pass data to another route without messing with url - aurelia

DISCLAIMER: I'm a noob.. sorry
Say I have 2 different components that are siblings:
comp1 and comp2
I wish to route from comp1 to comp2 with a bunch of data. How can I achieve this without getting a fugly url-bar containing everything?
I've tried using a separate class, lets call it DataTransmitter:
export class DataTransmitter {
constructor() {
this.val= "a";
import { DataTransmitter } from './data-transmitter';
export class comp1{
this.DataTransmitter = DataTransmitter;
this.DataTransmitter.val = "b";
console.log('comp1: ' + this.DataTransmitter.val);
import { DataTransmitter } from './data-transmitter';
export class comp2{
this.DataTransmitter = DataTransmitter;
console.log('comp2: ' + this.DataTransmitter.val);
This gives me the output:
comp1: b
comp2: a
I've also tried messing around with EventAggregator, but no success.
Is there some way of routing with parameters WITHOUT having a url that looks like site/comp2?data=stuff&things=otherstuff&params=values&more=etc?

You absolutely want to use a singleton class and then inject it inside of whatever components you need your data. The link that Gaby posted is definitely what you want to do.
The reason your posted code does not work is because you're attempting to use the inject decorator, but you're not importing it. Please see this working example of what you are trying to do on here. I have two components, you can click to route between them and set the value. You'll notice the set value remains when you navigate back and forth.


TestCafe: Page Models for Single Page Applications

I have been struggling to figure out the best way to represent a single page application within TestCafe, and was wondering if anyone out there could help me?
Currently I am structuring it like the following (fake page names of course). I have greatly simplified it here for the sake of discussion, but the problem you should start to see is that as the app grows larger, the main page starts importing more and more. And each of those imports have imports, which might have more imports. So the cascading affect is causing TestCafe to drastically slow down when launching tests.
Does it make more sense to force the tests themselves to import all of the 'sections' they work with? What about for longer workflow tests that hit a bunch of sections? Does it still make sense then?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
import {Selector, t} from 'testcafe';
import {
} from './CarPageSections';
export class CarPage extends BasePage {
// BasePage contains all of the Header, Footer, NavBar, SideBar, Action Flyouts
CarSelectionTimer: Selector;
ModelSelectionModal: ModelSelectionModal;
SomeOtherModal: SomeOtherModal;
// Section Selectors
sectionPanels = {
ConsumerSection: null as ConsumerSection,
ManufacturerSection: null as ManufacturerSection,
SupplierSection: null as SupplierSection,
<AndSoOn>: null as <AndSoOn>
sections = {
ConsumerSection: null as SectionControl,
ManufacturerSection: null as SectionControl,
SupplierSection: null as SectionControl,
<AndSoOn>: null as SectionControl
constructor() {
this.CarSelectionTimer = Selector('#car-selection-timer');
// Sections
this.sections = {
ConsumerSection: new SectionControl('Consumer'),
ManufacturerSection: new SectionControl('Manufacturer'),
SupplierSection: new SectionControl('Supplier'),
<AndSoOn>: new SectionControl('<AndSoOn>')
this.sectionPanels = {
ConsumerSection: new ConsumerSection(this.sections.ConsumerSection.control),
ManufacturerSection: new ManufacturerSection(this.sections.ManufacturerSection.control),
SupplierSection: new SupplierSection(this.sections.SupplierSection.control),
<AndSoOn>: new <AndSoOn>(this.sections.<AndSoOn>.control)
this.ModelSelectionModal = new ModelSelectionModal();
this.SomeOtherModal = new SomeOtherModal();
async SomeActionToPerformOnThePage(params) {
async SomeOtherActionToPerformOnThePage(params) {
Considerations to handle:
Constructors with parameters like ConsumerSection(control) above.
Using files to export multiple objects / classes to simplify importing in tests (or other models).
Questions to consider:
Should every model be decoupled from every other model?
Without coupling models, how do you make it as easy as possible to work with? In other test frameworks, you can hand back a new page type upon a given method/action: i.e. LoginPage.Submit() returns HomePage().
It's difficult to determine the cause of the issue without your full page model. Your issue looks similar to this one: Please check that Github thread and apply the recommendations from it.
If this does not help, please share your full page model. If you cannot share it here, you can send it at

Express custom GET/POST parameter binding nestjs / routing-controllers

I have a Controller (nestjs / routing-controllers) and I'm passing a GET request the following way: /collect?t=My-name
t is actually a full name which I can't change.
Bellow im injecting #QueryParams() data: CollectData, Im looking for a way (like java strong and .net) to tell the controller that fullName is actually t.
Something like
export interface CollectData{
fullName: string
I'm expecting fullName to represent the t variable.
export class CollectController {
collect(#QueryParams() data: CollectData){
return data.fullName;
You could use some sort of solution using the class-transformer library and the ValidationPipe given by Nest (it also does transformations!) and have your CollectionData class (use a class so that the data can be serialized after transpiling, interfaces go away in JavaScript) look like this:
// CollectData.ts
export class CollectData{
#Expose({ name: 'fullName' })
t: string
#Controller() // Changed from JSONController to Controller
export class CollectController {
collect(#Query(new ValidationPipe({ tranform: true }) data: CollectData){ //Changed from QueryParams to Query
return data.fullName;
OR in your main.ts add the app.useGlobalPipes(new ValidationPipe({ tranform: true }) to set the validation pipe to run against all your incoming requests

Where to setup an API in Vue.js

I need to use an API that requires initialization with an API key and some other details within my Vue.js app.
var client = api_name('app_id', 'api_key', ...)
I would need to make several API calls with the client object in multiple components in my app
How can I avoid repeating the initialization step in every component?
I'm thinking about using a global mixin in main.js for that
data: function() {
return {
get client() {
return api_name('app_id', 'api_key');
Is this a good approach?
I'd rather move your getter to a service and just import, where you actually need it. It doesn't seem to fit into data section, more like methods. A mixin is a decent approach if you need lots of similar stuff: variables, methods, hooks etc. Creating a mixin for only 1 method looks like overkill to me.
// helper.js
export function getClient () {
// do stuff
// MyComponent.vue
import { getClient } from 'helpers/helper`
// Vue instance
methods: {
How about creating a helper file and writing a plugin that exposes your api url's? You can then create prototypes on the vue instance. Here's an example,
const helper = install(Vue){
const VueInstance = vue
VueInstance.prototype.$login = `${baseURL}/login`
export default helper
This way you can access url's globally using this.$login. Please note $ is a convention to avoid naming conflicts and easy to remember that it is a plugin.

Import variables into aurelia-dialog view-model or view

Is there a way to import additional variables/data from the dialog-service to the controller?
For example I have an array of possible options in a form of my app-view. I fetch the data via an API from a server.
I'd like to edit an entry with an aurelia-dialog and don't want to fetch the data again to avoid unnecessary traffic in my app.
How can i pass the array additionally to the model. Pack it all together in an Object and unwrap it in the controller?
As far as I know the activate-method of the controller only takes one argument, doesn't it?
Thank you
Isn't the example in the repository exactly what you are looking for?
The person attribute is passed to the dialog service via the settings object (model: this.person). This may be data you fetched from the server. As you mentioned, you can of course add multiple objects to the model as well which will be available in the activate() method of your dialogs vm.
import {EditPerson} from './edit-person';
import {DialogService} from 'aurelia-dialog';
export class Welcome {
static inject = [DialogService];
constructor(dialogService) {
this.dialogService = dialogService;
person = { firstName: 'Wade', middleName: 'Owen', lastName: 'Watts' };
submit(){{ viewModel: EditPerson, model: this.person}).then(response => {
if (!response.wasCancelled) {
console.log('good - ', response.output);
} else {

If method returns data then load in module(view) - Aurelia

Forgive me for my ignorance but I've just started out with Aurelia/ES6 and a lot baffles me at the moment. I'm completely new to client side frameworks, so hopefully what I'm trying to achieve is possible within the framework.
So as the title indicates I'm fetching data within a class:
import {inject} from "aurelia-framework";
import {HttpClient} from "aurelia-http-client";
let baseUrl = "/FormDesigner/";
export class FormData{
this.http = httpClient;
return this.http.get(`${baseUrl}/GetFormById/${formId}`)
.then(resp => resp.content);
Now I can see/receive the data which is great but after digging into the docs I cannot seem to figure out:
Load a separate related module/view by Id into the main view (app.html)
If no data, error and no Id passed then redirect to no-form view
User A navigates to "FormDesigner/#/form/3E7689F1-64F8-A5DA0099D992" at that point "A" lands on the form page, now if successful and data has been returned pass the formId into a different method elsewhere and then load in a module/view - Pages, possibly using <compose></compose>
This is probably really simple but the documentation (in my opinion) seems rather limited to someone that's new.
Really appreciate any guidance/high level concepts, as always, always much appreciated!
Sounds like you might want to just partake in the routing lifecycle
If you are navigating to a module you can create an activate method on the view model which will be called when routing starts.
In this method you can return a promise (while you fetch data) and redirect if the fetch fails
In fact if the promise is rejected, the routing will be cancelled
If successful you can use whatever method you need to load in your module (assuming it can't just be part of the module that is being loaded since routing won't be cancelled)
Something like
activate(args, config) {
this.http.get(URL).then(resp => {
if (resp.isOk) {
// Do stuff
} else {
// Redirect