Written only dash in apache access log - apache

A normal log looks like this: - - [06/Jun/2017:02:19:00 +0900] "GET /monitor/l7check.nhn HTTP/1.1" 200 4 1222 "-" "-"
but some log looks like this: 333.333.333.333 - - [06/Jun/2017:02:18:58 +0900] "-" 408 - 13 "-" "-"
I can't understand the meaning of this log.
Why does it have only a 'dash' instead of a 'get URL'?
Is it possible to log to a URL without requesting a URL?

6.5.7. 408 Request Timeout
The 408 (Request Timeout) status code indicates that the server did not receive a complete request message within the time that it was prepared to wait. A server SHOULD send the "close" connection option (Section 6.1 of [RFC7230]) in the response, since 408 implies that the server has decided to close the connection rather than continue waiting. If the client has an outstanding request in transit, the client MAY repeat that request on a new connection.
So, the client connected, but did not send any HTTP request. The server waited, and eventually closed the connection.


Springboot Webflux accesslog: What are the two numbers at the end please?

Small question regarding how to interpret a SpringBoot Webflux app access log please.
Currently, in my logs, more precisely access logs, I can see:
2021-07-31 13:46:19.913 INFO [service,,] 10 --- [or-http-epoll-1] reactor.netty.http.server.AccessLog : ip - - [31/Jul/2021:13:46:19 +0000] "GET /health HTTP/1.1" 200 3349 6
2021-07-31 13:47:18.531 INFO [service,,] 10 --- [or-http-epoll-2] reactor.netty.http.server.AccessLog : ip - - [31/Jul/2021:13:47:18 +0000] "GET /health/liveness HTTP/2.0" 200 3312 8
2021-07-31 13:47:33.347 INFO [service,,] 10 --- [or-http-epoll-2] reactor.netty.http.server.AccessLog : ip - - [31/Jul/2021:13:47:33 +0000] "GET /health HTTP/1.1" 200 3349 11
I understand the 200 is probably my http response, I return http 200.
But I am having a hard time understanding what are the last two numbers please.
3349 6
3312 8
3349 11
Any help?
Thank you
It does depend on log format definition, but it looks like the larger number is response size in bytes and the smaller is processing time of the request in ms.
I'll look at documentation to see where I'd expect to find the log format definition for a spring webflux app. I'd expect the format to be defined in a similar way to httpd access logs ( documentation for those is at https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/logs.html)

Domain name not working but ip does (domain google)

(sorry for my bad english)
I did the follow istructions:
(i made a dynamic dns)
i made a script in linux with:
i hoped it's ok, but the domain doesn't works, when i type www.systemcamera.org doesn't works, but when i type the ip address it's works
in the script i typed:
-O dns_update_result$
i runned (./script), but i don't find my website
the result when i run the script:
--2018-06-26 13:14:31-- https://5RodFTlBOsTBB1gL:password#domains.google.com/nic/update?hostname=www.systemcamera.org
Resolving domains.google.com (domains.google.com)..., 2a00:1450:4002:800::200e
Connecting to domains.google.com (domains.google.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
Authentication selected: Basic realm="Google Domains Dynamic Dns (www.systemcamera.org)"
Reusing existing connection to domains.google.com:443.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘dns_update_results.txt’
dns_update_results.txt [ <=> ] 19 --.-KB/s in 0s

NGINX: different logs for two different websocket connections

We have two clients, one javascript and one C++. The C++ is using libwebsockets. Both of them try to connect via secure websockets (wss) to our websocket server via port 7000, that is sitting behind an NGINX server. When the javascript client connects, the connection is successful and in the NGINX 7000 port logs, this shows:
[04/May/2018:12:25:30 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 101 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
However, when trying to connect with the C++ client, the connection fails and the logs show
[04/May/2018:10:59:40 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 5 "-" "-"
Why is it throwing a 400 instead of a 101 in the second case? We are not sure how to debug this. This is what we use in the websocket client
ws->init("wss://echo.websocket.org:7000", nullptr, "your CA root file path");
The client just says Connection Failed. We tried inspecting data with wireshark and enabling more logs in the NGINX server but we can't figure it out. What can it be about? Could it be because of miss-matched SSL/TLS versions?
Turns out the the client's library was not actually including the port number in the request, even when it's included in the connection URL. So either configuring NGINX to handle this specific case or making the library include the port in the request, solves the probem.

What does the access log format signifies

What does the following format signifies?
"GET /shipments HTTP/1.1" 200 1339
GET is the type of request
/shipments is the url hit
200 is the status code
What are HTTP/1.1 and 1339
In your example, HTTP/1.1 is the HTTP version the client used to make its request, and 1339 the length of the response in bytes.
Check out the documentation for the mod_log_config for a list of all the variables that can be used in log files.

RTMPT connection closes with Red5 after some time

I am using Red5 version 1.0.0(final release) for Java 6 on Windows XP sp3.I am using the installer version downloaded from https://code.google.com/p/red5/. I have a project wherein I am performing live webcam chats between the users. I am using RTMPT (HTTP over RTMP)protocol for that.So I have set up my Red5 server behind the Apache web server.The problem is that everything goes on well for 45-50 seconds and suddenly the RTMPT connection gets closed.I am not using a dedicated rtmpt server,i.e. I have not uncommented the rtmpt bean in the conf files.Rather I have added entries of servlet mappings(for idle,fcs,open etc) in the web.xml of my application. RTMPT is listening on 5080 port.I have tested this with previous versions of Red5 also but the problem is the same.The RTMPT connection closes after some time(within a minute).I had gone through logs but there was found nothing regarding this.Also there was no connection closure due to the inactivity period.Has it something to do with Apache? I am not sure whether server is closing the connection (though I cant find any logs about closing connection) or client closes it.Tried it out with 0.9.0 and 0.9.1 too but nothing to avail.I have heard that there were issues using RTMPT with Red5 on Mac but I am on Windows.Any pointers to this problem? Any help is appreciated.Also here are the error logs that I get on my Apache web server -
[error] (OS 10048)Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. : proxy: HTTP: attempt to connect to red5serverip:5080 (*) failed.
The same log is repeated for four times.
Here are some access logs from Apache too -
"POST /send/IDTK7NOG2PXGB/803 HTTP/1.1" 200 1
"POST /send/IDTK7NOG2PXGB/804 HTTP/1.1" 503 323
"POST /send/YXF4WTFMN8TCM/1391 HTTP/1.1" 200 8285
"POST /send/YXF4WTFMN8TCM/1392 HTTP/1.1" 200 1
"POST /send/YXF4WTFMN8TCM/1393 HTTP/1.1" 200 54
"POST /send/YXF4WTFMN8TCM/1394 HTTP/1.1" 200 1
"POST /send/YXF4WTFMN8TCM/1395 HTTP/1.1" 503 323
"POST /close/IDTK7NOG2PXGB/805 HTTP/1.1" 503 323
"POST /close/YXF4WTFMN8TCM/1396 HTTP/1.1" 503 323
Probably you are running out of tcp ports. A tcp connection will remain 4 minutes in the TIME_WAIT state by default, even if it is already closed. When your RTMPT stream uses 5 connections each second, your system will need at least 5*60*4=1200 ports for each connected user.
Often the firewall is limiting the amount of ports available. You can also decrease the keep-alive time of a tcp socket. If you google around with your apache error message you will find enough info to sort this out.
Your red5 server may be crashed. This occurs when your RAM usage is getting over. In that case you need to manually start red5 again. If this solved your problem, you need to upgrade your RAM. I am using about 8GB RAM after facing this problem several times. Because red5 was written using JAVA, it lacks memory. FFMPEG is good to use in a low memory. But I don't know how to provide chat using ffmpeg, exactly.
The 503 means that the service did not respond; if you are forwarding to red5 via apache, then this means there is a problem there. I would suggest not using the stand alone rtmpt bean; instead use only the servlet and remove apache from the mix to debug the issue.