Unable to change Spinnaker Time zone using configue file - spinnaker

I am trying to change spinnaker timezone that is hosted on my Aws Ec2 instance . I changed the value in spinnaker-local.yml and restart spinnaker service .
but its not showing the impact on my spinnaker management ui timezone.
Thanks in advance.

You also need to change the timezone in the UI's settings.js file.
This is the field that controls the timezone in the UI. Changing it really depends on how you manage Spinnaker's configuration, but that's what you'll want to change.


How to apply changes to Zeppelin env and site in Amazon EMR?

I am trying to apply changes to the Zeppelin environmental values in my EMR after launch but it is not working. The changes I am trying to add are as below taken from https://zeppelin.apache.org/docs/0.9.0/setup/storage/storage.html
zeppelin-env.sh: (from /etc/zeppelin/conf/ and /etc/zeppelin/conf.dist/)
export ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_S3_CANNED_ACL=BucketOwnerFullControl
Or zeppelin-site.xml: (from /etc/zeppelin/conf/ and /etc/zeppelin/conf.dist/)
<description>Saves notebooks in S3 with the given Canned Access Control List.</description>
As in the text block, I tried overwriting both the files in conf and conf.dist and then
sudo systemctl stop zeppelin and start. But whenever I re-enter Zeppelin and look at the configurations page I can confirm that the changes did not take effect (also tested). I am not sure what is going on.
How do I add environmental or site values on a running EMR? I'd prefer doing it in a paragraph, but that doesn't seem possible. I am using EMR 5.30.1 if that adds any context.
Update: Zeppelin 0.82 does not support cannedACL settings. Support started from Zeppelin 0.9 which starts with EMR 5.33.0. BUT still does not work.
I can use aws api to upload a file to the other account bucket and it works fine when I add the ACL there, but not in Zeppelin, even when the change reflects in the Configuration page. And this goes for Zepp 0.9 and 0.10. What is going on? Why does this not work? I'm doing a simple df.write.parquet

After deploy taking time to reflect changes

I have a project which is built-in ReactJs. and I am using s3 and CloudFront for deployment.
I am facing an issue whenever I deploy code after deployment it takes too much time to reflect changes. sometimes I have to manually clear browser cookies for the latest changes. Do I need to configure S3 or CloudFront settings?
Follow this steps:
Go to cloudfront :
Do invalidation of objects
Create entry /*
Reference : https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/cloudfront-serving-outdated-content-s3/

Setting RavenDB license for automated deployment in kubernetes

I am trying to deploy a RavenDB instance on a Kubernetes cluster. The deployment should be fully automated, i.e. there should be no need to access the UI to configure something.
I have found plenty of documentation on how raven in a container can be configured, e.g. with command line args via RAVEN_ARGS, environment variables (e.g. RAVEN_License_Eula_Accepted), or a custom settings.json file in a mounted volume.
I have tried all the options above, and they all work, except when trying to set a license. I have tried to set either License directly as a JSON string or License.Path pointing to a license.json file mounted in a volume. Yet whenever I access the UI after deploying the container, I get a notification telling me I need to set a license.
Can anyone tell me how I can get Raven to use the license I provide via the approaches mentioned above?
You need to bootstrap the cluster with some kind of operation for the license to be picked up. For example, create a database or call the /admin/cluster/bootstrap endpoint.

Force reload the clickhouse config?

How can I forcefully reload the clickhouse configuration? I need to make changes to /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml (remote_servers). Can I force clickhouse to re-read the file without restarting the service?
The server tracks changes to config files and files that were used for substitutions and overrides and reloads users and clusters configurations in runtime. That is, you can add or change users, clusters and their settings without relaunching the server. For remote_servers server read config immediately after the request
Restart the ClickHouse Database to apply the configuration changes: in Ubuntu:
sudo service clickhouse-server restart

InvalidAMIID with Amazon AWS EC2 API

I'm querying the AWS API and trying to launch an instance with the AMI ID that is located in us-west-1a. This is failing with an error of InvalidAMIID. Using the same API keys I'm able to launch an AMI in us-east-1b. Has anyone have experience with this? I'm positive I'm doing something wrong. Not sure if this is the right place to ask.
The AMI's are different from region to region -- you can't call an AMI in us-east-* in us-west-*. If this is a custom AMI, you'll need to move it over to the new region, or just find the corresponding AMI if it's a public AMI.
I've been able to narrow this down to one of two things:
The AWS REST API requires both region and availability zone to be specified. It isn't possible to just specify the availability zone.
The above problem lies actually in the 'aws' ruby gem