How to fill Joining date and id based on following requirement? - sql

I want to fill the joining date and id by creating a new view and output should be like second image

you might be looking for something like:
UPDATE mytable
SET tofill.ID = fillvalues.ID
,tofill.JOININGDATE = fillvalues.JOININGDATE
FROM mytable tofill
FROM mytable
) fillvalues
ON tofill.NAME = fillvalues.NAME
I am not familiar with Oracle, but statement should be teh same or similiar


How to not display an item in select query?

I feel a little stupid asking this because I feel like this is very easy, but for some reason I'm not able to update a query to not select a specific item based on two criteria.
Let's say I have data like this:
ID Name Variant Count1
110 Bob Type1 0
110 Bob Type2 1
120 John Type1 1
So as you can see we have two BOB rows with same ID but different variant (type1 and type2). I want to be able to only see one of the Bob's.
Desired result:
110 Bob Type2
120 John Type1
So what I've been doing is something like
Select ID, Name, Variant, sum(count1) from tbl1
where (id not in (110) and Variant <> 'type1')
Group by Id,name,variant
Please don't use COUNT as a criteria, because in my example it just so happens that Count=0 for the row that I don't want to see. It can vary.
I have many rows where I can have multiple instances of the same id with a variety of different VARIANTS. I'm looking to exclude certain instances of ID based on Variant value
It has nothing to do with latest variant, it has to do with a specific variant. So I'm just looking to basically be able to use a clause where i used the ID and VARIANT, in order to remove that particular row.
Aggregating (grouping) the data like you're doing is one way to do it, although the where condition is a little overkill. If all you want to do is see the unique combinations of ID and Name, then another approach is just to use the "distinct" statement.
select distinct Id, Name
from tbl1
If you always want to see data from a specific Variant then just include that condition in your where clause and you don't need to worry about using distinct or aggregates.
select *
from tbl1
where Variant = 'Type 1'
If you always want to see the record associated with the latest Variant, then you can use a window function to do so.
select a.Id, a.Name, a.Variant
select *, row_number() over (partition by Id order by Variant desc) as RowRank
from tbl1
) a
where RowRank = 1
If there is not a predictable pattern for exclusion then you will have to maintain an exclusion list. It's not ideal but if you want to maintain this in the SQL itself then you could have a query like the one below.
select *
from tbl1
-- Define rows to exlcude
where not (Id = 110 and Variant = 'Type 1') -- Your example
and not (Id = 110 and Variant = 'Type 3') -- Theoretical example
A better solution would be to create an exclusion reference table to maintain all exclusions within. Then you could simply negative join to that table to retrieve your desired results.
Have you considered using an exclusion table where you can place the ID and Variant combinations that you want to exclude? ( I just used temp tables for this example, you can always use user tables so your exclusion table will always be available)
Here is an example of what I mean based on your example:
if object_id('tempdb..#temp') is not null
drop table #temp
create table #temp (
ID int,
Name varchar(20),
Variant varchar(20),
Count1 int
if object_id('tempdb..#tempExclude') is not null
drop table #tempExclude
create table #tempExclude (
ID int,
Variant varchar(20)
insert into #temp values
insert into #tempExclude values (110,'Type1')
,sum(t.Count1) as TotalCount
#temp t
left join
#tempExclude te
on t.ID = te.ID
and t.Variant = te.Variant
where is null
group by
Here are the results:
I think the logic you want is something like:
Select ID, Name, Variant, sum(count1)
from tbl1
where not (id = 110 and variant = 'type1')
Group by Id, name, variant;
For the second condition, just keep adding:
where not (id = 110 and variant = 'type1') and
not (id = 314 and variant = 'popsicle')
You can also express this using a list of exclusions:
select t.ID, Name, t.Variant, sum(t.count1)
from tbl1 t left join
(values (111, 'type1'),
(314, 'popsicle')
) v(id, excluded_variant)
on = and
t.variant = v.excluded_variant
where is not null -- doesn't match an exclusion criterion
group by Id, name, variant;

Hive Query with a large WHERE Condition

I am writing a HIVE query to pull about 2,000 unique keys from a table.
I keep getting this error - java.lang.StackOverflowError
My query is basic but looks like this:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE (Id = 1 or Id = 2 or Id = 3 Id = 4)
my WHERE clause goes all the way up to 2000 unique id's and I receive the error above. Does anyone know of a more efficient way to do this or get this query to work?
You may use the SPLIT and EXPLODE to convert the comma separated string to rows and then use IN or EXISTS.
using IN
SELECT * FROM yourtable t WHERE
explode(split('1,2,3,4,5,6,1998,1999,2000',',')) as id
) ;
SELECT * FROM yourtable t WHERE
explode(split('1,2,3,4,5,6,1998,1999,2000',',')) as id
) s
Make use of the Between clause instead of specifying all unique ids:
i you can create a table for these IDs and after use the condition of exist in the new table to get only your specific IDs

Find distinct values from an inner query

How can I fetch distinct values from an inner query?
I have a table: MyData with columns ID and Starttime.
ID is a hex string
and starttime is a time stamp.
ID and starttime can be a null.
Here is how the table looks:
ID StartTime
01655a70 2014-10-24 06:22:03.0
01655a70 2014-10-24 06:22:03.0
b752 2014-10-15 03:19:03.0
b752 <null>
3922b 2014-10-15 03:19:03.0
d98cb <null>
I want to get distinct ID values that do not have any NULL value in it's starttime column.
Expected result should be:
I have tried:
select distinct(ID) from Mydata where ID in (select ID from MyData where id not like '' and starttime is not null)
select distinct(inner.ID) from (select ID from MyData where id not like '' and starttime is not null) as inner
which seems to yield all the ID entries including the ones that have a null value.
Also looked at the SO posts:
The select distinct query seems straight forward to me, is there something obviously wrong here?
Additional Information:
My DB is a MS Access DB, *.accdb type database.
select from (
select id, count(*) as n_all,
count(starttime) as n_time
from Mydata
group by id
) t
where t.n_all = t.n_time;
count(*) counts all rows
count(col) counts not null col values
Another option:
select distinct from Mydata m1
where not exists (select 1 from Mydata m2 where = and m2.starttime is null);
Your query:
select distinct(ID) from Mydata
where ID in (select ID from MyData
where id not like '' and starttime is not null);
id not like '' this condition doesn't test for null. Use id is not null instead
The subquery just returns all the ids which have not null starttime. So your query doesn't check all the values of starttime for each id and it is equivalent to:
select distinct ID from MyData where id not like '' and starttime is not null;
The second query does the same thing as the first query - you just added an alias for your subquery.

Oracle SQL: Returning a Record even when a specific value doesn't exist

I have a query where I'm trying to pull some values from a table where a specific ID is queried for. If that value doesn't exist, I would still like the query to return a record that only has that ID value I was looking for. Here's what I've tried so far.
Select attr.attrval, attr.uidservicepoint, sp.servicepointid
From bilik.lssrvcptmarketattr attr
Join bilik.lsmarketattrtype type on attr.uidmarketattrtype = type.uidmarketattrtype AND
type.attrtype IN ('CAPACITY_REQUIREMENT_KW') and TO_CHAR( attr.starttime , 'mm/dd/yyyy')in ('05/01/2011')
Right Outer Join bilik.lsservicepoint sp on attr.uidservicepoint = sp.uidservicepoint
Where sp.servicepointid in ('RGE_R01000051574382') Order By sp.servicepointid ASC
In this example, I'm trying to look for RGE_R01000051574382. If that doesn't exist in table SP.servicepointid, I want it to still return the 'RGE_R01000051574382' in a record with nulls for the other values I'm pulling. Normally, when I'm running this, I will be pulling about 1000 specific values at a time.
If anyone has any insight that they can give on this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!
If I understand correctly, you just need to move the WHERE clause into the JOIN clause.
select attr.attrval,
from bilik.lssrvcptmarketattr attr
join bilik.lsmarketattrtype type on attr.uidmarketattrtype = type.uidmarketattrtype
and type.attrtype in ('CAPACITY_REQUIREMENT_KW')
and TO_CHAR(attr.starttime, 'mm/dd/yyyy') in ('05/01/2011')
right outer join bilik.lsservicepoint sp on attr.uidservicepoint = sp.uidservicepoint
and sp.servicepointid in ('RGE_R01000051574382')
order by sp.servicepointid
I think you're saying you want to have a record returned, with the servicepointid column populated, but all others null?
In that case, use a union.
select ...your query without order by...
and sp.servicepointid = 'RGE_R010000515743282'
select null, null, 'RGE_R010000515743282'
from dual
where not exists (select 'x' from (...your query without order by...))
Here's a complete example:
create table test (id number, val varchar2(10));
insert into test (id, val) values (1, 'hi');
select id,
from test
where id = 1
select 1,
from dual
where not exists (select 'x'
from test
where id = 1)

Count(*) with 0 for boolean field

Let's say I have a boolean field in a database table and I want to get a tally of how many are 1 and how many are 0. Currently I am doing:
SELECT 'yes' AS result, COUNT( * ) AS num
FROM `table`
WHERE field = 1
SELECT 'no' AS result, COUNT( * ) AS num
FROM `table`
WHERE field = 0;
Is there an easier way to get the result so that even if there are no false values I will still get:
|yes | 3 |
|no | 0 |
One way would be to outer join onto a lookup table. So, create a lookup table that maps field values to names:
create table field_lookup (
field int,
description varchar(3)
and populate it
insert into field_lookup values (0, 'no')
insert into field_lookup values (1, 'yes')
now the next bit depends on your SQL vendor, the following has some Sybase (or SQL Server) specific bits (the outer join syntax and isnull to convert nulls to zero):
select description, isnull(num,0)
from (select field, count(*) num from `table` group by field) d, field_lookup fl
where d.field =* fl.field
you are on the right track, but the first answer will not be correct. Here is a solution that will give you Yes and No even if there is no "No" in the table:
SELECT 'Yes', (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Tablename WHERE Field <> 0)
SELECT 'No', (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tablename WHERE Field = 0)
Be aware that I've checked Yes as <> 0 because some front end systems that uses SQL Server as backend server, uses -1 and 1 as yes.
This will result in two columns:
SELECT SUM(field) AS yes, COUNT(*) - SUM(field) AS no FROM table
Because there aren't any existing values for false, if you want to see a summary value for it - you need to LEFT JOIN to a table or derived table/inline view that does. Assuming there's no TYPE_CODES table to lookup the values, use:
SELECT x.desc_value AS result,
COALESCE(COUNT(t.field), 0) AS num
FROM (SELECT 1 AS value, 'yes' AS desc_value
SELECT 2, 'no') x
LEFT JOIN TABLE t ON t.field = x.value
GROUP BY x.desc_value
SELECT COUNT(*) count, field FROM table GROUP BY field;
Not exactly same output format, but it's the same data you get back.
If one of them has none, you won't get that rows back, but that should be easy enough to check for in your code.