Pig variable storage - variables

Pig uses variables to store the data.
When I load the data from HDFS into the variable in pig. Where is the data temporarily stored?
What exactly happens in the background when we load the data into the variable ?
Kindy help

Pig lazily evaluates most expressions. In most cases, it checks for syntax errors etc. Like,
a = load 'hdfs://I/Dont/Exist'
won't throw an error unless you use STORE or DUMP or something along those lines which result in the evaluation of a
Similarly, if a file exists and you load it to a relation and perform transformations on it, the file is spooled to /tmp folder usually and then the transformations are performed. If you look at the messages that appear when you run commands on grunt, you'll notice file paths starting with file:///tmp/xxxxxx_201706171047235. These are the files that store intermediate data.


How do I force hive to always create a consistent filename like 000000_0?

I am doing an Insert overwrite operation through a hive external table onto AWS S3. Hive creates a output file 000000_0 onto S3. However at times I am noticing that it creates file with other names like 0000003_0 etc. I always need to overwrite the existing file but with inconsistent file names I am unable to do so. How do I force hive to always create a consistent filename like 000000_0? Below is an example of how my code looks like, where tab_content is a hive external table.
select * from source
Better do not do this and modify your program to accept any number of files in the directory.
Each reducer (or mapper if it runs on map-only) creates it's own file. These reducers do know nothing about each other, they named during creation. Files are marked as 000001_0,000002_0. But it can be 000001_1 also if attempt number 0 has failed and attempt number 1 has succeeded. Also if table is partitioned and there is no distribute by partition key at the end, each reducer will create it's own file in each partition.
You can force it to work on a single final reducer (it can be done for example if you add order by clause or setting set mapred.reduce.tasks = 1;). But bear in mind that this solution is not scalable, because too many data will cause performance problems on single reducer. Also What will happen if attempt 0 has failed and it was restarted and attempt 1 succeeded? It will create 000001_1 instead of 000001_0.

"not a Parquet file (too small)" from Presto during Spark structured streaming run

I have a pipeline set up that reads data from Kafka, processes it using Spark structured streaming and then writes parquet files to HDFS. Downstream clients of the data query is using Presto configured to read the data as Hive tables.
Kafka --> Spark --> Parquet on HDFS --> Presto
In general this works. The problem arises when a query happens while the Spark job is running a batch. The Spark job creates a zero-length Parquet file on HDFS. If Presto attempts to open this file in the course of processing a query, then it throws an error:
Query 20171116_170937_07282_489cc failed: Error opening Hive split hdfs://namenode:50071/hive/warehouse/table/part-00000-5a7c242a-3e53-46d0-9ee4-5d004ef4b1e4-c000.snappy.parquet (offset=0, length=0): hdfs://namenode:50071/hive/warehouse/table/part-00000-5a7c242a-3e53-46d0-9ee4-5d004ef4b1e4-c000.snappy.parquet is not a Parquet file (too small)
The file is indeed zero bytes at this time, so the error is strictly correct, but this is not the behavior I want for the pipeline. I would like to be able to continuously write in to the appropriate HDFS folders, without disturbing the Presto queries.
The Spark scala code for the job looks like this:
val FilesOnDisk = 1
.trigger(ProcessingTime("1 hours"))
.option("path", job.outputFilesPath)
The job starts at the top of the hour, :00. The file is first visible on HDFS as a zero-length file at :05. It is not updated until it is written completely at :21, just before the job finishes. This makes the table effectively unusable from Presto 25% of the time.
Each file is only a little over 500kB, so I wouldn't expect the physical writing of the file to take very long. From my understanding, Parquet files have their metadata at the end of the file so someone writing bigger files would have even more trouble.
What strategies have people used to integrate Spark structured streaming and Presto while working around this Presto error?
You could try to persuade Presto (or Presto team) to ignore empty files, but that wouldn't help, as the program writing the file (here: Spark) will eventually flush partial data and the file would appear partial, non-empty and not well formed, thus leading to an error as well.
The approach preventing Presto (or other programs reading the table data for that matter) from seeing partial file would be to assembler the file in different location and then atomically move the file into the correct location.

Azure Power-shell command to get the Count of records in Azure Data lake file

I have set of files on Azure Data-lake store folder location. Is there any simple power-shell command to get the count of records in a file? I would like to do this with out using Get-AzureRmDataLakeStoreItemContent command on the file item as the size of the files in gigabytes. Using this command on big files is giving the below error.
Get-AzureRmDataLakeStoreItemContent : The remaining data to preview is greater than 1048576 bytes. Please specify a
length or use the Force parameter to preview the entire file. The length of the file that would have been previewed:
Azure data lake operates at the file/folder level. The concept of a record really depends on how an application interprets it. For instance, in one case the file may have CSV line or in another a set of JSON objects. In some cases files contain binary data. Therefore, there is no way at the file system level to get the count of records.
The best way to get this information is to submit a job such as a USQL job in Azure Data Lake Analytics. The script will be really simple: An EXTRACT statement followed by a COUNT aggregation and an OUTPUT statement.
If you prefer Spark or Hadoop here is a StackOverflow question that discusses that: Finding total number of lines in hdfs distributed file using command line

How to add headers when we DUMP the data in output file using PIG scripts?

I tried to search for it but cannot find the tip/recommendations.
Here is my situation. I have all the data lined up correctly and output working fine using pig script. Stored the files in a output directory. The output files are more than 100 files so what i have done is accumulated the results file using another pig script.
I was wondering if there is anything in PIG LATIN that will help me add "Header" to the accumulated results file so that business users can quickly use it as it also has headers?
Please advise
If you are using DUMP in Pig script and redirecting the result to a single file, you can use DESCRIBE before DUMP. Doing so will append schema information as header to your output file
A = LOAD 'test' USING PigStorage() AS (col1:int, col2:chararray);
output will be something like:
A: {col1: int,col2: chararray}
Pig can store the schema into a different file ".pig_schema" using PigStorage:
store A into 'outputFile' using PigStorage('\t', '-schema');
will save your data in the outputFile using tabs as delimiters and also creates the schema file.
You can store the header in a separate file, LOAD it and UNION it with your data. Then you need to do an ORDER BY (that might be tricky depending on your data).
Another way would be to use hadoop getmerge.
In general, this is not something pig is very good at, you might as well write a script in another language.

Parquetloader: can't load multiple parquet files using pig

I'm getting the following error:
Error during parsing. repetition constraint is more restrictive: can not merge type required binary MyTime into optional binary MyTime.
Maybe one of the files is corrupted but I don't know how to skip it.
This happens when reading multiple parquet files that have slightly different metadata in their schemas. Either you have a mixed collection of files in a single directory or you are giving the LOAD statement a glob and the resulting collection of files is mixed in this respect.
Rather than specifying the schema in an AS() clause or making a bare call to the loader function the solution is to override the schema in the loader function's argument like this:
data = LOAD 'data'
USING parquet.pig.ParquetLoader( 'n1:int, n2:float, n3:double, n4:long')
Otherwise the loader function infers the schema from the first file it encounters which then conflicts with one of the others.
If you have still have trouble try using type bytearray in the schema specification and then cast to the desired types in a subsequent FOREACH.
According to the Parquet source code there is another argument to the loader function that allows columns to be specified by position rather than name (the default) but I have not experimented with that.