React Native - Difference between onChange vs onChangeText of TextInput - react-native

I'm not sure when to use onChange vs onChangeText in a TextInput component. I know onChangeText accepts the changed text as an arg in the callback, but is that why you would use onChangeText, since you can then update state within the callback?

UPDATE 26.08.2019
Since the initial version of the answer, TextInput's API has changed, and answer below is no longer valid. I haven't worked with react-native for more than 2 years now, so I can't really tell which version had these changes.
Regarding the answer, onChangeText is still a simple prop, that gives whatever is the value of the input field on every change.
onChange on the other hand, passes an event with { nativeEvent: { eventCount, target, text} } (as mentioned in the comment to this answer). Now, I cannot tell with confidence, why do you need eventCount and target. I can only state, that eventCount is increased every time you interact with TextInput component (character added, removed, all deleted, value pasted) and target is a unique integer for that TextInput field. And text is the same value as in onChangeText
So basically, I would suggest to use onChangeText, as a more straight forward prop.
If you want to accomplish functionality like in the old answer(below), you can create custom component, that wraps TextInput and receives custom properties and passes them to the onChange prop later. Example below:
const MyTextInput = ({ value, name, type, onChange }) => {
return (
onChangeText={text => onChange({ name, type, text })}
And then use it whenever you need to use TextInput
handleChange(event) {
const {name, type, text} = event;
let processedData = text;
if(type==='text') {
processedData = value.toUpperCase();
} else if (type==='number') {
processedData = value * 2;
this.setState({[name]: processedData})
<MyTextInput name="username" type="text" value={this.state.username} onChange={this.handleChange}}>
<MyTextInput name="password" type="number" value={this.state.password} onChange={this.handleChange}}>
onChangeText is basically a simplified version of onChange, so you can easily use it, without the hassle of going through to get changed value.
So, when should you use onChange and when onChangeText?
If you have simple form with few textinputs, or simple logic, you can go straight away and use onChangeText
<TextInput value={} onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({name: text})}>
If you have more complicated forms and/or you have more logic in handling data (like handling text differently from number) when user changes input, then you are better of with onChange, because it gives you more flexibility. For example:
handleChange(event) {
const {name, type, value} = event.nativeEvent;
let processedData = value;
if(type==='text') {
processedData = value.toUpperCase();
} else if (type==='number') {
processedData = value * 2;
this.setState({[name]: processedData})
<TextInput name="username" type="text" value={this.state.username} onChange={this.handleChange}}>
<TextInput name="password" type="number" value={this.state.password} onChange={this.handleChange}}>

Use it like this:
<Input label='First Name' onChange={this.onChange} value={this.state.first}/>
onChange = (event) => {
const {eventCount, target, text} = event.nativeEvent;
The target attribute seems useless. It doesn't look like you can attach data attributes to react-native elements and retrieve them from the target element like you can in react because the app is not a browser.
With react, we're told it's better practice to not attach inline functions to the onChange event for performance reasons. We're supposed to use custom props or data-* attributes on the HTML element and retrieve the information from inside the onChange handler.
But with react-native it seems this format of passing data is actually acceptable:
label='First Name'

onChangeText gives you just the string as the argument for the callback.
onChange gives you the synthetic event as the argument.


React native useRef is giving me undefined

I am trying to use useRef hook this way.
I want to get the value of textInput with it
let tagsRef = useRef('');
placeholder={'Add tags to subscribe to them'}
I am using react-native version:0.63.3
When I
console.log(----tag', tagsRef.current.focus());
It gives me undefined
Any suggestions please?
Check this its Officially RN Documentation
function TextInputWithFocusButton() {
const inputEl = useRef(null);
const onButtonClick = () => {
// `current` points to the mounted text input element
return (
<input ref={inputEl} type="text" />
<button onClick={onButtonClick}>Focus the input</button>
It is depending on where do you use the ref. The ref is only filled after the first rendering. You can use it for instance in an event handler on the element.
Another point: You might see that the focus method does not return anything. So when you see an undefined in your console, it is properly related to that problem.
But without further context of your code and your problem, it is hard to give a more detailed answer.

React-native Formik setFieldValue

Here is a simplified version of my code.
Notice the setFieldValue_ and this.setFieldValue_ = setFieldValue;
This code works fine, I'm able to get the output when submit button is clicked.
I'm actually wondering if this is the right way to do it? If not, can you point me to the right direction? Also what is this method called? (assigning class variable to some function and use it within another function)
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
someFunction() {
this.setFieldValue_("name", value);
render() {
return (
something: ""
onSubmit={values => console.log(values)}
}) => {
this.setFieldValue_ = setFieldValue;
<ThirdPartyCustomComponent onChange={this.someFunction} />
I would personally have the onChange simply call formik set field value there and then rather than using different functions. Strictly speaking you don't want to set the value like that because every re-render is setting the value again.
I would also recommend looking at custom formik inputs using the useField hook - This will allow you to write a small wrapper around your third party component and formik. Noticing you have used a class based component you may want to do some short reading into react hooks before throwing yourself into using useField.
Docs example:
const MyTextField = ({ label, ...props }) => {
const [field, meta, helpers] = useField(props);
return (
<input {...field} {...props} />
{meta.touched && meta.error ? (
<div className='error'>{meta.error}</div>
) : null}

How to stop TextInput losing focus onChangeText?

I want to change the state of a parent component from a child's TextInput.
The problem is every time it changes the parent state the component re-renders, the TextInput is blurred and the keyboard disappears.
I tried keeping all the logic in the some component and changing the parent state without passing props. Now I've tried extracting the InputText container and putting it into a new file, changing the parents' state and receiving the value through the props, that's not working either.
Here is the text field component:
export default (ProfileTextInput = ({
}) => {
return (
<View style={styles.inputComponent}>
<Text style={styles.labelText}>{label.toUpperCase()}</Text>
placeholder={placeholder || ""}
onChangeText={val => handleChange(val, name)}
and this is how it's being used:
const [newUserData, setNewUserData] = useState({ ...userData });
const changeHandler = (value, name) => {
setNewUserData({ ...newUserData, [name]: value });
I expected it to continue letting me type like a normal TextInput, but it's only typing one letter and losing focus.
Try removing the defaultValue props from your components.
defaultValue is just the initial value passed to an uncontrolled component. Since you're setting the input value with a change handler, that makes your input a controlled component, and so you should just set the value explicitly.
Read these articles for more details on the differences between these cases:
React forms and controlled components
Uncontrolled components

setState() adds a Proxy object to property instead of string value in react native

This is a very weird problem and I'm sure I'm overlooking something very simple.
When I load a new component AddNewCategory, I initially set a an empty string to a text property on this.state. Logging on console shows the text value as empty too.
I update this value using onChange of Button component. I know that the text property is so far updating as expected because the value of the input field changes accordingly.
<Button onChange={text=>this.setState({})}>
But when I try to retrieve the value of text property, I see that instead of a string, the text is now assigned a Proxy object.
I'm only trying to get the value of the input field so I can pass the value on to an action creator.
Here's the entire code,
import React from 'react';
import { View, Text, TextInput, Button} from 'react-native';
class AddNewCategory extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
text: ''
console.log('after initialising constructor');
this.onContinueButtonPress = this.onContinueButtonPress.bind(this);
onContinueButtonPress() {
console.log('after onContinueButtonPress');
this.props.addNewCategory('Random Value');
<Text>Name your new task list</Text>
placeholder="Things to do today.."
onChange={(text)=>this.setState({text: text})}
export default AddNewCategory;
I have no idea why you are giving an onChange prop to a Button component.
Anyway, for a TextInput, you should give the onChangeText property.
<TextInput onChangeText={text => this.setState({ text })}
Other properties have been omitted.
Using just onChange is like handling the usual onChange event when doing web development, where the first parameter to the callback method only gives the event; to get the actual input value you have to say
onChange={(event) => console.log(}

How do I get the value in TextInput when onBlur is called?

In React Native, I want to pass the value of the TextInput in the onBlur event handler.
onBlur={(e) => this.validateText(} works for plain React. But, in react-native, is undefined. What is the structure of event args available in React Native?
You should use the 'onEndEditing' method instead of the 'onBlur'
onEndEditing?: function Callback that is called when text input ends.
onBlur is a component function where onEndEditing is specific for TextInput
This approach works for both multiline and single line.
onEndEditing={(e: any) =>
this.setState({textValue: e.nativeEvent.text})
In React Native, you can get the value of the TextInput from e.nativeEvent.text.
Unfortunately, this doesn't work for multiline={true}. One hack around this is to maintain a ref to your TextInput and access the text value through the _lastNativeText property of the component. For example (assuming you've assigned your TextInput component a ref of "textInput"):
onBlur={() => console.log(this.refs.textInput._lastNativeText)}
Simple solution:
This way onBlur your state's email will always have the last value changed by the user.
validate = () => {
const { email } = this.state
console.log('Validating Email Here!', email)
onChangeText={email => this.setState({email})}
onBlur={e => this.validate()}