When connecting to an API do I need an access token per each user using my application? - api

I'm connected to an API that provides information about cars based on their registration. According to the docs the api can provide both user specific data and general data about the registration supplied.
I am using the connection method which does require specific users data, and therefore does not require me to gain access to any specific users account.
On my end users will visit my application and enter a registration number which I will use to call the API and return all of the information about the car.
Am I right in my thinking that my application is essentially the 'user' as far as the api is concerned, and I will only need to use one access token. I can then use this access token to make multiple API calls (one for each user that searches on my application)?
Or will i need to set up an access token for each user that visits my application and treat them separately.

Only your application making the API requests requires a token, unless the licence agreement/documentation of this car API says otherwise.
As far as your users are concerned, your application is just magically sourcing the registration info from its database.


How to manage user updates and deletions in OIDC and SPA architecture

i am making a set of applications that share a common oidc provider (in my control), where the users will be created.
One of my applications is a stateless SPA "meeting" app where you can schedule meetings with other users, and you login purely by an OIDC token.
I am having a hard time thinking a strategy about the following
Should the "user" details be stored in the meeting app after a login? So let's say user A exists in the provider, then enters the meeting app. Should i save user A in the meeting app DB?
How to handle change of user details? Let's say user A changes name to User B in the provider. Until he logs in again, all the other users see him as User A still in the "contacts" list. What is the usual practice for solving this?
How to handle deletions in the provider. I need someway to signal that "deleted in provider -> deleted in app". Should i constantly poll the provider and get any missing users, create a push system, or is this just unneeded?
Thanks a lot in advance
That's actually a very good question and rarely explained well in online articles. Hopefully the below detailed notes help you with your solution. I have answered your questions at the end.
Typically the core user data such as name, email etc belongs in the Authorization Server. It contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and changes are audited there. This is explored in further detail in the Privacy and GDPR article.
This might include fields like a user's application preferences, and you may end up with data similar to this in your APIs:
A database surrogate key for the user
The subject claim from an OAuth access token, which is typically a GUID or something similar
A boolean flag set to true when a user is active in the app
field 1
A domain specific value
field 2
A domain specific value
To get OAuth user data within your applications your APIs can call the Authorization Server's SCIM 2.0 endpoint as described in this User Management article.
Interestingly, roles and application specific rights could be stored in either of the above data sources. You may want to start by putting roles in the OAuth data, but for cases where they are very domain specific and change often, I have found that storing them in my own API data works best.
Sometimes you need to include domain specific user data (which might include roles) in access tokens. This Claims Article explains how claims can be looked up from external APIs during token issuance. This typically involves a REST call from the Authorization Server to one or more APIs, providing the subject value for which tokens will be issued.
A user can potentially authenticate in multiple ways, such as default password / corporate login / social login. You may need to use some custom Account Linking logic to ensure that the subject field in the access token gets the same value in all cases. This prevents you ever creating duplicate users within your application.
These are typically made by end users within an application screen, and your APIs then call SCIM endpoints to update the core OAuth data. A common case is when a user changes their name and / or email, eg if the user gets married. Note that the subject value remains the same after this edit.
In scenarios where corporate assets are used, an administrator typically provisions users, either individually or in bulk. This can be done via the SCIM endpoint. In some cases administrator actions may need to save data to both data sources - eg to create a user and set roles + application preferences.
Sometimes your application needs to know about a user info event, such as new, deleted or changed users. This can be managed via Event Listeners, where an extension to the Authorization Server calls back your domain specific APIs when a user edit occurs. When a user is deleted in the OAuth user data you might then update the user's application state to archived.
Finally it is worth mentioning that the above also supports migrating to an OAuth architecture or between providers:
Get a combined view of the user data before migration
Insert all existing users into the new OAuth system via SCIM
Update the combined view of the user data with new subject values
Update your domain specific data with new subject values
So to answer your questions:
Aim to avoid this because it adds complexity, though in some cases you may need to denormalise for performance reasons. The OAuth user data should remain the source of truth and the only place where edits occur to PII data.
Your meeting app would need to join on the OAuth user data and domain specific user data and present a list. This would probably involve caching a combined view of the user data.
See Administrator Events above. Your API should be informed of OAuth user data changes via an event, then your SPA would get current data on the next refresh.
When implemented like this you end up with simple code and a well defined architecture. Some providers may not provide all of these features though, in which case you may need an alternative approach to some areas.

Microsoft Graph and Partner Center in the same api gran

I am looking to create a login that verifies a user account via the graph api and also verifies they are a microsoft partner via the partner api. I can easily get one grant or the other but can't seem to get both to work in one grant. I would rather not force the user to approve two different app approval boxes.
Is this possible:
as per the limitations of azure ad, I don't believe you can request multiple scopes from different external resources like you're doing there. you will have to do two different requests. the token should stack with the resources, but you cannot call them both in one go. so no, that scope= you provided probably won't work or will only return the first scope.
Similar type question for reference.

Azure AD and Authorization on self Developed Applications

I have read the documentation on Microsoft.com and have only got answers about giving Applications authorization to talk to eachother but not how to implement a permission system on each different application that I have.
I basically want to know what the best practices are to implement Authorization on my .Net API and Angular Client.
I would use Azure AD to redirect external and internal users to the Microsoft Sign-In Page, I am missing a fine grained Permission system to authorise users to access different Resources on the API or on the Angular Web Application.
Wo I have to set up a DB for my API with permissions?
How do I add new users to my DB after registering them to my AD?
Im really confused here, so my questions arenĀ“t really as clear as I wish I could write them.
Compiling comments to a proper answer:
Per-user permissions are limited to appRoles, roles that you can give in Azure AD to users. You can also use security groups to achieve a similar thing if you want. But anything finer-grained has to be implemented on the app side.
For identifying users you can use one of two claims in the user Id token / access token. oid or sub. The oid is the unique immutable object id in Azure AD. The sub claim is a unique immutable id within your app. So every app gets the same oid, but a different sub for the same user. The oid claim is also used when calling e.g. MS Graph API to identify the user.

Obtain user information on Actions on Google Through OAuth in AoG?

Account Linking provides several ways of linking users to their own accounts such as their Google account or Twitter account.
I chose OAuth in Actions on Google website to do OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant for obtaining access token in exchange for data resources. When I linked a user to a Google account Google Sign-In enabled, the fetching of user information was easy because the data is stored under payload, but OAuth implementation does not seem like it produces user data under payload inside User object.
So should I make an API call to the third party to fetch the user data and store that personal data to a database in this case? I wondered if there is a way that Google prepares on behalf of developers. If not, then greeting a user who visits my app again by saying 'Hello, {person name}' gets tedious...
You have two options with Account Linking.
In the case you describe, you're providing an OAuth endpoint and getting an auth token from the Assistant, and you are responsible for taking this token and using it to determine who the user is so you can get whatever you know about him. The token is one that you issue and control, so presumably you have that info in your database already. If you are reusing a token from another service, that service should be able to tell you who they are.
It sounds like you're using using a Google Sign In, however, in which case it is easier to use Google Sign In for Assistant. Once the user has signed into your service (either through an app or webapp) and granted permission to your service, then they will also be able to gain access through the Assistant. You will get an id token which can be decoded to get profile information about the user including their Google ID and name.

API - allow users access to only data they created

This is an API related question that applies to the APIs that I'm working on and would like to know the standard way of doing this.
say a user1 has created accounts so he can access it by
GET /accounts
but when he accesses transactions for a particular account
GET /accounts/acct1/transactions
how would this API know that the acct1 actually belongs to that user1 and is not the case where user2 is accessing user1's accounts.
This api is accessed via a Mobile app using Oauth 2.0 tokens. So while the access token control the access to API endpoints, how do we control access to only specific user's data at that endpoint. (using scopes?)
I've been looking at Spotify's apis and they seem to be doing this via v1/me end point.. Still reading...
I'm a noob at this and it looks to me that this should be documented somewhere in a standard manner in some RFC, but I couldn't find it and would appreciate direction
Can you provide more details on your use case? Why are you using OAuth?
It sounds like you need an authentication protocol - i.e. a protocol to let your server know who is accessing a particular API.
To quote the OAuth website:
OAuth 2.0 is not an authentication protocol
OAuth's main use-case is letting one application perform operations on behalf of a user of another application.
As an example, if your server wants to post a message on Facebook on behalf of a user, you will use OAuth to obtain a token from Facebook which lets you post messages on behalf of the user. Note that, in the most general case, your application does not know which user is represented by the token. Indeed, the user may not even be a (registered) user of your application - they only have to be a user of Facebook.
Practically speaking, you often can use the token you have to query Facebook for the identity of the user. So your server would extract the OAuth token from the request headers and use it to issue a query to Facebook's Graph API to obtain the user ID.
Note that the user is a Facebook user rather than a user of your app, so you will need to somehow map the Facebook user ID to your own users and permission system - i.e. check your database to ensure that the user has permissions to do what they asked to do.
This is the mechanism that is typically used when using OAuth like an authentication protocol (which, as quoted above, it is not).
I should add that if your app obtains an OAuth token and passes it to your server for the purposes of authentication, then this flow is not 100% secure, as discussed for example here, so make sure you do proper risk analysis for your case. In a nutshell, a determined attacker can theoretically impersonate your app and obtain tokens representing other users.