T-SQL Combine Ranges Based On Value - sql

I am using SQL Server 2012 and have been struggling with this query for hours. I am trying to aggregate mile post ranges based off the value in the Value column. The results should have unique segments with the highest value from the Value field for each segment. Here's an example:
Mile_Marker_Start | Mile_Marker_End | Value
0 100 5
50 150 6
100 200 10
75 300 9
150 200 7
And here's the result I'm looking for:
Mile_Marker_Start | Mile_Marker_End | Value
0 50 5
50 75 6
75 100 9
100 200 10
200 300 9
As you can see, the row with a value of 9 got split into 2 rows because Value 10 was bigger. Also, the row with Value 7 does not display because Value 10 was bigger. Can this be done without using a cursor? Any help would be much appreciated.

I believe the following now does what you need. I'd recommend running all the parts separately so you can see what they do and how they work.
(Mile_Marker_Start int, Mile_Marker_End int, Value int)
(0,100,5), (50,150,6), (100,200,10), (75,300,9), (150,200,7)
DECLARE #staging as table
(Mile_Marker int)
INSERT INTO #staging
SELECT Mile_Marker_Start from #input
UNION -- this will remove duplicates
SELECT Mile_Marker_End from #input
; -- we need semi-colon for the following CTE
-- this CTE gets the right values, but the rows aren't "collapsed"
WITH all_markers AS
max(i3.Value) Value
s1.Mile_Marker Mile_Marker_Start,
min(s2.Mile_Marker) Mile_Marker_End
#staging s1
JOIN #staging s2 ON
s1.Mile_Marker < s2.Mile_Marker
) as groups
JOIN #input i3 ON
i3.Mile_Marker_Start < groups.Mile_Marker_End AND
i3.Mile_Marker_End > groups.Mile_Marker_Start
MIN(collapse.Mile_Marker_Start) as Mile_Marker_Start,
MAX(collapse.Mile_Marker_End) as Mile_Marker_End,
(-- Subquery get's IDs for the groups we're collapsing together
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY am.Mile_Marker_Start) - ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY am.Value ORDER BY am.Mile_Marker_Start) GroupID
all_markers am

Since you are on 2012 you could maybe use LEAD. Here is my code but as noted on your question by #stevelovell , we need clarification on how you are getting your result table.
--test date
declare #tablename TABLE
Mile_Marker_Start int,
Mile_Marker_End int,
Value int
insert into #tablename
values(0,100, 5),
(50,150, 6),
(75,300, 9),
(150,200, 7);
select *
from #tablename
order by Mile_Marker_Start
select Mile_Marker_Start,
case when lead(mile_marker_start) over(order by mile_marker_start) < Mile_Marker_End THEN
lead(mile_marker_start) over(order by mile_marker_start)
from #tablename
order by Mile_Marker_Start
Once you update your notes I will come back and update my answer.
Update: wasn't able to get LEAD and the other windowing functions to work with your requirements. With the way you need to move up and down the table current, and calculated values...


sql make geometric sequence from series of bit values

I have this table:
declare #Table table (value int)
insert #Table select 0
insert #Table select 1
insert #Table select 1
insert #Table select 1
insert #Table select 0
insert #Table select 1
insert #Table select 1
Now, I need to make a Select query, which would add a column. This column will make a geometric sequence once there is a serie of value 1 in column value.
This would be the result:
I would phrase this as an arithmetic problem. First, you problem suggests that the ordering of rows is important. Hence, you need a column to specify the ordering. I assume there is an id column with this information.
Then to create the groups where the sequences start, do a cumulative sum of the 0s -- all the 1 are in the same group. Given the data you can express this as sum(1 - value) over (order by id).
Then just use arithmetic:
select t.*,
value * power(2, row_number() over (partition by grp order by id) - 1) as generatedsequence
from (select t.*, sum(1 - value) over (order by id) as grp
from #table t
) t;
Here is a db<>fiddle.
The arithmetic is that you want to enumerate the values in the group and then raise 2 to that power (except when value is 0). So the subquery returns:
id. value grp
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
4 1 1
5 0 2
6 1 2
7 1 2
The row_number() then enumerates the values within each grp.
OK.. first things first, in a database there is no inherent ordering of the data within a table. Therefore, to do what you want, you will need to make a field to sort/order on. In this case, I'm using an IDENTITY field called 'SortID'.
CREATE TABLE #Table (SortID int IDENTITY(1,1), BitValue bit);
INSERT INTO #Table (BitValue)
VALUES (0), (1), (1), (1), (0), (1), (1);
This gives a table with the following starting data
SortID BitValue
1 0
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 0
6 1
7 1
Now, to solve the problem
One way to do it is via a recursive CTE - where the value of the current row is based on the values of the previous rows.
However, recursive CTEs can have performance issues (they're loops, basically) so it's better to do a set-based approach if possible.
In this case, as you want a geometric sequence which is 2 to the power of the relevant row number, we don't need the previous rows to calculate this row - we only need to know the row number
The following approach
Uses a CTE to make a new field called 'GroupNum' which is used to group the rows together. Every time a row has a BitValue of 0, it increments the GroupNum by 1.
In your example, the first four rows would have GroupNum = 1, the remaining three would have GroupNum = 2
Follows the above with a window function - partitioning by those group numbers, and getting the row_number (minus one) within each group.
The final result is set as the power of a variable #a to the relevant row_number.
To match your example, I have used #a = 2 as the base for the POWER function.
DECLARE #a int;
SET #a = 2;
WITH Grouped_BitValues AS
(SELECT SortID, BitValue,
CASE WHEN BitValue = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS NewGrpFlag,
FROM #Table
SELECT BitValue, POWER(#a, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY GroupNum ORDER BY SortID) -1) AS Geometric_Sequence
FROM Grouped_BitValues
And here are the results
BitValue Geometric_Sequence
0 1
1 2
1 4
1 8
0 1
1 2
1 4
Note that in your question, 2^0 should be 1, not 0, for a proper geometric sequence. If instead you wanted 0, you'd need to code in Geometric_Sequence to have a CASE expression (e.g., CASE WHEN BitValue = 0 THEN 0 ELSE POWER(...) AS Geometric_Sequence).
Here is a db<>fiddle with
the setup
the answer
the components of the answer (e.g., the CTE, and calculations) to demonstrate how it's calculated

Rotate rows into columns with column names not coming from the row

I've looked at some answers but none of them seem to be applicable to me.
Basically I have this result set:
RowNo | Id | OrderNo |
1 101 1
2 101 10
I just want to convert this to
| Id | OrderNo_0 | OrderNo_1 |
101 1 10
I know I should probably use PIVOT. But the syntax is just not clear to me.
The order numbers are always two. To make things clearer
And if you want to use PIVOT then the following works with the data provided:
declare #Orders table (RowNo int, Id int, OrderNo int)
insert into #Orders (RowNo, Id, OrderNo)
select 1, 101, 1 union all select 2, 101, 10
select Id, [1] OrderNo_0, [2] OrderNo_1
from (
select RowNo, Id, OrderNo
from #Orders
) SourceTable
pivot (
for RowNo in ([1],[2])
) as PivotTable
Reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/queries/from-using-pivot-and-unpivot?view=sql-server-2017
Note: To build each row in the result set the pivot function is grouping by the columns not begin pivoted. Therefore you need an aggregate function on the column that is being pivoted. You won't notice it in this instance because you have unique rows to start with - but if you had multiple rows with the RowNo and Id you would then find the aggregation comes into play.
As you say there are only ever two order numbers per ID, you could join the results set to itself on the ID column. For the purposes of the example below, I'm assuming your results set is merely selecting from a single Orders table, but it should be easy enough to replace this with your existing query.
SELECT o1.ID, o1.OrderNo AS [OrderNo_0], o2.OrderNo AS [OrderNo_1]
FROM Orders AS o1
ON (o1.ID = o2.ID AND o1.OrderNo <> o2.OrderNo)
From your sample data, simplest you can try to use min and MAX function.
SELECT Id,min(OrderNo) OrderNo_0,MAX(OrderNo) OrderNo_1

SQL Merge table rows based on IN criteria

I have a table result like following
Code Counts1 Counts2 TotalCounts
1 10 20 30
4 15 18 33
5 5 14 19
... ... ... ...
What I am trying to achieve is merging counts for all rows where Code (the column counts are grouped on) belongs IN (1,4). However, within all my research, all I found was methods to merge rows based on a common value for each row (same id, etc.)
Is there a way to merge rows based on IN criteria, so I know if I should research it further?
How about a union?
1 as Code,
sum(Counts1) as Counts1,
sum(Counts2) as Counts2,
sum(TotalCount) as TotalCounts
code in (1,4)
select *
code not in(1,4)
Just assuming you will have numerous groupings (See the #Groupings mapping table)
You can have dynamic groupings via a LEFT JOIN
Declare #YourTable Table ([Code] varchar(50),[Counts1] int,[Counts2] int,[TotalCounts] int)
Insert Into #YourTable Values
Declare #Groupings Table (Code varchar(50),Grp int)
Insert Into #Groupings values
select code = Isnull(B.NewCode,A.Code)
,Counts1 = sum(Counts1)
,Counts2 = sum(Counts2)
,TotalCounts = sum(TotalCounts)
From #YourTable A
Left Join (
Select *
,NewCode = (Select Stuff((Select ',' + Code From #Groupings Where Grp=B1.Grp For XML Path ('')),1,1,'') )
From #Groupings B1
) B on (A.Code=B.Code)
Group By Isnull(B.NewCode,A.Code)
code Counts1 Counts2 TotalCounts
1,4 25 38 63
5 5 14 19
If it helps with the Visualization, the subquery generates
Code Grp NewCode
1 1 1,4
4 1 1,4
sum the count, remove code from the select statement. Add a new column to group 1 and 4 using case statement lets name this groupN. then in SQL group it by groupN.
You are correct, grouping has to be based on common value. so by creating a new column, you are making that happen.

SQL Server match and count on substring

I am using SQL Server 2008 R2 and have a table like this:
ID Record
1 IA12345
2 IA33333
3 IA33333
4 IA44444
5 MO12345
I am trying to put together some SQL to return the two rows that contain IA12345 and MO12345. So, I need to match on the partial string of the column "Record". What is complicating my SQL is that I don't want to return matches like IA33333 and IA33333. Clear as mud?
I am getting twisted up in substrings, group by, count and the like!
SELECT ID, Record FROM Table WHERE Record LIKE '%12345'
Select *
from MyTable
where Record like '%12345%'
This will find repeating and/or runs. For example 333 or 123 or 321
Think of it as Rummy 500
Declare #YourTable table (ID int,Record varchar(25))
Insert Into #YourTable values
( 1,'IA12345'),
( 2,'IA33333'),
( 3,'IA33333'),
( 4,'IA44444'),
( 5,'MO12345'),
( 6,'M785256') -- Will be excluded because there is no pattern
Declare #Num table (Num int);Insert Into #Num values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)
Select Distinct A.*
From #YourTable A
Join (
Select Patt=replicate(Num,3) from #Num
Union All
Select Patt=right('000'+cast((Num*100+Num*10+Num)+12 as varchar(5)),3) from #Num where Num<8
Union All
Select Patt=reverse(right('000'+cast((Num*100+Num*10+Num)+12 as varchar(5)),3)) from #Num where Num<8
) B on CharIndex(Patt,Record)>0
ID Record
1 IA12345
2 IA33333
3 IA33333
4 IA44444
5 MO12345
I should add that runs of 3 is too small, it is a small matter tweak the sub-queries so 333 becomes 3333 and 123 becomes 1234

How to select info from row above?

I want to add a column to my table that is like the following:
This is just an example of how the table is structured, the real table is more than 10.000 rows.
No_ Name Account_Type Subgroup (New_Column)
100 Sales 3
200 Underwear 0 250 *100
300 Bikes 0 250 *100
400 Profit 3
500 Cash 0 450 *400
So for every time there is a value in 'Subgroup' I want the (New_Column) to get the value [No_] from the row above
No_ Name Account_Type Subgroup (New_Column)
100 Sales 3
150 TotalSales 3
200 Underwear 0 250 *150
300 Bikes 0 250 *150
400 Profit 3
500 Cash 0 450 *400
There are cases where the table is like the above, where two "Headers" are above. And in that case I also want the first above row (150) in this case.
Is this a case for a cursor or what do you recommend?
The data is ordered by No_
Starting from the first line and then running through the whole table:
Is there a way I can store the value for [No_] where [Subgroup] is ''?
And following that insert this [No_] value in the (New_Column) in each row below having value in the [Subgroup] row.
And when the [Subgroup] row is empty the process will keep going, inserting the next [No_] value in (New_Column), that is if the next line has a value in [Subgroup]
Here is a better image for what I´m trying to do:
SQL Server 2012 suggests using Window Offset Functions.
In this case : LAG
Something like this:
,LAG([No_]) OVER(PARTITION BY [Subgroup]
ORDER BY [No_]) as [PrevValue]
FROM table
Here is an example from MS:
The ROW_NUMBER function will allow you to find out what number the row is, but because it is a windowed function, you will have to use a common table expression (CTE) to join the table with itself.
SELECT [No_], Name, Account_Type, Subgroup, [Row] = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [No_])
FROM table
SELECT t1.*, t2.[No_]
FROM cte t1
LEFT JOIN cte t2 ON t1.Row = t2.Row - 1
Hope this helps.
Next query will return Name of the parent row instead of the row itself, i.e. Sales for both Sales, Underwear, Bikes; and Profit for Profit, Cash:
select ISNULL(t2.Name, t1.Name)
from table t1
left join table t2 on t1.NewColumn = t2.No
So in SQL Server 2008 i created test table with 3 values in it:
create table #ttable
id int primary key identity,
number int,
number_prev int
Insert Into #ttable (number)
Output inserted.id
Values (10), (20), (30);
Insert in table, that does what you need (at least if understood correctly) looks like this:
declare #new_value int;
set #new_value = 13; -- NEW value
Insert Into #ttable (number, number_prev)
Values (#new_value,
(Select Max(number) From #ttable t Where t.number < #new_value))
[This part added] And to work with subgroup- just modify the inner select to filter out it:
Select Max(number) From #ttable t
Where t.number < #new_value And Subgroup != #Subgroup
, Name
, Account_Type
, Subgroup
, ( SELECT MAX(above.No_)
FROM TableX AS above
WHERE above.No_ < a.No_
AND above.Account_Type = 3
AND a.Account_Type <> 3
) AS NewColumn
TableX AS a