A slider to separate 2 content divs - slider

I want to create an "image comparison slider" for contents. Example:
Codepen Link
// Call & init
var cur = $(this);
// Adjust the slider
var width = cur.width()+'px';
cur.find('.resize img').css('width', width);
// Bind dragging events
drags(cur.find('.handle'), cur.find('.resize'), cur);
// Update sliders on resize.
// Because we all do this: i.imgur.com/YkbaV.gif
var cur = $(this);
var width = cur.width()+'px';
cur.find('.resize img').css('width', width);
function drags(dragElement, resizeElement, container) {
// Initialize the dragging event on mousedown.
dragElement.on('mousedown touchstart', function(e) {
// Check if it's a mouse or touch event and pass along the correct value
var startX = (e.pageX) ? e.pageX : e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
// Get the initial position
var dragWidth = dragElement.outerWidth(),
posX = dragElement.offset().left + dragWidth - startX,
containerOffset = container.offset().left,
containerWidth = container.outerWidth();
// Set limits
minLeft = containerOffset + 10;
maxLeft = containerOffset + containerWidth - dragWidth - 10;
// Calculate the dragging distance on mousemove.
dragElement.parents().on("mousemove touchmove", function(e) {
// Check if it's a mouse or touch event and pass along the correct value
var moveX = (e.pageX) ? e.pageX : e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
leftValue = moveX + posX - dragWidth;
// Prevent going off limits
if ( leftValue < minLeft) {
leftValue = minLeft;
} else if (leftValue > maxLeft) {
leftValue = maxLeft;
// Translate the handle's left value to masked divs width.
widthValue = (leftValue + dragWidth/2 - containerOffset)*100/containerWidth+'%';
// Set the new values for the slider and the handle.
// Bind mouseup events to stop dragging.
$('.draggable').css('left', widthValue).on('mouseup touchend touchcancel', function () {
$('.resizable').css('width', widthValue);
}).on('mouseup touchend touchcancel', function(){
}).on('mouseup touchend touchcancel', function(e){
Same as above, but instead of images, I want to create content divs with text, images, html. Like 2 pages with a slider to compare both.

Your comparison script utilizes a resizing a div, so there's no way (that I know of) to achieve this without some considerable trickery (or how to achieve the same effect without resizing).
The only way to prevent the text from automatically wrapping is by using ...
white-space: nowrap;
... but that would just result in one continuous line of text.
Breaks <br> could be inserted from there, but that would just look awful and negate any resizing.
Personally, my approach would be to render the text within a canvas element first (https://www.w3schools.com/graphics/canvas_text.asp).
Since a canvas is treated nearly identical to that of an image, it wouldn't require any changes to the existing comparison script.


Vue: get image width + height returns zero on component load

My component is a modal which displays an <img> with some tags on top.
I get the image dimensions using const size = this.$refs.media.getBoundingClientRect().
However, the height and width is 0, so the tags become placed wrong.
So it seems the image hasn't loaded yet? If I delay getting the height+width with setTimeout, I do get the width and height. But it seems like a not too reliable workaround.
I have "v-cloak" on the modal, but that doesn't work.
I can get the html element with this.$refs.media, but it doesn't mean that the image is loaded, apparently.
So, is there a way to check if the image is loaded? Is there some way to delay the component until the image is loaded?
One more thing: if I add a "width" and "height" in inline style on the img, then those values are available directly. But I don't want to set the size that way because it ruins the responsiveness.
The code doesn't say much more, but it is basically:
<vue-draggable-resizable // <-- each tag
v-for="( tag, index ) in tags"
(other parameters)
convertX (x) {
const size = this.$refs.media.getBoundingClientRect()
return x * (size.width - 100) // <--- 0 width
async mounted () {
this.renderTags(this.media.tags) // <-- needs img width and height
Updated, solution
As the below answer says, I can use the onload event. I also came across the "#load" event, which I tried and it worked. I can't find it in the documentation though(?) (I searched for #load and v-on:load). Using "onload" directly on the image element didn't work though, so #load seems to be the way.
If I have a data property:
data () {
return {
imgLoaded: false
I can set it to true with a method using #load on the image:
<template v-if="imgLoaded = true">
(other parameters)
methods: {
this.imgLoaded = true;
You could load the image first via javascript, and after it's loaded run the renderTags method.
E.g., do something like this:
async mounted() {
let image = new Image();
image.onload = function () {
image.src = 'https://some-image.png'

Resize an already drawn rectangle paperjs

I am creating a rectangle in a canvas using paper JS. The following is code for drawing the rectangle in vue.js.
created () {
const toolDrag = event => {
let trackingRect = new paper.Path.Rectangle(event.downPoint, event.point)
trackingRect.strokeColor = new paper.Color('#2661D8')
trackingRect.strokeColor.alpha = 0.7
trackingRect.strokeWidth = this.strokeWidth
drag: true,
up: true
// Finalise rectangle properties and draw.
let $this = this;
const toolUp = event => {
let newRect = new paper.Path.Rectangle(event.downPoint, event.point)
newRect.strokeColor = new paper.Color(this.getColor().stroke)
newRect.fillColor = new paper.Color(this.getColor().fill)
newRect.strokeWidth = this.strokeWidth
newRect.selected = true;
// Custom data attribute:
newRect.data.type = 'rectangle'
newRect.data.class = ''
// Flag the annotation has been edited and the changes are not saved
this.toolRect = new paper.Tool();
this.toolRect.onMouseDrag = toolDrag;
this.toolRect.onMouseUp = toolUp;
Now I want to allow user to resize this drawn rectangle by dragging any corner of the rectangle, but I am kind of stuck and unable to understand how to do this.
I have seen solutions for resizing a rectangle by changing bounds, but could not find solution for my use case. Any help is appreciated.
There are many ways to achieve what you want.
One of the simplest that I found is to recreate the rectangle, each time you drag one of its corners.
This way, you only have to know the dragged corner position and the opposite corner position and you can easily create the proper rectangle.
Here is a sketch demonstrating a possible implementation.
I think that you should easily be able to transpose it to your specific case.
// This settings controls the handles size.
// This flag allow us to know when we are dragging an handle.
let dragging = false;
// This will store the offset from the handle position to the
// mouse down point. This allow a better drag UX.
let offset;
// This will store the point representing the opposite rectangle corner from
// the one being dragged.
let oppositePoint;
// We start by creating a rectangle in the middle of the canvas.
// This rectangle will be replaced each time a corner is dragged.
let rectangle = createRectangle(view.center - 50, view.center + 50);
// Then, we create an handle for each of the corners.
// These will be used to modify the rectangle shape.
const handles = rectangle.segments.map((segment, index) => new Path.Rectangle({
from: segment.point - HANDLES_RADIUS,
to: segment.point + HANDLES_RADIUS,
fillColor: 'orange',
// We store the segment index bound to this specific handle in the custom
// data object. This will allow us to know, when an handle is clicked,
// which segment is concerned by the event.
data: { segmentIndex: index },
// On mouse down on an handle...
onMouseDown: function(event) {
// ...get and store the opposite segment point.
// We will use it later to redraw the rectangle.
const oppositeSegmentIndex = (this.data.segmentIndex + 2) % 4;
oppositePoint = rectangle.segments[oppositeSegmentIndex].point;
// Store the offset.
offset = event.point - rectangle.segments[this.data.segmentIndex].point;
// Activate dragging state.
dragging = true;
// On mouse move...
function onMouseMove(event) {
// ...don't do nothing if we are not dragging an handle.
if (!dragging) {
// Get the new corner position by applying the offset to the event point.
const activePoint = event.point + offset;
// Recreate the rectangle with the new corner.
rectangle = createRectangle(oppositePoint, activePoint);
// For each corner...
rectangle.segments.forEach((segment, index) => {
// ...place an handle...
handles[index].position = segment.point;
// ...store the potentially new segment <=> corner bound.
handles[index].data.segmentIndex = index;
// On mouse up...
function onMouseUp() {
// Disable dragging state
dragging = false;
// This method is used to avoid duplicating the rectangle instantiation code.
function createRectangle(from, to) {
return new Path.Rectangle({
strokeColor: 'orange'

EaselJs shape hitTest unable to set alpha or visiblity

From the sample I created
I am unable to set the circle's alpha / visiblity when mousedown draw line. But I am able to console log it when its detect hitTest.. Is there advise in this?
Below is the block of codes:
var canvas, stage;
var drawingCanvas;
var oldPt;
var oldMidPt;
var title;
var color;
var stroke;
var colors;
var index;
var rect, circle1;
var currMidPt;
$(document).ready(function() {
function init() {
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
index = 0;
colors = ["#828b20", "#b0ac31", "#cbc53d", "#fad779", "#f9e4ad", "#faf2db", "#563512", "#9b4a0b", "#d36600", "#fe8a00", "#f9a71f"];
//check to see if we are running in a browser with touch support
stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);
stage.autoClear = false;
createjs.Ticker.on("tick", tick);
drawingCanvas = new createjs.Shape();
stage.addEventListener("stagemousedown", handleMouseDown);
stage.addEventListener("stagemouseup", handleMouseUp);
title = new createjs.Text("Click and Drag to draw", "36px Arial", "#777777");
title.x = 300;
title.y = 200;
rect = new createjs.Shape();
rect.graphics.beginFill("#000").drawRect(0, 0, stage.canvas.width, stage.canvas.height);
var container = new createjs.Container();
container.x = 0;
container.y = 0;
stage.addChild(container, title);
circle1 = new createjs.Shape();
function handleMouseDown(event) {
if (!event.primary) { return; }
if (stage.contains(title)) {
color = colors[(index++) % colors.length];
stroke = Math.random() * 30 + 10 | 0;
oldPt = new createjs.Point(stage.mouseX, stage.mouseY);
oldMidPt = oldPt.clone();
stage.addEventListener("stagemousemove", handleMouseMove);
function handleMouseMove(event) {
if (!event.primary) { return; }
var midPt = new createjs.Point(oldPt.x + stage.mouseX >> 1, oldPt.y + stage.mouseY >> 1);
drawingCanvas.graphics.clear().setStrokeStyle(stroke, 'round', 'round').beginStroke(color).moveTo(midPt.x, midPt.y).curveTo(oldPt.x, oldPt.y, oldMidPt.x, oldMidPt.y);
oldPt.x = stage.mouseX;
oldPt.y = stage.mouseY;
oldMidPt.x = midPt.x;
oldMidPt.y = midPt.y;
currMidPt = midPt;
if(circle1.hitTest(currMidPt.x, currMidPt.y)) {
circle1.alpha = 0.6;
circle1.visible = false;
function tick(event) {
// console.log(ndgmr.checkPixelCollision(drawingCanvas,circle1,0,false));
function handleMouseUp(event) {
if (!event.primary) { return; }
stage.removeEventListener("stagemousemove", handleMouseMove);
The main reason this doesn't work is because you are using a stage that never clears itself. This gives you the benefit of a "paint brush", since it just adds new curves as you draw, but the circle can never be removed, since it is painted on to the canvas. If you change the alpha, it just draws on top of the current circle. This is also why your circle gets all aliased, as it constantly draws on top of itself, multiplying the alpha.
Here is a quick edit that shows the circle moving its x position instead of adjusting the alpha. Any time you roll over the original position it will move 10 pixels to the right.
The hitTest code you have used is not correct though, since it always checks the x/y position of the pen against the local coordinates of the circle -- this means the position of the circle doesn't matter. To fix this, you need to find the local coordinates instead:
currMidPt = circle1.globalToLocal(midPt.x, midPt.y);
Here is an updated fiddle showing that behaviour: http://codepen.io/lannymcnie/pen/grejVg?editors=0010
However, to get the effect you are probably looking for, you have to take a different approach. Instead of using the stage auto-clear, use a cached Shape, and update the cache when you draw. This will provide the paint effect, but let the rest of the stage get updated as usual.
// Remove this!
stage.autoClear = false;
// Cache the drawingCanvas once after creating it
drawingCanvas = new createjs.Shape();
// After drawing, update the cache. This is at the end of the mousemove function.
// Use "source-over" to apply the new contents on top, instead of clearing the cache.
I also made a few other changes:
Removed the Ticker listener that updates the stage. Your mousemove already updates the stage when the contents change. If you want to reintroduce the ticker update for other content, then remove the stage.update() calls everywhere else, as they are redundant.
Moved the drawingCanvas below the circle/container. This just makes sure the circle is always visible for the demo
Here is a final demo with these changes:
Hope that helps!

How to add background-color to text navigation on image slider?

I have an image slider that is controlled by text navigation. The text is highlighted orange when it's relative slide is current in the gallery. I would like the other text to have an inactive state with a black background but cannot get this to work!
(In case that didn't make much sense! Basically, I want background-color orange when current, background-color black when inactive.) THANKS
if(e == 0){
$(this).attr('id', 'handle' + e);
$('.tabs li').each(function(e){
if(e == 0){
$(this).addClass('current'); //adds class current to 1st li
$(this).wrapInner('<a class="title"></a>'); //wraps list items in anchor tag
$(this).children('a').attr('href', '#handle' + e);//adds href to the anchors
t = $(this).children('a').text();
$('#handle' + e).append('<h2>' + t + '</h2>'); //adds h2 and text to big images
$('.tabs li a').click(function(){
c = $(this).attr('href');
return false;
showImage($(c), 20);
$('.tabs li').removeClass('current');
return false;
function showImage(img, duration){
"opacity" : 0.0,
"zIndex" : 2
img.animate({opacity:1.0}, duration, function(){
function rotateImages(){
var curPhoto = $("div.current");
var nxtPhoto = curPhoto.next();
var curTab = $(".tabs li.current");
var nxtTab = curTab.next();
if (nxtPhoto.length == 0) {
nxtPhoto = $('#featured div:first');
nxtTab = $('.tabs li:first-child');
showImage(nxtPhoto, 300);
function runRotateImages(){
xx = setInterval("rotateImages()", 5000);
I have added a jsfiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/n5EPM/3/
However, on jsfiddle it does not seem to automatically cycle through the images, not sure why, have no problems in browser.
Try using not() method: http://api.jquery.com/not/
Basically, you need to create a new class disabled
Then, add the following line to your tabs.li's each loop:
$(".tabs li").not(".current").addClass('disabled'); //add disabled class for non-current tabs
At last you need to remove disabled class in the rotateimage() function before assigning current and then disable non-current again. like this:
nxtTab.removeClass('disabled'); //remove diabled class
$(".tabs li").not(".current").addClass('disabled'); // disable non-current again
Working jsfiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/n5EPM/9/
This might not be the perfect solution but you will need to tweak it a little bit.
Hope this helps.

DOM seems to be rendered after 'painted' event?

In a dataview I change on "painted"-event the width and height of some dom-elements. That works, sometimes. Sometimes the new values are overwritten with the definitions of the CSS file.
setOverviewImages: function( e , element ) { // called after "painted" event
var overview = this.getMyoverviewView();
var newWidth = parseInt(overview.element.getWidth() / 2 - 50);
var overviewImages = Ext.select( '.myoverview-container' );
overviewImages.each( function(el , c , index) {
el.setSize( newWidth , newWidth );
Which event fires when DOM is rendered?
DOM should be ready when you handle "show" event
If that's not what you want you can use initialize or activate also.