Windows desktop showing or focused -

Is there a way to tell if the desktop is focused or showing? I want to know if the desktop is double clicked on.


How to handle Touch Keypad in Windows Forms on Windows Form Tablet

I am using Windows Forms application and I am not able to auto hide/show the touch keypad thats on the windows 10 Home OS on a tablet. How to handle the touch keypad, Can anyone help me out in this regard.
There's quite a lot of answers on google for this,
Basically you need to create a process for the OSK, load it, and kill it (dependant on if its loaded). Loading and killing the process will show / hide the OSK.

Hide System Tray Icon of a 3rd party exe

I'm trying to hide the system tray icon of a program that I'm calling with my program. I'm currently working on a program that provides guides and quick resources to other members of my team. I've got the program to load an AutoHotKey file at launch but the AHK icon shows in the System Tray/Notification area of the task bar. I would like to hide that icon.
I'm currently working in
So, I don't want to hide anything from the taskbar, I just want to hide the icon of AHK from the system tray.
I have done some looking around and seen some things with the Shell_NotifyIcon but I'm not sure how to implement this.
Figured it out. AutoHotKey has a built in feature to hide the tray icon.
Place that inside the script and it will not show it in the system tray.

Do not want to show Tooltipster on Windows Phone

I am using Tooltipster to show popup on my website. I do not want this tooltip to show on touch devices, so i use the option - touchDevices: false. It is working fine on all other touch devices except Windows Phone. Any suggestions, how can I resolve this.

The form fails to popup in windows 8

I have a chat application written in which is used to chat between users who are connected in LAN inside a office . The application popups whenever user gets new chat message. It works fine in windows XP. But sometimes in windows 8 the application fails to popup the chat window. So my chat window is not appearing at the top when popup occurs for new messages.
I have tried using setwindowspos, form.Show(), form.BringToFront() which can bring the form to topmost. But sometimes this will not work properly.
So is there any other method other than those three(which i have mentioned above) i have used which can make the form popup and bring it to front.
Your WinForms app is a desktop application, so it's likely that the reason the pop-up is not being displayed in Windows 8 is because the desktop is not visible.
Remember that Windows 8 brings with it a whole new Start Screen interface and relegates the desktop to an alternate mode. All desktop applications still run, but they run in this separate mode and cannot interact with the new Metro applications (or whatever they're calling them nowadays). Yes, it's too bad that the usability folks at Microsoft didn't listen to Larry Tesler and have decided instead to mode us in, but c'est la vie.
So anyway, the pop-up is still being displayed, but it's being displayed on the desktop, which is not visible. Bringing it to the top isn't doing any good because it's already at the top of all the other windows on the desktop. If you click on the "Desktop" tile in the Start Screen, you should see your window.
Fixing this problem is going to take some work. Forcing a focus switch to the desktop mode is a horrible idea from a usability perspective, and I'm not sure it's even possible. A better solution would be to look into using Toast notifications instead, which can be done from a desktop application.

KDE and Multi-Monitor, how to have program started on the screen it was opened from

I have been trying KDE and customized it enough to my liking. I added panels and application launchers on each screen and windows opened shows on each screen panel.
But whenever I start an application either from the "start menu" or from the quick launch, it position on any screen.
Is there a way to have application started on the screen it was opened?
After spending too much time in settings, google, and Window Rules, I finally found my answer.
In System Settings -> Window Behavior -> Window Behavior -> Focus Tab
enable the box "Active screen follows mouse"