Optimizer internal error while loading data from U-SQL table - azure-data-lake

Is there a way to get around this error.
"CQO: Internal Error - Optimizer internal error. Assert:
a_drgcidChild->CLength() == UlSafeCLength(popMS->Pdrgcid()) in
Facing this issue while loading data from partitioned U-SQL table.
#myData =
FROM dbo.MyTable;

If you encounter any system error message (or something that says Internal Error), please open a support ticket with us and/or send me your job link (if it happens on the cluster) or a self-contained smallest repro (if it is happening with local run) to usql at microsoft dot com.
UPDATE: This issue has been fixed and will be made available in the next refresh. If you are blocked, please contact me for a private runtime.


Big Query The job encountered an error during execution

I've had this query in BigQuery that I have been updating every day for the last few months. It's been fine - some occasional errors, but retrying has solved the problem.
Bet last few days I am getting the error: The job encountered an error during execution. Retrying the job may solve the problem.
The error description says that it's an external error, so how can I fix that?
I have been retrying (with rather long pauses in between), but I still get the error.
JobID example: bquxjob_152ced5d_169917f0145
Does anyone have any idea what's going on? Is there any data/time limitations I might encounter (but why just the last few days then)?
You can use CGP stackdriver to monitor your BigQuery process using this URL
Interesting information you can find among others are the queryTime heatmap and the Slot usage which might help you understand your problems better
On the subject of the external table usage, you can use Google transfer (See this link for details) to schedule a repeated transfer from CSV to BigQuery table.
The below Image show you how to get to the transfer set up page from the webUI
I encountered this dreadfully useless error in a scheduled query. It was working great and then one day it stopped working at all and has been failing ever since without any other explanation. The StackDriver (now "Logs Explorer") showed nothing more enlightening:
jobStatus: {
errorResult: {
code: 14
message: "Error encountered during execution. Retrying may solve the problem."
errors: [
0: {
code: 14
message: "Error encountered during execution. Retrying may solve the problem."
jobState: "DONE"
Figuring out the actual issue takes a long time because scheduled queries start slowly since they use BATCH priority. What I found in my case was that the partitioned table and "Partition field" setting in the scheduled query was the culprit. I dropped the table and removed the partition field and voila the thing works again (although far from ideal since I need partitioning).
I hope this helps someone else running up against that useless error but in any case, I hope the good folks working on BigQuery find a better error to bubble up.
I ran into this problem when replacing the contents of a partitioned table. Two retries did not help. When I removed the --range_partitioning from the command the update was processed correctly. The table remained partitioned.
So there seems to be an issue about updates to partitioned tables, and when that is the cause these errors might not benefit from retry. I don't know whether there are other causes of this error.
This kind of issue probably has a lot to do with BigQuery quota errors : https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/troubleshoot-quotas#ts-number-column-partition-quota, as mentionned by other answers, such as the 4000 partitions-by-table quota.

What causes error "Procedure unknown"

So at my company we use a billing system which connects to a Firebird database that we have no back-end access to. I am quite new at this company so my familiarity with the Firebird database is not too great. We keep getting this error :
ERROR: Database Engine Error
Sender Class: TGLPreviewBtn
Exception Class: EIBODBError.
IBO ErrorERRCODE=335544569 SQLCODE=-204
Error Message:
ISC ERROR CODE:335544569
Dynamic SQL Error
SQL error code = -204
Procedure unknown
At line 3, column 60
This has been a recurring thing since I've been hired (I've been here for about 45 days), and we've reported this error to the company which hosts the billing system that we use to access the database. The company keeps saying that it's a network issue on our end, however I cannot see any indication of a connection drop on our end.
I have to reiterate that we have no back-end access to this database so I have no way of going to see what GET_SUB_CONTACTLIST even refers to.
Any help will be appreciated, I am just out of college and this is my first job in a position like this so I will use this as a great learning experience.
This cannot be a network error on your end. The error literally means that Firebird was asked to execute a stored procedure called GET_SUB_CONTACTLIST, and that stored procedure does not exist at that time.
So either someone (or something) is creating and dropping stored procedures on the fly, or part of the application is calling a stored procedure that simply does not exist.
As an aside: error 335544569 (aka isc_dsql_error) covers a broad range of error conditions with 'dynamic' SQL (in other words: most SQL related errors...), unfortunately a lot of client libraries do not communicate the more specific error code 335544581 (or isc_dsql_procedure_err).

Read access violation related to input(variable,anydtdtm.);

Somebody tell me I'm not crazy. I have SAS on a server, and I'm running the following code:
data wtf;
a=".123456 1 1";
If I run this on my local computer, no problem. If I run this on the server, I get:
ERROR: An exception has been encountered.
Please contact technical support and provide them with the following traceback information:
The SAS task name is [DATASTEP]
ERROR: Read Access Violation DATASTEP
Exception occurred at (04E0AB8C)
Task Traceback
Address Frame (DBGHELP API Version 4.0 rev 5)
0000000004E0AB8C 0000000009C4EC20 sasxdtu:tkvercn1+0x9B4C
0000000004E030D9 0000000009C4F100 sasxdtu:tkvercn1+0x2099
0000000005FF14BE 0000000009C4F108 uwianydt:tkvercn1+0x47E
0000000002438026 0000000009C4F178 tkmk:tkBoot+0x162E6
Does anyone else get this error???
This is an internal bug that cannot be resolved by the user. You'll need to send this information, your environment description, and the exact steps to recreate the bug over to SAS Technical Support to open up an investigation and determine a workaround.
If your server is a database not made up of .sas7bdat files, it might be due to the SAS/ACCESS engine attempting to translate the function into a way that the server's language can understand, but is unable to do so properly; that is, it might think it's doing it correctly, but it's not. There are special cases where this can occur, and you may have discovered one.
If you are in fact querying some other database, try adding this before running the data step:
options sastrace=',,,d' sastraceloc=saslog;
This will show all of the steps as SAS sends data & functions to and from the server, and may help give some insight.
I am getting the same error on Linux system running SAS 9.4
AUTOMATIC SYSVLONG4 9.04.01M3P06242015
Until SAS can fix the informat you probably need to add additional testing in your code to exclude strange values like that.

WIS 10901 error while refreshing Webi report

While refreshing Webi report I am getting an error:
A database error occured. The database error text is: (CS) "Unexpected behavior" . (WIS 10901)
All the objects are parsing in the universe and Server is also responding. What can be the possible reason?
We are also able to run query in the database using database client tool.
If the error message appears after the a long time it might just be a timeout issue.
Else, you could try to import a version of the report that works in CMS to your local drive, rename it and run again.
It can be caused by some special character in the data combined with the fact that the server language settings do not foresee such character and therefore Business Objects cannot parse it for presentation.
If that is the case you might need to configure an environment variable of the server (like NLS_LANG) setting it to a value such that those special characters in your data can be handled by Business Objects.
In my situation, the error appera when some objet from the data base has changed or does not exists anymore. So we need to delete this object in the Universe or be sure that the field exists in the data base with the same name and type.
I had same problem with my reports. After couple hour of "investigation", I found.
I create Object in my universe, and set inappropriate type of object data Number, when value in database have type Character.
It throw me oracle Error (ORA-01722), and Bussiness Object error (WIS 10901), though SQL copied from report creator interface, executed directly on database return proper data.

Oracle error: Application failover does not support non-single-SELECT statement

We are getting the following error using Oracle:
[Oracle JDBC Driver]Application failover does not support non-single-SELECT statement
The error occurs when we try to make a delete or insert over a large number of rows (tens of millions of rows).
I know that the script works, because it was working for almost an year before these error messages start to pop.
We know that no one change any database configuration, so we figure out that the problem must be on the volume of processed data (row number is growing as time goes by...).
But we never see that kind of error before! What does it means? It seems that a failover engine tries to recover from an error, but when oracle is 'taken over' by this engine, it enter in a more restricted state, where some kinds of queries does not work (like Windows Safe Mode...)
Well, if this is what is happening, how can I get the real error message? The one that trigger the failover mechanism?
BTW, below is one of the deletes that triggers the error:
delete from odf_ca_rnv_av_snapshot_week
(we tried this one just to test the simplest delete we could think of... a truncate won't help us with the real deal :) )
check this link
the error seems to come not from Oracle or JDBC, but from "progress". It means that it can only recover from SELECT statements and not from DML.
You'll have to figure out why the failover occurs in the first place.