filename = Path.GetFileName(filePath);
await channel.SendFileAsync(stream, filename);
From here, you can see that if you want to use the string filePath overload, you need to set embed image URI to something like $"attachment://{Path.GetFileName(filePath)}", because the attachment filename must match the one sent to Discord.
I almost had it with my code above, but I misunderstood the intention and usage of the method and property. I guess I thought the .ImageUrl property somehow "automatically" initiated a Stream in the background. Additionally, I missed one very important piece:
As it's an async method, you must await (or whatever the VB.NET equivalent is) on SendFileAsync.
So, after making my calling method into an async method, my code now looks like this:
Private Async Sub TestMessageToDiscord()
Dim Builder As New Discord.EmbedBuilder
Dim AttachmentPath As String = CreateDynamicImage() '<-- Returns the full, local path to the created file
With Builder
.ImageUrl = $"attachment://{IO.Path.GetFileName(AttachmentPath)}"
End With
Using AttachmentStream As IO.Stream = IO.File.OpenRead(AttachmentPath)
Await MyClient.GetGuild(ServerID).GetTextChannel(PostChannelID).SendFileAsync(AttachmentStream, IO.Path.GetFileName(AttachmentPath), "THIS IS A TEST", False, Builder.Build)
End Using
End Sub
Now, everything works exactly as expected and I didn't have to resort to uploading the image to a hosting site and using the new URL (I actually had that working before I got the response on GitHub. I'm sure that code won't go to waste).
Okay, so I still ended up going back to my separately hosted image option for one reason: I have a separate event method that modifies the original Embed object during which I want to remove the image and replace the text. However, when that event fired, while the text was replaced, the image was "moved" to the body of the Discord message. While I may have been able to figure out how to get rid of the image entirely, I decided to "drop back and punt" since I had already worked out the hosted image solution.
I've tried everyting I could, but I got stuck at the same point at where you are now.
My guesses are that Discord doesn't like the embedded images from, and only accepts the new files from I might be wrong though, this is the way it worked for me.
I believe it's only a visual glitch, as I found if you send a link for an image from in your regular Discord client, it bugs out and shows an empty embed for some reason.
That would make sense since the default link used in an embedded image actually starts with
You could solve this issue by using, but it seems like is configured to use the old domain.

Google Drive - use WebViewLink vs thumbnailLink

I'm using the Google Drive API where I can gain access to 2 pieces of data that I need to display a jpg file oin my program. WebViewLink is the "large" size image while thumbnailLink is the "thumb" smaller size of the same image.
I'm having an issue with downloading the WebViewLink that I do not have with the thumbnailLink. Part of my code calls either exif_imagetype($filename) or getimagesize($filename) so I can retrieve the type, height & width etc for the $filename. This is successful for the thumbnailView but not the WebViewLink...
code snippet...
$WebViewLink = "";
$type = exif_imagetype($WebViewLink);
--- results in the error
"PHP Warning: exif_imagetype(): stream does not support seeking..."
where as...
$thumbnailLink = "";
$type = exif_imagetype($thumbnailLink);
--- successful
where $type = 2 // a .jpg file
Not sure what I need to do to gain a usable WebViewLink... maybe use the "export" function to copy to a file on my server that is accessible, then use that exported file for the functions that fail above?
Thanks for any help.
I think you are using the wrong property to get the image of the file.
A link for opening the file in a relevant Google editor or viewer in a browser.
A short-lived link to the file's thumbnail, if available. Typically lasts on the order of hours.
You can try using the iconLink():
A static, unauthenticated link to the file's icon.
Sample image of thumbnailLink:
Sample image of a iconLink:
It will still show relevant image about the file.
Hope it helps!

Google Apps Script ScriptDb permissions issue

I am having an issue trying to query the ScriptDb of a resource file in Google Apps Script. I create a script file (file1), add it as a resource to another script file (file2). I call file1 from file2 to return a handle to its ScriptDb. This works fine. I then try to query the ScriptDb but have a permissions error returned.
Both files owned by same user and in same google environment
See code below:
file 1:
function getMyDb() {
return ScriptDb.getMyDb;
file 2 (references file1):
function getDataFromFile1() {
var db = file1.getMyDb(); // This works
var result = db.query({..............}); // This results in a permissions error!
I am at a loss to understand why I can access file1 and get back a handle on the ScriptDb, but then am not able to query it, due to an permissions issue.
I have tried to force file1 to require re-authorization, but have not yet been successful. I tried adding a new function and running it, so any suggestions there would be gratefully received.
Thanks in advance
There appears to be an error in file1/line2. It says "return ScriptDb.getMyDb;" but it should say "return ScriptDb.getMyDb();"
If you leave out the ()s then when you call file1 as a library, file1.getMyDb() will return a function which you store in var db. Then the line var result = db.query({..............}) results in an error because there is no method "query" in the function.
Is that what's causing your error?
I have figured out what the problem was, a misunderstanding on my part regarding authorisation. I was thinking of it in terms of file permissions, when in fact that problem was that my code was not authorised to run the DbScript service. As my code calls a different file and receives back a pointer to a ScriptDb database it is not using the ScriptDb service, so then when it calls the db.query() it invokes the ScriptDb service, for which it is not authorised.
To resolve this I just had to create a dummy function and make a ScriptDb.getMyDb() call, which triggered authorisation for the service. The code then worked fine.
Thanks for the input though.

an error 3013 thrown when writing a file Adobe AIR

I'm trying to write/create a JSON file from a AIR app, I'm trying not so show a 'Save as' dialogue box.
Here's the code I'm using:
var fileDetails:Object = CreativeMakerJSX.getFileDetails();
var fileName:String = String(;
var path:String = String(;
var f:File = File.userDirectory.resolvePath( path );
var stream:FileStream = new FileStream();, FileMode.WRITE );
stream.writeUTFBytes( jsonToExport );
The problem I'm having is that I get a 'Error 3013. File or directory in use'. The directory/path is gathered from a Creative Suite Extension I'm building, this path is the same as the FLA being developed in CS that the Extension is being used with.
So I'm not sure if the problem is that there are already files in the directory I'm writing the JSON file to?
Do I need to add a timer in order to close the stream after a slight delay, giving some time to writing the file?
Can you set up some trace() commands? I would need to know what the values of the String variables are, and the f.url.
Can you read from the file that you are trying to write to, or does nothing work?
Where is CreativeMakerJSX.getFileDetails() coming from? Is it giving you data about a file that is in use?
And from Googling around, this seems like it may be a bug. Try setting up a listener for when you are finished, if you have had the file open previously.
I re-wrote how the file was written, no longer running into this issue.