React Native - Map function inside of another map function? - react-native

I have this array of data that have 4 objects, and after selecting manually one of this, I don't know how to get all the information inside. For example I want all the data that is inside 'pois' (another array)...I was thinking that should be something like this:
{, index) => (
{, index2) => (
onPress={() => this.onClick(convento)}
<Image style={styles.monumentoPic} source={{uri:''+poi.image}}>
<View style={styles.monumentoTitleContainer}>
<Text style={styles.monumentoTitle}>{}</Text>
But it's not - image of the error, so how can I do it?
Another question is: since I have an array with 4 objects, and each one have a specific category, how can I select only the object that have the 'category' == 'xxxxx'?
Hope you can help me! Thank you

You can do it as follows:
var api = [
category: "Cat_name",
monuments: [
item: 'item1',
pois: [
{name: 'poi1'},
{name: 'poi2'},
{name: 'poi3'},
{name: 'poi4'}
category: "Cat_name1",
monuments: [
item: 'item2',
pois: [
{name: 'poi5'},
{name: 'poi6'},
{name: 'poi7'},
{name: 'poi8'}
To get all pois you can do something as follows:
{ => => =>}
And if you want to check for category name you can do something like:
{ => {
if (i.category === "Cat_name1"){
return => =>
Here is fiddle.


How do I get to a nested array in React Native?

I'm trying to get to the nested array and more specifically to the "dishes" array through the map () method, but to no avail.
id: "1",
name: "Filada Family bar",
type: "Bakery",
rating: "5.0",
favorite: true,
hotOffer: true,
hotOfferPromo: require("../images/offers/offer_1.png"),
dishes: [
id: "1",
name: "Filada Family bar",
category: "cake",
type: "Asian food",
rating: "5.0",
distance: "0.2 km - $$ -",
image: require("../images/restaurants/restaurant_1.jpg"),
I usually only use the following code for the first array, but I need the data from the "dishes" array.
{ => (
<View key={}>
that is just plain javascript. You can either loop restaurants and get dishes or access a restaurant by the index in the array and get the result (or maybe search, filter whatever you need.)
access and index and the dishes property on the object:
<View key={}>
Looping restaurants:
{ => {
return => (
<View key={}>
What you need to understand here is that you have an array of objects. When mapping, the item variable means one of these objects that are being looped through and you can access any property like you would in a regular object.

react-hook-form: how to get the select value

I am using react-hook-form with react-select. The below is the code
import CreatableSelect from "react-select/creatable";
const scriptOptions = [
{ value: "imd", label: "Immediate" },
{ value: "sch", label: "Scheduled" },
render={({ field }) => (
the value of resetType looks like
resetType: {
label: "Immediate"
value: "imd"
instead I want
resetType: "imd"
How to get this done

TextInput field not fetching value inside Map function react-native

i want to fetch 'DeliveredQuantity' in Textinput Field, do anyone know solution for this
const [arrayList, setArraylist]= [
{id:0, ExpectedQuantity:10, DeliveredQuantity:7},
{id:1, ExpectedQuantity:19, DeliveredQuantity:9},
{id:2, ExpectedQuantity:11, DeliveredQuantity:11},
{id:3, ExpectedQuantity:45, DeliveredQuantity:30},
<TextInput value={items.DeliveredQuantity} />
Store the array in a state and use it like this
const [arrayList, setArraylist] = React.useState([
{ id: 0, ExpectedQuantity: 10, DeliveredQuantity: 7 },
{ id: 1, ExpectedQuantity: 19, DeliveredQuantity: 9 },
{ id: 2, ExpectedQuantity: 11, DeliveredQuantity: 11 },
{ id: 3, ExpectedQuantity: 45, DeliveredQuantity: 30 },
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
{, index) => (
<TextInput value={items.DeliveredQuantity} />
Working Example

Section List not displaying

Following the React-Native tutorial and I'm unable to get the data to show.
When I do a console.log my data appears like so:
Array [
Object {
"data": Object {
"address": "8753 2nd Street",
"id": "5507",
"inspection_date": "2019-03-27",
"inspection_time": "07:00:00",
"inspection_time_display": "07.00 AM",
"inspector": "Frank",
"key": "5507",
"title": "8753 2nd Street",
Object {
"data": Object {
"address": "11445 Paramount ave ",
"id": "5505",
"inspection_date": "2019-03-23",
"inspection_time": "10:30:00",
"inspection_time_display": "10.30 AM",
"inspector": "Fabian Hernandez",
"key": "5505",
"title": "11445 Paramount ave ",
I have the "data" and "title" sections as indicated in most tutorials.
My component is like this:
<Header />
renderItem={({item, index, section}) => <Text key={index}>{item}</Text>}
renderSectionHeader={({section: {title}}) => (
<Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>{title}</Text>
keyExtractor={(item, index) => item + index}
This is what I think is happening but I'm obviously wrong since something isn't adding up.
Looping through "sections"
renderItem={({item, index, section}) => <Text key={index}>{item}</Text>}
I'm expecting this above to get the "data".
Getting title:
renderSectionHeader={({section: {title}}) => (
<Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>{title}</Text>
I'm expecting this above to get the "title". What am I missing or doing wrong?
I believe the data key in each of your section objects need to be an array unto itself. Example:
const mySectionedData = [
title: 'section 1',
data: [
{address: '123 street', name: 'me'},
{address: '456 street', name: 'you}
title: 'section 2',
data: [
{address: '789 street', name: 'us'}
This then lets you access {title, data} from each of your sections which allows the section list to then render your section header from title, and a list of items from the data array.
Hope that helps!

React Native Search Filter SectionList

I want to create a search filter for my SectionList but I can't seem to be able to do it. I created a SectionList which shows the clusters with different data. I want to search like sweet or fun from cluster2 but it doesn't work. Below is my code. Would appreciate it if someone can help me or provide an alternate solution to search.
This is my Clusters component
const KEYS_TO_FILTERS = ['data'];
import {ClusterData} from '../data/ClusterData';
export default class Cluster1 extends Component{
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
searchTerm: ''
searchUpdated(term) {
this.setState({ searchTerm: term })
const filteredMoods = ClusterData.filter(createFilter(this.state.searchTerm, KEYS_TO_FILTERS))
<View style={styles.container}>
onChangeText={(term) => { this.searchUpdated(term) }}
placeholder="Type a mood to search"
<SectionListItem item={item} index={index}> </SectionListItem>);}}
keyExtractor={(item, index) =>}>
class SectionListItem extends Component{
<Text style={styles.moodname}>{}</Text>
This is my data component
const ClusterData = [
{ title: 'Cluster1',
{name: 'passionate'},
{name: 'rousing'},
{name: 'confident'},
{name: 'boisterous'},
{name: 'rowdy'}
{ title: 'Cluster2',
{name: 'rollicking'},
{name: 'cheerful'},
{name: 'fun'},
{name: 'sweet'},
{name: 'amiable'},
{name: 'natured'}
You can put your sections data in the state and then you can change it dynamicly, just add to your Cluster1 state dataToShow state and the initial data will be the ClusterData. Then you need to change in the sectionList sections data to sections={this.state.dataToShow}
On your search input function you can add the follow:
searchUpdated(term) {
let matchedItemsArr = [];
//Run a loop to check if the input value match the title.
for(let i = 0; i < this.state.dataToShow.length; i++){
//If the input is empty set the data back to its origin data
if(term === ''){
this.setState({ dataToShow: ClusterData, searchTerm: term });
this.setState({ dataToShow: matchedItemsArr, searchTerm: term });
Simply follow these steps for making search filter function.
suppose we have an array of objects like.
this.state = {
ClusterData : [
{ title: 'Cluster1',
{name: 'passionate'},
{name: 'rousing'},
{name: 'confident'},
{name: 'boisterous'},
{name: 'rowdy'}
{ title: 'Cluster2',
{name: 'rollicking'},
{name: 'cheerful'},
{name: 'fun'},
{name: 'sweet'},
{name: 'amiable'},
{name: 'natured'}
filterArray = (text) => {
let search = text.toLowerCase();
check: this.state.ClusterData.filter(obj =>
and call this function on inputText like
<TextInput onChangeText={(val) => { this.filterArray(val) }} placeholder={'Search'}/>