Where Can I find the detailed API for Uber Eats? [closed] - api

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I could find the API for Uber Rush in https://developer.uber.com, but not for Uber EATS, where would this information lie?

There is not currently a publicly available API for UberEATS. Any news on that front would be announced on the Uber API developers blog.
Also, for non-technical or non-coding questions like these about Uber's API, it might be better to follow up with them directly on their community forum, rather than on StackOverflow. Thanks!


Documentation on developing a payment method for opencart? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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The information on developing your own payment method (or any module at all) on the opencart site is rather sparse. Is there better information on this topic anywhere else?
Unfortunately it's not something that is documented at all. My advice would be to copy the files from a previous payment gateway such as PayPal standard or pro and build on that, or download a free payment gateway and work from the files in that

Is there a documentation for jquery.couch.js? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a documentation for jquery.couch.js, the standard JavaScript API that ships with CouchDB?
In many blog posts and tutorial this API is used and to some degree explained how to use it. But is there some always up-to-date documentation?
Google is your friend.
Here is another documentation for jquery.couch.js plugin
Here you can find a lot of methods :

Need a TV/Movie API with associated trailers [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Looking for a movie/TV API that offers previews (trailers), via widgets or links, as well.
I know IMDB has an API, but it only has metadata. Internet Video Archive also has an API, but, well, lets just say they seem a bit incompetent.
I could use YouTube, but I'd get a lot of cruft and unofficial results. Anyone else have any ideas?
Internet video archive: http://api.internetvideoarchive.com/

Looking for Pricegrabber.com API [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I saw many e-commerce sites using Pricegrabber for price comparison.
For example:
Is there a pricegrabber API for developers?
Per programmableweb, pricegrabber does have an API but to even see its documentation you have to negotiate with the site itself. If that's not acceptable to you, the page I'm pointing to has pointers to many other shopping sites with APIs that may be more suitable for you.
According to programmableweb, the PriceGrabber API is no longer available.

Wiki with API for creating/editing posts [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Mediawiki is the only wiki software I've found that has an API for creating/editing posts (http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API). Are there any others?
You can try Twiki (here's a list of all the functions available to the Plugin API), or maybe the DotNetNuke Wiki - since it's open source, you can do whatever you want with it (if you prefer .Net).