How to use Python scrapy for myltiple URL's - scrapy

my question is similar to this post:
How to use scrapy for links after "Next" Button?
I want my crawler to traverse through all "Next" links. I've searched a lot, but most people ether focus on how to parse the ULR or simply put all URL's in the initial URL list.
So far, I am able to visit the first page and parse the next page's link. But I don't know how to visit that page using the same crawler(spider). I tried to append the new URL into my URL list, it does appended (I checked the length), but later it doesn't visit the link. I have no idea why...
Note that in my case, I only know the first page's URL. Second page's URL can only be obtained after visiting the first page. The same, (i+1)'th page's URL is hidden in the i'th page.
In the parse function, I can parse and print the correct next page link URL. I just don't know how to visit it.
Please help me. Thank you!
import scrapy
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
class RedditSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "test2"
allowed_domains = [""]
urls = [""]
def start_requests(self):
for url in self.urls:
yield scrapy.Request(url, self.parse, meta={
'splash': {
'endpoint': 'render.html',
'args': { 'wait': 0.5 }
def parse(self, response):
page = response.url[-10:]
filename = 'reddit-%s.html' % page
#parse html for next link
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.body, 'html.parser')
mydivs = soup.findAll("a", { "rel" : "nofollow next" })
link = mydivs[0]['href']
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
Thanks to Kaushik's answer, I figured out how to make it work. Though I still don't know why my original idea of appending new URL's doesn't work...
The updated code is as follow:
import scrapy
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
class RedditSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "test2"
urls = [""]
def start_requests(self):
for url in self.urls:
yield scrapy.Request(url, self.parse, meta={
'splash': {
'endpoint': 'render.html',
'args': { 'wait': 0.5 }
def parse(self, response):
page = response.url[-10:]
filename = 'reddit-%s.html' % page
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
#parse html for next link
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.body, 'html.parser')
mydivs = soup.findAll("a", { "rel" : "nofollow next" })
if len(mydivs) != 0:
link = mydivs[0]['href']
#yield response.follow(link, callback=self.parse)
yield scrapy.Request(link, callback=self.parse)

What you require is explained very well in the Scrapy docs . I don't think you would need any other explanation other than that. Suggest going through it once for better understanding.
A brief explanation first though:
To follow a link to the next page, Scrapy provides many methods. The most basic methods is using the http.Request method
Request object :
class scrapy.http.Request(url[, callback,
method='GET', headers, body, cookies, meta, encoding='utf-8',
priority=0, dont_filter=False, errback, flags])
>>> yield scrapy.Request(url, callback=self.next_parse)
url (string) – the URL of this request
callback (callable) – the function that will be called with the response of this request (once its downloaded) as its first parameter.
For convenience though, Scrapy has inbuilt shortcut for creating Request objects by using response.follow where the url can be an absolute path or a relative path.
follow(url, callback=None, method='GET', headers=None, body=None,
cookies=None, meta=None, encoding=None, priority=0, dont_filter=False,
>>> yield response.follow(url, callback=self.next_parse)
In case if you have to move through to the next link by passing values to a form or any other type of input field, you can use the Form Request objects. The FormRequest class extends the base Request with functionality
for dealing with HTML forms. It uses lxml.html forms to pre-populate
form fields with form data from Response objects.
Form Request object
from_response(response[, formname=None,
formid=None, formnumber=0, formdata=None, formxpath=None,
formcss=None, clickdata=None, dont_click=False, ...])
If you want to simulate a HTML Form POST in your spider and send a couple of key-value fields, you can return a FormRequest object (from your spider) like this:
return [FormRequest(url="",
formdata={'name': 'John Doe', 'age': '27'},
Note : If a Request doesn’t specify a callback, the spider’s parse() method will be used. If exceptions are raised during processing, errback is called instead.


How to simulate pressing buttons to keep on scraping more elements with Scrapy

On this page (, I managed to grab a list of ads, and individually parse their content with this code:
import scrapy
class scrapingThings(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'scrapingThings'
# allowed_domains = ['']
start_urls = ['']
def parse(self, response):
ads = response.xpath('//*[#class="featured css-ineky e1jqslr40"]//a/#href')
c = 0
for url in ads:
c += 1
absolute_url = response.urljoin(url.extract())
self.item = {}
self.item['url'] = absolute_url
yield scrapy.Request(absolute_url, callback=self.parse_ad, meta={'item': self.item})
def parse_ad(self, response):
# Extract things
yield {
# Yield things
However, I'd like to automate the switching from one page to another to grab the entirety of the ads available (not only on the first page, but on all pages). By, I guess, simulating the pressings of the 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., 50 buttons as displayed on this screen capture:
Is this even possible with Scrapy? If so, how can one achieve this?
Yes it's possible. Let me show you two ways of doing it:
You can have your spider select the buttons, get the #href value of them, build a [full] URL and yield as a new request.
Here is an example:
def parse(self, response):
href = response.xpath('//div[#class="desktop-buttons"]/a[#class="css-owq2hj"]/following-sibling::a[1]/#href').get()
req_url = response.urljoin(href)
yield Request(url=req_url, callback=self.parse_ad)
The selector in the example will always return the #href of the next page's button (It returns only one value, if you are in page 2 it returns the #href of page 2)
In this page, the href is an relative url, so we need to use response.urljoin() method to build a full url. It will use the response as base.
We yield a new request, the response will be parsed in the callback function you determined.
This will require your callback function to always yield the request for the next page. So it's a recursive solution.
A more simple approach would be to just observe the pattern of the hrefs and manually yield all requests. Each button has a href of "/buy/?page={nr}" where {nr} is the number of the page, se can arbitrarily change this nr value and yield all requests at once.
def parse(self, response):
nr_pages = response.xpath('//div[#class="desktop-buttons"]/a[#class="css-1en2dru"]//text()').getall()
last_page_nr = int(nr_pages[-1])
for nr in range(2, last_page_nr + 1):
req_url = f'/buy/?page={nr}'
yield Request(url=response.urljoin(req_url), callback=self.parse_ad)
nr_pages returns the number of all buttons
last_page_nr selects the last number (which is the last available page)
We loop in the range between 2 to the value of last_page_nr (50 in this case) and in each loop we request a new page (that correspond to the number).
This way you can make all the requests in your parse method, and parse the response in the parse_ad without recursive calling.
Finally I suggest you take a look on scrapy tutorial it covers several common scenarios on scraping.

Spider not recursively calling itself after setting callback

The goal of my project is to search a website for a company phone number.
I'm attempting to parse a webpage and regex for a phone number (I have that part working) and then look for links on the page. These links are what I want to recursively call. So I would call the function on those links and repeat. However, it is only running the function once. See code below:
def parse(self, response):
# The main method of the spider. It scrapes the URL(s) specified in the
# 'start_url' argument above. The content of the scraped URL is passed on
# as the 'response' object.
hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response)
for phone_num in response.xpath('//body').re(r'\d{3}.\d{3}.\d{4}'):
item = PhoneNumItem()
item['label'] = "a"
item['phone_num'] = phone_num
yield item
for url in hxs.xpath('//a/#href').extract():
# This loops through all the URLs found
# Constructs an absolute URL by combining the responses URL with a possible relative URL:
next_page = response.urljoin(url)
print("Found URL: " + next_page)
#yield response.follow(next_page, self.parse_page)
yield scrapy.Request(next_page, callback=self.parse)
Please let me know what you me it seems like this code should work, but it is not.

Scrapy Running Results

Just getting started with Scrapy, I'm hoping for a nudge in the right direction.
I want to scrape data from here:
This is what I have so far:
import scrapy
import re
class BlogSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'sportstats'
start_urls = ['']
def parse(self, response):
headings = []
results = []
tables = response.xpath('//table')
headings = list(tables[0].xpath('thead/tr/th/span/span/text()').extract())
rows = tables[0].xpath('tbody/tr[contains(#class, "ui-widget-content ui-datatable")]')
for row in rows:
result = []
tds = row.xpath('td')
for td in enumerate(tds):
if headings[td[0]].lower() == 'comp.':
content = None
elif headings[td[0]].lower() == 'view':
content = None
elif headings[td[0]].lower() == 'name':
content = td[1].xpath('span/a/text()').extract()[0]
content = td[1].xpath('span/text()').extract()[0]
content = None
for result in results:
Now I need to move on to the next page, which I can do in a browser by clicking the "right arrow" at the bottom, which I believe is the following li:
<li><a id="mainForm:j_idt369" href="#" class="ui-commandlink ui-widget fa fa-angle-right" onclick="PrimeFaces.ab({s:"mainForm:j_idt369",p:"mainForm",u:"mainForm:result_table mainForm:pageNav mainForm:eventAthleteDetailsDialog",onco:function(xhr,status,args){hideDetails('athlete-popup');showDetails('event-popup');scrollToTopOfElement('mainForm\\:result_table');;}});return false;"></a>
How can I get scrapy to follow that?
If you open the url in a browser without javascript you won't be able to move to the next page. As you can see inside the li tag, there is some javascript to be executed in order to get the next page.
Yo get around this, the first option is usually try to identify the request generated by javascript. In your case, it should be easy: just analyze the java script code and replicate it with python in your spider. If you can do that, you can send the same request from scrapy. If you can't do it, the next option is usually to use some package with javascript/browser emulation or someting like that. Something like ScrapyJS or Scrapy + Selenium.
You're going to need to perform a callback. Generate the url from the xpath from the 'next page' button. So url = response.xpath(xpath to next_page_button) and then when you're finished scraping that page you'll do yield scrapy.Request(url, callback=self.parse_next_page). Finally you create a new function called def parse_next_page(self, response):.
A final, final note is if it happens to be in Javascript (and you can't scrape it even if you're sure you're using the correct xpath) check out my repo in using splash with scrapy

Using Scrapy to scrape data after form submit

I'm trying to scrape content from listing detail page that can only be viewed by clicking the 'view' button which triggers a form submit . I am new to both Python and Scrapy
Example markup
<li><h3>Abc Widgets</h3>
<form action="/viewlisting?id=123" method="post">
<input type="image" src="/images/view.png" value="submit" >
My solution in Scrapy is to extract form actions then use Request to return the page with a callback to parse it for for the desired content. However I have hit a few issues
I'm getting the following error "request url must be str or unicode"
secondly when I hardcode a URL to overcome the above issue it seems my parsing function is returning what looks like a list
Here is my code - with reactions of the real URLs
from scrapy.spiders import Spider
from scrapy.selector import Selector
from scrapy.http import Request
from wfi2.items import Wfi2Item
class ProfileSpider(Spider):
name = "profiles"
allowed_domains = [""]
start_urls = ["",
def parse(self, response):
hxs = Selector(response)
forms = hxs.xpath('//*[#id="area-managers"]//*/form')
for form in forms:
action = form.xpath('#action').extract()
print "ACTION: ", action
#request = Request(url=action,callback=self.parse_profile)
request = Request(url=action,callback=self.parse_profile)
yield request
def parse_profile(self, response):
hxs = Selector(response)
profile = hxs.xpath('//*[#class="contentContainer"]/*/text()')
print "PROFILE", profile
I'm getting the following error "request url must be str or unicode"
Please have a look at the scrapy documentation for extract(). It says : "Serialize and return the matched nodes as a list of unicode strings" (bold added by me).
The first element of the list is probably what you want. So you could do something like:
request = Request(url=response.urljoin(action[0]), callback=self.parse_profile)
secondly when I hardcode a URL to overcome the above issue it seems my
parsing function is returning what looks like a list
According to the documentation of xpath it's a SelectorList. Add extract() to the xpath and you'll get a list with the text tokens. Eventually you want to clean up and join the elements that list before further processing.

Exporting unique items from CrawlSpider

I am using scrapy's CrawlSpider spider class to iterate over the list of start_urls and crawl each site's internal pages to fetch e-mail addresses. I would like to export a file with a single (unique) item for each start_url, with the list of matched e-mails. For that I purpose I needed to override the make_requests_from_url and parse methods so I can pass each start_url item in the response's meta dict (see code) to the internal pages. The output from running this code is:,[''],['',''],['','','']
However, I only want the export file to contain the last entry from the above output
Is that possible?
class MySpider(CrawlSpider):
start_urls = [... urls list ...]
def parse(self, response):
for request_or_item in CrawlSpider.parse(self, response):
if isinstance(request_or_item, Request):
yield request_or_item
def make_requests_from_url(self, url):
# Create a unique item for each url. Append email to this item from internal pages
url_item = MyItem()
url_item["url"] = url
url_item["emais"] = []
return Request(url, dont_filter=True, meta = {'url_item': url_item})
def parse_page(self, response):
url_item = response.meta["url_item"]
url_item["emails"].append(** some regex of emails from the response object **)
return url_item
You could use pipeline to process items.
see Duplicates filter on Scrapy documentation.