Microsoft Word macro to alter heading styles - vba

I am attempting to create a macro in Word that alters the style of a set of ~150 unique headings. All styles must be identical. My current code works and changes the formatting correctly, but only one heading at a time.
Simply put, it's ugly.
I'm looking for something I can reuse, and possibly apply to more projects in the future.
Maybe using the loop command? I don't know, I'm still somewhat new using VBA.
Sub QOS_Headings()
Dim objDoc As Document
Dim head1 As Style, head2 As Style, head3 As Style, head4 As Style
Set objDoc = ActiveDocument
Set head1 = ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 1")
Set head2 = ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 2")
With objDoc.Content.Find
.Text = "Section A.^p"
With .Replacement
.Style = head1
End With
.Execute Wrap:=wdFindContinue, Format:=True, Replace:=wdReplaceOne
End With
End With
End Sub

If there is no way in which you can identify the heads you want automatically you may have to write everything once. Create a separate function for this purpose. It might look like this:-
Private Function SearchCriteria() As String()
Dim Fun(6) As String ' Fun = Designated Function return value
' The number of elements in the Dim statement must be equal to
' the number of elements actually declared:
' observe that the actual number of elements is one greater
' than the index because the latter starts at 0
Fun(0) = "Text 1"
Fun(1) = "Text 2"
Fun(2) = "Text 3"
Fun(3) = "Text 4"
Fun(4) = "Text 5"
Fun(5) = "Text 6"
Fun(6) = "Text 7"
SearchCriteria = Fun
End Function
You can add as many elements as you wish. In theory it is enough if they are unique within the document. I shall add some practical concerns below. Use the code below to test the above function.
Private Sub TestSearchCriteria()
Dim Crits() As String
Dim i As Long
Crits = SearchCriteria
For i = 0 To UBound(Crits)
' prints to the Immediate Window:
' select from View tab or press Ctl+G
Debug.Print Crits(i)
Next i
End Sub
Now you are ready to try to actually work on your document. Here is the code. It will not effect any changes. It's just the infrastructure for testing and getting ready.
Sub ChangeTextFormat()
Dim Crits() As String
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Fnd As Boolean
Dim i As Long
Crits = SearchCriteria
For i = 0 To UBound(Crits)
' find the Text in the document
Set Rng = ActiveDocument.Content
With Rng.Find
.Execute FindText:=Crits(i), Forward:=True, _
Format:=False, Wrap:=wdFindStop
Fnd = .Found
End With
If Fnd = True Then
With Rng
Debug.Print .Text
' .MoveStart wdWord, -2
' With .Font
' .Italic = True
' .Bold = True
' End With
End With
Debug.Print "Didn't find " & Crits(i)
End If
Next i
End Sub
The first half of the procedure will find each of the search criteria in your document using the same kind of loop as you already know from the test procedure. But now the text is fed to the Find method which assigns the found text to the Rng range. If the item is found you now have a handle on it by the name of Rng.
The second half of the sub deals with the outcome of the search. If the text was found the found text (that is Rng.Text) is printed to the Immediate window, otherwise the original text Crits(i) with "didn't find".
If the text was found you want to assign a style to it. But before you can do so you should deal with the difference between the text you found and the text you want to format. This difference could be physical, like you didn't write the entire length of the text in the criteria, or technical, like excluding paragraph marks. In my above sub there is just random code (extending the Rng by two preceding words and formatting everything as bold italics). Consider this code a placeholder.
For your purposes code like this might do the job, perhaps. .Paragraphs(1).Style = Head1 Actually, that is rather a different question, and I urge you not to rush for this result too fast. The part you now have needs thorough testing first.


Sub to find text in a Word document by specified font and font size

Goal: Find headings in a document by their font and font size and put them into a spreadsheet.
All headings in my doc are formatted as Ariel, size 16. I want to do a find of the Word doc, select the matching range of text to the end of the line, then assign it to a variable so I can put it in a spreadsheet. I can do an advanced find and search for the font/size successfully, but can't get it to select the range of text or assign it to a variable.
Tried modifying the below from but couldn't figure out how to select and assign the found text to a variable. If I can get it assigned to the variable then I can take care of the rest to get it into a spreadsheet.
'A basic Word macro coded by Greg Maxey
Sub FindFont
Dim strHeading as string
Dim oChr As Range
For Each oChr In ActiveDocument.Range.Characters
If oChr.Font.Name = "Ariel" And oChr.Font.Size = "16" Then
strHeading = .selected
Exit Sub
End Sub
To get the current code working, you just need to amend strHeading = .selected to something like strHeading = strHeading & oChr & vbNewLine. You'll also need to add an End If statement after that line and probably amend "Ariel" to "Arial".
I think a better way to do this would be to use Word's Find method. Depending on how you are going to be inserting the data into the spreadsheet, you may also prefer to put each header that you find in a collection instead of a string, although you could easily delimit the string and then split it before transferring the data into the spreadsheet.
Just to give you some more ideas, I've put some sample code below.
Sub Demo()
Dim Find As Find
Dim Result As Collection
Set Find = ActiveDocument.Range.Find
With Find
.Font.Name = "Arial"
.Font.Size = 16
End With
Set Result = Execute(Find)
If Result.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "No match found"
Exit Sub
TransferToExcel Result
End If
End Sub
Function Execute(Find As Find) As Collection
Set Execute = New Collection
Do While Find.Execute
Execute.Add Find.Parent.Text
End Function
Sub TransferToExcel(Data As Collection)
Dim i As Long
With CreateObject("Excel.Application")
With .Workbooks.Add
With .Sheets(1)
For i = 1 To Data.Count
.Cells(i, 1) = Data(i)
End With
End With
.Visible = True
End With
End Sub

Finding and Replacing with VBA for Word overwrites previous style

I'm writing a VBA script to generate word documents from an already defined template. In it, I need to be able to write headings along with a body for each heading. As a small example, I have a word document that contains only <PLACEHOLDER>. For each heading and body I need to write, I use the find-and-replace feature in VBA to find <PLACEHOLDER> and replace it with the heading name, a newline, and then <PLACEHOLDER> again. This is repeated until each heading name and body is written and then the final <PLACEHOLDER> is replaced with a newline.
The text replacing works fine, but the style I specify gets overwritten by the next call to the replacement. This results in everything I just replaced having the style of whatever my last call to my replacement function is.
VBA code (run main)
Option Explicit
Sub replace_stuff(search_string As String, replace_string As String, style As Integer)
With ActiveDocument.Range.Find
.Text = search_string
.Replacement.Text = replace_string = style
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Format = True
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
End Sub
Sub main()
Dim section_names(2) As String
section_names(0) = "Introduction"
section_names(1) = "Background"
section_names(2) = "Conclusion"
Dim section_bodies(2) As String
section_bodies(0) = "This is the body text for the introduction! Fetched from some file."
section_bodies(1) = "And Background... I have no issue fetching data from the files."
section_bodies(2) = "And for the conclusion... But I want the styles to 'stick'!"
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 2
' Writes each section name as wsStyleHeading2, and then the section body as wdStyleNormal
Call replace_stuff("<PLACEHOLDER>", section_names(i) & Chr(11) & "<PLACEHOLDER>", wdStyleHeading2)
Call replace_stuff("<PLACEHOLDER>", section_bodies(i) & Chr(11) & "<PLACEHOLDER>", wdStyleNormal)
Next i
Call replace_stuff("<PLACEHOLDER>", Chr(11), wdStyleNormal)
End Sub
Input document: A word document with only <PLACEHOLDER> in it.
Expected Output:
I expect that each heading will be displayed in the style I specified and can be viewed from the navigation pane like this:
Actual Output: However what I actually get is everything as wdStyleNormal style like this:
I think the problem can be solved by inserting a paragraph break between every style transition, but when I try using vbCrLF or Chr(10) & Chr(13) or vbNewLine instead of the chr(11) I am using now, Each line begins with a boxed question mark like this:
Update from discussion in comments on another answer. The problem described below applies to Word 2016 and earlier. Starting in Office 365 (and probably Word 2019, but that's not been confirmed) the Replace behavior has been changed to "convert" ANSI 13 to a "real" paragraph mark, so the problem in the question would not occur.
The reason for the odd formatting behavior is the use of Chr(11), which inserts a new line (Shift + Enter) instead of a new paragraph. So a paragraph style applied to any part of this text formats the entire text with the same style.
In this particular case (working with Replace), vbCr or the equivalent Chr(13) also don't work because these are not really Word's native paragraph. A paragraph is much more than just ANSI code 13 - it contains paragraph formatting information. So, while the code is running, Word is not really recognizing these as true paragraph marks and the paragraph style assignment is being applied to "everything".
What does work is to use the string ^p, which in Word's Find/Replace is the "alias" for a complete paragraph mark. So, for example:
replace_stuff "<PLACEHOLDER>", section_names(i) & "^p" & "<PLACEHOLDER>", wdStyleHeading2
replace_stuff "<PLACEHOLDER>", section_bodies(i) & "^p" & "<PLACEHOLDER>", wdStyleNormal
There is, however, a more efficient way to build a document than inserting a placeholder for each new item and using Find/Replace to replace the placeholder with the document content. The more conventional approach is to work with a Range object (think of it like an invisible selection)...
Assign content to the Range, format it, collapse (like pressing right-arrow for a selection) and repeat. Here's an example that returns the same result as the (corrected) code in the question:
Sub main()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = ActiveDocument.content
Dim section_names(2) As String
section_names(0) = "Introduction"
section_names(1) = "Background"
section_names(2) = "Conclusion"
Dim section_bodies(2) As String
section_bodies(0) = "This is the body text for the introduction! Fetched from some file."
section_bodies(1) = "And Background... I have no issue fetching data from the files."
section_bodies(2) = "And for the conclusion... But I want the styles to 'stick'!"
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 2
BuildParagraph section_names(i), wdStyleHeading2, rng
BuildParagraph section_bodies(i), wdStyleNormal, rng
Next i
End Sub
Sub BuildParagraph(para_text As String, para_style As Long, rng As Range)
rng.Text = para_text = para_style
rng.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End Sub
The problem is caused by your use of Chr(11) which is a manual line break. This results in all of the text being in a single paragraph. When the paragraph style is applied it applies to the entire paragraph.
Replace Chr(11) with vbCr to ensure that each piece of text is in a separate paragraph.

Macro for Adding Text To Begining of Every Paragraph

I am trying to create a Word macro that will go through a large document that I have and add the text "SAMPLE" to the beginning of every paragraph.
The document contains a Title page, Table of Contents and Headings throughout and I would prefer none of these have the "SAMPLE" text on them, just the paragraphs.
Below is some macro code I have found on various sites and kind of pieced together to do somewhat of what I want. It does place the "SAMPLE" text at the beginning of some paragraphs but not all, usually only the first paragraph of a new section within my document. And it also places it at the end of the Table of Contents and Beginning of the Title page.
I am brand new to macros in Word so any help is appreciated or if there is a better way of doing this perhaps? There might even be some unnecessary bits in this code since it is pieced together from other samples.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Par As Paragraph, Rng As Range
For Each Par In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
If Par.Style = "Normal" Then
If Rng Is Nothing Then
Set Rng = Par.Range
Rng.End = Par.Range.End
End If
Call RngFmt(Rng)
End If
If Par.Range.End = ActiveDocument.Range.End Then
Call RngFmt(Rng)
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub RngFmt(Rng As Range)
If Not Rng Is Nothing Then
With Rng
.End = .End - 1
.InsertBefore "SAMPLE"
End With
Set Rng = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Provided your Title, Table of Contents and Headings etc. don't use the Normal Style - as they shouldn't - you really don't need a macro for this - all you need is a wildcard Find/Replace where:
Find = [!^13]*^13
Replace = SAMPLE: ^&
and you specify the Normal Style as a Find formatting parameter. You could, of course, record the above as a macro, but that seems overkill unless you're doing this often.

Using word wildcards to find unaccepted changes

I have some word documents with unaccepted, tracked changes. I want to accept them but still have them shown in red in my documents. I think a good way to do this would be doing a wildcard search for unaccepted changes and replacing them with the same text in red, however I dont know if this is possible.
I am also happy with other ways of achieving my goal, without wildcards.
Applying formatting to revisions cannot be done using Word's standard find & replace operation. However, you can write a macro that enumerates all revisions and then applies formatting to each of them.
There is a bloc post by Chris Rae who provides a macro that converts revisions to standard formatting:
Enumerating edits on large documents (AKA converting tracked changes to conventional formatting)
The macro may not yet do exactly what you need, but it should get you started.
For reference, here is a copy of the macro:
Sub EnumerateChanges()
Dim rAll As Revision
Dim dReport As Document
Dim dBigDoc As Document
Set dBigDoc = ActiveDocument
If dBigDoc.Revisions.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "There are no revisions in the active document.", vbCritical
ElseIf MsgBox(“This will enumerate the changes in '" + dBigDoc.Name + "' in a new document and close the original WITHOUT saving changes. Continue?", vbYesNo) <> vbNo Then
Set dReport = Documents.Add
dBigDoc.Activate ' really just so we can show progress by selecting the revisions
dBigDoc.TrackRevisions = False ' Leaving this on results in a disaster
For Each rAll In dBigDoc.Revisions
' Now find the nearest section heading downwards
Dim rFindFirst As Range, rFindLast As Range
Set rFindLast = rAll.Range.Paragraphs(1).Range
While Not IsNumberedPara(rFindLast.Next(wdParagraph))
Set rFindLast = rFindLast.Next(wdParagraph)
' Now head back up to the next numbered section header
Set rFindFirst = rFindLast
Set rFindFirst = rFindFirst.Previous(wdParagraph)
Loop Until IsNumberedPara(rFindFirst) Or (rFindFirst.Previous(wdParagraph) Is Nothing)
ConvertNumberedToText rFindFirst
Dim rChangedSection As Range
Set rChangedSection = dBigDoc.Range(rFindFirst.Start, rFindLast.End)
' Properly tag all the revisions in this whole section
Dim rOnesInThisSection As Revision
For Each rOnesInThisSection In rChangedSection.Revisions
rOnesInThisSection.Range.Select ' just for visual update
DoEvents ' update the screen so we can see how far we are through
If rOnesInThisSection.Type = wdRevisionDelete Then
With Selection.Range
.Font.ColorIndex = wdRed
.Font.StrikeThrough = True
End With
dBigDoc.Comments.Add Selection.Range, “deleted”
If rOnesInThisSection.Type = wdRevisionInsert Then
With Selection.Range
.Font.ColorIndex = wdBlue
End With
dBigDoc.Comments.Add Selection.Range, “inserted”
End If
End If
' Now copy the whole thing into our new document
Dim rOut As Range
Set rOut = dReport.Range
rOut.EndOf wdStory, False
Next rAll
' There should end up being no numbered paragraphs at all in the
' new doc (they were converted to text), so delete them
Dim pFinal As Paragraph
For Each pFinal In dReport.Paragraphs
If IsNumberedPara(pFinal.Range) Then
End If
dBigDoc.Close False
End If
End Sub
Sub ConvertNumberedToText(rOf As Range)
If InStr(rOf.ListFormat.ListString, “.”) > 0 Then
rOf.InsertBefore "Changes to section " + rOf.ListFormat.ListString + " "
End If
End Sub
Function IsNumberedPara(rOf As Range) As Boolean
If rOf Is Nothing Then ‘ if the document doesn’t have numbered sections, this will cause changes to be enumerated in the whole thing
IsNumberedPara = True
ElseIf rOf.ListFormat.ListString <> "" Then
If Asc(rOf.ListFormat.ListString) <> 63 Then
IsNumberedPara = True
End If
End If
End Function

Loop through pages OR page breaks?

I'm basically trying to create a cumulative word count for documents that will put the number of words on each page into its footer and add it to the total words each page. After a lot of looking around, I found that Word doesn't really handle pages the same for everybody and so doesn't have any interface to access the individual pages through.
Now I'm trying to separate each page with page breaks so there's a clear delimiter between pages, but I still can't find how to loop through these. Any clues?
I'm going to post the code I have, but it's only for getting the word count currently. No proper attempts at cycling through page breaks because I don't know how.
Sub getPageWordCount()
Dim iPgNum As Integer
Dim sPgNum As String
Dim ascChar As Integer
Dim rngPage As Range
Dim iBeginPage As Integer
Dim iEndPage As Integer
' Go to start of document and make sure its paginated correctly.
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdMove
' Loop through the number of pages in the document.
For iPgNum = 2 To Selection.Information(wdNumberOfPagesInDocument)
sPgNum = CStr(iPgNum)
iBeginPage = Selection.Start
' Go to next page
Selection.GoTo wdGoToPage, wdGoToAbsolute, sPgNum
' and to the last character of the previous page...
Selection.MoveLeft wdCharacter, 1, wdMove
iEndPage = Selection.Start
' Retrieve the character code at insertion point.
Set rngPage = ActiveDocument.Range(iBeginPage, iEndPage)
MsgBox rngPage.ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticWords)
'rngPage.Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.Text = rngPage.ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticWords)
' Check the character code for hard page break or text.
' ActiveDocument.Sections(2).Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.Text = "bob" 'Testing
End Sub
Finally got it, managed to guess my way through it a bit, taking assorted bits from dark corners of the internet:
Sub getPageWordCount()
'Replace all page breaks with section breaks
Dim myrange1 As Range, myrangedup As Range
Selection.HomeKey wdStory
With Selection.Find
Do While .Execute(findText:="^m", Forward:=True, _
MatchWildcards:=False, Wrap:=wdFindStop) = True
Set myrange = Selection.Range
Set myrangedup = Selection.Range.Duplicate
myrange.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
myrange.InsertBreak wdSectionBreakNextPage
End With
'Unlink all footers and insert word count for each section
Dim sectionCount, sectionNumber, i, sectionWordCount, cumulativeWordCount As Integer
sectionCount = ActiveDocument.Sections.Count
For sectionNumber = 1 To sectionCount
With ActiveDocument.Sections(sectionNumber)
sectionWordCount = .Range.ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticWords)
cumulativeWordCount = cumulativeWordCount + sectionWordCount
With .Footers.Item(1)
.LinkToPrevious = False
.Range.Text = "This page's word count: " + CStr(sectionWordCount) + " | Cumulative word count: " + CStr(cumulativeWordCount)
.Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
End With
End With
End Sub
And now I've just discovered that if I want to port this macro to an add-in for ease of use for non-techy users I have to write it in VB 2010 in Visual Studio where the API is different. Good luck me!
It sounds as if you have what you need, but I was working on an alternative that I may as well post because it does not require you to add page breaks or section breaks. But you would have to add the same nested field in each footer that appears in the document (I haven't done that part here, but it's not completely trivial because there may be multiple sections and multiple footers per section).
The field code you need to add (in addition to your 'This page's word count: ' text) is
{ DOCVARIABLE "s{ SECTION }p{ PAGE \*arabic }" }
As written, the method may break in some circumstances, e.g. if there are continuous section breaks. I haven't checked.
Sub createWordCounts()
Dim i As Integer
Dim rng As Word.Range
With ActiveDocument
For i = 1 To .Range.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
Set rng = .GoTo(wdGoToPage, wdGoToAbsolute, i).Bookmarks("\page").Range
.Variables("s" & CStr(rng.Information(wdActiveEndSectionNumber)) & "p" & CStr(rng.Information(wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber))).Value = rng.ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticWords)
Set rng = Nothing
End With
End Sub