Whats the MAX value for accessTokenExpiration in MobileFirst Hybrid application.
MobileFirst Server version: The default is 3600 seconds.
There is no max limit to the expiry. You can configure the value using the
<accessTokenExpiration> property in application-descriptor.xml
Using MFP8 now, Earlier version was having compressResponse true for adapter. how to use that in MFP 8 ?
Am getting huge JSON object for a particular webservice, I need to know the size of the JSON in KB within adapter before returning to client side.
Compression on adapter response is available in MFP 8.0 as well and is enabled by default.
The default adapter response compression threshold is 20480 bytes ( 20 KB).
To configure the value, in the MobileFirst Operations Console, navigate to Runtime Settings -> Runtime Properties -> GZIP compression threshold for adapter responses.
Edit the default value to configure your own threshold.
Every time i try to invoke a protected ressource i get this error :
"{"errorCode":"invalid_client","errorMsg":"Incorrect JWT format"}"
I tried almost all cordova-plgin-mfp versions,
I have the latest IFIX for mobilefirst and updated my mfpdev-cli,
What is wrong ??
As you have observed, this error occurs when there is a mismatch of server and device time. This can not be configured or bypassed.
My server time was 17:38 and my mobile time was 17:36 so i changed the server time to match exactly the mobile time and it worked,
is this behavior normal ? and is it configurable or can i bypass it ?
i'm using liberty and database DB2 10.5 and MobileFirst 7.1
While i'm uploading wlapp file(file size 50mb and above) in worklight console it says
Throwable Connection Closed : Read failed. Possible end of stream encountered, while redirecting request to http://XX.XX.XX.XX:9080/wladmin/management-apint-apis/1.0/runtimes/sample/applications?async=true
kindly let me know, what can be the maximum size of .wlapp file that i can upload to IBM Mobilefirst console
During upload an error is throwing approximately in 1 minute. Is there a way to increase the timeout in configuration.
Kindly advice.
There is no filesize restriction for .wlapp files.
Note that an iFix was recently publishing handling the timeout values when uploading .wlapp files via the console: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1PI59605
Make sure you are using an iFix level that is greater than 2016-03-23.
You can verify your iFix build number in the console's About screen.
I'm doing a demo in MF Studio 7.1, but I can not make the direct update work in the studio, I have test on at leat 3 workstations. Anyone knows why?
Please see the Direct Update tutorial, and specifically the following section: https://mobilefirstplatform.ibmcloud.com/tutorials/en/foundation/7.1/advanced-client-side-development/using-direct-update-to-quickly-update-your-application/#underTheHood
Because MobileFirst Platform Foundation Server 7.1 is session-independent, this affects Direct Update as well.
The setting of when to check for a Direct Update is now based on tokens; the check for an update will be made only once the token expires.
You can adjust it in the following ways:
Remove the wl_DirectUpdate realm from the used security test in authenticationConfig.xml and instead explicitly call the WL.Client.checkForDirectUpdate API to check for an update
Change the wl.realm.expiration.directUpdate value in the your-project\server\conf\worklight.properties file to a lower value.
Note for production environments: The lower the value, the more network traffic will incur. The value should be configured with care.
WL 6.1
I have an application with:
ConnectOnStartup: true
heartBeatIntervalInSecs: 30
If the server is started and I start the application I can see in the application log a trace each 30sec for the heartbeat
But if the server is stopped and I start the application there is no trace for the heartbeat.
I handle the connection error with the onConnectionFailure and I let the application to start.
Is this ok? How could I enable the heartbeat manually?
I have tested this on Android.
Thank you.
There is API for this: WL.Client.setHeartBeatInterval(interval)
-1 to disable
Any other number (in seconds)
In your implementation simply either disable or enable (by setting an interval) whenever required.