see if the div is present or not in geb - selenium

We are using Geb for automation. I have spinner loaded before every page gets loaded. we are using waitFor() , but it takes a long time and the scripts are getting run more than the specified time.The DOM element is
<div classname="loader"></div>
i tried to see if the element is present.
if(!$(".loader").displayed== true)
But i am getting error as ,
geb.waiting.WaitTimeoutException: condition did not pass in 40.0 seconds (failed with exception)
at geb.waiting.Wait.waitFor(Wait.groovy:138)
at geb.waiting.DefaultWaitingSupport.doWaitFor(DefaultWaitingSupport.groovy:51)
at geb.waiting.DefaultWaitingSupport.waitFor(DefaultWaitingSupport.groovy:46)
at geb.Page.waitFor(Page.groovy:516)
at geb.Browser.methodMissing(Browser.groovy:206)
at geb.spock.GebSpec.methodMissing(GebSpec.groovy:56)
at loaderSpec(loaderSpec.groovy:415)
Caused by: Assertion failed:
$(".loader").displayed== false
| | |
| true false
[[[ChromeDriver: chrome on XP (1b3943691dd96ebaf9098b1720c87ee9)] -> css
selector: .loader]]
at loaderSpec(loaderSpec.groovy:415)
at loaderSpec(loaderSpec.groovy:415)
at geb.waiting.Wait.waitFor(Wait.groovy:127)
... 6 more
I am not sure how to check if the div is present or not present. If I extend the time to wait for, I am getting element not found error.
Kindly let me know your input.

Are you checking that the div is visible while you are waiting for the spinner to go away?
I've had an issue exactly like this that plagued me. Here is the solution my coworkers and I came up with:
waitFor(10) { element.isDisplayed() } //wait for spinner to kick in
waitFor() { !element.isDisplayed() } //wait for spinner to go away
} catch(WaitTimeoutException e) {
// if spinner loads & deloads faster than this code is reached
// then WTE will be caught and we dont need to handle the spinner any more

Your boolean expression is more complicated than it needs to be, and in this case you might be noting (!) something you don't mean to be.
in general, you never need to compare booleans. (bool1==true) is the same as saying (bool1).
instead of saying
if(!$(".loader").displayed== true){}
just say:
if($(".loader").displayed){} //to check if the div is displayed
if(!$(".loader").displayed){} //to check if the div is not displayed

You can try with code if(!$(".loader")==undefined){}


chromeless- Clicking on an element in the next page is not working

On one of my tests I log in and move to the next page.
In the next page when I try to click on the profile element with .click nothing seems to be happening.
When I use the .exists function it returns false.
Why can't chromeless recognize element after changing the DOM?
async func(){
try {
.type(, this.emaillAddressInput)
.type(this.password, this.passwordInput)
.click(this.logInButton )
catch(err) {
Anything that was not already available in the DOM tree when the previous action in the chain was performed (with the exception of goto() and possibly some other methods) has to be waited for using the wait() method.
So, assuming that this.myProfile is a CSS selector string for an element to be clicked:
// Unchanged code omitted
// Since the previous click loads a new page and/or shows new content, we need to wait
Alternatively, the implicitWait Chromeless constructor option could be set to true, as long as that does not affect anything else negatively.

Visibility of element- selenium webdriver

My script creates a new article: fills few fields and click "Submit button" at end of page.
I have written Click() function in util class like :
public void click(String xpathKey)
WebElement myDynamicElement = (new WebDriverWait(driver, 60))
catch (Exception e)
throw e;
Waiting for visibility of element means it will wait until element will be visible on the page or on screen? My script clicks on submit button while it's not exactly visible on the page.
I am running this script since months and it's running perfectly fine. Suddenly it started giving error element is not clickable at point(213, 415). It never appeared before. Anyone has an idea, why it could have happened?
I have done many cases, where the element is not exactly visible, generally button at end of page. selenium does not scroll itself, it finds the element and performs operation.
Try this.
public void click(String xpathKey)
WebElement myDynamicElement = (new WebDriverWait(driver, 60))
Actions act = new Actions(driver);
catch (Exception e)
throw e;
The error message you are getting indicates that there is an element covering the element you are trying to click. If you read the error message carefully, it will tell you the HTML of the blocking element and that will help you find it on the page. Without more info, it's hard to tell exactly what the situation is but there are a few common causes.
You may have just closed a dialog/popup and it's not quite completely gone before you try to click. In this case, wait for some element that's part of the dialog to be invisible generally solves this problem.
There may be some wait/loading/spinner control that appears and disappears but you are clicking before it's completely gone. The solution is the same as #1, wait for some element that's part of the spinner to be invisible.
There may be some UI element like a header, footer, sidebar that is floating that covers the element you are trying to click if it's at the very bottom/top/etc of the page. These can be a real pain because you never know when the elements are going to align and be covered. One solution is to use JS to scroll the page a little more. For example, if you script is at the top of the page and you want to click something at the bottom. Doing a click will scroll the page to show that element but that puts the element at the very bottom of the page and under a floating footer. You try to click but catch the exception. Since you know you're at the bottom of the page, you scroll the page downwards by X pixels. This brings your desired element out from behind the floating footer and now you can click it.
NOTE: If you are going to click an element right after waiting for it, you should use .elementToBeClickable(locator) instead of .visibilityOfElementLocated(). It won't solve your current problem but it's a more complete and proper wait for what you are wanting to do.

How to make Selenium WebDriver wait for page to load when new page is loaded via JS event

I'm working on automating a site which has a number of links which load new pages via a JS event. Basically, there are elements which are clickable, clicking on one causes some JavaScript to run and this leads to a form being submitted and routing to a new page.
Now if these were just standard HTML links there would be no problem as Selenium is smart enough to tell that there's a new page coming and to wait to do things. But as good as it is, Selenium can't tell that the clicks in this instance are leading to new pages to load so it doesn't wait and just keeps going. As such it doesn't wait for the new page, tries to find elements which aren't there and my tests all fail. Bummer.
As a temporary solution I'm just pausing the program for three seconds like so:
try {
} catch(InterruptedException ex) {
newPageDriver = new NewPageDriver(driver);
And this works, sort of. I don't like it because it's "hacky," and just interrupting the program instead of doing something smarter. Because the delay is hard coded at three seconds I get failures if the link is working but just slow. I've considered something like an implicit wait but that accomplishes the same thing and I've not found a solid, workable answer in Java anywhere after a considerable amount of looking.
So, can anyone suggest a way around this? Specifically, how to make Selenium know that a new page is expected and to wait until it's available?
The wait for the document.ready event is not the entire fix to this problem, because this code is still in a race condition: Sometimes this code is fired before the click event is processed so this directly returns, since the browser hasn't started loading the new page yet.
After some searching I found a post on Obay the testing goat, which has a solution for this problem. The c# code for that solution is something like this:
IWebElement page = null;
public void WaitForPageLoad()
if (page != null)
var waitForCurrentPageToStale = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
var waitForDocumentReady = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
waitForDocumentReady.Until((wdriver) => (driver as IJavaScriptExecutor).ExecuteScript("return document.readyState").Equals("complete"));
page = driver.FindElement(By.TagName("html"));
I fire this method directly after the driver.navigate.gotourl, so that it gets a reference of the page as soon as possible. Have fun with it!
Explicit waits are what you need;
You can directly add this to your test or you may want to DRY it up, especially if there is a common wait expectation such as the disappearance of a spinning icon.
You could extend the click method to always wait after clicking or if following page objects, add a wait_until_loaded method to a base page class. There many other valid approaches but dependent on how the AUT is implemented
Simple ready2use snippet, working perfectly for me
static void waitForPageLoad(WebDriver wdriver) {
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(wdriver, 60);
Predicate<WebDriver> pageLoaded = new Predicate<WebDriver>() {
public boolean apply(WebDriver input) {
return ((JavascriptExecutor) input).executeScript("return document.readyState").equals("complete");

Chrome WebDriver hungs when currently selected frame closed

I am working on creation of automated test for some Web Application. This application is very complex. In fact it is text editor for specific content. As a part of functionality it has some pop-up frames. You may open this pop-up? make some changes and save them - closing current frame. May problem is in that fact, that close button situated inside frame will be eliminating. And this force Chrome WebDriver to hung. My first try was like this:
But it hungs on first line after executinh click command as this command close frame.
Then I change to this(I have JQuery on the page):
But this leads to same result.
Then I use this solution:
driver.executeScript("setTimeout(function(){$(\"input#insert\").click()}, 10)");
And it hungs on second line. Only this solution works:
driver.executeScript("setTimeout(function(){$(\"input#insert\").click()}, 100)");
but only if you don't take into account, that it is unstable - some timing issue may occur.
So may question is there more cleaner and more stable way for switch out from closed frame?
P.S.: executeScript - self defined function to decrease amount of code. It simply executer some js on page.
I realized I was wrong. This problem is not for all iframes. It's occur when tinyMCE popup used. Situation is exactly like in this topic. So it's doubtful I will find answer here, but who knows. Solution described above will help, but only for very short amount of time, meaning that after several seconds pass chromedriver will hangs on next command.
This is how i would do it in Ruby, hopefully you can change it for java
$driver.find_element(:xpath, "//input[#id='insert']").click
$wait.until {$driver.window_handles.size < 2} #this will "explicitly wait" for the window to close
handles = $driver.window_handles #get available window handles
$driver.switch_to.window(handles[0]) #navigate to default in this case the First window handle
hope this helps
Problem was in this line of tinyMCEPopup code:
DOM.setAttrib(id + '_ifr', 'src', 'javascript:""'); // Prevent leak
Executing this script on page fix hang problem(but possibly creates leaks :) ):
(function() {
var domVar;
if (window.tinymce && window.tinymce.DOM) {
domVar = window.tinymce.DOM
else if (window.tinyMCE && window.tinyMCE.DOM) {
domVar = window.tinyMCE.DOM
else {
var tempVar = domVar.setAttrib;console.log(123)
domVar.setAttrib = function(id, attr, val) {
if (attr == 'src' && typeof(val)== 'string' &&(val + "").trim().match(/javascript\s*:\s*("\s*"|'\s*')/)) {
else {
tempVar.apply(this, arguments);
Bug and solution also described here
Note. Code above should be added to parent frame, not into popup frame.

Clearing input textbox using FuncUnit

I am writing FuncUnit for my application. I am browsing the application in Google Chrome. I have a textbox which is initially hidden. I need to make it visible and then clear the text already present in that textbox. I have the following code which makes the box visible but fails to clear the text in it.
Can anyone tell what is wrong here?
Try to clear the textbox by typing - Ctrl+A and Delete.
var input = S('');
input.type('[ctrl]a[ctrl-up][delete]', function() {
// Continue in test case after the text has been removed
Your statement is not accurate. visible() does not turn things visible. It is a wait function which waits for the source element to become visible before proceeding to the next action.
koalix's key sequence works. With the type() command you might need to first click into the text input before clearing it.
You could also try empty quotes <" ">
var input = S('');
input.type('', function() {
// remove existing text
I don't know if you're still waiting for an answer.
I think you're not using visible() in the correct way.
In FuncUnit (see docs here), among other things, you can distinguish between "actions" and "waits". visible() is a wait, and should be used to wait for an element to become visible, like this:
S('#el').visible( function() {
// do something when element with id="el" becomes visible