react-native-webp loads some wep images but not all - amazon-s3

I am using this module react-native-webp to load webp images on ios. However, I am not seeing the images from s3 load. Using an image found from google search, works fine. There are absolutely no logs whatsoever to help debug the issue!
This is an example url that doesn't load:
And this here is one that's loading just fine!
Can't find a reason for either to not work. I thought it might have to do with the image size but a smaller version doesn't help either. Here's a smaller variant:

Please give path images to HTTPS or just do following settings in xcode and clean rebuild app
The main problem is Apple can't load HTTP images without settings.


Images return 502 error after deploy project in vercel

I'm new in next js. i recently deployed my project to vercel. everything is working fine. but images are making errors as shown below
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 ()
image URL:
at the same time I have used import images. it is working fine after deploy
On localhost everything is working fine, but when I deploy my website to Vercel the images do not load properly.
images given as below
<Image width={330} height={220} className='object-fill w-44' src={key.image} alt={}></Image>
import images as below (it is working after deploy)
import Cover from '../public/cover.jpg'
<Image className='object-fill w-44' src={Image} alt={}></Image>
Can somebody help me?
i have referred this Images not loading in Next.js application after deploy on Vercel
but no luck
I also had this issue and fixed it by dropping the ../public and just using the path to the image as if I was already operating inside the public folder.
Change the value of key.image to "/cover.jpg"
<Image className='object-fill w-44' src={key.image} alt={}></Image>
You can also try using the img tag instead. This worked with my deployed(to Vercel) nextjs app.

How to fix, blank screen after deployment of war file

I work still view month on a project with RapidClipse 4.0
I deployed on the production server several versions of the project war files. Everything worked fine.
After the last deployment I got a blank screen after loading the application URL
For the server I use a docker container with following setting:
Apache Tomcat/8.5.43, JVM: 1.8.0_222-b10, 3.10.105, amd64
My first thought was: "ok you did something wrong in your code.. turn back and every thing is fine.... :-((
It wasn't !!
I used several versions which runs fine befor.
I stopped the application, redeployed it and deleted it.
Then I deployed an older version....and once again a version older..a.s.o
Non of the versions which worked fine befor did work again.
I got every time the same result: after loading the application a blank white screen.
So far so bad:
I tried to look into ../conf/server.xml if deployment parameter is set correctly:
<Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps"
unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
looked fine!
I enhanced the cache by:
$CATALINA_BASE/conf/context.xml added following code:
<Resources cachingAllowed="true" cacheMaxSize="100000" />
also without success.
I tried to look in catalina.out: There is still nothing helpfull:
14-Aug-2019 20:29:21.087 INFO [http-nio-8080-exec-6] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR Deploying web application archive [/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/RC_07.war]
14-Aug-2019 20:29:31.190 INFO [http-nio-8080-exec-6] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR Deployment of web application archive [/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/RC_07.war] has finished in [10,102] ms
after debug in browser I got following:
257ms Processing time was 134ms
257msReferenced paintables: 6
283msEstablishing push connection
300msCould not load theme from http://myIP:8888/RC_07/VAADIN/themes//styles.css?v=7.7.13
310msPush connection established using long-polling
I searched also in the history of the docker container an found that this problem (300ms....) still persists from beginning, over all versions I deployed before.
Out of this, I assume, that this could not be the reason, too.
Or am I wrong?
I searched around this VAADIN Problem and found a lot, but I was not able to solve it. The styles.css file are still in place on the server.
I am wondering on ..../VAADIN/themes//styles.css...
the double slash in error message.
But in my code I couldn't find similar.
Also the buildpath in eclipse includes the folder structure like expected.
Now I am at the end!
I am confused, how I should go ahead to figure out the reason for this behavior, or much better to fix it.
Any idea/ help would be welcome!!
Thank you in advance
After long research, togehter with RapidClipse support we found the solution.
I had two issues:
1) unknown how, we assume, that there was an error in the MainUI xml file.
After resetting with and high of view and layout, and turning back to setting before,
the page elements were visible again in design view.
2) there is a parameter for the theme under MainUI properties - misc -
This parameter was set, but without content. This results in a code line: this.setTheme("");
After resetting this, a deployment was possible like before.
Everything is fine now.
Thanks again to RapidClipse support.

typo3 update 4.7 -> 6.2 - broken backend

I've performed an update from typo3 4.7.20 to 6.2.15. The process worked fine and there were no critical errors while running the install tool.
The frontend looks fine but the backend is broken:
I've removed all uncompatible extensions before I run the update. I've also checked all settings in the installationtool und deleted the temp/cache folder first.
I've got the feeling that the error is caused by the TemplaVoila! extension, I'm using v. 1.9.8. Firebug does not shows any error.
Does anyone had a similar problem and have already solved it?
Thank you very much!
I have come across this one multiple times. More often it is because there is a broken TBE_STYLES. I suggest you look around for $TBE_STYLES in your typo3conf folder and disable it for the time being. Most likely it will be in the extTables.php or some other file which is included dynamically.
seems BE is working, but you css does not got loaded.
check your 'web inspecter' to see if you get errors on loading CSS.
clear your cache (remove everything in typo3temp) and try again

MediaPlayer Error (1, -2147483648) android programing

I have been having some issues with my code to play html5 vide.
I created a short presentation in powerpoint and exported it html5, it contain a
video, I have copy the exported files into my assets files in android buy my video
is not playing.
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.webkit.WebView;
import android.webkit.WebChromeClient;
import android.webkit.WebViewClient;
public class WebViewActivity7 extends Activity {
private WebView webView7;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
webView7 = (WebView) findViewById(;
webView7.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient());
webView7.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient());
String url ="file:///android_asset/HTML5.html";
Everything else on my presentation works like a charm except the video, it does not play and i get the following error, when I tabbed on the video to play it on the scree on my android tablet - Android 4.0:
MediaPlayer Error (1, -2147483648)
I have been trying to get a solution to my problem for the last 5 days, I have read quite a few forums, change my code several times and nothing.
I found on a post that the reasons for the above error are:
File path is in error. Incorrect directory or Url or Uri found.
Media file is in error, incompatible format.
Missing permissions.
I have checked all the above on my app and still can't find how to solve it.
Everything else on my html5 file and folder works fine, so i don't think is a directory problem.
My embedded video files are .mp4 and .webm sand there are supposed to be supported.
I look at the permission of my files and folder and all seems to be fine.
I have an iPad version of my app working fine with the same html5 files and folder and the videos work fine.
Anyone have any idea how can I fix this problem, coding is supposed to be fun but after 5 days on this problems i am having second thoughts.
Thank you.
Addition to above:
I found in another forum that android does not allow to play video files larger than 1MB, Is this true? One of my videos is 3.2 MB and the other one is 29MB.
the data about the video size is not true per what I have observed. I have set up my videos (Video files MP4 only with not HTML5 code) to play from the "res/raw" folder and it is all good. I just can't get them to play from the assets folder embedded on HTML5.
Still looking around for solutions, but having my videos on the "res/raw" folder it is a good alternative to my problem.
I have solved this problem by using copyAssets into sd card and running the index.HTML from the sdcard. see post Running an html5 site withing android app

Rails asset pipeline can't find one certain image

I have a certain image called ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png. In production it can be found, among other places, in public/assets/images/ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png.
When I try to view this image in production, I get the following error:
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/assets/images/ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png"):
I find this extremely odd since the image most certainly is there:
$ find . -name ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png
All the other images in my app work fine and have been forever. I recently upgraded my version of jQuery UI, though, and this one particular image doesn't want to work. (I think it's the only jQuery UI image I'm actually using.)
I'm on Rails 3.2.1. What could be the issue?
Your js plugin requests the image with invalid asset url.
The asset image can be accessed by
But the requested url is
So in your javascript or stylesheet you need to correct asset url manually.