auto updated column by another column in another table - sql

I have two tables, Employee and Sales.
in the Employee table there is a column called 'number of sales'.
but I want it to be uninsertable.
so you cannot insert anything to it, and it will be updated by another factor:
for every column in the Sales that has the same ID as that employee I want to see the number of sales in the Employee 'number of sales' column.
something like [number of sales]=select count(*) from sales s group by employeeID where EmployeeID=s.EmployeeID

The usual approach to this is a trigger (documented here).
You can also use a generated column with a user-defined function.
However, I would caution you from both these approaches because they can be complex and can affect performance in unexpected ways. Instead, why not just create a view?
create view v_employees as
select e.*, s.cnt
from employees e outer apply
(select count(*) as cnt
from sales s
where s.EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID
) s;
You can query the view and get the value whenever you need it. The value is automatically "updated" when the values in sales change -- due to inserts, updates, and deletes.


SQL Query Involving Data From Different Tables

I have two different tables with records I need to join together in a way I can't quite figure out how to make work. My data looks like this.
Table A
Columns: Employee_ID, Employee_Department, Employee_Team, Manager_ID, Is_a_Manager ... many other columns
Sample Values:
12345 Department1 Team1 67890 Yes/No
One employee per row, several thousand rows comprising the entire company
Table B
Employee_ID, Manager_ID ... other columns
The exact same data set as Table A
Currently I'm combining those two tables (and three others) with a simple join on Employee_ID, which I'm then using as a data source in Tableau to visualize the data.
What I'd like to do with a SQL script is as follows:
Check to see whether an employee in Table A is a manager or not based on the Is_a_Manager column
If they are, find an employee in Table B who is one of their direct reports by matching the employee ID in Table A to the Manager ID in Table B.
Lookup that direct report's department and team in Table A by matching the Employee_ID in Table B to Employee_ID in Table A and displaying the Employee_Department and Employee_Team columns.
Add the direct report's department and team to two new columns in the original manager's Table A row
I'd like the final output in Table A to be something like
Employee_ID, Employee_Department, Employee_Team, Manager_ID, Is_a_Manager? ... Direct_Report_Department, Direct_Report_Team
Also, an important point is that some managers will have employees who are on different teams, so values in the Direct_Report_Department and Direct_Report_Team are not distinct. I only actually need any one employee's Department and Team to display, it doesn't matter which employee's it is.
Finally, I am able to do step 1 fairly easily in Tableau, so if the SQL script could do steps 2-4 and simply return a null value if the employee was not a manager, that would work for me as well.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
This should work based on the requirement provided. You don’t have to do any of the steps in Tableau and can simply export the output from the SQL as your data source
Select Tb1.Employee_ID, Tb1.Employee_Department, Tb1.Employee_Team, Tb1.Manager_ID, Tb1.Is_a_Manager, Tb3. Direct_Report_Department, Tb3. Direct_Report_Team
from Table_A Tb1
join (Select Manager_id, max(Employee_id) as emp_id from Table_B group by Manager_id) Tb2
on Tb1.Employee_id = Tb2.Manager_id
left join (Select Employee_ID, Employee_Department as Direct_Report_Department, Employee_Team as Direct_Report_Team from Table_A group by Employee_ID, Employee_Department, Employee_Team) Tb3
on Tb2.emp_id = Tb3.Employee_ID
where Tb1.Is_a_Manager = 'Yes';

Microsoft SQL server select statements on multiple tables?

so I've been struggling with some of the select statements on multiple tables:
Employee table
Assignment table
I'm being asked to display query to display employee full name, number of days between the host country arrival date and host country departure date, number of days between today's date and the assignment scheduled end date and the results sorted according to host country arrival date with the oldest date on top.
also, I'm not familiar with the sort function in SQL server..
Here's my query and I've been getting syntax errors:
FROM Employee
FROM Assignment;
So, Basically what your code is doing is 2 different queries. The first getting all the employees names, and the second one getting the dates of the assignments.
What you'll want to do here is take advantage of the relationship between the tables using a JOIN. That is basically saying "Give me all employees and all of HIS/HERS assignments". So, for each assignment that the employee has, it will bring a row in the result with his name and the assignment info.
To get the difference between days you use DATEDIFF passing 3 parameters, the timespan in which to calculate the difference, the first and the second date. It will then Subtract the first one from the second one and give you the result in the selected timespan.
And finnaly the sorting: Just add 'ORDER BY' followed by each column that you want to use for ordering and then specify if you want it ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).
You can check how I would answer the if that question was proposed to me in a coding challenge.
CONCAT(E.First_Name,' ', E.Last_Name) FullName,
DATEDIFF(DAY,Scheduled_End_Date,getdate()) DaysTillScheduledDate,
DATEDIFF(DAY,Host_Country_Arrival_Date,Host_Country_Departure_Date) DaysTillScheduledDate
FROM Employee As E --Is nice to add aliases
Inner Join
Assignment As A
on E.Employee_ID = A.Employee_ID -- Read a little bit about joins, there are a lot of material availabel an its going to be really necessary moving forward with SQL
order by Host_Country_Arrival_Date DESC -- Just put the field that you want to order by here, desc indicates that it should be descending
You should use a JOIN to link the tables together on Employee_ID:
FROM Employee
JOIN Assignment ON Assignment.Employee_ID = Employee.Employee_ID;
What this is saying basically is that for each employee, go out to the assignments table and add the assignments for that employee. If there are multiple assignments, the employee columns will be repeated on each row with the assignment columns for the assignment.
You need to look for the join and group by. Please find this link for reference tutorial
For now you may try this...
CONCAT(Emp.First_Name,' ', Emp.Last_Name) FullName,
DATEDIFF(DAY,Scheduled_End_Date,getdate()) DaysTillScheduledDate,
DATEDIFF(DAY,Host_Country_Arrival_Date,Host_Country_Departure_Date) DaysTillScheduledDate
FROM Employee As Emp Inner Join Assignment As Assign on Emp.Employee_ID = Assign.Employee_ID
order by Host_Country_Arrival_Date DESC

Which Oracle query is faster

I am trying to display employee properties using C# WPF view.
I have data in '2' different oracle tables in my database:
Those tables structure at high-level is...
Employee table (EMP) - columns:
ID, Name, Organisation
Employee properties table (EMPPR) - columns
ID, PropertyName, PropertyValue
The user will input 'List of Employee Name' and I need to display Employee properties using data in those '2' tables.
Each employee has properties from 40-80 i.e. 40-80 rows per employee in EMPPR table. In this case, which approach is more efficient?
Approach #1 - single query data retrieval:
SELECT Pr.PropertyName, Pr.PropertyValue
AND Emp.Name IN (<List of Names entered>)
Approach #2 - get IDs list using one query and Get properties using that ID in the second query
Query #1:
WHERE Name IN (<List of Names entered>)
Query #2:
SELECT PropertyName, PropertyValue
WHERE ID IN (<List of IDs got from Query#1>)
I need to retrieve ~10K employee details at once where each employee has 40-80 properties.
Which approach is good?
Which query is faster?
The first one, which uses a single query to fetch your results.
Why? much of the elapsed time handling queries, especially ones with modestly sized rows like yours, is consumed going back and forth from the client to the database server.
Plus, the construct WHERE something IN (val, val, val, val ... ... val) can throw an error when you have too many values. So the first query is more robust.
Pro tip: Come on into the 21st century and use the new JOIN syntax.
SELECT Pr.PropertyName, Pr.PropertyValue
WHERE Emp.Name IN (<List of Names Inputted>)
Use first approach of join between two tables which is far better than using where clause two times.

In a loop How to set a value if even one record passes check

I am joining two tables Employee and Wages. Now an employee can have multiple wages as they can be working in different projects and I want the sum of his wages.There is also a column called Employee_benefits_Claimed_Ind. This is an indicator that indicates if the employee claimed any benefits in each project. He can claim benefits for some projects and not claim for some but as far as I am concerned if he claims benefits on even one project he does not qualify. Here is the table I am trying to populate:
(Employee_id NUMBER,
INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE_QUAL(Employee_id, Total_wages, EMployee_disQualify)
SELECT c_Employee_id,
Select Employee_ID as c_Employee_id
from Employees
) e
Select SUM(Wages),
from wages
group by Employee_disQualify
) w on e.employee_id = w.employee_id
However if an employee claims benefits for one and does not for another this will just have two entries because of the GROUP BY. Ideally it should only be one entry with the Employee_disqualify_ind as 'Y' since he claimed benefits on one project. It does not matter if he did not on the other one. How do I go about achieving this?
I'm going to guess at what you're really saying.
In English: For all employees as specified by Employees.Employee_ID, sum up wages on the WAGES table, and set EMployee_disQualify' = 'Y' if any of thewages.Employee_disqualify` flags are set to Yes.
In SQL, That would be:
SELECT e.Employee_ID,
case when
(sum (case w.Employee_disQualify WHEN 'Y' THEN 1 else 0 end)) > 0
FROM Employees e
LEFT JOIN wages w
on e.employee_id = w.employee_id
group by e.employee_ID
(where I've just shown the select).
The main trick is to convert the employee_disqualify flag into something numeric (using CASE) so it can be easily aggregated, and then covert the result of this aggregation back to a Y or a N w/ another CASE. If there is at least one Y in any of matching rows, then the sum will be > 1, so, you'll get a Y as your final result. Otherwise, N. (And again, I'm guessing as to how your field is set.)
If you weren't aggregating, I'd might do it with an in-line select 'Y' where exists . . type cluase, but you're already aggregating anyway for sum(wages) and this gets calculated on the same scan through the wages table, so this should be reasonably efficient.
For example, see here:!4/67691/2

Generate "scatter plot" result of members against sets from SQL query

I have a staff database table containing staff members, with user_no and user_name columns. I have another, department, table containing the departments which staff can be members of, with dept_no and dept_name as columns.
Because staff can be members of multiple departments, I have a third, staff_dept, table with a user_no column and a dept_no column, which are the primary keys of those other two tables. This table shows which departments each member of staff belongs to and contains one row for each user/department intersection.
I would like to have an output in the form of a spreadsheet (CSV file, whatever; I'll be fine mangling the results into a usable form after I've got them) with one column for each department, and one row for each user, with an X appearing at each intersection, as defined in staff_dept.
Can I write a single SQL query which will achieve this result? or will I have to do some "real" programming (because it's not a "real" program until you've nested three or four for loops, obviously) to collect and format this data?
This can be done with a PIVOT table (using SQL Server):
SELECT user_name, [dept1name], [dept2name], [dept3name], ...
(SELECT s.user_name, d.dept_name,
case when sd.user_no is not null then 'X' else '' end as matches
from staff s
cross join department d
left join staff_dept sd on s.user_no = sd.user_no and d.dept_no = sd.dept_no
) AS s
FOR dept_name IN ([dept1name], [dept2name], [dept3name], ...)
) AS pvt
order by user_name
Edit: To generate the PIVOT query dynamically from the list of departments in the table, you would make use of dynamic SQL, i.e., generate the code into a variable and use sp_executesql helper stored procedure. Here's an example:!3/c136d/14
In SQL Server (if you're using SQL Server), I would start with a full outer join (to include all staff and departments, not just those involved in the relation), drop that into a pivot statement to pivot all departments into columns, and then build a short script to generate and dynamically execute that SELECT statement (because the columns created by a pivot statement must be hard-coded, they can't be dynamically generated at run time).
Here's a sample -- it's an unpivot statement, but the concept is pretty much the same.