Parse Server: logging specific functions - parse-server

Is there a way to turn off logging on a specific cloud function but not for all of them? My issue is that the result of my cloud function contains a base64 image, and Parse Server by default output the base64 string to the log, which makes my daily log files extremely large and hard to maintain.
setting logLevel = 'warn' instead of 'info' solves this problem but then I lost the I/O information of other cloud functions which I also need..

Can you open an issue in the repo with the specifics about your use case? We'll be probably able to slim down the logging for long base64 strings


Dask dataframe read parquet format fails from http

I have been dealing with this problem for a week.
I use the command
from dask import dataframe as ddf
I got invalid parquet magic.
However ddf.read_parquet is Ok with "webhdfs://"
I would like the ddf.read_parquet works for http because I want to use it in dask-ssh cluster for workers without hdfs access.
Although the comments already partly answer this question, I thought I would add some information as an answer
HTTP(S) is supported by dask (actually fsspec) as a backend filesystem; but to get partitioning within a file, you need to get the size of that file, and to resolve globs, you need to be able to get a list of links, neither of which are necessarily provided by any given server
webHDFS (or indeed httpFS) don't work like HTTP downloads, you need to use a specific API to open a file and fetch a final URL on a cluster member to that file; so the two methods are not interchangeable
webHDFS is normally intended for use outside of the hadoop cluster; within the cluster, you would probably use plain HDFS ("hdfs://"). However, kerberos-secured webHDFS can be tricky to work with, depending on how the security was set up.

Adding fields to Cloudwatch without using JSON

So I have typical run of the mill logs from Nginx and tomcat servers which are just single line text files with typical log format. I have changed the tomcat access logs to output pipe delimited fields so I can easily process them using some unix scripts. I'd like to get rid of my unix scripts and move to using cloudwatch to process my logs in a similar manner, however I found out that cloudwatch really doesn't understand anything beyond timestamp, message, and logstream by default.
It will add fields using JSON, but JSON is verbose when it comes to log files. I'd like to just let it process a CSV file which seems like an obvious alternative to JSON. I'm willing to change my log format to meet a requirement like that, but I can't find any information about how I could do that.
Is my only option to translate my logs into JSON in order to add fields to cloudwatch? I am aware of the parse command, but I find that cumbersome to reconstitute my fields every time I want to build a query. Especially since these will mostly be access logs which will have numerous fields. I have aws cloudwatch log agent setup on my systems and I'm currently sending these logs to cloudwatch.
The closest thing there is to handling space delimited log files is to use Metric Filters. Or at least that's how the authors of CloudWatch designed it.
The best examples of this is here:
Not sure if this is going to work for what I'm trying to do with logs, but it's a start. And it's the closest thing to a proper answer. If you want it done right, you gotta do it yo'self.

How to recover HDB with tplogs?

Our system is currently backing up tplogs to S3. From what I have read, simply making sure these files are in the place that kdb expects them will allow for recovery if there is an issue with RDB during the day.
However, I did not see an explanation of how to use the tplogs to recover HDB. I tempted to create another backup system to sync the hdb folders to S3 also. That will be more work to set up and use at least double the storage, as well as being redundant. So if its not necessary then I would like to avoid that extra step.
Is there a way to recover the HDB from the tplogs in the event that we lose access to our HDB folders, or do I need to add another backup system for the HDB folders? Thanks.
To replay log file to HDB.
.Q.hdpf[`::;get `:tpLOgFile;.z.d;`sym]
As per my experience if you are building a HDB from TP logfile load tp log file using get function and save it using dpft that is efficient.
If you want to use -11! function then you have to provide a upd function(-11! read each row from tp log file and call upd function then insert data to in memory table) to load data in memory and then save data on disk.
In both case you have to load data in memory but by using get function you can skip upd function call
-11! function is efficient for building the RDB because it will not load the full log file.
For more details read Below link
OK, actually found a forum answer to a similar question, with a script for replaying log files.!topic/personal-kdbplus/E9OkvJKGrLI
Jonny Press says:
The usual way of doing it is to use -11! to replay the log file. A basic script would be something like
// load schema
\l schema.q
// define upd
// replay log file
// save
This will read the full log file into memory. So you will need to have RAM available.
TorQ has a TP log replay script:

Shell Scripting and Intersystems Cache: Extracting Information?

I would like to be able to execute a script to draw out the current cache process information. Has anybody done much scripting with cache? Is there an easier way to basically log the process information? The end result of this is I would like to present this information in a way that I could log it into Splunk
You try to solve an easy problem using the hard way. Just use the built-in SNMP provider.
The documentation for Cache 2008.2.6 contains a document Monitoring Cache Using SNMP.

AWStats SQL Tool?

does anyone ever heard of a tool/script/etc. which allows to import an AWStats created logfile ( e.g. as text or xml ) into a SQL-DB?
I just want to figure out if i really have to write a parser-script myself...
I guess you need the compiled information created by AWStats rather than the raw data from the initial server (e.g Apache). The folk seem to have done a little work on parsing the AWStats output, is that any help?
If the raw data from e.g. Apache is enough, you can import that into the database, see for example:
Writing Apache's Logs to MySQL