Duplicate error messages in .NET Core - error CS0116 - msbuild

Steps to reproduce
dotnet new console
(introduce a bug in Program.cs)
dotnet restore
dotnet build
The typical output would be:
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 15.1.548.43366 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Program.cs(5,5): error CS0116: A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods [/Users/xxx/Documents/myproj/myproj.csproj]
Program.cs(5,5): error CS0116: A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods [/Users/xxx/Documents/myproj/myproj.csproj]
0 Warning(s)
1 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:00:01.77
You can see the error CS0116 is reported twice.
Is there a way to avoid the duplication in the reporting of errors?

The second error is part of the console logger's summary. This can be disabled by passing in /clp:NoSummary to msbuild. However, there is currently a bug in the CLI when it is the first MSBuild argument to dotnet build. Add any other MSBuild command before it to make it work. Since you want to reduce the verbosity, let's just use /nologo for the workaround:
dotnet build -c Release /nologo /clp:NoSummary
However, it works great if you use MSBuild directly:
dotnet msbuild /clp:NoSummary /p:Configuration=Release
In the upcoming 2.0.0 release, the CLI always overrides the summary parameter for dotnet build, so you'll have to use dotnet msbuild instead (I opened an issue on GitHub on that).

You can make your own MSBuild logger, instead of using the default console logger. There are really good instructions in Build loggers.
Essentially, you could make your own logger that captured all the data, and then emitted a simple summary at the end.
dotnet build /noconsolelogger /logger:YourCustomLogger.dll


Build Fails with "Error:The process '/usr/bin/dotnet' failed with exit code 1" after adding "no-build:true" in the dotnet pack command

The CI pipeline works well if I remove the nobuild:true option from the DotNetCoreCLI#2 task to pack the Project (ie to create a NuGet package) but I am not able to understand what special except not building the project does the nobuild option brings.
I need not want to build the Project again as the Previous task have already build the Project and locked the Assembly version of DLLs generated. I want to use the same build to create the NuGet package and to do the same I need to pass the NoBuild option but doing the same breaks the pipeline.
The pipeline gives the error that the DLLs to be packed are not present at the specified location but I tried to look at the location and I could find the DLLs.One thing that confuses me is that though I have given nobuild to be true but still the tasks shows as Building the Project.
- task: DotNetCoreCLI#2
displayName: ".NET pack"
command: pack
packagesToPack: ${{ parameters.packagesToPack }}
nobuild: true
versioningScheme: byEnvVar
versionEnvVar: CI_Version
packDirectory: $(build.artifactStagingDirectory)\${{ parameters.packTo }}
verbosityPack: 'Normal'
Its also important to note that the same thing( nobuild:true) works on Windows Agent but it fails on Ubuntu Agent.
PS: It could be a case where windows has upgraded the agent and has caused the issue. I searched over the issue and found that one has to lock the .net SDK in the build pipeline
Thanks for the other answers that may be related to the issue but things were already taken care.
The issue was only on the Linux Environment because of an issue in .NET SDK. Refer here
The error(DLLs could not be found in the path specified ) that was being generated was correct in somehow but also it was misleading. The DLLs were being generated in Release folder at the build stage and when I was packing the DLLs they were being searched in release folder.
Though Release and release remains the same in Windows Environment but Ubuntu being case sensitive generates the Error.
The SDK implementation of .Net Core missed the IgnoreCase in the Regex option and that caused the build to break on switchin to a Linux Agent.
Dotnet Pack:
Solution: Define the folder where to generate the DLLs in the .csproj and the automatically build and pack step would pick the DLLs from there.
For this error NU5026 ,it refers to the project being packed has not been built yet and hence cannot be packed. Please view this reference.
The file ''F:\project\bin\Debug\net461\project.exe' to be packed was not found on disk.
According to your description, you canceled the automatic build before pack. There's possibility that your build task and pack task did't run with same configuration. For example, In dotnet build task, the project is automatically built with Debug configuration, and in the pack task you set the configuration as Release.
In dotnet build task, the project is automatically built with Debug configuration.
In the dotnet pack task , the default Configuration to Package is Release
If you do not cancel the automatic build before pack, in the .net pack task the project is built in Release configuration.
So please check the log of your build task and pack task, make sure the dotnet build command and dotnet pack command use the same configuration.

Stop SSDT being published when MSBuild publish run

I have a ClickOnce project that I'm publishing on DevOps. I've set the MSBuild Arguments property for the WinForm solution's build stage in DevOps to /target:Publish in order to trigger the creation of all the ClickOnce files:
However, that solution also contains an SSDT project, and adding the /target:Publish setting appears to then cause the build process to try publish the SSDT too. That then fails with the error:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
error MSB4044: The "SqlPublishTask" task was not given a value for the
required parameter "SqlPublishProfilePath"
Presumably it's failing because there's no publish profile specified in a build parameter for the SSDT to use.
I don't want MSBuild to publish the DacPac to a server, I just want it to create the DacPac. How can I stop the /target:Publish triggering the SSDT publish, is there another build argument I can add to stop that happening?
Notes on what I tried so far to solve this, none of which has worked:
Read about the -target switch in the MS Build official docs in the MSBuild command-line reference and in the MSBuild targets section.
Looked at the code in the .csproj file to try and identify the 'Publish' sections - think Publish must also call Build.
Unticking Deploy for the SSDTs in the solution configuration in VS
Adding entries for False in the Release and Deployment configurations in the SSDT's .csproj file, and also setting that to false for the Debug configuration (as per this question)
Setting MSBuild to only publish one project using the MS Build arguments on DevOps (as per this answer)
Considered pulling the ClickOnce publish out into an entirely separate stage using Mage.exe as per this Walkthrough: Manually deploy a ClickOnce application
Tried to create a publish profile that doesn't actually publish, so that the publish stage can complete (was looking at this question for ideas on that and also the official documentation for SqlPackage.exe)
Eventually I solved the issue above a completely different way. Instead of getting MSBuild to do what I wanted it to, I instead split the solution configuration in two, with one stage for the databases and one for the WinForms project without the databases.
I then used two separate VS Build stages on DevOps with only the WinForms stage still having /target:Publish set.
I've written that up here, but would still like to know the answer to whether it's possible to tell MSBuild not to build the SSDTs when the target is set to Publish?

Teamcity 9x ignoring MsBuild parameters

I am trying to build, package and deploy a web application using Teamcity but for some reason Teamcity is ignoring the properties that I am passing to MsBuild.exe.
I have created a step in the build configuration to build, package and deploy teh application to the local server. Here are the properties:
Passing them as command line parameters to MSBuild step or declaring them as System Properties in Parameters tabs doesn't seem to work. Teamcity builds the application but ignores the package and deployment steps!
If I execute MSBuild through command line on the same server (with the same params) the package and deployment works.
I am following the steps mentioned in Troy Hunt's series: https://www.troyhunt.com/you-deploying-it-wrong-teamcity_26/
I have read a lot of stack overflow questions and it seems to work seamlessly for others. I am not sure what's going wrong.
I would really appreciate any help.
Update - Build log
> Step 2/2: Build (MSBuild) (51s)
[18:32:48][Step 2/2] ##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='buildStageDuration:buildStepRUNNER_18' value='0.0']
[18:32:48][Step 2/2] Starting: C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\plugins\dotnetPlugin\bin\JetBrains.BuildServer.MsBuildBootstrap.exe /workdir:C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\b12fe165603f4f19 /msbuildPath:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe
[18:32:48][Step 2/2] in directory: C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\b12fe165603f4f19
[18:32:56][Step 2/2] Targets were not defined in the build configuration.
[18:32:56][Step 2/2] MSBuild command line parameters contain "/property:" or "/p:". It is recommended to define System Property on Build Parameters instead.
[18:33:02][Step 2/2] EnsembleID.Web\EnsembleID.Web.csproj.teamcity: Build target: Build (37s)
[18:33:40][Step 2/2] Process exited with code 0
It turned out to be a version issue :/
I tried different options for MSBuild version - Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5, 4.0 etc.
Finally, Microsoft Build Tools 2015 option worked.
For the past week I have been banging my head on this and I lost track of what all different permutations I tried. I had installed all the different versions of framework tools and web deployment tools, I am not sure why the other options didn't work for me. So if someone is facing a similar problem, make sure to try out different MSBuild version.

TFS 2013 using VS2015 MSBuild with TfvcTemplate.12.xaml template

After adding MSBuild arguments:
/tv:14.0 /p:VisualStudioVersion=14
I get the following error message:
C:\Builds\10\IW_*****\Dev\src\Sites\******\Properties\CompileLicxFiles_Patched.targets (98): The "LC" task was not given a value for the required parameter "TargetFrameworkVersion".
I'm trying to build using VS2015 (TFS2013 server)
Found this: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/1406942/new-required-lc-task-parameter-targetframeworkversion
However, I've checked and all projects in the solution have 4.5.2 version assigned.
Log (it seems it's still using VS2013):
Added package 'NEST.1.9.1' to folder ...
Added package 'FluentAssertions.4.17.0'....
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe /nologo /noconsolelogger "C:\Builds\10\IW_****\Dev\src\Solution123.All.sln" /nr:False /fl
To use VS 2015, the argument should be /p:VisualStudioVersion=14.0.
First thing first.
I was using VS2015 to edit TfvcTemplate.12.xaml build template which cased issues. For some reason, when using VS2015 - it was modifying the xaml document incorrectly. To make any type of changes to TfvcTemplate.12.xaml template you have to use VS2013!
TfvcTemplate.12.xaml does not contain "ToolPath" variable. To make this work I simply added "14.0" (quotes necessary) under "ToolVersion"
TFS2013 will use VS2015 MSBuild to run the build. No need for MSBuild command line switches. Works without them.
Output log:
Run MSBuild00:13:39 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server
12.0\Tools\nuget.exe restore "C:\Builds\9************\packageRestore.proj" -NonInteractive MSBuild
auto-detection: using msbuild version '14.0' from 'C:\Program Files
You could also just modify your build definition with Visual Studio. On the process tab of the build definition that uses TfvcTemplate.12.xaml expand 2.5 section to see the MSBuild arguments. Add the below arguments to the build definition and save it. I assume your problem was you had /p:VisualStudioVersion=14 instead of /p:VisualStudioVersion=14.0.
/p:VisualStudioVersion=14.0 /tv:14.0

MSBuild fails due to error APPX0002: Task 'GenerateAppxPackageRecipe' failed. Value cannot be null

I'm attempting to do a command line package deploy for our Windows Store Application.
My command line instructions are:
msbuild /m /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=x86 /target:Build
I'm using VS2013 Professional with Windows 8.1
I get the following error:
C:\Program Files
error APPX0002: Task 'GenerateAppxPackageRecipe' failed. Value cannot
be null.\r [C:\Path\Project.csproj]
C:\Program Files
error APPX0002: Parameter name: source\r [C:\Path\Project.csproj]
How should I resolve this?
This error was resolved by using the correct version of msbuild.exe
On a clean build server with VS2013 installed, there are (at least) two copies of msbuild.exe installed. In our case the install locations were:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\Bin\msbuild.exe
The one in the .Net Framework folder was the one that gave us the errors. Using the version installed in the Program Files folder resolved the issue.
It's impossible to help you without having the code which can reproduce the error. I suspect some property does not resolve correctly when building outside VS(eg VisualStudioVersion) and needs to be passed from command line. VS also uses msbuild to build your projects, so comparing build logs from VS and CMD should help you track down the problem.
I suggest, that you set visual studio's build output verbosity to diagnostic, clean solution, than build and capture the build log.
Then clean solution and build from command line with verbosity set to diagnostic and /fl switch(log to file, because diagnostic build log is way too long to analyse in console window).
Compare command-line output to VS output. Look for the differences. With diagnostic level of verbosity, chances are, you'll find out what's missing (I had similar issues with database projects failing to build from cmd due to VisualStudioVersion variable not being resolved correctly, so I passed it from command line).
NB: diagnostic log is very verbose which makes analysis hard: I'd start from detailed verbosity level.
I have deleted all files/folders from "project"/bin folder, cleaned the solution and rebuild with success !
For those facing the issue on hybrid app (corodova in my case), delete the build folder manually and re-build from VS.
Standard clean solution didn't do the job.