Dynamic callback URL's for Instagram Auth - api

I have different clients using my cloud app.
They all have different URL's to access the cloud application. They have the option to add Instagram as a social media channel and perform multiple tasks over it.
Now to perform any action over Instagram, they all need to authenticate themselves via myInstagram App. So I need to manually put a new callback URL every time a new client request for Instagram. Is there is any way to make Callback URL's dynamic on Instagram?


Minimal Fron End Web Appication with Secure External API Consumption

Problem requirement
Web application with a text field and a button. After introducing some text and clicking on the button, the web application shall call an API using credentials which should be invisible/inaccessible to the web user or its browser. This external API will take the input text an store it into a DB to which it is connected.
Unfortunately the API I need to call contains username and password inside the URL, so that they are visible to the browser.
API Login URL has this profile
It is there a way to do this only using front end frameworks (vue, react) or static web sites without having to host a back-end service (to perform this external API call)?
I tried this with vuejs 3 successfully, but API call is browser visible.
you can use auth0 it provides fast solution
As far as I know there is no way to hide data except you need back-end auth0 is fast solution
but you might use hash function
hashed = f(username+password) so the user knows the hashed but he couldn't figure what's the username and password it's one way function

Most efficient way to send image to frontend

I have images stored in Google Cloud Storage. Whenever my frontend (Swift) requests a certain image I would like to send the image as quickly and efficiently as possible from my backend.
Conveniently, Google Cloud Storage has direct image links for every image.
Is it most efficient to send a multipart/form-data the same way I send an image captured by a user in the front end to the backend? Or is it more efficient to send the URL of the image stored in the cloud where the frontend can proceed to download the image from that URL?
This can indeed be done through a signed URL which provides limited permission and time to make a request. With signed URLs authentication information is contained in their query string, allowing users without credentials to perform specific actions on a resource.
I would like to point out however that Signed URLs can only be used to access resources in Cloud Storage through XML API endpoints.
Since you are using Swift for your frontend I would also like to direct you to explore Google APIs for iOS, such as CocoaPods.

Add dropbox webhook by code

We're exploring dropbox api reference. Concretly, we're exploring webhook possibilities.
We're not quite to know how to specify a webhook url by code.
We are lokking for a way to add this webhook url avoiding user has to do it manually.
I hope I've explained so well.
It's not possible to programmatically register a Dropbox webhook URI. We'll consider it a feature request.
Developers should register their webhook URI(s) manually via the App Console. Those webhook URIs will stay registered and will be used for all users connected to the app.

What is callback url in instagram api and how to can I implement it

Hi I'm beginner programmer
I'm trying to use instagram's realtime Photo Updates api
My purpose is use this API CONSOLE's subscription method
But I can't understand and handle callback url
What is the callback url's function?
And How can I implement the callback url?
The "callback url" (also referred to as redirect_url), is the URL Instagram will send users to after they have logged into Instagram, and authorized your application to read their data.
This is part of the OAuth 2 Spec, which Instagram (and many others) use to control access to their API.
The short version of the OAuth 2 "flow" is this:
You send a user to Instagram's page with your application ID, and a redirect URL.
The user logs into Instagram on their page and authorizes your application.
Instagram will then send the user back to your application (using the redirect URL value), along with a token that you can use to access their data.
GitHub has an excellent guide to how OAuth works on their server, which you will find very similar to Instagram's.
So the "callback url" should be set to the URL of your application server. For example, http://myapp.com/auth. Or, if you are working locally, you would use http://localhost:3000/auth.
Note: With Instagram (as well as most other APIs), the callback URL is permanently set when you register your client. So you'll often have to create separate clients for your live server, and your local one.

App: Bypass authentication for Open Graph facebook requests

I have a Facebook app that can't be used before a user log in via Facebook (OAuth). Some pages (e.g. example.com/books/2) should be accessible for Open Graph requests (when they have been liked). Currently, Facebook isn't able to retrieve those pages since authentication is required (redirect). How can I determine if an incoming request is coming from Facebook or not? Or should I take another approch?
Thank you!
Just add an exception so that Facebook's crawler can reach the page, The user agent is currently facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+http://www.facebook.com/externalhit_uatext.php)
(but the version number may increment someday)