Reference and Value types -

I have read that String was a "reference type", unlike integers. MS website
I tried to test its behavior.
Sub Main()
Dim s As New TheTest
s.TheString = "42"
Dim z As String = s.GimmeTheString
z = z & "000"
Dim E As String = s.TheString
end sub
Class TheTest
Public TheString As String
Public Function GimmeTheString() As String
Return TheString
End Function
Public Sub GimmeByref(s As String)
s = TheString
End Sub
End Class
So I expected :
z is same reference as TheString, thus TheString would be set to "42000"
Then Z is modified by reference by GimmeByref thus Z is set to whatever TheString is
Actual result:
What point am I missing?
I also tried adding "ByRef" in GimmeByRef : yes obviously the GimmeByRef does work as expected, but it also does if I put everything as Integer, which are said to be "Value type".
Is there any actual difference between those types?

The confusion comes about because regardless of type, argument passing in VB is pass by value by default.
If you want to pass an argument by reference, you need to specify the argument type as ByRef:
Public Sub GimmeByref(ByRef s As String)
You also need to understand the difference between mutating a value and re-assigning a variable. Doing s = TheString inside the method doesn’t mutate the value of the string, it reassigns s. This can obviously be done regardless of whether a type is a value or reference type.
The difference between value and reference types comes to bear when modifying the value itself, not a variable:
Strings in .NET are immutable and thus don’t possess any such methods (same as integers). However, List(Of String), for instance, is a mutable reference type. So if you modify an argument of type List(Of String), even if it is passed by value, then the object itself is modified beyond the scope of the method.

Strings are immutable, every time you do a change it creates a new "reference" like if New was called.
A String object is called immutable (read-only), because its value
cannot be modified after it has been created. Methods that appear to
modify a String object actually return a new String object that
contains the modification. Ref
Your code basically does something like this:
Sub Main()
Dim a, b As String
a = "12"
b = a
a = a & "13"
Console.WriteLine(a) ' 1213
Console.WriteLine(b) ' 12
End Sub


Array of variables declared as string

I have a query regarding creating an array of variables declared as string.
Below is my code. On debugging, the variables show no value.
Need help..
Module Module1
Public Status, PartStat, HomeStat, ClampStat, SldCylStat, PrsCylP1Stat,
PrsCylP2Stat, PrsCylP3Stat, PrsCylP4Stat, PunchStat, SysInProc, Home1,
Home2, Home3, CyclTim, TrqP1Stat, TrqP2Stat, TrqP3Stat, TrqP4Stat,
AngleP1Stat, AngleP2Stat, AngleP3Stat, AngleP4Stat As String
Function AutoReadStatus()
Dim StatArray = {HomeStat, ClampStat, SldCylStat, Home1, PrsCylP4Stat,
PrsCylP2Stat, Home2, PrsCylP3Stat, PrsCylP1Stat, Home3, PunchStat,
AngleP4Stat, AngleP2Stat, AngleP3Stat, AngleP1Stat, TrqP4Stat,
TrqP2Stat, TrqP3Stat, TrqP1Stat}
Status = ReadMultiReg(FormAuto.SP1, "03", "1258", "0013")
For i = 0 To ((Status.Length / 4) - 1)
StatArray(i) = CInt("&H" & Status.Substring(i * 4, 4))
Return Nothing
End Function
End Module
It is not even showing the index of any variable from above array..
Label1.Text = Array.IndexOf(StatArray, SldCylStat)
When you assign a new value to the item inside the array, you assign a new value to the item inside the array (pun intended).
What that means is that item's array now reference the string (or rather the Integer implicitely converted to string as you don't have Option Strict On) you gave and the precedent reference (on your public field) is dropped.
Test this sample code and I think you will understand
Public item As String
Sub Test()
Dim array = {item}
Console.WriteLine(array(0) Is item) ' True
array(0) = "new value"
Console.WriteLine(array(0) Is item) ' False
End Sub
You can see now array(0) reference another object than the one referenced by the item field
As for how to solve it,yYou could pass all those string ByRef that way assignment inside the method would reflect outside of it but that would be tedious.
A "better" way IMO, would be to make a type (a Class) to hold all those string and pass an instance of that type to your method, that way you just mutate the same existing object.
Quick, contrived example :
Class SomeType
Property Item As String
End Class
Sub Test(instance As SomeType)
instance.Item = "new value"
End Sub
' Usage
Dim sample As New SomeType
' here sample.Item is Nothing
' here sample.Item is "new value"

How do I copy Array values to a structure

I would like to to copy that values of an array into a Structure.
' The Array
Dim Columns(2) As String
' The Structure
Private Structure Fields
Public FName As String
Public LName As String
Public Email As String
End Structure
' I would like to map it like so:
Fields.FName = Columns(0)
Fields.LName = Columns(1)
Fields.Email = Columns(2)
Obviously I could write a function if it was so simple, but really there are over 25 columns and it's a pain to write a function that would map it.
Is there some way to do this?
There really is no simple way that will work in all cases. What you are complaining is too much effort is the only way to guarantee that it will work in all cases.
That said, if you can guarantee that the number of elements in the array matches the number of properties/fields in the structure/class and that they are in the same order and of the same types then you could use Reflection in a loop, e.g.
Private Function Map(source As Object()) As SomeType
Dim result As New SomeType
Dim resultType = result.GetType()
Dim fields = resultType.GetFields()
For i = 0 To source.GetUpperBound(0)
fields(i).SetValue(result, source(i))
Return result
End Function
The code I have provided works as is if SomeType is a class but, as I missed the first time around, not for a structure. The reason is that structures are value types and therefore a copy of the original object is being sent to SetValue, so the field value never gets set on that original object. In theory, to prevent a copy being created, you should be able to simply box the value, i.e. wrap it in an Object reference:
Private Function Map(source As Object()) As SomeType
Dim result As Object = New SomeType
Dim resultType = result.GetType()
Dim fields = resultType.GetFields()
For i = 0 To source.GetUpperBound(0)
fields(i).SetValue(result, source(i))
Return DirectCast(result, SomeType)
End Function
As it turns out though, the VB compiler treats that a little differently than the C# compiler treats the equivalent C# code and it still doesn't work. That's because, in VB, the boxed value gets unboxed before being passed to the method, so a copy is still created. In order to make it work in VB, you need to use a ValueType reference instead of Object:
Private Function Map(source As Object()) As SomeType
Dim result As ValueType = New SomeType
Dim resultType = result.GetType()
Dim fields = resultType.GetFields()
For i = 0 To source.GetUpperBound(0)
fields(i).SetValue(result, source(i))
Return DirectCast(result, SomeType)
End Function

How to assign a value to a variable of type Double, that has been passed as Object?

I am trying to assign a value to global variable, which has a Property of type Double. This Property is passed as Object and the assignment fails.
In the example code below, the value is never assigned to the actual object, but only locally:
Public Class Form1
Friend Home As New Building
Private Sub AssignValues() Handles Me.Load
'Objects of different types are added to a list
Dim listObjects As New List(Of Object)
'All the Objects in listObjects are assigned a value that
'is stored as String
For Each o As Object In listObjects
SetProperty(o, "45.6")
Debug.Print("Surface = " & Home.Surface.ToString)
End Sub
Private Sub SetProperty(ByRef Variable As Object, ByVal Value As String)
Select Case Variable.GetType
Case GetType(Double)
Variable = CDbl(Value)
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Building
Dim _surface As Double = 0
Public Property Surface As Double
Return _surface
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Double)
_surface = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
The program invariably outputs Surface = 0 instead of 45.6. What am I doing wrong?
I tried to pass the Variable as reference, as suggested here, but without success. I also read about using Reflection, but there ought to be something simpler than that...
When your adding home.surface to the list, your adding a copy of the double to the list and then adjusting that copy. Stick a watch on "o" and see how it changes whilst home.surface remains the same.
If you want to use reflection, try something along these lines.
Dim prop As Reflection.PropertyInfo = o.GetType().GetProperty("Surface")
prop.SetValue(o, 45.6)
With Variable.GetType you will get always Object, because this is the type of Variable. What you can do with an Object is converting/casting it into a different type (like Double).
The best way to determine the "original type" from where the Object comes would be including an additional variable telling it. Another option might be converting the given Object into the target Type and see if it is not nothing/does not trigger an error. But this second option is not too accurate, mainly when dealing with "equivalent types" like Doubles/Integers.

ByRef in VB.NET

I have written the following code in VB.NET:
Dim obj As Object
obj = "00"
Private Sub Test(ByRef num As Integer)
End Sub
Private Sub Test(ByVal num As Integer)
End Sub
When the value "00" is passed "ByRef" in the method "Test" it converts to 0. But if the value "00" is passed "ByVal" it keeps the same value as "00". How the passed value is being converted only depending of the signature?
In VB6 although the default passing type is "ByRef", still the same code keeps the same value("00")
Could anybody explain the reason behind this contradictory behaviour in VB6 and VB.NET?
The way you are doing it, the ByRef changes the type of the object from string to integer. By default, integer do not have trailling "0" when covnerted to strings.
This example below might help you understand what is hapenning.
Sub Main()
Dim o1 As Object = "00"
Dim o2 As Object = "00"
End Sub
Sub Test1(ByVal num As Integer)
End Sub
Sub Test2(ByRef num As Integer)
End Sub
I suggest you always turn Option Strict On, this will remove a lot of confusion.
The object is of type System.String. It cannot be passed ByRef to a method, it is of the wrong type. So the compiler has to work around it and rewrites the code:
Dim obj As Object
obj = "00"
Dim $temp As Integer
$temp = CInt(obj)
obj = $temp '' <=== Here
The indicated statement is the one that changes the object from a string to an integer. Which, converted again to a string by the MsgBox() call, produces "0" instead of "00".
Notable is that C# does not permit this and generate a compile error. This rewriting trick is rather nasty, if the method itself changes the original object then you'll have a very hard time guessing what is going on since that doesn't change the passed argument value.
ByRef means that value passes by reference and in function will be used the same value what has been sent.
ByVal means that value passes by value (function creates a copy of passed value) and you use only copy of value.

VB.NET: If I pass a String ByVal into a function but do not change the string, do I have one or two strings in memory?

I know strings are immutable, so the minute you change a string reference's value .NET makes a brand new string on the heap.
But what if you don't change the value of a string reference; rather, you simply pass it into a function ByVal -- does this operation copy the string value on the heap as well? My inclination is "no," but I'd like to confirm.
For example:
Public Function IsStringHello(ByVal test As String) As Boolean
Return (String.Compare(test, "Hello") = 0)
End Function
Calling program:
Dim myWord as String = "Blah"
Dim matchesHello as Boolean = IsStringHello(myWord)
I know passing myWord by value makes a copy of the reference to "Blah", but since I have not tried to change the string itself, would it make another copy of the string on the heap?
By the way, string interning is completely unrelated to that. The rule for passing parameters to functions is the same for all reference types (and really, all types), no matter how they are managed internally.
The rule is simple and you have stated it correctly: pass by value copies the reference, not the target. No heap space is copied here.
No. it still uses the copy of the reference to the "Blah".
What makes you think, it will?
On a side note, string are interned.
string s = "hello";
string t = "hello";
s & t both refer to the same string (because it is interned). If you modify s or t, it will create a new string, then.
Passing objects ByVal creates a copy of the pointer, not the object itself. Here's a demonstration:
Module Module1
Dim original As String = "Hello world"
Sub PassByReferenceTest(ByVal other As String)
Console.WriteLine("object.ReferenceEquals(original, other): {0}", _
Object.ReferenceEquals(original, other))
End Sub
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
This program outputs the following:
object.ReferenceEquals(original, other): True
So, the original string and the string we passed by value exist at the same address in memory address. You're not making a copy of the string itself.
Is short, no. It passes a ref to the string. Only one instance of the string itself.
string is a reference type. If you pass it by value, what you are passing is the value of the reference.
The only way you'd get another copy on the heap would be to change the variable's value.
A variable of type System.String effectively holds an "object-ID". Suppose that Object #1934 is a string with the characters "Blah", and you say Dim myWord As String = "Blah". The compiler will then store Object #1934 into myWord. Calling IsStringHello(myWord) would then cause that function to be called with its test parameter equal to Object #1934. In your example, there would be two variables of type System.String in memory--myWord and test, and both would hold the content Object #1934.