How to disable HTTP 1.0 protocol in Apache? - apache

HTTP 1.0 has security weakness related to session hijacking.
I want to disable it on my web server.

You can check against the SERVER_PROTOCOL variable in a mod-rewrite clause. Be sure to put this rule as the first one.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PROTOCOL} ^HTTP/1\.0$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/path/to/403/document.html$
RewriteRule ^ - [F]
The additional negative check for !^/path/to/403/document.html$ is so that the forbidden page can be shown to the users. It would otherwise lead to a recursion.

If you are on a name-based virtual host (and each virtual server does not have its own separate IP address), then it is technically impossible to connect to your virtual host using HTTP/1.0; Only the default server --the first virtual server defined-- will be accessible. This is because HTTP/1.0 does not support the HTTP "Host" request header, and the Host header is required on name-based virtual hosts in order to "pick" which virtual host the request is being addressed to. In most cases, the response to a true HTTP/1.0 request will be a 400-Bad Request.If you did manage to get that code working, but you later tried to use custom error documents (see Apache core ErrorDocument directive), then the result of blocking a request would be an 'infinite' loop: The server would try to respond with a 403-Forbidden response code, and to serve the custom 403 error document. But this would result in another 403 error because access to all resources --including the custom 403 page-- is denied. So the server would generate another 403 error and then try to respond to it, creating another 403, and another, and another... This would continue until either the client or the server gave up.
I'd suggest something like:
SetEnvIf Request_Protocol HTTP/1\.0$ Bad_Req
SetEnvIf Request_URI ^/path-to-your-custom-403-error-page\.html$
#Order Deny,Allow
Deny from env=BadReq
Allow from env=Allow_Bad_Req
In mod_rewrite, something like:
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} HTTP/1\.0$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/path-to-your-custom-403-error-page\.html$

This will (note the FUTURE tense - as of October 2018) be possible with Apache 2.5, using the PolicyVersion directive in mod_policy. The PolicyVersion directive sets the lowest level of the HTTP protocol that is accepted by the server, virtual host, or directory structure - depending on where the directive is placed.
First enable the policy module:
a2enmod mod_policy
Then in the server config, vhost, or directory (will not work in .htaccess), add:
PolicyVersion enforce HTTP/1.1
Finally restart the server:
systemctl restart apache2


.htaccess redirect to a new domain WITHOUT reload the page

Currently, I'm making a website and I would like this site to redirect (via .htaccess) to another domain WITHOUT reloading the page. Because in all the tutorials I saw, it loaded the page of the new domain. Outside what I want is that it keeps the page of the base domain while displaying the URL of the new domain.
redirect this site
to this site
i dont have the access to the main server config. Htaccess cannot "fake redirect" ??
What you are asking for is not a simple "redirect" (which is managed by the browser). You need to configure the server that hosts as a "reverse proxy" - since this needs to be managed entirely server-side.
The user sends a request to The server at then constructs an internal HTTP request (reverse proxy) to The response from is then sent back to the server at which then forwards the (possibly "rewritten") response back to the client.
This requires additional modules enabled on the server at, ie. mod_proxy, mod_proxy_http and additional (optional) modules such as mod_proxy_html, etc. depending on your requirements.
Ideally, you would then configure this in the server config (or VirtualHost container). Notably, you would need to set ProxyPassReverse (in the server config) to cover the scenario of issuing an external redirect to itself. The proxy server needs to rewrite the response headers so that the redirect goes to, not ProxyPassReverse cannot be set in .htaccess.
You can then use mod_rewrite with mod_proxy by using the P flag. This part you can do in .htaccess. For example, to proxy the request from https://DOMAIN1.US/folder1/folder2/page.html?param=1&param=2 to https://DOMAIN2.US/folder1/folder2/page.html?param=1&param=2.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?domain1\.us [NC]
RewriteRule ^{REQUEST_URI} [P]
If you have access to the server config then you can do this more simply with the ProxyPass directive (no need for mod_rewrite in this instance since the source and target URLs are the same).

Fix Insecure HTTP Methods on Web Servers

my client is asking:
Following web server are exposed to a number of different methods to end users that can expose the web service to varying degrees of risk. Acceptable web methods are typically GET, POST and CONNECT (in the case of HTTPS).
• Server a • server b
It is found that the OPTIONS HTTP method is available on the web servers The OPTIONS method allows an attacker to enumerate the available methods on the web servers which allow servers to accept the TRACE method and leave themselves vulnerable to HTTP TRACE Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability. This is because the TRACE method simply echoes the user-supplied input back to the end user.
Now how to disable this method , how to check these and will there be any downtime for this to change.
server is running centos
first check Trace and options methods whether it is enable.
curl -i -X TRACE <URL>
curl -i -X OPTIONS <URL>
If http response is 200 then these methods are enable.
To disable and only to allow GET POST and CONNECT
The first thing to do is make sure that mod_rewrite is loaded. If is missing from your apache configuration but you have it installed, (and your install location is /usr/local/apache), then add the following statement to your httpd.conf:
LoadModule rewrite_module "/usr/local/apache/modules/"
Then add the following as well to your httpd.conf file or within < virtualhost>...< /virtualhost>:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule .* - [F]
Or only to disable TRACE
For apache2 this can be done adding to the main httpd.conf file the following:
TraceEnable off
Restart apache

HTTP Post request to aws ec2 directory /opt/lampp/htdocs/donate/ denied

I am trying to make a post request to http://localhost/donate/payment.php".
It works fine when I run the application locally
However when I change the URL to
I get page not found error. I can guarantee that the file is present in the location.
I have tried several things like changing the permission of the the /opt file recursively to 777. Also tried changing the apache server port default port from 80.
I even tried placing a .htacces file inside the donate folder to access the server. the contents are
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.yourdomain\.com$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/WebProjectFolder/
RewriteRule (.*) /WebProjectFolder/$1
All attempts have failed. Is there anything else I am missing here. I have installed bitnami parse server and I am able to access that by http in the browser. It is present in the folder /apps in the root folder.
Does AWS override any security permissions?
Assuming /opt/lampp/htdocs/is your document root, shouldn't the URL be
You might also want to verify a couple of things:
Make sure your security policy has its inbound port 80 open to the public (or where you'll be visiting from)
Assuming you're using Apache httpd, make sure it accepts connections on the external interface or all interfaces (e.g. Listen 80, Listen, etc)
First, if you actually get an error from your Apache server, the issue has nothing to do with AWS. If there were misconfigured security groups or NACL, you'd never reach port 80 (http).
Second, never ever chmod -R 777, not only can you break your app behavior, but also, especially with PHP, you just opened security risks. Yes, this doesn't matter until your instance becomes part of a botnet and starts sending spam.
At a glance, I would say your Apache configuration lacks something, like a VirtualHost "any":
# from
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/www/example1"
# Other directives here
It seems like your default location points to another directory, possibly the default one.

Reverse proxy with request dispatch (to Rstudio server)

I have a multi-tier application of three layers lets say public, business and workspace (all running apache).
Client requests hits the public servers, requests are processed and dispatched on to business servers that does 'things' and response is returned back to public server which then processes the response and pass it on to the client.
I have a scenario wherein I want a request say /rstudio coming to the public server dispatched onto the business which intern reverse proxy to workspace server. There are two catch here:
the workspace server varies per request
application running on workspace server (Rstudio) uses GWT and references resources (static resources js, css etc and RPC coms) on the root url. All the in-application redirection also happens on the domain.
From the business server, I have setup reverse proxy to Rstudio server from my application server.
<Proxy *>
Allow from localhost
ProxyPass /rstudio/ http://business_server/
ProxyPassReverse /rstudio/ http://business_server/
RedirectMatch permanent ^/rstudio$ /rstudio/
and this work fine (ref. To handle dynamic workspace server, I could the following but ProxyPassReverse does not support expression in value and this no joy with this approach.
ProxyPassMatch ^/rstudio/(.*)$ http://$1
ProxyPassReverse ^/rstudio/(.*)$ http://$1
RedirectMatch permanent ^/rstudio$ /rstudio/
I have tried the same with mod_rewrite rule (following) but without ProxyPassReverse and due to domain redirection on the GWT Rstudio, this does not work. Adding ProxyPassReverse would fix the problem but I am caught up with no expression on value part to deal with dynamic workspace server issue.
RewriteRule "^/rstudio/(.*)" "http://$1" [P]
Following is the third approach to solve this problem using LocationMatch and mod_headers:
<LocationMatch ^/rstudio/(.+)>
ProxyPassMatch http://$1
Header edit Location ^http:// "http://%{SERVER_NAME}e/rstudio/"
But this is no joy too because value on header directive is not evaluated against environment variable (and only back-references work here). Althought I can get the reverse proxy thing working if I had code the business_server, which is :
<LocationMatch ^/rstudio/(.+)>
ProxyPassMatch http://$1
Header edit Location ^http:// "http://private_server/rstudio/"
Question 1: I was wondering if there are any better way to solve this problem without hardcoding the server DNS in apache conf?
Question 2: With the hard coded server DNS the reverse proxy works for me (patchy but works) but I am hit with GWT issue of resource references on root and the request dispatch is not fully working. I get to the signin page but resources are not found.
I was wondering if there is any better way to handle that?
Following is the example log from browser:
Navigated to https://public_server/rstudio
rworkspaces:43 GET https://public_server/rstudio.css
rworkspaces:108 GET https://public_server/js/encrypt.min.js
rworkspaces:167 GET https://public_server/images/rstudio.png 404 (Not Found)
rworkspaces:218 GET https://public_server/images/buttonLeft.png 404 (Not Found)
rworkspaces:218 GET https://public_server/images/buttonTile.png 404 (Not Found)
rworkspaces:218 GET https://public_server/images/buttonRight.png 404 (Not Found)

Disabling TRACE request method on Apache/2.0.52

By default, Apache 2.0.52 will respond to any HTTP TRACE request that it receives. This is a potential security problem because it can allow certain types of XSS attacks. For details, see
I am trying to disable TRACE requests by following the instructions shown in the page linked to above. I added the following lines of code to my http.conf file, and restarted apache:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule .* - [F]
However, when I send a TRACE request to my web server, it seems to ignore the rewrite rules and responds as if TRACE requests were still enabled.
For example:
[admin2#dedicated ~]$ telnet 80
Trying XXXX...
Connected to (XXXX).
Escape character is '^]'.
X-Test: foobar
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 17:33:41 GMT
Server: Apache/2.0.52 (Red Hat)
Connection: close
Content-Type: message/http
X-Test: foobar
Connection closed by foreign host.
The server should respond with 403 Forbidden. Instead, it echoes back my request with a 200 OK.
As a test, I changed the RewriteCond to %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^GET
When I do this, Apache correctly responds to all GET requests with 403 Forbidden. But when I change GET back to TRACE, it still lets TRACE requests through.
How can I get Apache to stop responding to TRACE requests?
Some versions require:
TraceEnable Off
I figured out the correct way to do it.
I had tried placing the block of rewrite directives in three places: in the <Directory "/var/www/html"> part of the httpd.conf file, at the top of my httpd.conf file, and in the /var/www/html/.htaccess file. None of these three methods worked.
Finally, however, I tried putting the block of code in <VirtualHost *:80> part of my httpd.conf. For some reason, it works when it is placed. there.
As you've said, that works in your VirtualHost block. As you didn't show httpd.conf I can't say why your initial attempt didn't work - it's context-sensitive.
It failed in the because it's not really relevant there, that's generally for access control. If it didn't work in the .htaccess it's likely that apache wasn't looking for it (you can use AllowOverride to enable them).