Oracle BI 12c ,new repository not show in subject area after "RPD upload complete successfully" message - repository

I used command to upload new RPD file and when i got "RPD upload complete successfully", there is no new repository in subject area in OBIEE 12c console on real time.
Some time I should refresh multiple time the page and restart or change my browser to show the new repository in subject area !!
And the other thing is when it shows in subject area, the older one is disappear, something like the new one overwrite the old one and I can't access to that.
Could you help me please, thanks in advance.

It's a "feature" (bug) in most current 12c versions. You must include the -D flag at the end of your datamodel call.


Accurev: Restore workspace to older version

I'm a brand new to Accurev and I'm having many troubles with it. One of the developers I'm working with has promoted bad code (things are now broken that weren't before) for 2 months on a stream, and I'm wanting to get a copy of the original code before any changes were made to it.
I currently have a workspace, and whenever the other developer creates code, I pull his changes into this workspace attempting to fix the bugs. These changes are promoted to an existing issue within Accurev.
Is there any way I can perhaps create a second workspace and obtain a copy of the original code (before any changes were made)? My target date is March 14th.
I would suggest you revert or demote the bad code that was promoted into the stream (Depending on what version of AccuRev you are using). This would put the stream back into the state it was before the promotion occurred.
Below are some suggested readings on the related topics.
Best way to "un-promote" files in Accurev?
As an alternative, you could create a time-based stream below the one with the bad code. Set a time basis that predates the bad promote.
To do this, I right-clicked the stream >> New Snapshot.
I select "Specified" and enter the date (with a relative time).
From the Snapshot, I created a New Workspace which was then populated with previous code.
Hope this helps!

MS Access Split Database - Run time error with backend in new drive location?

I have an MS Access split database and I'm trying to get it to work with the backend on a new, more secure drive on our network. I've used a UNC path for the backend location.
This database has been running without problem on another drive which is totally public to everyone in the company (~4k people, not secure) for about a year. We have a generic account for users to access the database throughout our factory and haven't encountered this problem before I tried to switch it to the new drive. I've contacted our IT department and they've given myself and all my user's accounts read/write access to the drive, but only I can run it.
Other user accounts get these problems...
All of my forms with objects bound to a table immediately throw a runtime error before even getting to Form_Load.
My userforms will run DLookup functions and execute message boxes but throw a runtime error when they go to execute a query.
I've tried using an 'On Error goto' to try and actually find the problem but it throws a runtime error before that.
I can't think at all what the problem might be. IT have told me I have the same permissions as the other users. Any suggestions on what to do?
In the front end of your DB you may have to change the path which links to the tables. The tables are in the back end of the database, which you have now moved and therefore changed the filepath. the frontend wont find them. You can delete the table links in the front end then use External data > import and Link > Access. In order to re-link the tables using their new filepath. You would then need to redistribute your frontend to the users.
I'm not sure if you have already done this, however, you haven't suggested so in your question. hope this helps, apologies if it was helpless.
I hope you have found an answer to this. I wanted to answer as well, because I had the exact same problem yesterday. It turned out that the location was referring other users back to the folder's shortcut name versus it's full length name (it is called the W drive on my computer and the K drive on theirs). I solved the issue by spelling out the name in full.

Pentaho report contents not getting displayed in Pentaho user console? Why ? please answer

I'm facing an error with a .prpt file.
While running the prpt in report designer it just works fine .
But when the same prpt ran in PUC (user console), the report contents are not displayed.
It is a simple report containing total 8 columns with only text and number fields in the detail section and only labels (formulated also) in headers.
Please help with your valuable tips
Check the server logs - there'll be an exception. I've seen this before - frequently it is due to layout issues, not sure why but for some reason in some cases the server bombs, yet the client does manage to render it. Double check the obvious like overlapping elements etc.
Also check the version of your PRD client, and the exact version of the reporting libraries on the server, they MUST match.
I've seen this happen when you have a prpt file that was created in an older (or newer) version of PRD than the server. You'll get javascript errors and onscreen you'll just see a blank page/tab. Make sure your version of PRD matches the server version.

Push and update plugin

1.I was trying to use the push-and-update plugin and failed. after solving the reported error (i change the plugin folder name to push_and_update) all errors disappeared , but its seems that nothing happened --> the "remote" branch still needs to be updated manually.
Please help.
I tried to attach an detailed description of an workflow i prepared , in order to get your comments. the upload was failed due to the fact that i'm new user in this forum. do i have another way to attach image?
Gil Idelson
I think there must already exist a workingtree on the server.
You can use bzr checkout to create one.

[eclipse plugin]saving and loading information of a wizard on an XML file

I work on an eclipse plugin and I've created wizards with SWT / JFace.
In these wizards I need to record some information that has been specified by the users for future use. I saw an example that speaks about this part, I tried to do the same thing but I'm lost !
Behold the link
Is there anyone who can help me on this . What are the main steps that I must follow
thank you in advance
The link is right. Before exiting the wizard, save the data in dialog settings (got using getDialogSettings()) and on next launch restore getDialogSettings().get
May be you want to be more specific in the problem being faced.