fix cut tile javascript - title

i have code cut tile:
var Enumber1 = new Array();
var text = $(this).text();
if(text.indexOf('[') != -1 || text.indexOf(']') != -1){
var Ntext1 = text.split('[')[0];
Enumber1[i] = text.split('[')[1].split(']')[0];
if(Enumber1[i] != undefined){
TITLE1 -TITL2 >>> div class="title"
[XXX] >>> div class="cut"
Help me fix it
TILE1 in >>> in
2.TITLE >>> in
XXX >>> in

Use this in your script area:
var Enumber1 = new Array();
var longOfArray=0;
var text = $(this).text();
var res = text.replace(" -","");
res = res.split(" ");
//res contains "title1,title2,[xxx]"
longOfArray = res.length;
//lenght of this array is 3
Enumber1 = res;
//stored into your array
//emptied first title
//iterate through array to fill .cut div
for(i=0;i<longOfArray; i++){
//remove first lash [
var firstLash = Enumber1[i].indexOf("[");
Enumber1[i] = Enumber1[i].substring(firstLash+1);
//remove last lash ]
var lastLash = Enumber1[i].indexOf("]");
Enumber1[i] = Enumber1[i].substring(0,lastLash);
$(".cut").append("<p>"+(i+1)+" "+Enumber1[i]+"</p>");
Being your html like this:
<div class="title">
Title1 - Title2 [XXX]
<div class="cut">


Can you pretty print IHtmlContent?

If I have a IHtmlContent can I pretty print it?
var html = new HtmlString("<article><h2>Hello!</h2></article>");
I want it pretty printed with line breaks and indention into:
I do not want:
You could try to JavaScript to add the line breaks and indention into, then, use <pre> tag to render the html content. Please check the following sample:
var html ="<article><h2>Hello!</h2></article>";
<div id="printdiv">
<div id="output">
<input type='button' id='btn' value='Print' onclick='printDiv();'>
#section Scripts{
function printDiv() {
var divToPrint = document.getElementById('printdiv');
//display the pretty html content in the web page.
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "<pre>" + process(divToPrint.innerHTML).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">") + "</pre>";
//create a new window to print the div content.
var newWin ='', 'Print-Window');;
newWin.document.write('<html><body onload="window.print()"><pre>' + process(divToPrint.innerHTML).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">") + '</pre></body></html>');
setTimeout(function () { newWin.close(); }, 10);
function process(str) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = str.trim();
return format(div, 0).innerHTML;
function format(node, level) {
var indentBefore = new Array(level++ + 1).join(' '),
indentAfter = new Array(level - 1).join(' '),
for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
textNode = document.createTextNode('\n' + indentBefore);
node.insertBefore(textNode, node.children[i]);
format(node.children[i], level);
if (node.lastElementChild == node.children[i]) {
textNode = document.createTextNode('\n' + indentAfter);
return node;
The result like this:
You can parse it XML with XDocument.Parse then use XmlWriter with its settings set to Indent to true. Worked for me on my HTML too.
var html = new HtmlString("<article><h2>Hello!</h2></article>");
using var writer = new StringWriter();
html.WriteTo(writer, HtmlEncoder.Default);
var htmlString = writer.ToString();
var settings = new XmlWriterSettings
OmitXmlDeclaration = true,
Encoding = Encoding.UTF8,
Indent = true,
var sb = new StringBuilder();
using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(sb, settings))

DefaultValue in react-select

I am generating dynamic array and passing it to react-select default Value attribute but failing to do so. Here is my code:
//enter code here
if (this.state.campaignDetail && this.state.campaignDetail.length) {
var str = this.state.campaignDetail[0].jobLevel;
var str_array = str.split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < str_array.length; i++) {
jobLevelArray.push({ 'value': str_array[i], 'label': str_array[i] });
} this.setState({ jobLevelArray1:jobLevelArray });
//enter code here
options={this.state.jobLevelOptions} className="basic-multi-select" classNamePrefix="select" />

Responsive datatables handle row click

I'm using a responsive datatables on which I'm trying to handle click on a row, so you get redirected to a new page if you click on the row. This works fine, but if the table is collapsed I cannot show the child row, since clicking on the expand icon activates the row click and I get redirected.
So I'm trying to see if I can check whether the icon is clicked or not, but I cannot figure out how to do it
I have tried to use
in order to see, if the table is collapsed or not, but I still miss how to check what cell i clicked
Simplyfied fiddle can be found here:
But my actually code is
$('#jobListTable tbody').on('click', 'tr', function (e) {
var data = oTable.row( this ).data();
if ( $(this).hasClass('selected') ) {
else {
var selectedTaskID = data.taskID;
var selectedJobNumber = data.jobNumber;
var selectedReqno = data.reqno;
var selectedPriority = data.priority;
var selectedCreatedBy = data.createdBy;
var selectedEmployeeInitials = data.employeeInitials;
var selectedShortDescription = data.shortDescription;
var selectedLongDescription = data.longDescription;
var selectedSourceReference = data.sourceReference;
var selectedAktivitetstype = data.aktivitetstype;
var selectedDueDatetime = data.dueDatetime;
var selectedRecurrence = data.recurrence;
var selectedStatus = data.status;
var selectedStatusColor = encodeURIComponent(data.statusColor);
var teamID = "";
if (sessionStorage.getItem("teamID")) {
teamID = "&teamID="+sessionStorage.getItem("teamID");
} );
Please let me know if you need futher information.
In cases anyone has a simular problem:
I changed my code so I added a button to each row
"columns": [
data: null, // can be null or undefined
defaultContent: '<button type="button" id="jobInfoBtn" class="btn btn-sm"><i class="fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>',
and then changed my on click function
$('#jobListTable tbody').on('click', 'tr', function (e) {
if ( $(this).hasClass('selected') ) {
else {
} );
$('#jobListTable tbody').on('click', 'button', function (e) {
var data = oTable.row( $(this).parents('tr') ).data();
var selectedTaskID = data.taskID;
var selectedJobNumber = data.jobNumber;
var selectedReqno = data.reqno;
var selectedPriority = data.priority;
var selectedCreatedBy = data.createdBy;
var selectedEmployeeInitials = data.employeeInitials;
var selectedShortDescription = data.shortDescription;
var selectedLongDescription = data.longDescription;
var selectedSourceReference = data.sourceReference;
var selectedAktivitetstype = data.aktivitetstype;
var selectedDueDatetime = data.dueDatetime;
var selectedRecurrence = data.recurrence;
var selectedStatus = data.status;
var selectedStatusColor = encodeURIComponent(data.statusColor);
var teamID = "";
if (sessionStorage.getItem("teamID")) {
teamID = "&teamID="+sessionStorage.getItem("teamID");
} );

I cannot integrate js query file in vue

i would like to use a js query code that I found on codepen in my vue project, but im not sure How to integrate it .
I simply pasted the file in my created() of my vue component but it doesn seem to work out.. the code is supposing to run a visual animation when typing chinese caractere in the input form.
this is the codepen :
var $input = $('input');
"focus": function(e) {
"blur": function(e) {
var previous = null;
setInterval( function() {
if( previous !== $input.val()
|| "" === $input.val()) {
getGoodCharacters( $input );
previous = $input.val();
}, 500);
function getGoodCharacters( $this ) {
var output = $this.val().trim();
var letters = output.split("");
var url = "$$$.gif";
$(".error-container, .help").removeClass("show");
for( letter in letters ) {
var img = letters[letter] + "";
var newurl = url.replace("$$$",img);
loadCharacter( newurl , img );
function loadCharacter( url , letter ) {
var img = new Image();
var $output = $(".output-container");
var $a = $("<a/>");
var l = $("input").val().length;
var cwidth = "120px";
if( l > 7 ) { cwidth = "70px"; }
else if( l > 6 ) { cwidth = "90px"; }
else if( l > 5 ) { cwidth = "100px"; }
"href": url,
"title": "Good Character Chinese Symbol: "+ letter + ""
}).css("width", cwidth ).append( $(this) ).appendTo($output);
src: url
var $try = $(".tryme a").on("click", function(e) {
$input.val( $(this).text() );
I also imported the jquery module in my componant
import $ from "jquery";
here is the html that i added in the template
<div class="container input-container">
<input type="text" id="input" placeholder="中文" value="中文"/>

How to create dropdown list with TestSet names in Rally sdk

I'm trying to create dropdown list with names of TestSets. I need that for filtering purpose.
I have tried with below code:
function dropdownChanged(dropdown, eventArgs) {
var selectedItem = eventArgs.item;
var selectedValue = eventArgs.value;
function onLoad() {
var rallyDataSource = new'__WORKSPACE_OID__',
var config = {
type : "testset",
attribute : "name"
var attributeDropdown = new rally.sdk.ui.AttributeDropdown(config, rallyDataSource);
attributeDropdown.display("aDiv", dropdownChanged);
Can anyone help me with that?
You may use Object Dropdown instead of Attribute Dropdown. In this code test set selection from the attribute dropdown results in a table populated with test cases of the selected test set.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var table = null;
function showTable(results) {
var t = " ";
var tableConfig = {
columnKeys : ['Name','FormattedID','TestCases'],
columnHeaders : ['Name','FormattedID','TestCases'],
columnWidths : ['200px','200px', '400px']
table = new rally.sdk.ui.Table(tableConfig);
for (var i=0; i < results.ts.length; i++) {
if (results.ts[i].TestCases){
for(var j = 0; j < results.ts[i].TestCases.length; j++){
// console.log(results.ts[i].TestCases.length);
// console.log(results.ts[i].TestCases[j].FormattedID);
t += " ";
t += results.ts[i].TestCases[j].FormattedID;
function dropdownChanged(dropdown, eventArgs) {
if(table) {
document.getElementById('tableDiv').innerHTML = "";
var queryConfig = {
type : 'testset',
key : 'ts',
fetch: 'Name,FormattedID,TestCases',
query: '(Name = "' + eventArgs.item.Name + '")'
rallyDataSource.findAll(queryConfig, showTable);
function onLoad() {
rallyDataSource = new'111', //USE YOUR OIDs
var config = {
type : "testset",
attribute: "Name",
query : '(ScheduleState = "Defined")'
var objectDropdown = new rally.sdk.ui.ObjectDropdown(config, rallyDataSource);
objectDropdown.display("aDiv", dropdownChanged);
<div id="aDiv"></div>
<div id="tableDiv"></div>