VBA Powerpoint Reference a textbox with variable - vba

I am attempting to write a vba loop that will detect the value of all ActiveX textboxes on the slide. However I am have trouble writing the code for the "variable" in the textbox reference. For example TextBox(i) needs to be referenced in the loop. Where i is an integer I set the value to.
Dim i as Integer
For i = 1 to 4
If IsNull(Slide1.Shapes.("TextBox" & i).Value) = True
Then (Slide1.Shapes.("TextBox" & i).Value) = 0
Else: ...
Next i
However this script doesn't work and I have been unable to locate a source for how to properly code this variable portion of script. There has been some talk of using Me.Controls however I am not creating a form. Would anyone be willing to share what the error is here in my script?

This will put the value of i into TextBox i. Should get you started, I think.
Sub Example()
Dim oSh As Shape
Dim i As Integer
On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To 4
Set oSh = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes("TextBox" & CStr(i))
If Err.Number = 0 Then ' shape exists
oSh.OLEFormat.Object.Text = CStr(i)
End If
Next i
End Sub

#Steve Rindsberg you had the correct code. Thank you. Here was the final script to obtain the value, and set the value if blank.
For i = 1 To 4
'set oSh to TextBox1, TextBox2, TextBox3... etc.
Set oSh = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes("TextBox" & CStr(i))
'set myVar to value of this TextBox1, TextBox2...
myVar = oSh.OLEFormat.Object.Value
If myVar = "" Then _
ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes("Text" & CStr(i)).OLEFormat.Object.Value = 0 _
Else: 'do nothing
'clear value of myVar
myVar = ""
'start on next integer of i
Next i


VBA TO copy text from textbox into slideTitle

I have created a macro in Powerpoint that will search for slides that are using a textbox for their title and are replacing them with a Title box. The steps are
1) find the slides that have a textbox in the title area
2) Copy the text in the textbox to a variable called slTitle.
3) Delete the texbox
4) Create a Title Holder for the current slide
5) Copy the text into the Title holder
6) Move on to the next slide
My macro currently is able to get as far as step 4 but I can't figure out how to get the text in slTitle into the Title box. This should be fairly easy to do but I've tried several ways and nothing seems to work. If anyone can help me figure out this step it would be much appreciated.
I am getting a compile error "Invalid Qualifier" on the line:
Set ppPlaceholderTitle.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = slTitle
Here is my current macro.
Sub AddMiMissingTitles()
Dim shpCurrShape As Object
Dim x As Integer
Dim sl As PowerPoint.Slide
Dim sld As Slide
Dim ctr As Integer
Dim s As Shape
'x = ActivePresentation.Slides.Count
'counter ctr used to count number of slides that needed titles added
ctr = 0
Set sourcePres = ActivePresentation
x = 1 ' slide counter
'get the title text
For Each sl In sourcePres.Slides
'delete all the empty title text boxes first
For Each s In sl.Shapes
If s.Top < 45 Then ' it's in the title area
'MsgBox s.PlaceholderFormat.Type
If s.Type <> ppPlaceholderTitle Then ' it isn't a proper Title placeholder
If s.HasTextFrame = msoTrue Then
If Trim(s.TextFrame.TextRange.Text) = "" Then
s.Delete ' delete empty text holders
slTitle = s.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
sl.CustomLayout = sl.CustomLayout 'reset the slide
Set ppPlaceholderTitle.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = slTitle
End If
End If
End If
End If
'Is there a title placeholder on the current layout?
If sl.CustomLayout.Shapes.HasTitle Then
lngType = sl.CustomLayout.Shapes.Title.PlaceholderFormat.Type
' With ActivePresentation.Slides()
End If
MsgBox "Done! " & vbCrLf & ctr & " Slides needed Titles."
'sl.Shapes.AddPlaceholder lngType
sl.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange = slTitle
End Sub

Looping through many ComboBoxes by name [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to get a name of control by name?
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I have quit a lot ComboBox objects, and I am trying to display the value of the ComboBox by looping through them:
For i=1 to 100
MsgBox ("ComboBox" & i & ".Text")
Of course this code is not working because of the quotes, but when I remove them, then I have a compilation error.
How do I do this?
The OP does not state if the objects in question are ActiveX or Form Control objects.
To handle both object types, and if the objects names are not ComboBox*, try this
Sub Demo()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim shp As Shape
Dim cb As ComboBox
Set ws = ActiveSheet
For Each shp In ws.Shapes
With shp
Select Case .Type
Case msoFormControl
If .FormControlType = xlDropDown Then
If .ControlFormat.Value = 0 Then
MsgBox .Name & " = "
MsgBox .Name & " = " & .ControlFormat.List(.ControlFormat.Value)
End If
End If
Case msoOLEControlObject
If .OLEFormat.progID = "Forms.ComboBox.1" Then
Set cb = .OLEFormat.Object.Object
MsgBox cb.Name & " = " & cb.Value
End If
End Select
End With
End Sub
This works for me. Assumes your comboboxes' names are indeed ComboBox1 through ComboBox100.
Dim cb As ComboBox
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 100
Set cb = Sheet1.Shapes("ComboBox" & i).OLEFormat.Object.Object ' Ouch!
MsgBox cb.Text
Next i
The .Object.Object trick I got from here.

Implement For Loop with Counter

I have a Word Userform where I add text boxes dynamically. The code then puts information from the textboxes to bookmarks which are picture filenames. It is all dynamic in that you enter how many textboxes you need and it then adds them to the userform and the text in the document. I left this last part of code out because its very long and not needed at this point.
I am attempting to put this first part of my code into a "For Loop" but I have been having a lot of difficulty doing so. The second part of my code I am providing has a textbox counter I trying to tie into it.
Right now my code works if I enter 10 into a textbox called "Amount" which you see throughout the code. I need to be able to enter any number.
If you think the entire code will help let me know and I will add it instead. I have been able to get everything else to work but for some reason this has had me stumped for days.
Need "For loop" implemented
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Textbox As Object
Dim Textbox1 As Object
Dim Textbox2 As Object
Dim Textbox3 As Object
Dim Textbox4 As Object
Dim Textbox5 As Object
Dim Textbox6 As Object
Dim Textbox7 As Object
Dim Textbox8 As Object
Dim Textbox9 As Object
Dim Textbox10 As Object
Dim TBs(9) As Object
Set TBs(0) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_1"): Set TBs(1) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_2"): Set TBs(2) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_3")
Set TBs(3) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_4"): Set TBs(4) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_5"): Set TBs(5) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_6")
Set TBs(6) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_7"): Set TBs(7) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_8"): Set TBs(8) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_9")
Set TBs(9) = UserForm1.Controls("TextBox_10"):
Dim i
For i = 0 To Amount - 1
With ActiveDocument
If .Bookmarks("href" & i + 1).Range = ".jpg" Then
.Bookmarks("href" & i + 1).Range _
.InsertBefore TBs(i)
.Bookmarks("src" & i + 1).Range _
.InsertBefore TBs(i)
.Bookmarks("alt" & i + 1).Range _
.InsertBefore TBs(i)
End If
End With
End Sub
TextBox Counter
Private Sub AddLine_Click()
Dim theTextbox As Object
Dim textboxCounter As Long
For textboxCounter = 1 To Amount
Set theTextbox = UserForm1.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "Test" & textboxCounter, True)
With theTextbox
.Name = "TextBox_" & textboxCounter
.Width = 200
.Left = 70
.Top = 30 * textboxCounter
End With
End Sub

Check if OnAction is empty

In this link, i use SHP.OnAction (where Dim SHP As Shape) to print the name of the macro which is assigned to a shape.
Now I would like to check if SHP.OnAction is empty, which means there is no macro assigned to this object.SHP.OnAction = "" does not work, it always return false. I have tried also ``SHP.OnAction = Empty,SHP.OnAction = Null, they always returnfalse` too...
Could anyone tell me how to verify if it is empty?
Edit1: I use the following piece of code, to go through all the shapes in a workbook, and check if there is a shape to that a macro is assigned. I test it with some workbooks containing Chart or Picture, it seems that sShpaes.OnAction <> "" returns always true, even though the shape has no macro...
On Error Resume Next
Dim sShapes As Shape
existsAssignedShape = False
For Each ws In Worksheets
For Each sShapes In ws.Shapes
st = ws.Name & " " & sShapes.Name & " " & sShapes.OnAction
Print #1, st
Print #1, ""
If (Not existsAssignedShape) And (sShpaes.OnAction <> "") Then
existsAssignedShape = True
End If
Next sShapes
Next ws
If no macro has been assigned to an AutoShape, then the following will indicate True:
Sub hgfd()
Dim s As Shape, t As String
Set s = ActiveSheet.Shapes(1)
t = CStr(s.OnAction)
MsgBox t = ""
End Sub

How to modify text in Powerpoint via Excel VBA without changing style

I am trying to replace a set of tags in the text of a powerpoint slide from Excel using VBA. I can get the slide text as follows:
Dim txt as String
txt = pptSlide.Shapes(jj).TextFrame.TextRange.Characters.text
I then run through replacing my tags with the requested values. However when I set do
pptSlide.Shapes(jj).TextFrame.TextRange.Characters.text = txt
Problem: All the formatting which the user has set up in the text box is lost.
The shape object is msoPlaceHolder and contains a range of text styles including bullet points with tags which should be replaced with numbers for instance. The VBA should be unaware of this formatting and need only concern itself with the text replacement.
Can anyone tell me on how to modify the text while keeping the style set up by the user.
Am using Office 2010 if that is helpful.
The solution by Krause is close but the FIND method returns a TextRange object that has to be checked. Here is a complete subroutine that replaces FROM-string with TO-string in an entire presentation, and DOESN'T mess up the formatting!
Sub Replace_in_Shapes_and_Tables(pPPTFile As Presentation, sFromStr As String, sToStr As String)
Dim sld As Slide
Dim shp As Shape
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim m As Long
Dim trFoundText As TextRange
On Error GoTo Replace_in_Shapes_and_Tables_Error
For Each sld In pPPTFile.Slides
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
If shp.HasTextFrame Then
If shp.TextFrame.HasText Then ' only perform action on shape if it contains the target string
Set trFoundText = shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Find(sFromStr)
If Not (trFoundText Is Nothing) Then
m = shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Find(sFromStr).Characters.Start
shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(m).InsertBefore (sToStr)
End If
End If
End If
If shp.HasTable Then
For i = 1 To shp.Table.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To shp.Table.Columns.Count
Set trFoundText = shp.Table.Rows.Item(i).Cells(j).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Find(sFromStr)
If Not (trFoundText Is Nothing) Then
m = shp.Table.Rows.Item(i).Cells(j).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Find(sFromStr).Characters.Start
shp.Table.Rows.Item(i).Cells(j).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(m).InsertBefore (sToStr)
End If
Next j
Next i
End If
Next shp
Next sld
For Each shp In pPPTFile.SlideMaster.Shapes
If shp.HasTextFrame Then
If shp.TextFrame.HasText Then
Set trFoundText = shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Find(sFromStr)
If Not (trFoundText Is Nothing) Then
m = shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Find(sFromStr).Characters.Start
shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(m).InsertBefore (sToStr)
End If
End If
End If
If shp.HasTable Then
For i = 1 To shp.Table.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To shp.Table.Columns.Count
Set trFoundText = shp.Table.Rows.Item(i).Cells(j).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Find(sFromStr)
If Not (trFoundText Is Nothing) Then
m = shp.Table.Rows.Item(i).Cells(j).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Find(sFromStr).Characters.Start
shp.Table.Rows.Item(i).Cells(j).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(m).InsertBefore (sToStr)
End If
Next j
Next i
End If
Next shp
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure Replace_in_Shapes_and_Tables of Module modA_Code"
End Sub
While what Steve Rindsberg said is true I think I have come up with a decent workaround. It is by no means pretty but it gets the job done without sacrificing the formatting. It uses Find functions and Error Controlling for any text box that doesn't have the variable you are looking to change out.
i = 1
Set oPs = oPa.ActivePresentation.Slides(oPa.ActivePresentation.Slides.Count)
j = 1
Do Until i > oPa.ActivePresentation.Slides.Count
Do Until j > oPa.ActivePresentation.Slides(i).Shapes.Count
If oPa.ActivePresentation.Slides(i).Shapes(j).HasTextFrame Then
If oPa.ActivePresentation.Slides(i).Shapes(j).TextFrame.HasText Then
On Error GoTo Err1
If oPa.ActivePresentation.Slides(i).Shapes(j).TextFrame.TextRange.Find("[specific search term]") = "[specific search term]" Then
m = oPa.ActivePresentation.Slides(i).Shapes(j).TextFrame.TextRange.Find("[specific search term]").Characters.Start
oPa.ActivePresentation.Slides(i).Shapes(j).TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(m).InsertBefore ([replace term])
oPa.ActivePresentation.Slides(i).Shapes(j).TextFrame.TextRange.Find("[specific search term]").Delete
End If
End If
End If
j = j + 1
j = 1
i = i + 1
Exit Sub
Resume ExitHere
End Sub
Hope this helps!
I found the solution using the code below. It edits the notes by replacing "string to replace" with "new string". This example is not iterative and will only replace the first occurrence but it should be fairly easy to make it iterative.
$PowerpointFile = "C:\Users\username\Documents\test.pptx"
$Powerpoint = New-Object -ComObject powerpoint.application
$ppt = $Powerpoint.presentations.open($PowerpointFile, 2, $True, $False)
foreach($slide in $ppt.slides){
$TextRange = $slide.NotesPage.Shapes[2].TextFrame.TextRange
$find = $TextRange.Find('string to replace').Start
$TextRange.Find('string to replace').Delete()
$TextRange.Characters($find).InsertBefore('new string')