MQTT and AWS ELB : How to make ELB _forget_ to which node a client was previously connected to? - rabbitmq

I have a cluster of 2 RabbitMQ nodes (each running version 3.6.10 of RabbitMQ with MQTT plugin enabled) and an AWS classic load balancer in front of them. Server and clients exchange MQTT messages.
Clients (apps running on mobile devices and using Eclipse Paho client lib) connect to the load balancer which distributes connections in round-robin fashion.
When I bring down one node, say Node1, all clients that were connected to Node1 get a callback indicating connection to the broker is lost.
These clients try to reconnect but the connection attempt fails indicating the broker is not reachable.
From AWS console I can see that AWS ELB detects that Node1 is down and marks it as "OutOfService".
Connection requests from new clients are routed to the "InService" node Node2; however, connection requests from existing clients that were previously connected to Node1 always fail!
ELB is configured with idle timeout of 180 seconds. Enabling or disabling connection draining in ELB did not make any difference.
Is there any specific configuration to make ELB forget that the existing clients were connected to Node1 and allow them to connect to Node2?

I tried by adding following HA policy :
rabbitmqctl set_policy ha-mqtt "^mqtt" \ '{"ha-mode":"exactly","ha-params":2,"ha-sync-mode":"automatic"}'
With this policy in place, all queues created for MQTT clients were mirrored. Now when Node1 is down, connection attempts from existing client IDs also get routed to the other active node!
This makes me wonder what is the relationship between client IDs from MQTT clients and their connection to broker nodes? I thought mirroring of queues is necessary only to retain and access messages that were not yet acknowledged when the queue master node goes down. But I see that the clients are not even able to establish a connection!


Can RabbitMQ cluster be used as a single endpoint by application?

There are three nodes in a RabbitMQ cluster as below.
Within RabbitMQ, there are two queues, q1 and q2.
The master replica of q1 and q2 are distributed on different nodes. Both queues are mirrored by other nodes.
There is a load balancer in front of three nodes.
AMQP(node port 5672) and Management HTTP API(node port 15672) are exposed by load balancer.
When application establishes a connection through load balancer, it could reach a random RabbitMQ node behind. And this is invisible to application.
Is it ok for application to consume both queues in a single AMQP channel over a single connection no matter which RabbitMQ node it reaches?
It is ok for application to call management HTTP API no matter which RabbitMQ node its request hits?
When RabbitMQ is set up as a cluster and you have your queues mirrored across them, it doesn't matter to which node you are connected. Because the AMQP connection for a queue will be automatically routed to the node containing the master queue and this handled by RabbitMQ internally. So, if a request to publish or consume on queue q1 comes, it will be routed to Node #1.
Answers to your question.
It is not advisable to consume more than one queues in a single AMQP connection. Exception from one consuming process may cause the connection to close which will interrupt the other one.
It is ok for application to call management HTTP API no matter which RabbutMQ node its request hits. Once management plugin in a RabbitMQ cluster is enabled, all the nodes will accept the Management HTTP API requests.

rabbitmq with ha req/reply

i have the following scenario which i want to fulfill:
rabbit mq must be loadbalanced (is it something which is provided by rabbitmq out of the box OR something like haproxy load balancer would work great. Which one is well loadbalanced.)
CAN haproxy directly push messages to rabbitmq (lets say a POST request coming to http://localhost:3333/redirectToRabbit gets redirected to rabbit and optionally either the ACK or RESPONSE goes back to client. Also note haproxy would load balance the request)
with HA; what the best configuration ( exchange with durable queue, durable queue or something else. NOTE: How would the messages gets redirected to some other rabbitmq instance if one of the rabbitmq instance goes down -- persisted and auto redirection to available rabbitmq )
Assuming you setup a two-node RabbitMQ cluster. Before talking about ha proxy, you need to understand the ha policies and the behavior of ha queues first. Different ha options might cause completely different behaviors of RabbitMQ message replication and node failover. RabbitMQ is so flexible, so don't expect a golden way of configuration which could meet all scenarios.
Then, since you have two nodes which could accept connections, your client could either use a loadbalancer (such as ha proxy) or to use a client driver which supports connecting to multiple nodes of a cluster. Either way will work.
When using haproxy, you have one load balancer ip. Client connects only to this load balancer ip, the load balancer forward you connection to the underlying nodes. But as long as a connection created, the client connection instance keeps talking to one of the node. When one of the node is down, if no "Health Checking" options are configured in your load balancer, client might get random connection failures. When you have "Health Checking" options configured correctly, the load balancer knows which nodes are down, so that clients will only connect to healthy nodes, which solves the issue.
When not using a load balancer and only base on client driver to connect to all the nodes, the client driver should be able to handle connection failure or health check internally and do failover/retry, etc, to ensure connections go to healthy nodes.

RabbitMQ multi server configuration model

I try to build a system with multiple servers messages exchange.
I have server called Master and another server called Slave.
Master sends messages to Slave and Slave sends messages To Master asynchronously .
I have rabbitmq server on both servers and use federation plugin on both of them to get messages.
So publishers and consumers on both servers communicate only with local rabbitmq server. And all messages exchanges between servers are done only with rabbitmq .
It works fine. When both servers are online.
My requirement is that when there is no network connection between servers then messages should be accomulated until a connection is back.
And it doesn't work with federation plugin . If federation connection is not active then messages are not stored on local rabbitmq.
What should i do to have a model where messages can wait for connection to be delivered to other rabbitmq server?
Do i need to provide more info on my current model?
There is simpler description
RabbitMQ1 has exchange MASTER. RabbitMQ2 created federation with a link to RabbitMQ1 and assigned permissions to the exchange MASTER
Publisher writes to RabbitMQ1 to exchange MASTER with routing key 'myqueue'
Consumer listens RabbitMQ2 on exchange MASTER and queue 'myqueue'.
If there is connection then all works fine
if no connection then messages posted to RabbitMQ1 are not delivered to RabbitMQ2 when connection is back.
How to solve this?
I found the solution for this. Federation is not good plugin for such solution
I used shovel . It does exactly what i need

ActiveMQ failover protocol not reconnecting to master after restarting

I am using ActiveMQ version 5.4 and I have a pure master slave configuration. My slave is configured such that starts its network transports connectors in the event of a failure. My clients are configured using the failover protocol, just like the docs say:
When my master dies, the clients successfully fail over to the slave perfectly. The problem is that after I recover (i.e. stop the slave, copy over the data, restart the master, then restart the slave), the clients are still trying to connect to the the slave (which does not have any open network connectors at that point). Thus, the clients never reconnect to the master after restarting it. Is this how it's supposed to work?
I've seen this as well. If you're using the PooledConnectionFactory, set an expiry timeout on the pooled connections via setExpiryTimeout. The API documentation here suggests that this will force reconnection to the master broker:
allow connections to expire, irrespective of load or idle time. This is useful with failover to force a reconnect from the pool, to reestablish load balancing or use of the master post recovery

Switching back to the primary remote broker after successful failover

We are using Apache ActiveMQ 5.5.
We have a broker (let us call it Main Broker) running at tcp:// This broker does a store and forward message to a remote broker. To do that, we have a network connection from this broker to two remote brokers. We want one of the remote brokers to serve as primary and other as failover. This is the network connect URI that we are using
We are using spring DefaultMessageListenerContainer to listen for the messages
In the normal scenario when all the brokers are up and running and a message is sent to Main Broker, it is getting forwarded to server1 and is consumed by the listener.
If we stop the broker on server1, the fail over is happening successfully and the messages are getting forwarded to server2 and successfully consumed by the listener. The problem is when we bring the server1 back up, the messages continue to be forwarded by the main broker to server2. Our requirement is that once the server1 is up and running, the Main broker should start forwarding the messages to server1 and the listener should connect back to server1 and consume messages. We cannot change randomize to true because we want only one of the servers1 or server2 to be active at a time.
Please let me know whether it is possible and how.
You need to set to true the option "priorityBackup". You URI will become:
This will make server1 (the first in the list of servers) priority backup. When server1 goes down, he will failover to server2, but constantly try to reconnect to server1. Hence, when it goes back up again, he will switch back to server1. This option is only available in version 5.6
The complete details are here:
There is also an interesting blog here: