SKShapeNode update physics body on touch - objective-c

I'm currently developing a IOS game using SpriteKit.
I have a background which is SKShapeNode. Basically the path of this shape is a bezierPath with some curves. This path can be updated by the player using the touchBegan or touchMove trigger.
- (void) touchesMoved:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event{
CGPoint touchPoint = [[touches anyObject] locationInView:self.view];
// Create path
UIBezierPath* newPath = ...
// Update path
[self.backgroundShape setPath:newPath.CGPath];
[self.backgroundShape setPhysicsBody:[SKPhysicsBody bodyWithEdgeLoopFromPath:newPath.CGPath]];
While updating the path of the background, some other SKNodes can enter inside my background.
Let's say we have the floor of a table at y0 (original vertical position) with some boxes on it (SKNodes). When updating the physics of the table to another vertical position (for instance y0 + deltaY), the boxes (which are affected by gravity) fall down at the bottom of the screen.
How can I prevent this ? I want to update the physics of the table but I want the boxes to stay on it.
Short video of the current issue

In your gamescene:
func keepBallOnTable() {
if ball.frame.minY < table.frame.maxY {
ball.position.y = table.frame.maxY + (ball.size.height / 2) + 1
override func didFinishUpdate() {
You will have to translate to objC :P
Video results of implementation
gist of the whole gamescene
Physicsbody and things like .moveTo and .position don't mix very well. You will have to fight the physics system everytime you try to mix them. Hence, the function I created above :)


New scene is created from its frame size but it keeps getting smaller each time. Why?

I am writing a game in which the user must prevent falling objects (rocks) to pass the button of the screen using some plates, each click make a plate at that position but he can only have 5 plates at each time and clicking on sixth point vanished the first plate while creating a new one.
That was a brief on how my game mechanics work.
Here is the part of my code that counts falling objects(sprites) using physics and if they became more than 10 a game over message will be shown and the code restarts the game, a new game. to have a new game I need to
[self enumerateChildNodesWithName:#"rock" usingBlock:^(SKNode *node, BOOL *stop) {
if (node.position.y < 0)
[node removeFromParent];
score.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# %li",ScoreMSG,(long)ScoreNum];
if (ScoreNum > 10)
score.fontSize = 40;
score.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame),CGRectGetMidY(self.frame));
score.text = #"Game Over!";
SKScene *spaceshipScene = [[GameScene alloc] initWithSize:CGRectMake(0, 0,CGRectGetMaxY(self.frame),CGRectGetMaxX(self.frame)).size];
printf("%f %f",CGRectGetMidX(self.frame),CGRectGetMidX(self.frame));
SKTransition *doors = [SKTransition doorsOpenVerticalWithDuration:0.25];
[self.view presentScene:spaceshipScene transition:doors];
ScoreNum = 0;
GameScene is subclassed from SKScene like this
#import <SpriteKit/SpriteKit.h>
#interface GameScene : SKScene
The code works find but the plates (all of the sprites on the screen) gets squeezed from sides
The following picture shows the results, first time, second time and third time, I needed 10 reputation to include 3 pictures so I had to merge them all into one picture, Here it is.
Sorry, looks like I can not embed an image since I have not enough reputation!
Why each my scene squeezes?
Looks like you set a scaleMode in your viewController.viewDidLoad that handles your game scene, nothing wrong with your physics code (in your question).
look for something like this scene.scaleMode = SKSceneScaleModeAspectFill usually SKScenes are automatically scaled based on the screen size of the device and it is upto SKScene to provide you a scene.
Your scenes in your pictures shows that scenes have a complete and full cover but they are scaled.
It is kind of hard to handle sprite size while do not controling scale. I suggest to get ride of every Scale Mode and remark them all and control the scale your self.
if you are not going to zoom in/out as I believe it is the case in your game you just need to reset the scenes scale to 1 each time after each scene transition.

UIScrollView - Custom Map - Prevent marker subview on map from scaling with map

I have a custom map of a limited area, and have it set up to correctly show the users' location. The map is a 1600px square image within a UIScrollView.
I have a crosshair image to show the current location of the user, which at zoomScale 1.0 is the desired size. When I pinch and zoom the scrollView, the crosshair scales with it. I would like to have the subview remain the same size on screen.
I haven't been able to find any information on this, what would be the best way to go about this?
If there is anything I can provide you with to help the answer, please let me know.
Many thanks!
Having looked in to this further, there is a UIScrollViewDelegate method - (void)scrollViewDidEndZooming:(UIScrollView *)scrollView withView:(UIView *)view atScale:(float)scale which I tried using to take the marker's current center and size, then adjust, but this only scales at the end of the zoom. I would prefer to have the marker remain the same size while the user is zooming.
Cake has provided a great answer below, but I haven't been able to implement this in the way I imagined it would be.
I have the UIImageView as a placeholder, with alpha set to 0. This placeholder moves around relative to the map to show the user location. This operates as I expect it to. Unfortunately, this resizes with the map, as it is a subview of the map (so it stays in place).
Taking Cake's below answer, I have created the non-scaling crosshair image, and added it as a sibling subview to the scrollview. The maths, once Cake had pointed them out, were quite simple to get the new frame for the crosshair:
CGPoint ULPC =;
float zs = scrollView.zoomScale;
CGRect newFrame = CGRectMake(((ULPC.x * zs) - scrollView.contentOffset.x) - 20, ((ULPC.y * zs) - scrollView.contentOffset.y) - 20, 40, 40);
Where the image is 40points wide. This matches the centers perfectly.
The problem I now have is that I cannot get the crosshair image to stay locked to the placeholder.
I have tried using a self calling animation as such:
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.05
options:(UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction | UIViewAnimationOptionCurveLinear )
userLocationDotContainer.frame = newFrame;
} completion:^(BOOL finished){
// Call self
[self animateUserLocationAttachment];
As soon as I start scrolling/zooming, this locks the animation so that the crosshair just sits in place until I release the scrolling/zooming, then it correctly updates it's location.
Is there any way I can get around this, or an alternative method I can apply?
Many thanks
EDIT 3 -
I've re-accepted Cake's answer as it covers 90% of the issue. Further to his answer I have implemented the ScrollViewDelegate methods scrollViewWillBeginDragging: andscrollViewWillBeginDecelerating: to scale the placeholder to match the current size of the crosshair relative to the map, show the placeholder (that is a subview of the map image) and hide the crosshair image. The delegate method scrollviewWillBeginZooming:withView: does not show the placeholder because it scales with the map. As Cake recommends, I'll make a new question for this issue.
The counterpart methods (scrollViewDidEndZooming:withView:atScale:, scrollViewDidEndDragging:willDecelerate: and -scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:`) all hide the placeholder, and re-show the crosshair.
The question is old but for the future similar questions I've recently resolved a similar problem applying the hint of Andrew Madsen of another post.
I'had a UIScrollView, with an UIImageView in it. Attached to the UIImageView I had many MKAnnotationView (those are my subviews that I didn't want scaling with the superview).
I did subclass UIImageView and implement setTransform: method like here:
#import "SLImageView.h"
#implementation SLImageView
- (void)setTransform:(CGAffineTransform)transform
[super setTransform:transform];
CGAffineTransform invertedTransform = CGAffineTransformInvert(transform);
for (id obj in self.subviews)
if ([obj isKindOfClass:[MKAnnotationView class]])
[((UIView *)obj) setTransform:invertedTransform];
This works perfectly!
Create another crosshair image that's associated with the view or view controller that contains the scrollview. Then have this one always snap to the center of the crosshair image you already have. Then, hide your original crosshair image. Then you can avoid having the scrollview scale the disassociated crosshair, and it should stay the same size.
Relative coordinate systems
Each view in cocoa touch has a frame property that has an origin. In order to position an object owned by one view properly relative to another view, all you have to do is figure out the differences in their origins. If one view is a subview of another, then this isn't too difficult.
Get the origin of the container view
Get the location of the subview inside of the container view
Get the origin of the subview
Calculate the difference in the positions of the origins
Get the location of the object you want to overlap (relative to the subview)
Calculate the location of the object you want to overlap relative to the container view
Move your crosshair to this position
Swift equivalent for Mick's answer:
class MapContainerView:UIView {
#IBOutlet var nonScalingViews: [UIView]!
override var transform: CGAffineTransform {
didSet {
guard let nonScalingViews = nonScalingViews else {
let invertedTransform = CGAffineTransformInvert(transform)
for view in nonScalingViews {
view.transform = invertedTransform

iOS - Math help - base image zooms with pinch gesture need overlaid images adjust X/Y coords relative

I have an iPad application that has a base image UIImageView (in this case a large building or site plan or diagram) and then multiple 'pins' can be added on top of the plan (visually similar to Google Maps). These pins are also UIImageViews and are added to the main view on tap gestures. The base image is also added to the main view on viewDidLoad.
I have the base image working with the pinch gesture for zooming but obviously when you zoom the base image all the pins stay in the same x and y coordinates of the main view and loose there relative positioning on the base image (whose x,y and width,height coordinates have changed).
So far i have this...
- (IBAction)planZoom:(UIPinchGestureRecognizer *) recognizer;
recognizer.view.transform = CGAffineTransformScale(recognizer.view.transform, recognizer.scale, recognizer.scale);
recognizer.scale = 1;
for (ZonePin *pin in planContainer.subviews) {
if ([pin isKindOfClass:[ZonePin class]]){
CGRect pinFrame = pin.frame;
// ****************************************
// code to reposition the pins goes here...
// ****************************************
pin.frame = pinFrame;
I need help to calculate the math to reposition the pins x/y coordinates to retain there relative position on the zoomed in or out plan/diagram. The pins obviously do not want to be scaled/zoomed at all in terms of their width or height - they just need new x and y coordinates that are relative to there initial positions on the plan.
I have tried to work out the math myself but have struggled to work it through and unfortunately am not yet acquainted with the SDK enough to know if there is provision available built in to help or not.
Help with this math related problem would be really appreciated! :)
Many thanks,
First, you might try embedding your UIImageView in a UIScrollView so zooming is largely accomplished for you. You can then set the max and min scale easily, and you can scroll around the zoomed image as desired (especially if your pins are subviews of the UIImageView or something else inside the UIScrollView).
As for scaling the locations of the pins, I think it would work to store the original x and y coordinates of each pin (i.e. when the view first loads, when they are first positioned, at scale 1.0). Then when the view is zoomed, set x = (originalX * zoomScale) and y = (originalY * zoomScale).
I had the same problem in an iOS app a couple of years ago, and if I recall correctly, that's how I accomplished it.
EDIT: Below is more detail about how I accomplished this (I'm looking my old code now).
I had a UIScrollView as a subview of my main view, and my UIImageView as a subview of that. My buttons were added to the scroll view, and I kept their original locations (at zoom 1.0) stored for reference.
In -(void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView method:
for (id element in myButtons)
UIButton *theButton = (UIButton *)element;
CGPoint originalPoint = //get original location however you want
[theButton setFrame:CGRectMake(
(originalPoint.x - theButton.frame.size.width / 2) * scrollView.zoomScale,
(originalPoint.y - theButton.frame.size.height / 2) * scrollView.zoomScale,
theButton.frame.size.width, theButton.frame.size.height)];
For the -(UIView *)viewForZoomingInScrollView:(UIScrollView *)scrollView method, I returned my UIImageView. My buttons scaled in size, but I didn't include that in the code above. If you're finding that the pins are scaling in size automatically, you might have to store their original sizes as well as original coordinates and use that in the setFrame call.
Thanks to 'Mr. Jefferson' help in his answer above, albeit with a differing implementation, I was able to work this one through as follows...
I have a scrollView which has a plan/diagram image as a subview. The scrollView is setup for zooming/panning etc, this includes adding UIScrollViewDelegate to the ViewController.
On user double tapping on the plan/diagram a pin image is added as a subview to the scrollView at the touch point. The pin image is a custom 'ZonePin' class which inherits from UIImageView and has a couple of additional properties including 'baseX' and 'baseY'.
The code for adding the pins...
- (IBAction)planDoubleTap:(UITapGestureRecognizer *) recognizer;
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"Pin.png"];
ZonePin *newPin = [[ZonePin alloc] initWithImage:image];
CGPoint touchPoint = [recognizer locationInView:planContainer];
CGFloat placementX = touchPoint.x - (image.size.width / 2);
CGFloat placementY = touchPoint.y - image.size.height;
newPin.frame = CGRectMake(placementX, placementY, image.size.width, image.size.height);
newPin.zoneRef = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%d", #"BF", pinSeq++];
newPin.baseX = placementX;
newPin.baseY = placementY;
[planContainer addSubview:newPin];
I then have two functions for handling the scrollView interaction and this handles the scaling/repositioning of the pins relative to the plan image. These methods are as follows...
- (UIView *)viewForZoomingInScrollView:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
return planImage;
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
for (ZonePin *pin in planContainer.subviews) {
if ([pin isKindOfClass:[ZonePin class]]){
CGFloat newX, newY;
newX = (pin.baseX * scrollView.zoomScale) + (((pin.frame.size.width * scrollView.zoomScale) - pin.frame.size.width) / 2);
newY = (pin.baseY * scrollView.zoomScale) + ((pin.frame.size.height * scrollView.zoomScale) - pin.frame.size.height);
CGRect pinFrame = pin.frame;
pinFrame.origin.x = newX;
pinFrame.origin.y = newY;
pin.frame = pinFrame;
For reference, the calculations for position the pins, by the nature of them being pins' centres the pin image on the x axis but has the y-axis bottom aligned.
The only thing left for me to do with this is to reverse the calculations used in the scrollViewDidScroll method when I add pins when zoomed in. The code for adding pins above will only work properly when the scrollView.zoomScale is 1.0.
Other than that, it now works great! :)

Simple multi-touch drawing application on iOS: Too slow (because drawRect() not additive ?)

I am using Quartz 2D to make a simple multi-touch drawing iPad game. The game requires me to draw a new stroke at the finger position every 1/30th of a second.
As far as I know, there is basically no way to get drawRect() to not clear the context every time it is called (self.clearsContextBeforeDrawing = NO; does not work), so my solution was to create a back buffer bitmap (or layer, I can use both), draw every new small stroke into that back buffer every iteration for each finger, and then copy the buffer into the screen every call to drawRect(). In other words:
backlayer = CGLayerCreateWithContext(context, CGSizeMake(W, H), NULL);
offctx = CGLayerGetContext (backlayer);
and then
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
//code here to draw small strokes from old finger position to new one
CGContextDrawLayerInRect(context, [self bounds], backlayer);
This worked without problems while I was testing on my iPad 2, but yesterday I noticed that this same code runs much slower on the new iPad 3. The performance is abysmal, slowing my game down from 30FPS all the way to about 5 or so, probably due to the larger, retina display. I have the same problem if I use a separate CGBitmapContext that I create, and then every iteration I create an ImageRef from it and paint it with CGContextDrawImage.
What approach could I take to address this? It seems like I must redraw everything every iteration since it's not good enough to even pass a small rectange to drawRect of what has changed (since every iteration there would need to be several rectangles for each finger)
Thank you
I managed to resolve this as follows:
I create a new UIView subclass header and implementation files:
#interface fingerView : UIView {
Then in my main view, in header I declare 5 of these views:
fingerView* fview[5];
and in my main view implementation I create 5 views of this instance, one for each finger separately. Also, must make sure to make them, enable multitouch for each of them, and make sure that clearsContextBeforeDrawing is set to NO, as we will be updating tiny rects in each of them at a time, and we dont want the system to clear our work.
for(int i=0;i<5;i++) {
fview[i] = [[pView alloc] initWithFrame:topFrame];
[self addSubview: fview[i]];
[self sendSubviewToBack: fview[i]];
fview[i].opaque= NO;
fview[i].clearsContextBeforeDrawing = NO;
fview[i].multipleTouchEnabled = YES;
Now inside every finger view keep a large array (i use a simple array, say 10,000 long) of x and y positions that the finger had drawn on. Whenever a finger moves, the main view detects it, and calls a [fview[i] updatePos(newx, newy)], and crucially, we will command the view to only update a tiny potion of itself around these coordinates:
[fview[i] setNeedsDisplayInRect: fingerRect];
where fingerRect is a small rect centered at (newx, newy). Inside the drawRect method for every finger view,
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
if (movep==0) return;
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, r, g, b, 1);
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, linewidth);
//paint finger
CGFloat slack= 15;
CGFloat minx= CGRectGetMinX(rect)-slack;
CGFloat maxx= CGRectGetMaxX(rect)+slack;
CGFloat miny= CGRectGetMinY(rect)-slack;
CGFloat maxy= CGRectGetMaxY(rect)+slack;
bool drawing = NO;
for(int i=0;i<movep;i++) {
CGFloat xx= x[i];
CGFloat yy= y[i];
if(xx>minx && xx<maxx && yy>miny && yy<maxy) {
if(drawing) {
// continue line
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, xx, yy);
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, xx, yy);
} else {
// start drawing
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, xx, yy);
drawing= YES;
} else {
drawing= NO;
and also, as I mentioned
- (void)updatePos: (CGFloat)xnew: (CGFloat) ynew
x[movep]= xnew;
y[movep]= ynew;
movep= movep+1;
Hopefully you can figure out how this works. Every view will look into this rectangle that has been modified, and checks all finger positions that went around that rect, and only draws those. This will come down to very few strokes, and so the entire code runs very fast.
The lesson overall is that UIViews are extremely optimized. As much as possible, try to make a whole bunch of them, update them only locally if at all, and let Apple's magic blend it all together.

Drawing lat/lng points on an image

I have the following:
An image - a hand drawn map - of an area of roughly 600x400 meters. The image is drawn on top of Google Maps tiles.
The latitude/longitude (from Google Maps) of the corners of this image. Or put differently, I have the north and south latitude and the east and west longitude of the image.
A latitude/longitude coordinate from iPhone's CoreLocation.
How do I draw a point on this image (or nothing if it's out of bounds), representing the coordinate from CoreLocation?
Added bonus: draw an arrow on the edge of the map, pointing to the coordinate, if the coordinate is out of bounds of the image.
I would like to do this without using a library like proj, in order to not have to bundle a large library, and understand what I'm doing and why.
As you probably guessed by know, I'm writing this in Objective-C. Your answer doesn't have to be in Objective-C, though.
If I understand it correctly, you need to do two things. The first is to put your custom image into a map view and have your custom tiles appear at the correct coordinates, then pan, zoom and so on. The second thing you need to do is to draw a point onto that image at a certain latitude and longitude.
What you need is custom overlays, available in iOS 4 and up. The best place to find out about custom overlays is the WWDC 2010 video called "Session 127 - Customizing Maps with Overlays". There is also custom code available for the video. In the video, the presenter creates a custom map and embeds it in an MKMapView. He also describes a tool which you can use to make your tiles (to cut them up, get their shapes into the Mercator projection and name them properly). His map is scanned from a marine map, then placed on top of the normal map view.
You would be able to use boundingMapRect to create a bounds rectangle by converting your custom map's bounds to points. You can convert between points and coordinates using MKMapPointForCoordinate and MKCoordinateForMapPoint.
As for getting a point drawn on the map, you can do this a couple of ways. The easiest is to just use a custom MKAnnotationView with a dot as its image. This way the image doesn't grow and shrink as you zoom in. If you want the dot to grow and shrink, you should use a custom overlay for that too. You could easily use an MKCircleView, which is a subclass of MKOverlayView
For an arrow, you could use a normal view and rotate it (and place it on one side of the screen) according to the direction of your out-of-bounds point. Use MKMapPointForCoordinate and then calculate the directtion from the centre of your view.
But your best source is going to be that video. He goes into great depth about the whole process and gives source for a working app which is 90% of what you need for your own map.
After some research, I wrote my own library: libPirateMap. It's not very polished, but it works.
In case the link goes down, I'll paste the relevant source code here.
// .h
PirateMap *pirateMap;
PirateMapPoint *pirateMapPoint;
// .m
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
pirateMap = [[PirateMap alloc] initWithNorthLatitude:59.87822
pirateMapPoint = [[PirateMapPoint alloc] init];
pirateMapPoint.pirateMap = pirateMap;
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation {
pirateMapPoint.coordinate = PirateMapCoordinate2DMake(newLocation.coordinate.latitude, newLocation.coordinate.longitude)
PirateMapPoint2D point = [pirateMapPoint pointOnImage];
// use point.x and point.y to place your view.
Relevant .m-code.
#import "PirateMap.h"
static const double RAD_TO_DEG = 180 / M_PI;
static const double DEG_TO_RAD = M_PI / 180;
PirateMapCoordinate2D PirateMapCoordinate2DMake(double latitude, double longitude) {
return (PirateMapCoordinate2D) {latitude, longitude};
// atan2(y2-y1,x2-x1)
#implementation PirateMap
#synthesize northLatitude, southLatitude, westLongitude, eastLongitude,
imageWidth, imageHeight, latitudeImageToWorldRatio, longitudeImageToWorldRatio;
if (self = [super init]) {
self.northLatitude = aNorthLatitude;
self.southLatitude = aSouthLatitude;
self.westLongitude = aWestLongitude;
self.eastLongitude = anEastLongitude;
self.imageWidth = anImageWidth;
self.imageHeight = anImageHeight;
self.latitudeImageToWorldRatio = [self computeLatitudeImageToWorldRatio];
self.longitudeImageToWorldRatio = [self computeLongitudeImageToWorldRatio];
return self;
-(double)computeLatitudeImageToWorldRatio {
return fabs(self.northLatitude - self.southLatitude) / self.imageHeight;
-(double)computeLongitudeImageToWorldRatio {
return fabs(self.eastLongitude - self.westLongitude) / self.imageWidth;
+(double)latitudeToMercatorY:(double)latitude {
static const double M_PI_TO_4 = M_PI / 4;
return RAD_TO_DEG * log(tan(M_PI_TO_4 + latitude * (DEG_TO_RAD / 2)));
#import "PirateMapPoint.h"
PirateMapPoint2D PirateMapPoint2DMake(int x, int y) {
return (PirateMapPoint2D) {x, y};
#implementation PirateMapPoint
#synthesize pirateMap, coordinate;
-(id)initWithPirateMap:(PirateMap *)aPirateMap andCoordinate:(PirateMapCoordinate2D)aCoordinate {
if (self = [super init]) {
self.pirateMap = aPirateMap;
self.coordinate = aCoordinate;
return self;
-(PirateMapPoint2D)pointOnImage {
double xDelta = self.coordinate.longitude - self.pirateMap.westLongitude;
double yDelta = self.pirateMap.northLatitude - self.coordinate.latitude;
return PirateMapPoint2DMake(round(xDelta / self.pirateMap.longitudeImageToWorldRatio), round(yDelta / self.pirateMap.latitudeImageToWorldRatio));
Have you looked into using MapKit? It has methods for converting map coordinates to view coordinates. Have a look at the convert family of methods.
If you are on 4.0 only, you might benefit from the overlay class as well.