The separator between keywords in PDF meta data - pdf

I cannot find an "official" documentation on whether the keywords and keyword phrases in the meta data of a PDF file are to be separated by a comma or by a comma with space.
The following example demonstrates the difference:
keyword,keyword phrase,another keyword phrase
keyword, keyword phrase, another keyword phrase
Any high-quality references?
The online sources I found are of low quality.
E.g., an Adobe press web page says "keywords must be separated by commas or semicolons", but in the example we see a semicolon with a following space before the first keyword and a semicolon with a following space between each two neighbor keywords. We don't see keyword phrases in the example.

The keywords metadata field is a single text field - not a list. You can choose whatever is visually pleasing to you. The search engine which operates on the keyword data may have other preferences, but I would imagine that either comma or semicolon would work with most modern search engines.
Reference: PDF 32000-1:2008 on page 550 at 1. Adobe; 2. The Internet Archive
ExifTool, for example parses for comma separated values, but if it does not find a comma it will split on spaces:
# separate tokens in comma or whitespace delimited lists
my #values = ($val =~ /,/) ? split /,+\s*/, $val : split ' ', $val;
foreach $val (#values) {
$et->FoundTag($tagInfo, $val);

I dont have a "high-quality references" but, if i generated a pdf using latex i do it in the following way:
adding in my main.tex following line:
then i write a file main.xmpdata and add this lines:
\Title{My Title}
\Author{My Name}
\Copyright{Copyright \copyright\ 2018 "My Name"}
\Subject{My Short Discription}
after generating the pdf with pdflatex i used a python script based on "pdfminer.six" to extract the metadata
from pdfminer.pdfparser import PDFParser
from pdfminer.pdfdocument import PDFDocument
from pdfminer.pdftypes import resolve1
fp = open('main.pdf', 'rb')
parser = PDFParser(fp)
doc = PDFDocument(parser)
if 'Metadata' in doc.catalog:
metadata = resolve1(doc.catalog['Metadata']).get_data()
print(metadata) # The raw XMP metadata
The part with the Keywords then look like this:
...<rdf:Bag><rdf:li>KeywordA</rdf:li>\n <rdf:li>KeywordB...
and looking with "Adobe Acrobat Reader DC" at the properties of "main.pdf" i find in the properties the following entry in the section keywords:

CommonLook claim to be "a global leader in electronic document accessibility, providing software products and professional services enabling faster, more cost-efficient, and more reliable processes for achieving compliance with the leading PDF and document accessibility standards, including WCAG, PDF/UA and Section 508."
They provide the following advice on PDF metadata:
Pro Tip: When you’re entering Keywords into the metadata, separate
them with semicolons as opposed to commas.
although give no further reasoning as to why this is the preferred choice.


Lucene query result is not correct when running official demo

I tried Lucene official demo by running IndexFiles with arguments -index . -docs . , and console prints including pom.xml and *.java and *.class are added into index.
Then I tried SearchFiles with arguments -index . -query "lucene AND main", and console prints only IndexFiles.class and SearchFiles.class and, but not (which I think should be one of searched results).
Your search results are correct (for the .java files, at least).
The sample code uses the StandardAnalyzer which, in turn, uses the StandardTokenizer.
The StandardTokenizer splits input text into tokens using the rules described in this document. For example, from section 4 of that document:
When you have text such as the following, in the source files
this is tokenized as a single token. There are no word boundaries.
Looking in the source file, there is the following text:
demonstrating simple Lucene indexing
This is tokenized into 4 separate tokens.
But in the source file, the text "lucene" only ever appears in text such as org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer - and therefore the single token lucene is never created.
Your query therefore does not find any hits in the document because the query matches exact tokens. Both source files contain the word "main" but only one contains the word "lucene".
For the .class files, because these are compiled bytecode files, I would say they should not be indexed in the first place. Lucene works with text files, not binary files. Yes, the class files will contain fragments of text, but they will also typically contain unprintable control characters, which are not suitable to be indexed. I think indexing results could be unpredictable because of this.
You can explore the indexed data using Luke - which is bundled in the binary releases:

Custom Speech: "normalized text is empty"

I uploaded a wav and text file to the custom speech portal. I got the following error: “Error: normalized text is empty.”
The text file is UTF-8 BOM, and is similar in format to a file that did work.
How I can trouble-shoot this?
There can be several reasons for a normalized text to be empty, e.g. if there are words of Latin and non-Latin characters in a sentence (depending on the locale). Also, words that are repeated multiple times in a row may cause this. Can you share which locale you're using to import the data? If you could share the text we can find the reason. Otherwise you could try to reduce the input text (no need to cut the audio for this) to find out what causes the normalization to discard the sentence.

What do the ASCII characters preceding a carriage return represent in a PDF page?

This is probably a rather basic question, but I'm having a bit of trouble figuring it out, and it might be useful for future visitors.
I want to get at the raw data inside a PDF file, and I've managed to decode a page using the Python library PyPDF2 with the following commands:
import PyPDF2
with open('My PDF.pdf', 'rb') as infile:
mypdf = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(infile)
raw_data = mypdf.getPage(1).getContents().getData()
Looking at the raw data provided, I have began to suspect that ASCII characters preceding carriage returns are significant: every carriage return that I've seen is preceded with one. It seems like they might be some kind of token identifier. I've already figured out that /RelativeColorimetric is associated with the sequence ri\r. I'm currently looking through the PDF 1.7 standard Adobe provides, and I know an explanation is in there somewhere, but I haven't been able to find it yet in that 756 page behemoth of a document
The defining thing here is not that \r – it is just inserted instead of a regular space for readability – but the fact that ri is an operator.
A PDF content stream uses a stack based Polish notation syntax: value1 value2 ... valuen operator
The full syntax of your ri, for example, is explained in Table 57 on p.127:
intent ri (PDF 1.1) Set the colour rendering intent in the graphics state (see, "Rendering Intents").
and the idea is that this indeed appears in this order inside a content stream. (... I tried to find an appropriate example of your ri in use but cannot find one; not even any in the ISO PDF itself that you referred to.)
A random stream snippet from elsewhere:
/CS0 cs
1 1 1 scn
1.5 i
/GS1 gs
0 -85.0500031 -14.7640076 0 287.0200043 344.026001 cm
/Sh0 sh
(the indentation comes courtesy of my own PDF reader) shows operands (/CS0, 1 1 1, 1.5 etc.), with the operators (cs, scn, i etc.) at the end of each line for clarity.
This is explained in 7.8.2 Content Streams:
A content stream, after decoding with any specified filters, shall be interpreted according to the PDF syntax rules described in 7.2, "Lexical Conventions." It consists of PDF objects denoting operands and operators. The operands needed by an operator shall precede it in the stream. See EXAMPLE 4 in 7.4, "Filters," for an example of a content stream.
(my emphasis)
7.2.2 Character Set specifies that inside a content stream, whitespace characters such as tab, newline, and carriage return, are just that: separators, and may occur anywhere and in any number (>= 1) between operands and operators. It mentions
NOTE The examples in this standard use a convention that arranges tokens into lines. However, the examples’ use of white space for indentation is purely for clarity of exposition and need not be included in practical use.
– to which I can add that most PDF creating software indeed attempts to delimit 'lines' consisting of an operands-operator sequence with returns.

making a list of traditional Chinese characters from a string

I am currently trying to estimate the number of times each character is used in a large sample of traditional Chinese characters. I am interested in characters not words. The file also includes punctuation and western characters.
I am reading in an example file of traditional Chinese characters. The file contains a large sample of traditional Chinese characters. Here is a small subset:
首映鼓掌10分鐘 評語指不及《花樣年華》
增減20處 趙本山香港戲分被刪
教李小龍武功 葉問決戰散打王
My strategy is to read each line, split each line into a list, and go through and check each character to see if it already exists in a list or a dictionary of characters. If the character does not yet exist in my list or dictionary I will add it to that list, if it does exist in my list or dictionary, I will increase the counter for that specific character. I will probably use two lists, a list of characters, and a parallel list containing the counts. This will be more processing, but should also be much easier to code.
I have not gotten anywhere near this point yet.
I am able to read in the example file successfully. Then I am able to make a list for each line of my file. I am able to print out those individual lines into my output file and sort of reconstitute the original file, and the traditional Chinese comes out intact.
However, I run into trouble when I try to make a list of each character on a particular line.
I've read through the following article. I understood many of the comments, but unfortunately, was unable to understand enough of it to solve my problem.
How to do a Python split() on languages (like Chinese) that don't use whitespace as word separator?
My code looks like the following
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import codecs
wordfile = open('Chinese_example.txt', 'r')
output = open('Chinese_output_python.txt', 'w')
LINES = wordfile.readlines()
Through various tests I am sure the following line is not splitting the string LINES[0] into its component Chinese characters.
A_LINE = list(LINES[0])
I mean you want to use this, from answerer 'flow' at How to do a Python split() on languages (like Chinese) that don't use whitespace as word separator? :
from re import compile as _Re
_unicode_chr_splitter = _Re( '(?s)((?:[\ud800-\udbff][\udc00-\udfff])|.)' ).split
def split_unicode_chrs( text ):
return [ chr for chr in _unicode_chr_splitter( text ) if chr ]
to successfully split a line of traditional Chinese characters.. I just had to know the proper syntax to handle encoded characters.. pretty basic.
my_new_list = list(unicode(LINE[0].decode('utf8')));

Reading blocks of text from a CSV file -

I need to parse a CSV file with blocks of text being processed in different ways according to certain rules, e.g.
Each block of text will be grouped so the first three rows will be parsed using certain rules and so on. Notice that the last two groups have only one single column but each group must be handled in a different way.
I have the chance to propose the customer the format of the file so I'm thinking to propose the following.
[group 1]
[group N]
A kind of sections like the INI files from some years ago. However I'd like to hear your comments because I think there must be a better way to handle this.
I proposed to use XML but the customer prefers the text files.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Ps. using and VS 2008
You can use regular expression groups set to either an enum line mode if each line has the same format, or to an enum multi-line if the format is not constrained to a single line. For each line in multiline you can include \n in your pattern to cross multiple lines to find you pattern. If its on a single line you don't need to include \n also know as Carriage return line feed in your regex matching pattern. as well as many other modern programming language has extensive support for grouping operations. You can use index groups, or named groups.
Each name such as header1 or whatever you want to name it would be in this format: <myname>
See this link for more info: How do I access named capturing groups in a .NET Regex?.
Good luck.