Cant start Spinnaker UI Deck - spinnaker

Getting error in spinnaker when we start the web-ui.
Get stuck too much. The error i got is:
vendor.bundle.js:9331 Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module netflix.spinnaker due to:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module spinnaker.core due to:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module spinnaker.core.notification.types due to:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'email' of undefined at Object.register
thanks .

What spinnaker version do you run?
Upgrade spinnaker first
perhaps use Minnaker OSS to get started faster for PoC.


Unable to create quarkus project on intellij

Getting the following error:
Initialization failed for '' Please check URL, network and proxy settings. Error message: Cannot download '':
Can't figure out where to start with this issue

keycloak custom identity provider giving build error .I have implemented a custom AbstractIdentityProvider but getting build error

I have implemented a custom idp class extending AbstractIdentityProviderMapper .
and i am getting below error while building and i am using keycloak 17 :
ERROR: Failed to run 'build' command.
ERROR: io.quarkus.builder.BuildException: Build failure: Build failed due to errors
[error]: Build step io.quarkus.deployment.steps.MainClassBuildStep#build threw an exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to record call to method public void org.keycloak.quarkus.runtime.KeycloakRecorder.configSessionFactory(java.util.Map,java.util.Map,java.util.Map,java.lang.Boolean)
at io.quarkus.deployment.recording.BytecodeRecorderImpl.writeBytecode(
at io.quarkus.deployment.steps.MainClassBuildStep.writeRecordedBytecode(
Entire Problem statement is well mentioned here
I have implemented a abstractIdentityProvider mapper to call logic execution upon authentication from external idp .

Ethereum: Error: *** Deployment Failed *** "Migrations" -- invalid sender

I am trying to deploy a smart contract on a private blockchain on ethereum network. But it gives me this error" Error: *** Deployment Failed ***
"Migrations" -- invalid sender."
Now I have done some reading and saw the problem is with the version of "truffle hdwallet provider".
This is the response that I get after installing npm inside directory which shows that hdwallet is installed but still i get this error.
Even if i install another version of hdwallet provider I get the same error as seen below:
I dont understand what am i missing here. If someone can help i will be greatfull. Thanks
Problem solved. It was not actually the problem with truffle hdwallet but the version of truffle. Truffle 5.2.6 was giving me that error and it works fine with truffle 5.0.0.

What does the "skipUncaughtErrors" flag mean by server?

In the TestCafe documentation the skipUncaughtErrors flag mentions: uncaught error or unhandled promise rejection occurs on the server during test execution.
What is meant by server here?
I found this flag after we started getting an issue quite randomly, with very little to debug from:
1) - Error in fixture.beforeEach hook -
Unhandled promise rejection:
Error: [eval("")] Not JSON response
at exports.newError
Figured it was worth a try to set skipUncaughtErrors: true and we haven't seen that issue since. Nonetheless, the team is worried about using features we don't understand. :)
The server word here means a NodeJS process where test code is executed. So, any uncaught error or unhandled promise rejection that occurred in test code will be ignored by TestCafe if the skipUncaughtErrors option is enabled. For more details about TestCafe architecture, refer to the following topic in the TestCafe documentation:

Debug: internal, implementation, error , Bigcommerce Stencil error

I am using bigcommerce stencil and have started working on it and run command "stencil start" and got this error:
Debug: internal, implementation, error
TypeError: Uncaught error:self.assembler.getTranslations is not a
Also check in local (http://localhost:3000/) got below error
{"statusCode":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"An
internal server error occurred"}
Can any body help me why I am getting this error?