Flow not covered - react-native

Get warning "Not covered by Flow"(3 warnings on one line)
on line:
Use Flow.js v.0.48.0.
Code sample:
import { Font, AppLoading } from 'expo';
export default class App extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
async loadFonts () {
await Font.loadAsync(fontsStore);

In this case, it looks like Flow is unable to find types for the expo module. It looks like they are not currently available on flow-typed, but you are welcome to submit them. You can also just create library definitions for your own use. Basically you will need to describe the external interface of the expo package. Flow will then use the types you provide to type check your code that uses the expo package.


Nuxt avoid import of client-side script for server-side rendering

In my nuxt.js application, I have a script that imports an NPM package which is only compatible with browser contexts (it references document, location, window, etc.)
Is there a way to exclude this from SSR?
import thing from "#vendor/thing"; // causes `document not defined` error
export default showThing(){
if (process.client) {
I can use the method with process.client but this file is still imported in my components.
You could import it dynamically rather than in every context.
As explained in my answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/67825061/8816585
In your example, that would be something like this
export default showThing(){
if (process.client) {
const thing = await import('#vendor/thing')

Cannot run expo web

I encounter the error 'Cannot access __fbBatchedBridgeConfig on web' when trying to run expo web
The instructions I got according to https://github.com/expo/fyi/blob/main/fb-batched-bridge-config-web.md was to do the following
Remove internal imports
You can remove the import altogether, or you can move an internal import inside of a platform specific block:
import getDevServer from "react-native/Libraries/Core/Devtools/getDevServer";
let getDevServer = () => { /* no-op */ }
if (Platform.OS !== 'web') {
getDevServer = require("react-native/Libraries/Core/Devtools/getDevServer");
+ }
However, I'm not sure where to insert this code. I've tried inserting it on my home page, on app.js, and I still encounter this error.
Could anyone help me out on this?
(I'm using EXPO 4.13.0, SDK 43 and react-native 0.64.3)
This error shows when you try to use a nested library from react-native.
Search specifically for react-native/ with your IDE in your project to find where you are importing such nested library.
There you can replace the offending import like:
import example from "react-native/example";
let example = () => { /* no-op */ }
if (Platform.OS !== 'web') {
example= require("react-native/example");
You also need to import Platform like:
import { Platform } from 'react-native';
But note other errors might arise if you DO need to use that library, so also edit where you are using it.

Redux: Is there any smart way to avoid the antipattern of importing store for helper files?

I'm currently build a React Native application using Redux the state management and Firebase Cloud Messaging for my real time communication.
To use FCM in the background on Android you are required to create file called bgMessaging.js.
// #flow
import firebase from 'react-native-firebase';
// Optional flow type
import type { RemoteMessage } from 'react-native-firebase';
export default async (message: RemoteMessage) => {
// handle your message
return Promise.resolve();
My problem is that I need to dispatch an action here. The only solution I found for this was to import my store and call store.dispatch(). I've been told this is an anti-pattern and considered bad practice. What else could I do that is not an anti-pattern?
Mark Erikson himself was so kind and gave his opinion on this topic. Thanks Mark!
I've also come into the same scenario when writing my application. My approach to my React Native App was to create React Components, but deal with a lot of my data fetching/handling outside of React Components - because I didn't know whether I'd be using React all of the time, but wanted to create re-usable modules for my other Type/JavaScript projects. For example I'd created a few helper files which dealt with various APIs, but when I integrated Redux into my project - I had the same issue. How do I dispatch without re-adding in your store (as I can see this can be considered Anti-Pattern).
Reading into a few articles, there's no real place to suggest that this approach is 'Anti Pattern'. A lot of the time, stores are imported within the React Context (which is doesn't need to be) - this is Anti Pattern. In your use case, I don't really see how that can be Anti Pattern, I certainly came to this conclusion when I was doing the same thing. In my view 'Common' parts of the app should be used by many other parts of the application.
What I'm seeing is that you need to provide a function which has a single arg, typed as RemoteMessage which returns a promise, and you need to provide that function to registerHeadlessTask (wrapped in another function for some reason..)
So what if your bgMessaging file looked like this..
// #flow
import firebase from 'react-native-firebase';
// Optional flow type
import type { RemoteMessage } from 'react-native-firebase';
export default store => {
return async (message: RemoteMessage) => {
// handle your message
return Promise.resolve();
and in your index you did..
import bgMessaging from './src/bgMessaging';
const store = redux.createStore();
const bgMessagingFn = bgMessaging(store);
// Current main application
AppRegistry.registerComponent('ReactNativeFirebaseDemo', () => bootstrap);
// New task registration
AppRegistry.registerHeadlessTask('RNFirebaseBackgroundMessage', () => bgMessagingFn);

How To Use both 'adjustPan' and 'adjustResize' for 'windowSoftInputMode' in React Native Android app

How can I use both 'adjustPan' and 'adjustResize' in AndroidManifest.xml react native app.
Use Case
My navigation is made upon ReactNavigation with StackNavigator and TabNavigator. I have a text box where the user can type any data. While performing this, the tab bar is displaying on the top of Keyboard. In order to block this i used 'adjustPan' and it worked fine.
On another screen, I have a registration with multiple text boxes. Here I cant scroll the entire screen unless and clicking 'tick' on the keyboard or manually click system back button. To solve this issue I found 'KeyboardAvoidingView' which is working fine. but to activate this need to change 'windowSoftInputMode' to 'adjustResize'.
In documentation, found that these two have entirely different property and I can't both together. could someone help me on this?
I found an npm package called react-native-android-keyboard-adjust, which allows us to switch the windowSoftInputMode on demand, this should be able to cater for your use case. However, the library seems to be not actively maintained and the installation documentation is a little bit out of date but for the most part, you can follow the instructions given by the README.md.
For the Update MainActivity.java in your project part, the recent versions of React Native should be able to auto-link the dependencies and there is no need to do this modification manually.
After the above steps, you can try to start your app. If you encountered an error related to something like The number of method references in a .dex file cannot exceed 64k, you can add the followings to your android/app/build.gradle file
android {
defaultConfig {
multiDexEnabled true
After installing the package, you can call the methods provided by the library to change the windowSoftInputMode as you need.
For example, assuming you have a default windowSoftInputMode of adjustResize, and you want to use adjustPan within ScreenA, you can call AndroidKeyboardAdjust.setAdjustPan() when ScreenA mount, and reset the windowSoftInputMode to adjustResize on unmount by calling AndroidKeyboardAdjust.setAdjustResize()
As of 2023, the best choice is react-native-avoid-softinput. react-native-android-keyboard-adjust isn't supported anymore.
You can use AvoidSoftInput.setAdjustPan and AvoidSoftInput.setAdjustResize.
I use custom hook to disable my default behavior on some screens.
import { useCallback } from 'react'
import { AvoidSoftInput } from 'react-native-avoid-softinput'
import { useFocusEffect } from '#react-navigation/native'
import { Platform } from 'react-native'
function useAndroidKeyboardAdjustNothing() {
useCallback(() => {
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
return () => {
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
}, []),

Aurelia module global configuration

I have installed toastr in my Aurelia app. I am able to import and use it in different views, but I can't figure out how to set/modify its global options.
The most trivial place to do that is in you application constructor. You must also have your toaster script loaded at this point. Here's how your app.js could look like:
import {Router} from 'aurelia-router';
import toastr from 'toastr';
export class App {
static inject() { return [Router]; }
constructor(router) {
toastr.options.closeButton = true;
// ... setup your routing etc
I assume you already have your toaster script loaded at this point. You can also move toastr initialization to any other Aurelia constructor, or any other place, I don't see any technical restrictions.