Parameters to Script - yosys

Is there some way to pass parameters (or command line arguments) to a Yosys script?
I see in this quetion (Can we have variables in a Yosys script?) you can run the Yosys script within a TCL interpreter. Is there some way to pass in an argument?
The reason I am doing this is that I have a script, and I want to be able to call the script with a parameterized path to a Verilog file. Surely this is a common need, and there must be some easy way to do this, but I'm not seeing it.

The only way to do that at the moment is using environment variables and TCL scripts. For example, you can write a TCL script test.tcl:
yosys read_verilog $::env(VLOG_FILE_NAME)
yosys synth -top $::env(TOP_MODULE)
yosys write_verilog output.v
And then call if with VLOG_FILE_NAME and TOP_MODULE set in the environment:
VLOG_FILE_NAME=tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v TOP_MODULE=up3down5 yosys test.tcl
If you are running Yosys from a shell script you can also simply run something like export VLOG_FILE_NAME=... at the top of your script. Similarly you can use the export Makefile statement when you are running Yosys from a Makefile.

I was facing a similar case. This question showed up while I was working on a solution. I ended up with a different approach though:
I'm creating a wrapper to my top module, written in m4 language. It's very simple, it overrides the parameters value, and then includes my top module definition.
Then in the Makefile, I process the wrapper.m4 file, to create the resulting wrapper.v file, that will be input to yosys.
I have detailled the solution here.


Get the list of CMake configure_file calls

A bit of context first - I'm working on converting a CMake build system to an internal build system. For this I iterate BUILDSYSTEM_TARGETS and use get_property to get all the properties I need and everything works fine, except some files are missing from the build. After checking the CMakeLists.txt files from the original build system I realized configure_file is used in many and quite random places.
I assume CMake is storing configure_file calls internally. If this is the case, is it possible to access this?
Tsyvarev's answer of redefining configure_file works, but be aware that Craig Scott (one of the maintainers of CMake) has an article recommending against redefining CMake commands. Using the internal underscore-prefixed commands is relying on undocumented behaviour that can change in future versions. Using this trick can also result in infinite recursion.
While for your scenario it works fine, if you want to avoid using that trick, you can use the --trace* arguments to the cmake command.
--trace puts cmake in trace mode, which will print a trace of all calls made and from where.
--trace-expand is like --trace, but with variables expanded.
--trace-format=<format> lets you choose between human (a human readable format (the default value)), or json-v1, which prints JSON.
--trace-redirect=<file> puts cmake in trace mode and redirects trace output to a file instead of stderr.
So you could use the human format and grep for configure_file, or you could use the json-v1 format and write a script in a lanugage of your choice to search the JSON for calls to configure_file. You could also possibly use a comandline tool like jq to do the search.
You could redefine configure_file as a function (or macro) at the beginning of the project's CMakeLists.txt. That way allows you to run arbitrary code every time the function is invoked in the project.
Inside redefining function you could implement the logic which you need. For call original function in the redefining one, use underscore-prefixed name (_configure_file):
function(configure_file input output)
# ...
# Do something with the 'output' file. E.g. add it to the global list.
# ...
# After custom processing call original function with all parameters.
_configure_file(${input} ${output} ${ARGN})

kotlinc -script with multiple files

I have a Kotlin script which I'm using for testing.
In order to run it quickly, I'm using kotlinc -script to evaluate it which prints me the result straight away in the console.
Now, when the script becomes big enough, I want to split it into different submodules/packages. Is it possible to evaluate a script with multiple files with kotlinc?
Note, the setup is only intended for testing purposes that's the reason I don't want to compile it, to avoid an extra step. Imagine doing it stright from the console and you don't want to set up a project with Gradle.
Looks like kscript is the answer.
Install kscript
Import required file: //INCLUDE directory/requiredFile.kts
You can call functions from the requiredFile.kts now.
Run your file with kscript ./mainScript.kts, you may need to chmod +x mainScript.kts
If anyone knows how to do it directly with kotlinc let me know.

CMake and librarian operation

I'm trying to get a COTS compiler/linker suite working with CMake and for the most part everything is working well. The issue I am running into is with the librarian.
A typical call as defined in COMPILER-${lang}.cmake file would look like this:
but the librarian has no specific way of being told where the object files are so I would like to prepend the object files with the binary directory so as to give the librarian a specific place to find them. However I can't come up with the right syntax to do so.
Any thoughts on how one would do this?
After much work with the compiler/linker suite, it was determined that the main problem was that the compiler did not have the ability of being told where to put the object directly - in essence it did not support the typical -o parameter.
This resulted in the compiler naming the output file whatever it wanted and not paying attention to the that was being passed to it by the make utility.
It also turns out that the main compiler executable was really just a wrapper for the preprocessor, code generator and assembler so I ended up just RE'ing it and building my own wrapper that did support the -o parameter. It was definitively easier doing that trying to get CMake to work with this non-standard approach to generating outputs. Once the compiler started supporting the -o parameter the librarian worked without any issues.

CMake and clang_complete

I'm wanting to setup my CMakeLists.txt file so that it can generate the .clang_complete file required by the vim plugin clang_complete.
Ordinarily, you would do this by passing a parameter to the python script it supplies with the compiler and all of the parameters for compilation. Note that I am omitting the actual directory is in to save on space. gcc test.c -o test -I~/IncludeDirs/
You can also do this during the make phase...
make CC=' gcc' CXX=' g++'
However, I am unsure of how to (if it is possible to) set this up within a CMakeLists.txt file. It's really annoying to have to type this in every time I want to setup clang_complete. The reason why I want to do it this way, is because I have multiple projects that I use a custom script to build the CMakeLists.txt file, so having to write a script for each one or manually place a generic one is a step I'd like to avoid.
I've tried a couple of things that have so far have come up with errors.
I've tried setting CMAKE_CC_COMPILER and CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to lines similar to the first i.e. " g++". The errors that come up here say that It can't find the compiler (which is understandable).
The next thing I tried was setting the Compiler variables just to the and adding a flag for the actual compiler: suffice to say, that failed horribly. CMake said that it couldn't compile a test program (considering the script isn't a compiler, and the tests don't use the flags I set, I'm not surprised at this).
So without writing any other external scripts that require moving around, is there anyone that can think of a way that can do this?
The solution is to set the CXX environment variable before executing cmake. Something like that:
CXX="$HOME/.vim/bin/ clang++" cmake ..
See for more details.
I know you said "without writing any other external scripts," but it seems like you just need a one-liner:
exec g++
And then set that file as your CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER. You could even use CMake's file() function to write the one-liner at build time if you don't want to have to distribute it.

How do I effectively use Batch Scripts?

I would like to create some batch scripts to move some files around. But i was wondering if there are any good resources on how to do this? Do you just use Command Line arguments?
At its simplest level, a batch script is a text file with a .bat extension, and consists of the same commands you would enter at the command line, separated by carriage returns.
Thus, the file:
md C:\HelloWorld
Is a batch script that attempts to create the directory "HelloWorld" on your C: root.
Batch scripts can be much more complex, involving variables and flow control logic, but before you travel that road, you may want to investigate powershell and WSH.
Edit Oops... fixed the link to powershell.
Basically, you just do command-line argument. But there are certain types of variables supported, and also command-line arguments to the batch file, which you can use.