VB.Net two times split - vb.net

I'm am developing a app, and I have a question.
How can I do two times split?
What I mean is: |abcd,abcd|abcd,abcd
Now I want to split | and then I have two string, those two string I want
to split. How can I split those two strings?
With regards,
Martin de Groot

You can achieve what you want by splitting just once. See the following code.
Sub Main()
Dim test = "|abcd,xyz|abcde,lmno|foo,123"
Dim result = test.Split("|,".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
For Each item In result
End Sub
All you have to do is place all your delimiters in the first argument in an array (or generate one as I have done), and then ensure you have no empty entries and you're good to go. The result will be one array with all the strings you want.

Dim s As String = "|abcd,xyz|abcde,lmno|foo,123"
Dim p() As String = s.Split(New Char() {"|"c}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim sp() As String
For Each foo As String In p
sp = foo.Split(New Char() {","c}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)


How to split on a string instead of a character?

I have a file name like below:
I want to separate it with double underscores "__" and using this code:
Dim MdlNameArr() As String = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strProjMdlName).Split(New Char() {"__"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
myTool.Label9.Text = MdlNameArr(1).ToString
I expect the result will be "hotchkis_type1a" but it returns "fa".
It doesnt recognize single underscore "_".
Is there any method to use it properly?
You need to split on a string rather than just a character, so if we look at the available overloads for String.Split, we find the nearest one to that is String.Split(string(), options) which takes an array of strings as the separators and requires the inclusion of StringSplitOptions like this:
Dim s = "sub_fa__hotchkis_type1a__180310__PUO4x4__180813"
Dim separators() As String = {"__"}
Dim parts = s.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None)
If parts.Length >= 2 Then
Console.WriteLine("Not enough parts found.")
End If

Using Split in Vb.net in last dash

i have two example
output should be
but i got
hcg.com.ph?C402 and hcg.com.?C3032
Dim FinalSplt() As String
Dim ItemBaseCode As String
FinalSplt = value.ToString.Split("-")
ItemBaseCode = FinalSplt(0)
How to split in the last dash?
Here is some code that uses Substring and LastIndexOf.
'test input
Dim si() As String = {"hcg.com.ph?C402-10A-2012-06132017-22", "hcg.com.?C3032-1B-2012-06132017-1"}
'use to verify
Dim sv() As String = {"hcg.com.ph?C402-10A-2012-06132017", "hcg.com.?C3032-1B-2012-06132017"}
For x As Integer = 0 To si.Length - 1
Dim s As String = si(x).Substring(0, si(x).LastIndexOf("-"c))
If s = sv(x) Then
Stop 'verified
End If
Ok, without actually writing code I can see you need to split the string more efficiently.
Firstly, strip the quotes.
Secondly, split the string based on the ? mark.
Take the second string in the array, and split that based on the - mark.
Now you have an array of all the portions, join this array with all except the last element.
Join the new string with the original first part.
Add the quotes back if needed.

Parsing through an Array For Next loop Visual Basic

I am stuck here. Spent hours trying many different approaches but nothing is working
I have an array that holds text that looks like this
The separator is a pica ("|").
What I am trying to do is run through the array and extract the first two columns in separate strings to compare the values, look for the max, and min.
I am trying to end up with a string like this
Here is the solution:
Dim source As String = prices
Dim stringSeparators() As String = {vbCrLf}
Dim result() As String
result = source.Split(stringSeparators,
Dim fString As String = String.Join(Of String)(", ", result.Cast(Of String).Select(Of String)(Function(x) x.Split("|")(0)))
Let's take your example below...
prices = [the array shown above]
For Each i As String In prices
high = (i.Split("|"))(0)
highs = highs & highs1 & ","
The reason you are getting 4,4,5,6,,4,4,5,0,,1,7 is because for each string you are splitting on the | and then taking the first character adding a comma to it.
If you want to get the first column or index whatever you want to call it before the | you need to loop through each string in that array and select out the values...
'this is my test array...
Dim arr As New ArrayList From {"4456|4450|17", "4466|4430|18", "4446|4420|19", "4436|4410|20"}
Now we can use a String.Join function, cast the array for each item as a string and finally select the first item on the split. This will get every item before the | and put them in a string separated with a comma.
Dim fString As String = String.Join(Of String)(", ", arr.Cast(Of String).Select(Of String)(Function(x) x.Split("|")(0)))
If you want the second section select the 1st index as arrays start at 0...
Dim sString As String = String.Join(Of String)(", ", arr.Cast(Of String).Select(Of String)(Function(x) x.Split("|")(1)))
Here is my screenshot of the outputs...

VB.net Trying to get text between first and second slashs only

I am trying to retrive the value of the text between the first and second backslashes... but my coding skills have brought me this far and no futher.
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim splitted = TEST.Split("\"c)
Dim values = splitted.Skip(1).Take(splitted.Length - 2).ToArray()
End Sub
Use regular expressions
Dim matches As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(TEST, "\\(.|\n)*?\\", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
Now if you want those values to come out in message boxes
For Each ma As Match In matches
This will get you both "TWO" and "FOR". If you want just "TWO" then matches(0) is all you need.
Alternatively, if you just want to get the matches into an array in one line, then have each value of the array in a single message box:
Dim values = Regex.Matches(TEST, "\\(.|\n)*?\\").Cast(Of Match)().[Select](Function(m) m.Value).ToArray()
MsgBox(String.Join(", ", values))
Use the Split function. It will split on a string and store the separated values in an array. This is the easiest of all the answers here and is probably the most correct way of doing this.
This is the VB way of doing it:
Dim s() As String = Split("ONE\TWO\TRHREE\FOR\FIVE", "\")
And this is the .NET way of doing it:
Dim mainString As String = "ONE\TWO\TRHREE\FOR\FIVE"
Dim s() As String = mainString.Split("\")
If you want "Two" as result, this should be the simplest approach:
Dim allToken As String() = "ONE\TWO\TRHREE\FOR\FIVE".Split("\"c)
Dim relevantPart = allToken.Skip(1).Take(1)
Dim result As String = String.Concat(relevantPart) ' "Two"
If you don't want a single string but a String() use ToArray:
Dim result As String() = relevantPart.ToArray()
Side-Note: you can't output an array directly, you could use String.Join:
MsgBox(String.Join(", ", result)) ' f.e. comma separated

String Array Thing!

Right - to start with, I'm entering unfamiliar areas with this - so please be kind!
I have a script that looks a little something like this:
Private Function checkString(ByVal strIn As String) As String
Dim astrWords As String() = New String() {"bak", "log", "dfd"}
Dim strOut As String = ""
Dim strWord As String
For Each strWord In astrWords
If strIn.ToLower.IndexOf(strWord.ToLower, 0) >= 0 Then
strOut = strWord.ToLower
Exit For
End If
Return strOut
End Function
It's function is to check the input string and see if any of those 'astrWords' are in there and then return the value.
So I wrote a bit of code to dynamically create those words that goes something like this:
Dim extensionArray As String = ""
Dim count As Integer = 0
For Each item In lstExtentions.Items
If count = 0 Then
extensionArray = extensionArray & """." & item & """"
extensionArray = extensionArray & ", ""." & item & """"
End If
count = count + 1
My.Settings.extensionArray = extensionArray
Obviously - it's creating that same array using list items. The output of that code is exactly the same as if I hard coded it - but when I change the first bit of code to:
Dim astrWords As String() = New String() {My.Settings.extensionArray}
instead of:
Dim astrWords As String() = New String() {"bak", "log", "dfd"}
It starts looking for the whole statement instead of looping through each individual one?
I think it has something to do with having brackets on the end of the word string - but I'm lost!
Any help appreciated :)
When you use the string from the settings in the literal array, it's just as if you used a single strings containing the delimited strings:
Dim astrWords As String() = New String() {"""bak"", ""log"", ""dfd"""}
What you probably want to do is to put a comma separated string like "bak,log,dfd" in the settings, then you can split it to get it as an array:
Dim astrWords As String() = My.Settings.extensionArray.Split(","C)
You need to set extensionArray up as a string array instead of simply a string.
Note that
Dim something as String
... defines a single string, but
Dim somethingElse as String()
... defines a whole array of strings.
I think with your code, you need something like:
Dim extensionArray As String() = new String(lstExtensions.Items)
Dim count As Integer = 0
For Each item In lstExtentions.Items
extensionArray(count) = item
count = count + 1
My.Settings.extensionArray = extensionArray
Then at the start of checkString you need something like
Private Function checkString(ByVal strIn As String) As String
Dim astrWords As String() = My.Settings.extensionArray
There also might be an even easier way to turn lstExtentions.Items into an Array if Items has a 'ToArray()' method, but I'm not sure what Type you are using there...
What you've done is created a single string containing all 3 words. You need to create an array of strings.
New String() {"bak", "log", "dfd"}
means create a new array of strings containing the 3 strings values "bak", "log" and "dfd".
New String() {My.Settings.extensionArray}
means create a new array of strings containing just one value which is the contents of extensionArray. (Which you have set to ""bak", "log", "dfd""). Note this is one string, not an array of strings. You can't just create 1 string with commas in it, you need to create an array of strings.
If you want to create your array dynamically, you need to define it like this:
Dim astrWords As String() = New String(3)
This creates an array with 3 empty spaces.
You can then assign a string to each space by doing this:
astrWords(0) = "bak"
astrWords(1) = "log"
astrWords(2) = "dfd"
You could do that bit in a for loop:
Dim count As Integer = 0
For Each item In lstExtentions.Items
astrWords(count) = item
count = count + 1
Alternatively, you could look at using a generic collection. That way you could use the Add() method to add multiple strings to it
I think you want your extensionArray to be of type String() and not String. When you are trying to initialize the new array, the initializer doesn't know to parse out multiple values. It just sees your single string.