I'm exploring Consumer Expenditure microdata (individual level data) from BLS and I'm looking to create a new field for investable assets by adding a number of different fields and bucketing respondents into $250K+ and <$250K. I'm using Tableau Public.
My formula is below. Various fields are things like total value of stock holdings, retirement accounts, checking & saving accounts, etc.
If [Irax] + [Irabx] + [Liquidb] + [Liquidbx] + [Othastx] + [Othastbx] + [Stockbx] + [Stockx] >= 250000 THEN "$250K+"
ELSEIF [Irax] + [Irabx] + [Liquidb] + [Liquidbx] + [Othastx] + [Othastbx] + [Stockbx] + [Stockx] > 250000 THEN "<$250K"
The calculation is valid, however the result is not accurate. The formula buckets everyone into the >$250K bucket, even though there are clearly individuals that have over that amount.
What is happening here?
Define a field called investable assets =
[Irax] + [Irabx] + [Liquidb] + [Liquidbx] + [Othastx] + [Othastbx] + [Stockbx] + [Stockx]
Then define a numeric parameter called [investment threshold] defaulting to 250000
Then finally a calculated field called rich guy =
SUM([investable assets]) > [investment threshold]
Now you can use [rich guy] as desired, and tweak your parameter interactively.
There are other variations, you could use LOD calcs or sets instead. You can define an alias for [rich guy] to display "Loaded and Broke" instead of "True and False". But this is a typical approach for spotlighting.
BTW, the only thing that is especially different than your approach is the use of the function SUM()
I was curious if there is an easy way to sum all attributes in a model without it looking repetitive, and not DRY.
I have a donation app, and this is how I summed everything:
def self.total_donations
array = Category.pluck(
array.inject(0){|sum, x| sum + x}
It's just ugly, but I don't know how to get around adding all of them up without doing something like this.
Check out this one:
def self.total_donations
sum("toilet_paper + dental_hygiene + first_aid + general_hygiene + underwear_socks + blankets + school_supplies + diapers")
The generated SQL:
SELECT SUM(toilet_paper + dental_hygiene + first_aid + general_hygiene + underwear_socks + blankets + school_supplies + diapers)
FROM "categories"
short (no shorter possible)
efficient (all the processing is done on the database layer)
Note, that in the class instance methods you don't have to use Category, because it is self (assuming, the method is in the Category model).
I have an Olap cube created using Microsoft SSAS. Inside I have a many-to-many relationship between source transaction currency and required "Reporting" currency. This is all functional, however to display a dynamic currency symbol I am using the "Currency" format string default and passing in a custom LCID based on the currency selected.
The problem with using the "Currency" format is the decimal places and large numbers. I am reporting millions of pounds/dollars and my CFO wants to see these numbers reported in thousands or millions. To control this I have read about using a special format string like #,, but this won't allow the currency symbol to be shown.
I had an idea to have a special dimension which would equate to 1, 1000, 1000000 and then create a calculated measure which divides by this (obviously defaulting to 1 and not aggregatable), but I have lots of measures.
Can anybody else advise on an alternative approach?
I would just set the FORMAT_STRING via a script assignment:
FORMAT_STRING(([Dim-Currency].[Currency Code].&[USD])) = "$#,,";
FORMAT_STRING(([Dim-Currency].[Currency Code].&[Euro])) = "€#,,";
You may use the SCOPE statement here:
This = case
when [Measures].CurrentMember >= 1000000
then Cstr(Cint([Measures].CurrentMember / 1000000)) + " millions"
when [Measures].CurrentMember >= 1000
then Cstr(Cint([Measures].CurrentMember / 1000)) + " thousands"
else [Measures].CurrentMember
End Scope;
Where Cint return int value and Cstr helps to join int value to text. I'm not sure if it's not too much. I've never used the "Currency" type, honestly.
I'm with #GregGalloway. In our cube-script it is implemented like this:
([Dim-Currency].[Currency Code].&[EUR]);
FORMAT_STRING(This) = '€ #,##0.00';
End Scope;
([Dim-Currency].[Currency Code].&[GBP]);
FORMAT_STRING(This) = '£ #,##0.00';
End Scope;
We render via Pyramid front-end.
I recently found a bug with some Access SQL queries that I can't seem to track down. I have a fairly straightforward SQL query that I use to retrieve data from an access database that's "managed" in an older application (ie the data is already in the database and I have no real control over what's in there).
import pyodbc
MDB = '******.MDB'
DRV = '{Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}'
PWD = ''
con = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={};DBQ={};PWD={}'.format(DRV, MDB, PWD))
sql = ('SELECT Estim.PartNo, Estim.Descrip, Estim.CustCode, Estim.User_Text1, Estim.Revision, ' +
'Estim.Comments, Routing.PartNo AS RPartNo, Routing.StepNo, Routing.WorkCntr, Routing.VendCode, ' +
'Routing.Descrip AS StepDescrip, Routing.SetupTime, Routing.CycleTime, ' +
'Routing.WorkOrVend, ' +
'Materials.PartNo as MatPartNo, Materials.SubPartNo, Materials.Qty, ' +
'Materials.Unit, Materials.TotalQty, Materials.ItemNo, Materials.Vendor ' +
'FROM (( Estim ' +
'INNER JOIN Routing ON Estim.PartNo = Routing.PartNo ) ' +
'INNER JOIN Materials ON Estim.PartNo = Materials.PartNo )')
if 'PartNo' in kwargs:
key = kwargs['PartNo']
sql = sql + 'WHERE Estim.PartNo=?'
cursor = con.cursor().execute(sql, key)
# use this for debuging only
num = 0
for row in cursor.fetchall():
num += 1
return num
This works fine for all PartNo except when PartNo contains a decimal point. Curiously, when PartNo contains a decimal point AND a hyphen, I get the appropriate record(s).
kwargs['PartNo'] = "100.100-2" # returns 1 record
kwargs['PartNo'] = "200.100" # returns 0 records
Both PartNos exist when viewed in the other application, so I know there should be records returned for both queries.
My first thought was to ensure kwargs['PartNo'] is a string key = str(kwargs['PartNo']) with no change.
I also tried to places quotes around the 'PartNo' value with no success. key = '\'' + kwargs['PartNo'] + '\''
Finally, I tried to escape the . with no success (I realize this would break most queries, but I'm just trying to track down the issue with a single period) key = str(kwargs['partNo']).replace('.', '"."')
I know using query parameters should handle all the escaping for me, but at this point, I'm just trying to figure out what's going on. Any thoughts on this?
So the issue isn't with the query parameters - everything works as it should. The problem is with the SQL statement. I incorrectly assumed - and never checked - that there was a record in the Materials table that matched PartNo.
INNER JOIN Materials ON Estim.PartNo = Materials.PartNo
will only return a record if PartNo is found in both tables, which in this particular case it is not.
Changing it to
LEFT OUTER JOIN Materials ON Estim.PartNo = Materials.PartNo
produces the expected results. See this for info on JOINS. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb243855(v=office.12).aspx
As for print (repr(key)) - flask handles the kwarg type upstream properly
api.add_resource(PartAPI, '/api/v1.0/part/<string:PartNo>'
so when I ran this in the browser, I got the "full length" strings. When run in the cmd line using python -c ....... I was not handling the argument type properly as Gord pointed out, so it was truncating the trailing zeros. I didn't think the flask portion was relevant, so I never added that in the original question.
I have a visual studio report that I want to state that if a calculation box is blank due to there being no figures available on that particluar project then show zero.
My calculation is :- =((Sum(Fields!TotalCost.Value, "Accrued") + Sum(Fields!TotalCost.Value, "serv1")) /
(Sum(Fields!Quantity.Value, "serv1") + Sum(Fields!Quantity.Value, "Accrued"))
And I want to try and include an IIF statement in that to show zero if blank.
Any ideas on how to best achieve my aim?
so far I have got to
=iif((Sum(Fields!TotalCost.Value, "Accrued") + Sum(Fields!TotalCost.Value, "serv1")) /
(Sum(Fields!Quantity.Value, "serv1") + Sum(Fields!Quantity.Value, "Accrued"))
) = "" ,false,0 ) but I am getting a little confused.
Most likely value is not blank string but a Nothing. Try following construct:
=IIf(IsNothing(((Sum(Fields!TotalCost.Value, "Accrued") + Sum(Fields!TotalCost.Value, "serv1")) / (Sum(Fields!Quantity.Value, "serv1") + Sum(Fields!Quantity.Value, "Accrued"))), 0, ((Sum(Fields!TotalCost.Value, "Accrued") + Sum(Fields!TotalCost.Value, "serv1")) / (Sum(Fields!Quantity.Value, "serv1") + Sum(Fields!Quantity.Value, "Accrued")))
It's a bit awkward since you have to repeat the expression twice, to avoid it you may want to write a custom function.
First of all I use the SQL Management Studio for this query (no Excel 2007 that seems to have problems):
SET [Project period dates] AS
StrToMember("[Time].[Date].&[" + [Project].[ParentProject].CURRENTMEMBER.PROPERTIES("Project Start Iso") + "]"):
StrToMember("[Time].[Date].&[" + [Project].[ParentProject].CURRENTMEMBER.PROPERTIES("Project End Iso") + "]")
MEMBER [Measures].[Test] AS ([Project period dates].COUNT)
on 0,
NONEMPTY ([Project].[ParentProject].MEMBERS)
DIMENSION PROPERTIES [Project].[ParentProject].[Project Duration], [Project].[ParentProject].[Project Start Iso], [Project].[ParentProject].[Project End Iso]
on 1
This query delivers a list of projects with its three properties and a calculated member that is based upon my calculated set. The properties show the right values, but the calculated member shows always the same: the result of the very first project it should be calculated for.
I don't really understand why, because MSDN says:
The current member changes on a hierarchy used on an axis in a query.
Therefore, the current member on other hierarchies on the same
dimension that are not used on an axis can also change; this behavior
is called 'auto-exists'.
They give examples with calculated members, but I think that should also work with calculated sets, I have read that query-based calculated sets are dynamic by nature. Maybe somebody can tell me if I understood that wrong or what else is my problem here.
The named set are only computed once within a query. That is why your calculated member always return the same value.
You just have to remove the named set from your query:
MEMBER [Measures].[Test] AS {
StrToMember("[Time].[Date].&[" + [Project].[ParentProject].CURRENTMEMBER.PROPERTIES("Project Start Iso") + "]"):
StrToMember("[Time].[Date].&[" + [Project].[ParentProject].CURRENTMEMBER.PROPERTIES("Project End Iso") + "]")